ISSN (Online) 2799-0842

ISSN (Print) 2799-130X

Vol. III Issue X (Oct. 2023)

International Circulation

Table of Contents:


Andropov P. Robles, PhD.

School Principal

DepEd Rizal - Lagundi-CCL National High School

SDO Rizal / Region IV-A


School-Based Management (SBM) is an educational governance approach that empowers schools with greater decision-making autonomy, enabling them to tailor strategies to the unique needs of students and communities. The infusion of technology is reshaping SBM, presenting new opportunities for enhancing education and optimizing resources. This study's objective is to examine the integration of technology within SBM, investigating its extent and impact on administrative processes, teaching methods, and student engagement. By doing so, it aims to provide valuable insights for educational stakeholders in Morong Sub-Office and beyond, contributing to the broader dialogue on the role of technology in education and its potential to improve school-based management and overall education quality.

This study adopts a research approach that combines qualitative methods employing a descriptive documentary analysis framework. There was a total of seventeen (17) participants, comprising five (5) secondary school SBM Coordinators and twelve (12) elementary school SBM Coordinators from the Morong Sub-Office.

The study presents an analysis of School-Based Management (SBM) results in elementary and secondary schools within Morong Sub-Office over the past two years. The findings reveal distinct performance categories among schools, ranging from "Level II – Maturing (M)" to "Level III – Advanced (A)," highlighting the need for data-informed decision-making and targeted strategies to enhance educational quality. Additionally, the research emphasizes the transformative potential of technology integration into SBM processes. It underscores the significance of investments in technology infrastructure and teacher ICT skills, setting clear objectives aligned with broader educational strategies. Enhanced communication, efficient data dissemination, and increased parental involvement through technology are crucial aspects contributing to improved student learning outcomes. Despite challenges such as limited internet connectivity, strong leadership, technical support, and access to quality technology tools are identified as essential for successful integration. Moreover, technology-driven data collection and analysis foster collaboration, creativity, and personalized learning. The abstract concludes with recommendations to strengthen stakeholder partnerships, establish measurable goals, invest in teacher training and technology resources, provide technical support, and implement paperless reporting systems for streamlined processes and greater efficiency. Overall, this research underscores the transformative potential of technology in enhancing SBM success and educational quality.


Keywords: School-Based Management, Education, Access, Quality, Governance 




        Sa apat n sulok ng silid aralan

        Sa umaga palang ngiti nyay masisilayan

        Sa mga mag-aaral na nagdadatingan

        Pag bati nyay laging mapapatunayan


        Sa pagtunog ng hudyat sa pagsisimula ng klase

        Boses nyang malakas iyong maririnig

        Sa pagtuturo ng mga aralin

        Kaya,mga mag aaral nakikinig mandin


        Di alintana ang oras sa pagtuturo

        Sa mga asignatura na dapat matanto

        Kasama din ang mga aral sa buhay

        Upang pangarap ng mag aaral ay matamo.


        Guro Dakila ka!

        Iyong buhay tunay na pag papala

        Sa mga mag aaral at iyong mga kasama

        Kaya dapat lang na pasalamatan ka

        Kahit sa simpleng bati at ngiti masaya kna


Pros and Cons of Small Classes: Exploring the Impact on Education 

Junalyn C. Cunanan

Teacher III

Baybayabas Elementary School

academic outcomes of students. In recent years, the debate surrounding small classes in educational settings has gained traction. This essay aims to explore the pros and cons of small classes, highlighting the potential benefits and drawbacks associated with this teaching approach.


Pros of Small Classes:

1. Individualized Attention: Smaller class sizes allow teachers to provide more personalized attention to each student. Teachers can better identify and address the needs and learning styles of individual students, fostering a supportive and nurturing environment. This personalized attention can lead to increased student engagement, motivation, and better academic performance.

2. Stronger Student-Teacher Relationships: With fewer students to manage, teachers can build stronger relationships with their students. This closer connection enables teachers to understand each student's strengths, weaknesses, and interests, allowing for tailored instruction and guidance. As a result, students feel more comfortable approaching their teachers with questions or concerns, creating a conducive learning environment.

3. Enhanced Classroom Participation: In smaller classes, students have more opportunities to actively participate in discussions, debates, and collaborative activities. With fewer peers to compete with for attention, students can express their thoughts and ideas more freely, contributing to richer classroom interactions. Increased participation can lead to improved critical thinking, communication, and interpersonal skills.

4. Reduced Distractions: Small classes often experience fewer distractions compared to larger classes. Students can concentrate better on their studies, leading to improved focus and academic performance. Additionally, smaller class sizes enable teachers to manage the classroom more effectively, minimizing disruptions and enhancing the overall learning experience.

Cons of Small Classes:

1. Limited Diversity of Perspectives: In small classes, the limited number of students may result in a narrower range of perspectives and experiences being represented. Larger classes can offer a richer diversity of viewpoints, fostering a more comprehensive understanding of various subjects. Therefore, small classes may deprive students of the opportunity to engage in diverse and thought-provoking discussions.

2. Restrictive Social Interactions: Small classes may limit students' exposure to a wide range of social interactions. In larger classes, students have the opportunity to meet and interact with a more extensive and diverse group of peers, enabling them to develop crucial interpersonal skills. Small classes may hinder the cultivation of social competencies necessary in real-world scenarios.

3. Reduced Resource Availability: Maintaining small class sizes often requires more resources, including additional staff, classroom space, and materials. This increased cost may not be feasible for all educational institutions, especially in regions with limited funding. Consequently, smaller classes may place a strain on already stretched educational budgets.

4. Limited Course Offerings: Smaller classes may limit the variety of courses or electives available to students. With fewer students to enroll, institutions may struggle to offer specialized subjects or extracurricular activities. This limitation may restrict students' exposure to diverse disciplines, potentially impacting their academic exploration and personal development.

The debate about small classes has highlighted both the advantages and disadvantages of this teaching approach. Small classes provide individualized attention, stronger student-teacher relationships, increased participation, and reduced distractions. However, they may limit the diversity of perspectives, socio-cultural interactions, access to resources, and course offerings. Striking a balance between small and larger classes, where feasible, could be the ideal approach, allowing for personalized attention while still providing diverse learning experiences. Ultimately, the success of any class size depends on the quality of instruction, the curriculum, and the teacher-student relationship.

Different Learning Styles as the Method of Addressing Individual Child Needs 

Junalyn C. Cunanan

Teacher III

Baybayabas Elementary School

Every child is unique and possesses their own distinct learning style, which refers to the preferred method or way in which an individual acquires and processes information. Recognizing and understanding these learning styles is essential in addressing the diverse needs of children in educational settings. By tailoring teaching strategies to accommodate various learning styles, educators can create inclusive and effective learning environments that enhance each child's learning experience and promote academic success. This essay will explore various learning styles and explain how they can be utilized to address individual child needs in schools.


Visual Learning Style:

One of the most common learning styles is visual learning, in which learners absorb and retain information through visual aids, such as pictures, diagrams, and charts. Visual learners benefit from visual representations as they help them make connections and understand concepts more effectively. Educators can address the needs of visual learners by incorporating visual materials into classroom instruction. For example, teachers can use slideshows, flashcards, and visual diagrams to supplement their explanations and engage visual learners. Additionally, educators can encourage visual learners to create their own visual representations or utilize graphic organizers to organize their thoughts and ideas.


Auditory Learning Style:

Another prevalent learning style is auditory learning, wherein learners process information best through listening and verbal communication. Auditory learners thrive in environments that involve discussion, group work, and lectures. To cater to the needs of auditory learners, teachers can incorporate various techniques into their teaching practices. These may include reading information aloud, providing audio recordings of lectures or lesson summaries, and engaging learners in oral discussions and debates. Additionally, educators can encourage auditory learners to record their own voices while studying and playback these recordings to reinforce their understanding of the material.




Kinesthetic Learning Style:

Kinesthetic or tactile learning is a learning style in which learners prefer a hands-on approach and learn best through physical activities and movement. These learners benefit from incorporating movement and physical sensations into their learning experiences. To address the needs of kinesthetic learners, educators can utilize interactive activities, experiments, and simulations to actively engage learners. Providing manipulatives, such as cubes, blocks, or other physical objects, can also help kinesthetic learners grasp abstract concepts. Additionally, encouraging movement during study sessions, such as pacing or using stress balls, can help kinesthetic learners focus and retain information.


Multimodal Learning Style:

Often, learners exhibit a combination of different learning styles, referred to as multimodal learning. These learners benefit from a combination of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic approaches. To address the needs of multimodal learners, educators should strive to incorporate a diverse range of teaching methods. By providing visual aids, verbal explanations, and hands-on activities that cater to different learning styles, educators can ensure that all students receive information in a format that suits their preferences and strengths.

Recognizing and catering to various learning styles is crucial for addressing individual child needs in educational settings. By utilizing different learning styles, educators can create inclusive learning environments that engage and empower students. Applying visual aids, incorporating auditory techniques, and facilitating kinesthetic activities help tailor instruction to individual learning styles. By catering to the diverse needs of students, educators can foster a love for learning, enhance comprehension, and promote academic success. Ultimately, addressing individual child needs through different learning styles allows students to reach their full potential and become lifelong learners.

Creating Immersive Learning Experiences in the Classroom 

Junalyn C. Cunanan

Teacher III

Baybayabas Elementary School

In an ever-evolving educational landscape, creating immersive learning experiences in the classroom has become increasingly important. Immersive learning refers to educational practices that engage students in interactive and experiential activities, allowing them to actively participate in the learning process. By incorporating immersive learning strategies, educators can create dynamic and engaging environments that foster deeper understanding, critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. This article will explore various methods and technologies that can be used to create immersive learning experiences in the classroom.


1. Virtual Reality (VR):

Virtual Reality (VR) is an innovative technology that can transport students to different places and times, allowing them to experience firsthand what they are learning. With VR, educators can take students on virtual field trips, explore historical events, or even venture into the depths of the ocean. By immersing students in a three-dimensional virtual environment, VR stimulates their senses and enhances their understanding and memory retention. Integrating VR into the classroom can be done through affordable options like Google Cardboard or more advanced systems like Oculus Rift or HTC Vive.


2. Augmented Reality (AR):

Augmented Reality (AR) involves overlaying digital content onto the real world, providing students with an interactive and blended learning experience. Through the use of AR applications or devices, educators can bring static objects or images to life, providing additional information, explanations, and interactive elements. For example, AR can be used to bring 3D models of the solar system into the classroom, allowing students to explore and interact with each planet. This technology enables students to see abstract concepts come alive, enhancing their engagement and understanding.


3. Gamification:

Gamification involves incorporating game elements into the learning process to motivate and engage students. By introducing challenges, rewards, and competition, educators can create immersive learning experiences that promote active participation and critical thinking. Gamified learning can include digital games, board games, or even simple classroom activities. The competitive nature of games sparks enthusiasm, encourages collaboration, problem-solving, and fosters a positive learning environment.


4. Project-Based Learning:

Project-based learning involves students working on real-world, hands-on projects to apply their knowledge and skills. This approach allows students to actively engage with the subject matter, collaborate with peers, and develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. By connecting classroom learning to real-life applications, project-based learning creates a sense of purpose and relevance, enhancing students' motivation and investment in their education.


5. Collaborative Learning Spaces:

Creating collaborative learning spaces in the classroom encourages students to work together, share ideas, and develop social skills. Flexible seating arrangements, group workstations, and technology-rich environments provide opportunities for students to engage in collaborative projects and discussions. By fostering a sense of community and encouraging active participation, students can learn from one another, share perspectives, and build stronger connections with their peers.


Creating immersive learning experiences in the classroom has numerous benefits for students. Using technologies such as Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, educators can transport students to different times and places, enhancing their understanding and engagement. Gamification and project-based learning encourage active participation, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Collaborative learning spaces promote teamwork, communication, and social skills. By incorporating these immersive strategies into the classroom, educators can create dynamic and meaningful learning experiences that inspire students' curiosity, creativity, and love for learning. Ultimately, immersive learning experiences empower students to become lifelong learners, ready to face the challenges of the world beyond the classroom.

The Benefits of Scouting in the Modern World 

Junalyn C. Cunanan

Teacher III

Baybayabas Elementary School

Scouting has been a revered institution for over a century, offering young individuals the opportunity to learn essential life skills and foster personal development. In today's fast-paced and rapidly evolving world, the relevance and benefits of scouting have not diminished. This article aims to explore the numerous advantages that scouting provides in the modern world, including character development, leadership skills, civic engagement, and environmental consciousness.


1. Character Development:

Scouting plays a crucial role in shaping young people's character and teaching them valuable life lessons. Through outdoor activities, teamwork exercises, and merit badge programs, scouts are taught essential values such as integrity, responsibility, respect, and perseverance. These character-building experiences foster self-confidence, discipline, and a strong moral compass, equipping scouts with the tools needed to navigate an increasingly complex world.


2. Leadership Skills:

In an era where effective leadership is highly sought after, scouting provides an ideal platform for young individuals to develop their leadership abilities. Through leadership roles within their patrol or troop, scouts learn to make decisions, delegate tasks, communicate effectively, and motivate their peers. The experience of leading others and taking responsibility for the success of a group cultivates resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills that are essential not only in scouting but also in academic, professional, and personal pursuits.


3. Civic Engagement:

Scouting instills a deep sense of civic duty and encourages active community involvement. Scouts engage in various community service projects, demonstrating the importance of helping others and making a positive impact. During their scouting journey, individuals learn the significance of giving back to society and develop empathy and compassion for those around them. These values foster a sense of responsibility towards the community, promoting a culture of volunteerism and making the world a better place.



4. Environmental Consciousness:

Scouting promotes environmental awareness and educates young individuals about the importance of preserving nature. Through activities such as camping, hiking, and conservation projects, scouts develop a deep connection with the environment and gain a sense of stewardship towards the planet. They learn to appreciate the beauty of nature, understand the impact of human behavior on ecosystems, and strive to protect the environment through sustainable practices. In an era where environmental conservation is of utmost importance, scouting plays a vital role in raising environmentally conscious individuals.


In an increasingly digital and interconnected world, the benefits of scouting remain as relevant as ever. Scouting not only prepares young individuals for the challenges of adulthood but also equips them with essential life skills such as character development, leadership, civic engagement, and environmental consciousness. The scouting movement continues to thrive, offering a valuable experience that complements formal education, fostering personal growth, and helping participants become well-rounded and responsible members of society. As we enter an era of rapid change and uncertainty, scouting continues to serve as a beacon, providing young individuals with the foundation needed to navigate and positively impact the modern world. Scouting continues to demonstrate its relevance in the modern world by offering invaluable advantages for young individuals. From fostering lifelong friendships to promoting cultural diversity and inclusivity, scouting nurtures key skills and traits needed to thrive in a dynamic and interconnected society. The development of resilience and adaptability, as well as the nurturing of mental and physical well-being, are crucial aspects of scouting that address contemporary challenges. As we embrace the opportunities and uncertainties of the modern world, scouting remains a steadfast institution providing young individuals with the tools they need to succeed, navigate complexities, and become responsible and well-rounded citizens.

Debunking Negative Perceptions of Children from Single Parent Households

Junalyn C. Cunanan

Teacher III

Baybayabas Elementary School

For many years, children growing up in single-parent households have been subjected to various negative perceptions and stereotypes. The prevailing belief has been that these children are disadvantaged and more likely to face difficulties in life. However, it is important to challenge these misconceptions and acknowledge the numerous positive outcomes that can arise from single-parent households. By examining the strength, resilience, and support systems that exist within these families, we can better understand and appreciate the unique experiences of children raised by single parents.


1. Diverse Family Structures:

First and foremost, it is essential to recognize that children from single-parent households are simply a product of diverse family structures. The notion that they are inherently at a disadvantage oversimplifies the complexities of family dynamics. While it is true that single-parent families may face different challenges, it is important to remember that every family has its own trials and triumphs.


2. Strong Parental Bond:

When a child grows up in a single-parent household, they often experience an intensified bond with their sole caregiver. Single parents are often more attuned to their child's needs, providing emotional support, encouragement, and guidance. These close relationships can foster a sense of security and resilience in children, as they learn to rely on their own abilities and develop strong coping mechanisms.


3. Increased Responsibility and Adaptability:

Children from single-parent households often shoulder greater responsibilities at an early age. These responsibilities may include contributing to household chores, caring for siblings, or managing their own schedules. This increased level of autonomy can lead to the development of crucial life skills, such as independence, time management, and problem-solving abilities. As a result, these children may become more adaptable and capable of navigating challenges in various aspects of their lives.


4. Strong Support Networks:

Despite the absence of a second parent, single-parent households often develop robust support networks. Grandparents, extended family members, friends, and community members frequently step in to provide assistance and support. This network not only aids in balancing the demands of parenting but also ensures that these children are surrounded by positive role models and diverse perspectives.



5. Positive Role Models:

Children from single-parent households often have the opportunity to witness their parent's resilience and determination. They observe their parents working hard to provide for the family, pursuing education or career advancements, and overcoming obstacles. These experiences can serve as powerful life lessons and inspire children to overcome their own challenges, promoting a strong work ethic and determination.


The negative perceptions surrounding children growing up in single-parent households overlook the many positive factors that contribute to their growth and development. By challenging these misconceptions, we can highlight the strength and resilience present in these families. It is crucial to recognize the diverse family structures, strong parental bonds, and support networks that single parents create for their children. By doing so, we can celebrate the unique experiences of these children and promote a more inclusive and understanding society.


Exploring Mood Swings and Their Connection to Child Aggression 

Rosalina P. Diaz, MAED

Teacher III

Baybayabas Elementary School

Nueva Ecija/Region III

Mood swings are a common phenomenon experienced by individuals of all ages. Although mood swings are often associated with the tumultuous teenage years, they can also affect children, leading to behavioral changes and increased aggression. Understanding the causes and link between mood swings and child aggression is crucial for parents, caregivers, educators, and mental health professionals to provide appropriate support and interventions. In this essay, we will explore the causes of mood swings and how they can contribute to child aggression.


Causes of Mood Swings in Children:

1. Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes during childhood can lead to fluctuations in mood. As children go through various stages of development, their bodies undergo hormonal shifts, similar to those experienced during puberty. These hormonal changes can trigger mood swings and emotional volatility in some children.

2. Environmental Factors: Environmental factors such as home dynamics, stress, and exposure to violence can significantly impact a child's mood and emotional well-being. Adverse experiences, including witnessing family conflict, experiencing abuse, or living in an unstable home environment, can contribute to increased mood instability and aggression.

3. Genetics: Researchers have identified a genetic predisposition to mood swings and aggression in some children. Certain genetic factors may make some children more prone to rapid mood changes and aggression, even in the absence of specific external triggers.

4. Neurological Factors: Brain development has a significant impact on mood regulation. Children with certain neurological conditions, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), may have difficulties regulating their emotions and managing mood swings. These difficulties can manifest as increased aggression or outbursts.

Connection between Mood Swings and Child Aggression:

1. Impaired Self-Control: Mood swings can disrupt a child's ability to regulate their emotions effectively. Fluctuations in mood may lead to impaired self-control, making it more challenging for the child to manage their aggression appropriately. This can result in increased impulsivity, outbursts, and aggressive behavior.

2. Frustration and Anger: Mood swings often lead to increased levels of frustration and anger in children. These negative emotions can build up and manifest as aggressive behavior, as children may struggle to express their feelings in a healthy manner. Aggression can become an outlet for their pent-up emotions and serve as an attempt to regain control.


3. Social Interactions: Children with mood swings may find it difficult to maintain positive social interactions. Their erratic mood shifts can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and rejection by their peers. This social isolation can further exacerbate their aggressive tendencies as a means of self-defense or establishing dominance.

4. Learned Behavior: Children are highly observant and tend to learn from the behaviors of those around them. If a child witnesses’ aggression in their immediate environment or lacks consistent behavioral modelling, they may imitate these aggressive tendencies to cope with their mood changes.


Mood swings in children can have multiple causes, including hormonal changes, environmental factors, genetic predispositions, and neurological conditions. When mood swings are left unaddressed, they can contribute to child aggression by impairing self-control, amplifying negative emotions, disrupting social interactions, and reinforcing learned aggressive behavior. Recognizing the connection between mood swings and aggression is essential in promoting the well-being of children. Early intervention, supportive environments, and professional guidance can aid in mitigating mood swings, enhancing emotional regulation, and fostering healthier expressions of emotions, ultimately reducing child aggression.

Preventing School Violence: Building Safer Learning Environments

Rosalina P. Diaz, MAED

Teacher III

Baybayabas Elementary School

Nueva Ecija/Region III

School violence remains a significant concern affecting the well-being and security of students and faculty members. Instances of violence, including bullying, physical assaults, and even active shooter incidents, have garnered widespread attention and raised serious questions regarding the safety and security of educational institutions. Preventing school violence requires a multi-faceted approach that involves the collaboration of educators, parents, law enforcement, and the community at large. By focusing on early intervention, fostering positive relationships, implementing effective security measures, and promoting mental health awareness, it is possible to create safer learning environments for all students.


One of the most crucial strategies for preventing school violence is early intervention. Educators, administrators, and parents should pay close attention to potential warning signs exhibited by students who may be at risk of engaging in violent behavior. Such indicators might include frequent conflicts, social isolation, aggressive behavior, signs of depression, or expressed threats. By recognizing these signs early, teachers and administrators can intervene and provide the necessary support and resources to address underlying issues before they escalate into violence. Additionally, implementing comprehensive and ongoing training programs for teachers focused on identifying these warning signs can significantly contribute to early intervention efforts.


Creating a positive and inclusive school climate is key to preventing acts of violence. Cultivating strong and respectful relationships between students, teachers, and staff fosters a sense of belonging and reduces the likelihood of aggressive behavior. Schools can accomplish this by implementing programs that promote empathy, conflict resolution, and effective communication skills. Encouraging participation in extracurricular activities, clubs, and community service also helps to create a sense of connection and belonging, reducing the chances of students feeling isolated or marginalized.


Institutions must establish comprehensive security measures to safeguard against potential threats. This includes implementing protocols for monitoring and controlling access to schools, such as visitor sign-in procedures and strict enforcement of identification requirements. Installing surveillance cameras in strategic locations throughout the campus can aid in preventing and addressing incidents of violence. Additionally, schools should regularly conduct emergency drills and actively train staff and students on emergency response plans, empowering them to react appropriately in crisis situations. Promoting a safe and secure learning environment is a shared responsibility among school administrators, local law enforcement, and the community.


Recognizing the strong link between mental health and school violence is crucial in preventing incidents. Schools should prioritize the provision of comprehensive mental health services and make them easily accessible to all students. Mental health professionals should be readily available to provide counseling, support, and intervention for students who may be at risk of engaging in violent behavior or are victims of bullying. Additionally, educating students, parents, and teachers about mental health issues, fostering understanding, and reducing the stigma associated with seeking help for mental health concerns can create a supportive environment and prevent potential acts of violence.


Preventing school violence requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the various factors contributing to these incidents. By focusing on early intervention, fostering positive relationships, implementing effective security measures, and promoting mental health awareness, we can build safer learning environments for all students. Collaboration among educators, parents, law enforcement, and community members is key to successfully implementing and sustaining these strategies. By prioritizing the well-being and safety of students, we can create a future where schools are spaces of growth, learning, and harmony.

Teaching Learners Basic Life Skills

Rosalina P. Diaz, MAED

Teacher III

Baybayabas Elementary School

Nueva Ecija/Region III

Education is not solely about acquiring academic knowledge; it is also crucial for learners to develop a set of practical life skills that will serve them well beyond a traditional classroom setting. Basic life skills are essential for individuals to navigate and thrive in various aspects of life, including personal, social, and professional domains. This essay aims to discuss the importance of teaching learners basic life skills and delve into the benefits that arise from incorporating them into educational curricula.


1. Personal Development:

Teaching learners basic life skills contributes to their overall personal development. These skills encompass various aspects, such as decision-making, problem-solving, goal-setting, time management, and self-awareness. By equipping students with these skills at an early stage, they become better equipped to handle everyday challenges, make informed choices, and set achievable goals. This personal development enhances their self-confidence, resilience, and adaptability, enabling them to lead fulfilling and productive lives.


2. Enhanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills:

Effective communication and strong interpersonal skills are fundamental to success in both personal relationships and professional settings. Teaching learners how to express themselves clearly, actively listen, cooperate, and resolve conflicts cultivates healthy and respectful relationships. These skills foster empathy, understanding, and inclusivity, enabling individuals to thrive in diverse social environments and contribute positively to their communities.


3. Financial Literacy:

Equipping learners with basic financial literacy skills is vital for their financial well-being and independence. By teaching concepts such as budgeting, financial planning, savings, and responsible borrowing, students develop a foundational understanding of managing money. These skills empower individuals to make wise financial decisions, avoid debt traps, and understand the importance of long-term financial security.


4. Health and Well-being:

Teaching learners about health and well-being not only improves their physical and mental health but also encourages them to adopt healthy lifestyle habits. Basic life skills in this domain may include nutrition education, stress management, personal hygiene, and physical fitness. By instilling these habits, learners are more likely to lead a balanced and healthy life, resulting in improved overall well-being and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.


5. Career Readiness:

Basic life skills play a crucial role in preparing learners for their future careers. Skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, teamwork, and time management are highly valued by employers. By integrating these skills into educational curricula, students can enhance their employability and transition smoothly into the workforce. Moreover, career-focused skills like resume writing, interview techniques, and networking also contribute to their professional success.



While teaching basic life skills offers numerous benefits, there are challenges that educators may face:


1. Integration into Curriculum:

Finding a balance between academic subjects and life skills within an already packed curriculum can be a challenge. Educators must carefully prioritize and allocate time and resources to incorporate basic life skills effectively.


2. External Influence:

Society plays a significant role in shaping an individual's beliefs and behaviors. Educators also need to counteract potential conflicting messages that students may receive from external factors, such as media and peers, regarding life skills.


Teaching learners basic life skills is crucial for their holistic development and prepares them for the challenges they will face in their personal, social, and professional lives. By equipping students with practical skills that extend beyond academic knowledge, educators pave the way for individuals to become empowered, well-rounded, and successful contributors to society. While challenges may arise, the benefits of incorporating life skills into educational curricula far outweigh the obstacles, fostering capable, self-reliant individuals who thrive in all aspects of life.


The Importance of Child's Retention and Strategies for Enhancing Learning

Rosalina P. Diaz, MAED

Teacher III

Baybayabas Elementary School

Nueva Ecija/Region III

Learning retention is the capacity of an individual to store newly acquired knowledge in their long-term memory for later recall and application. Simply put, learning retention is the process of making new information stick for a very long time.


Since perfect application of knowledge in the future depends on long-term memory recall, learning retention enhances a person's learning experiences. Deep involvement with learning materials and one's areas of interest are important components in achieving long-term memory retention.


Child retention, also known as the ability to retain information and skills learned over time, is a vital aspect of a child's development and education. It refers to how well a child can recall and apply previously learned knowledge and skills in various contexts. Strong retention is crucial, as it forms the foundation for lifelong learning and success. This essay explores the significance of child retention and provides strategies for enhancing learning outcomes.


Importance of Child Retention:

1. Building a Knowledge Base: Retention enables children to accumulate knowledge over time, allowing them to develop a broad understanding of different subjects. This knowledge serves as a foundation for more complex learning in the future.

2. Academic Success: A child's ability to retain information directly impacts academic performance. Retention aids in remembering facts, formulas, and concepts, enhancing comprehension and problem-solving skills. It also supports effective studying and exam preparation.

3. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Retaining information plays a crucial role in developing higher-order cognitive skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving. By recalling and applying previously learned knowledge, children can make connections, identify patterns, and develop innovative solutions.


Strategies for Enhancing Child Retention:

1. Active Learning Techniques: Encourage children to actively engage with the information they are learning. This could include techniques like hands-on experiments, group discussions, and interactive activities. Active learning promotes a deeper understanding of the subject matter and enhances retention.

2. Repetition and Spaced Learning: Regularly revisiting previously learned material reinforces retention. Spaced learning, where information is reviewed over spaced-out intervals, has been shown to improve long-term memory. Encourage children to review and revise material regularly to reinforce retention.

3. Visual Aids and Mnemonics: Visual aids, such as charts, diagrams, and videos, can enhance retention as they provide a visual representation of information. Mnemonics, such as acronyms or rhymes, can be used to help children remember complex concepts or sequences.

4. Personalized Learning: Tailoring instruction to a child's interests, learning style, and pace can improve retention. By connecting new information to a child's existing knowledge or experiences, educators can make learning more meaningful and memorable.

5. Regular Practice and Application: Applying learned skills in real-life situations helps children consolidate knowledge and develop lasting retention. Encourage children to practice what they have learned through projects, simulations, and real-world examples.


Child retention is crucial for building a strong educational foundation, promoting academic success, and developing critical thinking skills. By implementing strategies that prioritize active learning, repetition, visualization, personalization, and application, educators can enhance a child's retention capacity. It is essential to instill effective retention techniques early on to foster a love for learning and lifelong success.


Enhancing the Critical Thinking Skills of Students

Rosalina P. Diaz, MAED

Teacher III

Baybayabas Elementary School

Nueva Ecija/Region III

Learning retention is the capacity of an individual to store newly acquired knowledge in their long-term memory for later recall and application. Simply put, learning retention is the process of making new information stick for a very long time.


Since perfect application of knowledge in the future depends on long-term memory recall, learning retention enhances a person's learning experiences. Deep involvement with learning materials and one's areas of interest are important components in achieving long-term memory retention.


Child retention, also known as the ability to retain information and skills learned over time, is a vital aspect of a child's development and education. It refers to how well a child can recall and apply previously learned knowledge and skills in various contexts. Strong retention is crucial, as it forms the foundation for lifelong learning and success. This essay explores the significance of child retention and provides strategies for enhancing learning outcomes.


Importance of Child Retention:

1. Building a Knowledge Base: Retention enables children to accumulate knowledge over time, allowing them to develop a broad understanding of different subjects. This knowledge serves as a foundation for more complex learning in the future.

2. Academic Success: A child's ability to retain information directly impacts academic performance. Retention aids in remembering facts, formulas, and concepts, enhancing comprehension and problem-solving skills. It also supports effective studying and exam preparation.

3. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Retaining information plays a crucial role in developing higher-order cognitive skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving. By recalling and applying previously learned knowledge, children can make connections, identify patterns, and develop innovative solutions.


Strategies for Enhancing Child Retention:

1. Active Learning Techniques: Encourage children to actively engage with the information they are learning. This could include techniques like hands-on experiments, group discussions, and interactive activities. Active learning promotes a deeper understanding of the subject matter and enhances retention.

2. Repetition and Spaced Learning: Regularly revisiting previously learned material reinforces retention. Spaced learning, where information is reviewed over spaced-out intervals, has been shown to improve long-term memory. Encourage children to review and revise material regularly to reinforce retention.

3. Visual Aids and Mnemonics: Visual aids, such as charts, diagrams, and videos, can enhance retention as they provide a visual representation of information. Mnemonics, such as acronyms or rhymes, can be used to help children remember complex concepts or sequences.

4. Personalized Learning: Tailoring instruction to a child's interests, learning style, and pace can improve retention. By connecting new information to a child's existing knowledge or experiences, educators can make learning more meaningful and memorable.

5. Regular Practice and Application: Applying learned skills in real-life situations helps children consolidate knowledge and develop lasting retention. Encourage children to practice what they have learned through projects, simulations, and real-world examples.


Child retention is crucial for building a strong educational foundation, promoting academic success, and developing critical thinking skills. By implementing strategies that prioritize active learning, repetition, visualization, personalization, and application, educators can enhance a child's retention capacity. It is essential to instill effective retention techniques early on to foster a love for learning and lifelong success.


It Should Never Stop There!

Dean Hill D. Cristobal

Teacher II

Botolan National High School

SDO Zambales, Region III

To create a fire is to fuel a wood. It takes friction and patience to ignite and spark.” – Dean Hill Cristobal


         To become someone is to undergo series of things along the way. In a human’s life, no one has ever became on its shiniest without the environment that polished it. These are the persons, events, and experiences that in one way or another became pillars of one’s success and progress. A child who develops into an adult was by some means nurtured by the forces of nature.

         As Lyv Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) depicted, reaching the top of our potentials requires significant others to scaffold us in doing the process. Learning is one of the best blessings a person may have while living. It is a privilege one must enjoy. To develop is to live and to live is to enjoy life.

         Individuals, literally are unique at various ways. Of different means, mentors are considered as strong foundations towards fulfilling a great goal, a burning desire and an extreme passion. Being honed by teachers is something to be thankful for. A teacher who will transform you to be a better version of yourself. A person who will light and pave the way as well as someone who will willingly listen to the different sides of the story.

         Indeed, it is. It is the positive and constructive friction in relationships that blossoms from the classrooms to the after classes. It is the thing that is very difficult to explain as it happens naturally and it should never stop. Knowledge can be gained anywhere but a teacher’s word can change your world. It is magical but real. To be a hope to those who are almost hopeless, a balance to those who would like to run, a mirror to those looking for a brighter future, a friend to smile and comprehend that even problems come to an end. Yes, teachers, they are. Individuals you may call Ma’am or Sir, persons who can be a friend, parent or an inspiration to speed up your better transformation.

         People move from different stages of life. It varies in pace but still learning is everything. We will meet different people, some may come and go. Some may stay and live a mark and teachers are one of them. In case you have met one that can change your world, never hesitate to hold. Undoubtedly, learning is everything and it should never stop as long as we are living.


         Classrooms are not the ending. Those are just parts of the beginning. It started there but the learning process is forever. Relationships should be valued and treasured. Never allow the end of school years be the measure. Teachers are forever and relationships should never stop there.

         It should never stop there!


An Inquiry-Based Study on School Administrators COVID-19 Responses: Basis for a Crisis Management Model for the Pasig Diocesan Schools System 


Administrative Officer

San Lorenzo Ruiz SHS, Pasig



Schools are cradle of quality education. In times of challenges, schools need to be adaptive to the situation and this calls for a contextualized management approach. A Responsive School Management is essential in times of crisis especially when the crisis is considered a novel situation such as the Covid-19 Pandemic. This qualitative study explored on the narratives of the 11 school administrators of the member schools of the Pasig Diocesan School System. With the aim of identifying the school management experiences, the respondents narrated through interview and focus group discussion the challenges they have experienced in terms of resource allocation, learning and curriculum support, ensuring quality assurance and accountability to stakeholders as well as leadership roles. Furthermore, the school administrators provided strategic solutions that is contextualized to their current situation.  As a result, a model for crisis management was created out of the narratives from the respondents.


Keywords: crisis, experience, management, administrators

Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes of Barangay Nutrition Scholar in the Operation Timbang Program:  Basis for a Proposed Capacity Training Program








Edmundo P. Quinit Jr, February, 2023, Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes of Barangay Nutrition Scholars in the Operation Timbang Program: Basis for a Proposed Capacity Training Program, Urdaneta City University


Adviser: Dr. Zosima C. Garin


The study determined the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the Barangay nutrition Scholars in the municipality of Sison, Pangasinan. Their profile variables were gathered in terms of their age, highest educational attainment, number of years as BNS and the problems encountered in the Operation Timbang (OPT) program. Descriptive research design was used utilizing different statistical tools to interpret the findings.

The BNS and stakeholders were adults, secondary education graduates and had been a BNS with the OPT program for few years. Since joining the BNS is optional for them but they have the heart to assist and participate in the different activities like weighing children, assists in feeding program, immunizations and other activities of the program. The BNS perceived themselves to be moderately knowledgeable in the activities of the OPT, while the stakeholders rated the BNS as knowledgeable.

The BNS perceived themselves moderately skillful in the OPT program while the stakeholders rated the BNS as skillful. The BNS perceived to be motivated to work voluntarily in spite of low honorarium while the stakeholders mentioned the BNS performed their duties voluntarily and willingly.

There is no significant difference in the responses provided by the BNS and stakeholders along age and number of years in service but significant in highest educational attainment along attitude. The college graduates show more positive attitude towards the OPT program as compared to the BNS high school graduates.

The BNS encountered severe problems along clients and moderately severe in manpower and tools and equipment in the OPT program. A significant relationship was noted between the knowledge, skills and attitude and their profile variables. The longer the length of service in the OPT Program, the more skillful the BNS is. The higher the educational attainment of the BNS, the more positive is their attitude towards the OPT Program.


         Keywords: knowledge, skills, attitudes, barangay nutrition scholars
























Chapter 1


         Background of the Study

The Philippines Plan of Action for Nutrition's Barangay Nutrition Scholar (BNS) Program is a human resource development strategy that deals with the selection, training, deployment, and oversight of volunteers known as Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS). By Presidential Decree No. 1569, each barangay in the nation must deploy at least one (1) BNS to track the nutritional status of children and other nutritionally vulnerable populations and connect them to service providers who can help them, as well as monitor their nutritional status.

Based to PD 1569, mandates that the program be administered in collaboration with local government units by the National Nutrition Council. The BNS looks for underweight children through a community survey called Operation Timbang Plus. The activity involves weighing and measuring the length or height of preschoolers and interviewing mothers about how the child has cared for the resources in the family, their attendance at nutrition classes, and related interventions.

The Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS) also weigh undernourished preschoolers monthly based on the results of the annual OPT Plus exercise. If a kid meets the growth goals set forth by the approved child growth standard, the BNS will monitor the child's development from 0 to 23 months old. The BNS also does a quarterly follow-up weighing of children between the ages of 24 and 59 months to track any growth slowdowns, identify any needs for parent or caregiver counseling, and provide referrals to the best services. The Barangay Nutrition Scholar (BNS) also involves the community by grouping families into clusters of 20–25 families or community-based organizations that are working to help the barangay improve the nutrition situation for the vulnerable with the barangay master list of wasted, stunted, underweight, and overweight children as well as pregnant or lactating mothers.

Studies show that health is an indispensable element of community life. Health workers provide healthcare services that meet the health needs of their constituents in the barangay. They motivate people to live clean and healthy life. Core skills, applied knowledge and a good attitude are vital to completing their jobs effectively and efficiently. Results revealed that health workers are moderately competent with satisfactory ratings on philosophy; personal and environmental factors have an impact on their competence.

The length of service was significant for the competence of barangay health workers. To have more knowledge and skills they were encouraged to attend training and seminars. They do their jobs effectively, personally, and professionally and work well in various settings (Taburnal, 2020).The Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS) are working as volunteers in the barangays. The barangay nutrition scholar shall be a barangay-based volunteer worker responsible for delivering nutrition services and activities such as public health, backyard food production, environmental sanitation, culture, mental feeding, and family planning. Feeding programs give them proper nutrition to perform their daily lives and more responsible students help them aspire to a brighter future. Ultimately feeding programs provide nutritious meals to children. The Barangay Nutrition Scholar (BNS) Program is a human resource development approach of the Philippines Plan of Action for Nutrition that involves the recruitment, training, deployment, and supervision of volunteer workers, or barangay nutrition scholars (BNS). Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS) must have specific personal and leadership qualifications selected by the barangay captain or the barangay nutrition committee. The nutrition program is based on four intervention schemes: food production, food assistance, health protection, information, education, and communication. The Barangay Nutrition Scholar (BNS) is the nutrition program's instrument for implementing these intervention schemes. On return from training, the BNS makes a spot map of the community and measures and weighs preschool children to screen for malnutrition. The BNS also conducts mother's classes that provide information on nutrition and health and distribute seeds and supplementary food packets for preschoolers to target families (Torres, 2021). The study assessed barangay nutrition implementation in selected municipalities in the Philippines. The nutrition program components that distinguish the low and high prevalence municipalities were evident based on the respondent-reported activities.

The variety of nutrition activities depended on the adequacy of logistical support and the commitment of the BNS to pursuing what is indicated in the Barangay Nutrition Action Plan (BNAP), which is crucial to improving nutrition program management. However, unique program elements, as experienced by some coming from low- or high-prevalence barangays, cannot be utilized to explain the program's effectiveness in terms of the nutritional status of the preschoolers as reflected in the annual OPT and hence cannot be isolated (Endrina, 2014). Activities that include Operation Timbang (OPT) Plus are the annual weighing and height measurement of all preschoolers 0-59 months old or below five years old in a community to identify and locate malnourished children. It emphasizes reliable information, particularly at the Local Government Unit (LGU) level, where malnutrition can be monitored. Despite considerable recent progress in alleviating malnutrition among children in the Philippines gaps still exist in the data needed to identify the direct and underlying causes of malnutrition on a geographic basis and improve the targeting of nutrition programming and interventions. The National Nutrition Survey (NNS) is the primary source of official statistics on nutrition; Operation Timbang Plus (OPT Plus), an administrative monitoring system that supports local planning and policy formulation, and the Philippine Field Health Services Information System (FHSIS) constitute the government's central resource for managing public health data. Issues include significant disparities between estimates yielded by different sources, concerns about data consistency, and burdensome reporting systems. Ensuring the reliability of administrative data and utility to frontline workers and local decision-makers will require addressing resources, infrastructure, and operations; improvements are easier with LGU support (Mbuya et al. 2021).

According to the study by Ignacio (2015), the BNS in the study sites could discharge the minimum functions required even without the appropriate training before the assumption of duty. Other studies from the UP Manila College of Public Health in 2019 determined the awareness, knowledge, attitudes, and practices (AKAP) of BNS in Malabon City on the 2012 Implementing Guidelines of the OPT Plus and explored the underlying factors in the successful conduct of the activity. The information was drawn from a quantitative approach using a self-administered questionnaire and a qualitative approach using a semi-structured critical informant interview (KII). The results of the study showed that the majority of the BNS in Malabon City were not aware of the implementing guidelines but were knowledgeable and showed a positive attitude towards OPT Plus. However, most of the BNS has inadequate practices for conducting the activity. It appears that awareness, knowledge, attitudes, and practices are related to each other. It was noted that recurring themes such as an enabling and cooperative environment, work-life balance, information and dissemination strategies, innovation in measuring tools, training and supervision, and dedication to work are factors that underlie a successful implementation of the OPT Plus. This study provided evidence and reference to the undocumented information and insights on awareness, knowledge, attitudes, and practices of BNS on OPT Plus and factors that affect its conduct. The results can be used in planning strategies that can improve the behavior of OPT Plus. However, research must be conducted to have an in-depth analysis, and a review of the data quality and other emerging themes in the implementation of OPT Plus is offered.

Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework

The study utilized the Transformative theory of Jack Mezirow. Transformative theory is one theory of learning, and particularly focuses on adult education and young adult learning. Transformative learning is sometimes called transformation learning, and focuses on the idea that learners can adjust their thinking based on new information.  It is multi-dimensional, multi-faceted, and multilevel, It is multi-dimensional, multi-faceted, and multilevel, cutting across national borders and intervention silos, across sectors and specialized interests, connecting local and global, and sustaining across time. A theory of transformation incorporates and integrates multiple theories of change operating at many levels that, knitted together, explain how major systems transformation occurs. The theory was adapted since it focused on the knowledge, skills and attitude of the barangay nutrition scholars in operation timbang where the BNS perform their roles and responsibilities among OPT clients.

Contact us for the full copy.



Norhaya L. Dipatuan, PhD.

Associate Professor IV

Adiong Memorial State College, BARMM


         Siyap. Isang katutubong wikang Meranaw na may malalim na kahulugan. Ang kahulugang taglay ng salitang ito ay katumbas ng salitang pagmamahal, pag-aaruga o pag-aalaga, pag-iingat, pagmamalasakit, paggalang, pagpapahalaga at pagbabantay. Ang mga salitang ito ay mga salitang nagpapahayag ng damdamin o niloloob sa mga bagay-bagay na may kabuluhan sa isang tao. Mga salitang may kaugnayan sa pagpapahalaga at pagmamalasakit ng isang tao sa mga bagay na may kaugnayan sa kanyang pagkatao. Kung gayun, ang salitang siyap ay isang salitang Meranaw na may mabigat at malalim na konotasyon sa konsepto ng lipunang Meranaw. Salitang singhalaga ng prinsipyo at paninindigan ng mga Meranaw sapagkat kapag nasabi ng isang Meranaw na “siyapeng ko” ay may kaakibat ito ng pangangako na hahandugan niya ng hindi-matatawarang pag-aaruga at pagmamalasakit ang bagay na yaon. Nangangahulugan ito na kapag binitiwan ito ng isang Meranaw sa isang bagay o tao ay katumbas ito ng paghahandog niya ng kanyang pangalan at dangal.  Samakatwid, ang salitang siyap ay naglalarawan ng konseptong binibigyang-halaga ng mga Meranaw.

         Kilala ang mga Meranaw sa pagkakaroon ng matatag na prinsipyo’t paninindigan na kapag natanguan nila ang isang bagay o usapin ay itataya niya ang kanyang pangalan at pagkatao upang panindigan ang nasabi o naipangako. Maratabat ang tawag nila rito at ito ay isa sa mahalagang usapin sa kultura ng mga Meranaw. Kapag ipinangako ng isang Meranaw na pagkakalooban niya ng siyap, nangangahulugan ito na aalagaan at bibigyang-halaga niya ang anumang pinangakuan niya. Ito ay maratabat niya kung hindi niya ito maisasakatuparan at magiging bahagi na ito ng kanyang pagkatao at mahalaga sa kanya ito. Ang usaping ito ay isang konsepto na taglay ng mga Meranaw sa kanyang pakikisalamuha sa kapwa tao. Kaya naman sa pag-aaral na ito, tutukuyin niya kung ang konseptong nabanggit ay makikita o binibigyang-halaga rin ba nila kaugnay ng kalikasan. Sa pagsasagawa nito ay gagawin niyang lunsaran ang mga kwentong pambata sa lalawigan ng Lanao na nakatuon sa mga kalikasan.

Ang pag-aaral na ito ay nakatuon sa mga pagpapahalaga ng mga Meranaw sa kapaligiran na nakapaloob sa iba-ibang piling salaysayin/kwentong pambata sa probinsya ng Lanao. Inalam din sa pag-aaral na ito ang konsepto ng lipunang Meranaw sa pagpapanatili ng mayamang kalikasan na inilahad pa rin sa salaysayin/kwentong pambata. Narito ang mga tiyak na katanungan:

1.     Ano-ano ang pagpapahalaga sa kalikasan na ipinapahayag sa mga kwentong pambata ng mga Meranaw?

2.     Ano ang isinagisag ng anyo ng kalikasan sa mga kwentong pambata sa lalawigan ng Lanao?

3.     Ano-ano ang mga etikang Meranaw na may kaugnayan sa paggalang at pagpapahalaga ng kalikasan na napapaloob sa mga kwentong pambata sa lalawigan ng Lanao?

4.     Ano ang likas na pananaw/konsepto ng mga Meranaw sa ugnayan ng tao at kalikasan batay sa mga kwentong pambata na sinuri?


         Kwalitatibo ang desinyo ng pananaliksik na ito. Sa desinyong ito, isa-isang inalam ng mananaliksik ang kahusayan at kapanaliganan ng mga datos sa pamamagitan ng paggamit ng mga teorya at ulat ukol sa kapaligiran/kalikasan na siyang pinakapokus ng pananaliksik. Sa mga ulat na ito, ay sinikap na makuha ng mananaliksik ang pananaw ng mga taong may kaugnayan sa nabanggit na paksa upang mabatid ang kapaliganan ng akda.

         Naghanap ng mga salaysayin/kwentong pambata ang mananaliksik sa iba’t ibang babasahin. Nagbasa rin ang mananaliksik ng mga artikulo, mga aklat at iba pang literatura tungkol sa mga Meranaw na may kaugnay sa kalikasan gayundin ang kanilang pananaw sa mga bagay-bagay na nakikita sa kapaligiran. Ito ay isinagawa upang mapagtibay pang lalo ang mga impormasyon ng mananaliksik ukol sa konsepto at pagpapahalaga sa kalikasan ng mga Meranaw.

Ang mga nakalap na kwentong pambata ay isa-isang binasa ng mananaliksik. Isinaayos niya ang mga ito sa pamamagitan ng talahanayan. Mula sa mga nakalap na salaysayin/kwentong pambata na naisaayos sa mga talahanayan ay tinukoy ang etika o mabuting asal na pinahahalagahan ng Mëranaw kaugnay sa kalikasan. Inalam rin ang konsepto ng mga Mëranaw sa pagpapanatili ng mayamang kalikasan batay sa mga kwentong pambata


Resulta ng Pag-aaral

Batay sa masusing pagsusuri ng mananaliksik, nabatid niya ang sumusunod na resulta; mayroong dalawampu’t limang (25) kwentong pambata na naglalahad ng mga pagpapahalaga sa kalikasan. Ang mga kwentong pambata na ito ay ang sumusunod; Ang Sawa na si Su’ban, Ang Guya ni Aratawata sa Paligsahan ng Kalabaw, Ang Pusa at ang Propeta Mohammad, Ang Manlalakbay at ang Aso, Si Pilandok at ang Kanyang Sultan, Si Pilandok ang Bantay ng Kalikasan, Nagdesisyon si Pilandok, Magiging Ama na si Pilandok, Ang Matulunging Pilandok, Mga Pagsubok ng Karagatan  kay Pilandok, Si Pilandok sa Pulo ng Pawikan, Si Pilandok at ang Dalawang Potre, Ang Kuwento sa Di Pagkamatay ng Solotan sa Agamaniyog, Si Mongki at si Padol, Ang Pagkabuo ng Ranaw (Lawa), Si Olobo, Si Sindaw, Ang Unang Nanirahan sa Marawi, Si Sabandar at ang Tungok na Lalaki, Ang Alamat ng Langit, Ang Magkakaibigang Hayop, Ang Alamat ng Tipaklong, Ang Alamat ng Unang Unggoy, Ang Alamat ng Damong Makahiya at ang Ang Alamat ng Bundok Boganga.

Ang mga kwentong pambata na ito ay kinakitaan ng iba’t ibang pagpapahalaga sa kalikasan na siyang repleksyon ng mga Meranaw sa kanilang paniniwala o relihiyon. Ang mga pagpapahalagang ito ay ipinakita sa iba’t ibang anyo ng kalikasan tulad ng katubigan (lawa, ilog, dagat, tubig-balon, bukal), kalupaan,(Kapatagan,bundok, isla, yungib), panahon (klima, gabi’t araw, bagong buwan, kabilugan ng buwan, tag-ulan, eklipse), mga hayop (sawa/ahas, kalabaw, pusa, aso, insekto/ipis, kambing, ibon, pawikan, unggoy), mga halaman o puno (pananim, mga damo, buyo (betel), halamang rapa (camote tops), punong kahoy, kagubatan at ang mga likas na yaman (ginto, mga bato, perlas).

Ang mga pagpapahalagang ipinakita ng mga Meranaw sa mga kwentong pambata na ito ay nakabatay sa kung anong anyo ng kalikasan ang binibigyang diin. Sa anyong katubigan o tubig ay tinitiyak nilang napapanatili nila ang kalinisan ng tubig sapagkat, sa uri ng pamumuhay ng mga Meranaw ay sadyang mahalaga ang tubig, ito ang pinagkukunan nila ng kabuhayan, ipinapanlinis ng katawan, gamit sa panggagamot at higit sa lahat, ginagamit nila ang tubig sa kanilang relihiyon. Ang mga Meranaw ay nararapat na maligo at mag-abdas bago magsagawa ng Salah o pagsimba. Sa anyong kalupaan naman ay pinapahalagahan nila ito sa pamamagitan ng pagpapanatili ng kalinisan at kaayusan nito. Sa kanilang relihiyon ay maaaring maisagawa ang panalangin sa mga lugar na malinis, walang anumang dumi ng tao o hayop sa paligid at wala ring basurang nakakalat dito. Dahil sa panuntunang ito ng relihiyong Islam, ginagawa nila ang pagbabantay at pagpapanatili sa mga lugar na kanilang nararating o napupuntahan. Sa anyo ng kalikasan nauugnay sa panahon ay nakita rin ng mananaliksik ang pagpapahalaga ng mga Meranaw dito. Ang pagpapahalagang ito ay mayroon pa ring kaugnayan sa kanilang relihiyon sapagkat sila ay limang beses nananalangin (Salah) sa loob ng isang araw at bawat panalanging iyon ay may panahong sinusunod. Sa mga hayop naman bilang bahagi ng mga bagay-bagay na bumubuo sa kalikasan ay nakita rin ng mananaliksik ang pagpapahalagang ito sa kanilang mga kwentong pambata gaya ng pagbibigay-galang, pag-aalaga at pagmamahal na nakita sa mga parabulang “Ang Pusa at ang Propeta Mohammad” at “Ang Manlalakbay at ang Aso”. Sa mga parabulang ito ay inilahad ang mga katangiang ito na nagpapakita ng pagpapahalaga sa mga hayop. Nabatid rin sa mga kwentong pambata na ito ang pagpapahalaga ng kalikasan sa anyong mga halaman o puno gaya ng pag-aalaga, pagbabantay at pag-iingat sa mga puno’t halaman sa kanilang kapaligiran. Naglahad rin ng pagpapahalaga sa kalikasan ang mga kwentong pambata ng mga Meranaw kaugnay ng mga likas na hiyas gaya ng ginto, mga bato at perlas. Pinapahalagahan nila ito sa pamamagitan ng pag-iingat at pagpapanatili ng mga ito sa kanilang likas na lugar sa kalikasan na gaya ng ginawa ni Pilandok na pagbalik korales sa dagat nang kunin ito ng kapitan.

Bawat indibidwal ay may kanya-kanyang pagpapahalaga, kanya-kanyang etika hinggil sa mga bagay-bagay na nasa kanyang paligid. Mga bagay na may malaking kaugnayan sa kanyang pagkatao, sa kanyang buhay at sa lipunang kinabibilangan. Karaniwang ang mga pagpapahalagang ito ay iniaangkop nito sa kung ano ang kalagayan ng kanyang buhay. Sa pag-aangkop na ito, makikita o mababatid ang mga pagpapahalaga niya sa lahat. Ang ganitong kalagayan ay makikita sa mga akdang naglalahad ng araw-araw na buhay ng mga taong bahagi ng isang lipunan. Sa lipunang Meranaw, makikita ang ganitong etika na siyang ipinakikita sa mga nakalap na kwentong pambata.

Sa papel na ito, ang mga nakitang pagpapahalagang ito ng mananaliksik sa iba’t ibang kwentong pambata ng mga Meranaw ay siyang natuklasang etika ng mga Meranaw kaugnay ng kanilang paniniwala o relihiyon. Ang mga etikang ito ay nakabatay sa konseptong inilahad sa kanilang relihiyon at ito ang natuklasang pagpapahalaga ng mga Meranaw sa kalikasan. Samakatwid, ang pagpapahalaga sa kalikasan ng mga Meranaw ay katumbas ng pagpapahalagang iniaaalay nila sa kanilang relihyon. Ito ang etikang natuklasan sa mga kwentong pambata na siyang pananaw ng mga Meranaw ukol sa kalikasan.



         Unang binuo ng Panginoong Allah ang sanlibutan. Ginawa Niya itong magandang-maganda at balance sa lahat ng mga bagay na may pakinabang at isinunod Niyang nilikha ang mga tao. Wala siyang ibang hiniling sa mga taong nilikha Niya maliban sa Siya ay Sambahin at maniwala sa ipinag-uutos Niya sa pamamagitan ng Banal na Kor’an. Ito ang pinakabuod ng pampleto ni I.M. Ibrahim (2007) na “Ang Maikling Paglalarawan ng Pamamatnubay tungo sa Pag-unawa sa Islam. Dagdag pa niya, ang mundo ay regalong inihandog ng panginoong Allah sa lahat ng kanyang mga nilikha. Nilikha ng Panginoon ang sanlibutan para sa sangkautahan. Ipinahayag sa Kor’an,Verse 7, surah:56, ang lubusang pag-aalaga sa mga bagay na naririto sa mundo. Anumang suliranin at pangangailangan ng mga mga tao ay matatagpuan sa sanlibutang nilikha ng Panginoon. Nararapat lamang na bantayan, ingatan at pangalagaan ang lahat ng naririto sa mundong ibabaw sapagkat ito ay ipinagkaloob ng Panginoon sa sangkatauhan. Tulad ng paniniwala sa relihiyong Islam at Panginoong Subhannaho Wata’Allah na ipinalaganap at itinuro ng Propeta Mohammad, ipinag-uutos din sa mga tao ang pangangalaga at pag-iingat sa lahat ng bagay na nakapaloob rito. Ang bersong ito mula sa Kor’an ang pinakabuod ng konseptong lumitaw sa mga kwentong pambata. Sa pagsusuring isinagawa sa mga nakalap na kwento, napatunayang ang pagpapahalaga sa kalikasan ay hindi lamang batas o kautusan mula sa pamahalaan kundi ito ay isang etika na nauugnay sa kanilang relihyong Islam. Ang pagpapahalagang ito sa kalikasan ay nakapaloob at mababasa sa kanilang banal na aklat, ang Kor’an. Ang etikang ito sa pangangalaga ng kalikasan ay isinasagawa at pinalaganap na noon pang panahon ng mga ninuno. Kaya, masasabing ang pangangalaga sa kapaligiran o kalikasan ay maituturing na isang tradisyunal na gawain ng mga Meranaw.

         Batay pa rin sa naging resulta ng pag-aaral ay napagtanto ng mananaliksik ang malaking papel ng pagpapahalaga sa kalikasan sapagkat ang kalikasan ay buhay na salamin ng pag-ibig ng Panginoong Allah. Kapag iginagalang ng isang tao ang kalikasan ay ipinapakita nito ang kanyang pag-ibig sa panginoon. Ang etikang pangkalikasan ay siyang pinakapusod ng pananampalataya ng anumang relihiyon. Anumang pagpupuring iniaalay ng isang tao sa kalikasan ay pagpupuri na rin sa panginoon sapagkat ito ay simbolo ng pagdakila natin sa kanyang paglikha sa kalikasan at sa ating mga tao. Dahil tayo, bilang mga taong nananahan sa sanlibutan ay bahagi ng kalikasang nilikha ng panginoon kaya naman, masasabing ang kalikasan ay repliksyon ng pananampalataya ng mga tao.

         Sa lipunang Meranaw ay mababanaag ang pagpapahalagang ito sa mga turo ng Kor’an na kanilang sinusunod. Ibayong pag-iingat at pagmamahal ang iniaalay sa kalikasan at ang sinumang Meranaw na hindi nagpapahalaga rito ay itinuturing na walang pagpapahalaga sa handog na kabuhayan ng Panginoong Allah. At mula sa konseptong ito ay nabuo ang panuntunang ukol sa pagmamahal, pag-aaruga at pagbabantay sa kalikasan na itinuturing na dakilang handog ng Panginoong Allah at ang panuntunang nagpapakita ng lahat ng mga nabanggit ay tatawagin sa pag-aaral na Siyap ko pagilidan. Ito ang konseptong inilahad sa pananaliksik na ito.



         Batay sa nabuong kongklusyon ng mananaliksik, inirerekomenda niya ang mga sumusunod;

1. Magsagawa ng malawakang pangongolekta ng mga katutubong  akda na nagpapakita ng identidad ng isang tiyak na lahi.

2. Sa mga makokolektang katutubong akda, suriin ang mga

3.  Palawakin pa ang pag-aaral hinggil sa mga simbolong nakapaloob   sa iba pang akdang panliteratura.

4. Magkaroon ng pagsusuri sa mga akdang katutubo na ang  binibigyang diin ay ang diwa.

5   Magkaroon ng mga programa sa paaralan na magtuturo sa mga mag-aaral sa pagpapayabong ng mga puno/kagubatan.

6.  Isali sa kurikulum ang aralin sa pagtatanim at pagpapahalaa sa lahat ng anyo ng kalikasan.





Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

President Ramon Magsaysay State University

Everyone was born with intrinsic talents, plus the bonus skills honed by our experiences, desires, and failures equal the potential to develop into what is truly desired. In life, pushing ourselves so hard towards our ultimate goals is what we always keep in mind is right, as is exerting so much effort, but not until it dawns on us that nothing seems to change; in lieu, it begins taking a toll on both our physical and mental aspects. In a box office, you’re the unsold ticket.


“To learn is to take yourself out of your comfort zone and explore the uncharted path through success.” - Jonard M. Rebose


People need to learn something from life; it is just okay to do everything we think may contribute to our progress and still become insufficient. There are times that things do not seem to go according to plan, no matter how much effort is put in. We are not getting what we want, and preparation seems inadequate and is being declined by people. Those are only the scenarios that we have experienced along the way in a game called life, a life filled with challenges and uncertainties. A lot of stories have been featured that create sources of inspiration. We are surrounded by immeasurable opportunities. Knowingly, those who certainly never gave up and became the most successful people around the globe have begun from rags to riches and even broke. J.K. Rowling, who was turned down by 12 publishers before finding success with Harry Potter books; Jim Currey’s financial status was far cry from his life as a teenager before he became a famous artist; Oprah Winfrey, who was born into a poor Mississippi family until she became a billionaire; and Napoleon Hill, a writer in Bob Taylor’s Magazine, became one of the best-selling authors of all time by learning from the others’ success, to name a few. All of them shared the same trait despite different backgrounds and battles encountered and surpassed—a trait of being a warrior, indeed!


A warrior’s sweat and blood

At some point in our lives, we have been slaves to our own failure because we let it affect and control the course of our lives, thus derailing the trajectory of our goals. Like a warrior, one should burn his ship and never surrender, as stated by Napoleon Hill. There should be no sign of retreat! We are all brimming with potential that requires concentration and polish to be developed into a fortune, and in front of us are the options. Let me tell my story. “I felt like I was always in a waiting line, rejected not once but 10 times—a countless cutoff.”

Back in the day, I devoted myself to a goal as a first-year high school student, although young, life is harsh at times. No distraction at all. Sticking to my goals every day. Shunning gimmicks. Growing up, Filipino words like “tanga,” or idiot, and “bobo,” or moron, meant only one thing for me. Simply because I heard it after every failure I had on not-so-good days of my life. Often, like you, I almost get fed up with it, and I hate it every time it reaches my ear. I am just too adamant that I tend to forget it as it passes directly through my other ear. It never motivated me; I was missing the chances I could have grabbed. It imbued me with the idea that failure is something to be ashamed of. Of course not, because it is a part of a person’s life, and that is what separates you from the rest of us. Utilize your potential and create a place for improvement for yourself. Those who see their desires as bigger than whatever holds them back will go further in life. Keep rowing your boat, as you might be taken aback by what life can do to your life. It only takes time for a caterpillar to morph into an extraordinary butterfly. Our potential has to be the sleeping genius within us.

As time rolls on, we get to encounter and fathom different stories from the common people in our day-to-day lives who never let hindrances deter their way, which will help us guide through our coveted success. They are there, blessings in disguise, to help you, so don’t deny them. We are molded by what surrounds us, so filter what we allow to dwell in our minds. Protect your heart from negativity, and be happy and attentive as you sail through the sea.


Failure is not fatal.

People are too fragile in times of failure—an obvious trait of a loser, not a conqueror. You avoid it and do not learn from it; rather, you learn to learn, so you avoid it. Remember, “Difficulties come not to obstruct but to instruct. Within every setback or obstacle lie seeds of equal or greater benefit or opportunity, as quoted by Brian Tracy. I am happy that nothing has stopped me from awakening my real potential. Don’t just stop when a wall seems to be impassable and everything goes against you; find a way out and prevail.

When a coach turned me down in a sport I always wanted to join, I had to change my daily routine. Like others, I practiced a lot every morning. I worked around the clock, but the result was just the same. For some, this can be the reason for giving up, but not for me. I might have needed incessant training, but I made my decision. I changed from sports to journalism because I was too curious about my sleeping genius. I explored the opportunities presented before me. Unfortunately, my effort had not met the requisites, so I flunked. Then, I failed again and again and again. No one seems to buy what I sell and sees my effort. However, I knew it was a beginning of something great to come. In the following years, I still joined, and unless I die today, I will keep on joining because I have awakened my potential. You know what? When I was rejected, I still played, but no longer in a competition, for fun and with friends. More than a game could teach you a lesson, and when I was lost after joining journalism, I began to realize that life opens not only doors of opportunities but also a room that heals pain of rejections, ignites a desire and releases potential you never knew you had. Continuing and facing battles head-on is power! We may or may not do it for the first time, but what matters is that now you can say that whenever you fail, you will not give in until you make it to the finish line. Just because I am unsold doesn’t mean I lack value! A key to unleashing the power to and revolutionizing your life. The rest is yours to make! Whoever dares wins! You could still do what didn’t work out, but in a stronger version of you!


Every cloud has a silver lining.

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow offered and will constantly offer different life-lessons to learn from. Don’t choose what you think is only what you need; learn from every lesson. “Every failure brings with it a seed of an equivalent success.”—Napoleon Hill. Your story is what it is for a time, but it can be the best version through the process of learning from life-changing lessons. No one can limit one’s ambitions, for they are the only thing free in life. Dream big and grow big! Remember! Just because it wasn’t sold, it meant it lacked value! Just keep going; no pressure!



Glen B. Millar, MAEd

College Instructor

FAITH Colleges: First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities

Voice plays a pivotal role in the teaching-learning process. In the realm of education, the power of the spoken word cannot be overstated. The way educators use their voices transcends mere communication; it becomes a conduit for engagement, enlightenment, and empowerment. As teachers, our voices are the vessels through which knowledge and inspiration flow to our students. The quality of our voice can make the difference between a passive, disengaged classroom and an environment where students are actively involved in the learning process. When harnessed effectively, our voices can elevate the educational experience, making it more captivating and impactful.

An educator's voice has the power to captivate and maintain students' attention. When a teacher speaks with clarity, enthusiasm, and expression, it piques the curiosity of students, drawing them into the subject matter. A well-modulated voice can transform a potentially dry lesson into an engaging learning experience. Effective communication hinges on clarity and articulation. Voice quality that includes clear pronunciation and appropriate pacing enhances students' understanding of the material. When students can easily follow the teacher's speech, they are more likely to grasp complex concepts and retain information. The quality of the teacher's voice can set the tone for the classroom. A warm, friendly, and supportive voice fosters a positive and inclusive classroom environment. It creates a sense of safety and comfort, encouraging students to ask questions and express their thoughts without hesitation.

Your voice can convey your passion for the subject. An enthusiastic voice infuses energy and excitement into the learning process. Students are more likely to be motivated and inspired when they sense the teacher's genuine interest and zeal for the topic. A well-modulated voice, when used with empathy and understanding, can help in building strong teacher-student rapport. When students feel that their teacher's voice conveys care and attentiveness, they are more likely to connect with the instructor and feel supported in their learning journey. In classroom management, the teacher's voice is a valuable tool. A commanding yet respectful voice can maintain discipline and structure in the classroom, ensuring that students are attentive and responsive to instructions.

The importance of voice quality in teaching extends far beyond mere vocal delivery. It is an integral part of creating an engaging and supportive learning environment. A teacher's voice has the potential to not only convey knowledge but also to inspire, empower, and leave a lasting impact on students. By recognizing and harnessing the significance of voice quality, educators can elevate the educational experience and enhance the journey of learning for their students.

Student Engagement: Techniques to Keep Students Engaged and Motivated in Learning


Laila C. Suballa

Teacher I

Pacpaco Integrated School

In the realm of education, one of the most critical factors influencing the success of students is their level of engagement. Student engagement is the driving force that propels learners to actively participate in the learning process, absorb knowledge, and ultimately succeed academically. In this essay, we will explore the significance of student engagement and discuss various techniques that educators can employ to keep students engaged and motivated in their learning journey.

Student engagement is not a mere buzzword; it is the cornerstone of effective teaching and learning. Engaged students are more likely to attend classes regularly, complete assignments, and achieve better academic results. Furthermore, they develop a love for learning that extends beyond the classroom, leading to a lifetime of self-driven exploration and growth. Therefore, it is imperative for educators to understand the dynamics of student engagement and employ techniques that nurture it.

One fundamental technique to foster student engagement is to make learning relevant. When students perceive that the content they are studying has real-world applicability, their motivation soars. This can be achieved by linking lessons to current events, personal experiences, or future aspirations. By demonstrating the relevance of a topic, educators create a sense of purpose in the minds of their students, making them more eager to participate and learn.

Variety in teaching methods is another crucial element in maintaining student engagement. A monotonous lecture style can quickly lead to disinterest and distraction. To counter this, educators can incorporate a variety of teaching strategies, such as interactive discussions, hands-on activities, multimedia presentations, and group projects. These methods cater to different learning styles and ensure that students remain engaged throughout the learning process.

Moreover, creating a positive and inclusive learning environment is instrumental in enhancing student engagement. When students feel safe, respected, and valued in the classroom, they are more likely to actively participate. Educators can achieve this by implementing classroom rules that promote respectful behavior, encouraging open communication, and addressing any form of discrimination or bullying promptly. An inclusive classroom fosters a sense of belonging, which can significantly boost students' motivation to learn.

Setting clear expectations and goals is yet another technique for sustaining student engagement. When students understand what is expected of them and have a clear path to success, they are more likely to stay motivated. This can be achieved through the use of rubrics, well-defined learning objectives, and regular feedback. Furthermore, allowing students to set their own learning goals can make them feel more invested in their education, which, in turn, leads to increased engagement.

Incorporating technology into the learning process is a technique that resonates particularly well with today's digital-savvy students. The integration of educational apps, online resources, and interactive software can make learning more interactive and enjoyable. Additionally, technology allows for personalized learning experiences, which cater to individual student needs and preferences. By leveraging technology effectively, educators can maintain a high level of engagement in the classroom.

Active participation is a key aspect of student engagement. To encourage this, educators can use techniques such as questioning, peer teaching, and collaborative activities. Engaging students in discussions and debates, and allowing them to share their perspectives, fosters critical thinking and deepens their understanding of the subject matter. When students feel their voices are heard and their contributions valued, their motivation to participate in class increases.

Last but not least, gamification is a powerful technique that can enhance student engagement. By incorporating game elements into the learning process, educators can make lessons more interactive and enjoyable. Gamified learning often includes elements such as points, rewards, and competition, which motivate students to actively participate and excel in their studies.

In conclusion, student engagement is the linchpin of effective education. By employing various techniques such as making learning relevant, using diverse teaching methods, creating a positive learning environment, setting clear expectations and goals, integrating technology, encouraging active participation, and implementing gamification, educators can keep students engaged and motivated in their learning journey. When students are actively involved in their education, they not only achieve better academic outcomes but also develop a lifelong love for learning that enriches their personal and professional lives.


Crisis Management: Dealing with Unexpected Situations and Emergencies


Laila C. Suballa

Teacher I

Pacpaco Integrated School

In the realm of education, as in any other field, the unexpected can and does occur. From natural disasters and medical emergencies to student conflicts and campus security issues, educational institutions must be prepared to handle a wide range of unexpected situations and emergencies. The ability to effectively manage crises is crucial to the safety and well-being of students and staff. In this essay, we will explore the importance of crisis management in education and discuss various strategies and approaches that educational institutions can employ to deal with unexpected situations and emergencies.

Crisis management is the process of planning for, responding to, and recovering from crises and emergencies that can disrupt the normal operations of an educational institution. These crises can range from natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes to medical emergencies, such as outbreaks of contagious diseases. They can also include incidents of violence, such as school shootings or student conflicts that escalate into larger issues.

One fundamental aspect of crisis management is the development of a comprehensive crisis response plan. This plan should be tailored to the specific needs and risks of the educational institution, considering factors like location, size, and student population. It should outline clear roles and responsibilities for staff members, as well as a chain of command to ensure a coordinated response. Regular training and drills should be conducted to ensure that all staff members are familiar with the plan and know how to implement it effectively.

Effective communication is a critical component of crisis management. Educational institutions must establish clear communication channels to disseminate information to students, staff, and parents in a timely and accurate manner. This includes utilizing various communication tools, such as text messages, emails, social media, and phone calls. A well-informed community can help reduce panic and facilitate a coordinated response.

Collaboration with local emergency services and agencies is also essential. Schools and colleges should establish partnerships with local law enforcement, fire departments, medical facilities, and other relevant organizations. These partnerships can provide critical support and resources during a crisis, ensuring a more effective response.

Prevention and mitigation efforts are equally important in crisis management. Identifying potential risks and taking steps to minimize them can significantly reduce the impact of a crisis. This might involve implementing security measures, creating emergency response teams, and conducting regular safety assessments of the campus. For example, schools can invest in surveillance systems, security personnel, and access control measures to prevent security breaches.

Mental health support is another vital component of crisis management. Educational institutions should have resources in place to address the emotional and psychological needs of students and staff during and after a crisis. This might include counseling services, support groups, and access to mental health professionals.

In cases of contagious diseases, crisis management includes implementing health and safety protocols, such as quarantines and contact tracing, to prevent the spread of the illness within the school community.

Moreover, post-crisis recovery is a critical phase of crisis management. After an emergency, educational institutions should assess the impact of the crisis, provide support to affected individuals, and plan for the resumption of regular activities. This may involve repairing infrastructure, providing counseling, and adjusting the curriculum to accommodate missed classes.

In conclusion, crisis management is an indispensable aspect of educational administration. By developing comprehensive crisis response plans, establishing effective communication channels, collaborating with local emergency services, implementing prevention and mitigation efforts, offering mental health support, and planning for post-crisis recovery, educational institutions can navigate unexpected situations and emergencies with a greater degree of effectiveness and ensure the safety and well-being of their students and staff. Proactive crisis management not only minimizes potential harm but also fosters a sense of security and confidence within the educational community.

Cultivating Young Minds: The Art of Being an Exceptional Kindergarten Teacher


Jenny Lyn A. Cabuyao

Teacher II

San Miguel Elementary School

Kindergarten is often a child's first introduction to formal education, and the role of a encouraged to express themselves. The physical space should be thoughtfully organized, with colorful and engaging materials that stimulate young minds. It should provide a balance between structure and freedom, allowing children to explore and learn while maintaining order and routine.

Early literacy and numeracy skills are at the forefront of a kindergarten teacher's curriculum. A great teacher employs creative and engaging techniques to teach basic reading, writing, and math skills. They understand that young children learn best through play, exploration, and hands-on activities. Storytime, interactive games, and arts and crafts become essential tools for building these foundational skills.

Perhaps one of the most critical aspects of being a great kindergarten teacher is addressing the social and emotional development of young learners. Kindergarteners are just beginning to navigate the complexities of interpersonal relationships. Effective teachers foster an atmosphere of kindness, empathy, and respect. They teach conflict resolution, self-regulation, and the importance of sharing and working together.

Effective classroom management is another skill that sets great kindergarten teachers apart. Keeping a group of enthusiastic and energetic kindergarteners engaged and organized can be a challenging task. These teachers implement routines and procedures that are both predictable and flexible, ensuring a smooth and orderly classroom. They know how to redirect energy positively and address behavior issues with patience and understanding.

Incorporating play and creativity is central to a great kindergarten teacher's approach. They understand that young children learn through exploration and imagination. Play-based learning is not just a way to engage children; it's a pathway to developing problem-solving skills, creativity, and critical thinking. Great kindergarten teachers encourage play in all its forms, from imaginative games to building with blocks and creating art.

One of the key challenges kindergarten teachers face is catering to the diverse learning needs of their students. No two children are exactly alike, and an effective teacher differentiates instruction to accommodate these differences. They use various teaching methods to reach every child, ensuring that no one is left behind. They may provide extra support to struggling students while offering enrichment activities to those who excel.

Maintaining strong communication with parents and guardians is an essential component of being a great kindergarten teacher. These teachers understand that parents are partners in a child's education. They keep families informed about classroom activities, progress, and challenges. They create opportunities for parents to get involved in their child's education, whether through volunteer work or regular parent-teacher conferences.

Assessment and progress monitoring are also crucial in the work of a great kindergarten teacher. These educators continually assess their students' progress and use that information to adjust their teaching strategies. They recognize that assessment is not just about assigning grades but about understanding each child's strengths and areas that need improvement.

Finally, a commitment to professional development is a common trait among great kindergarten teachers. They understand that the field of education is constantly evolving, and staying up-to-date with the latest research and best practices is essential. Whether it's attending workshops, earning additional certifications, or participating in peer collaboration, these teachers are dedicated to lifelong learning.

In conclusion, a great and effective kindergarten teacher is a beacon of hope and inspiration for young learners. They create a nurturing, inclusive, and engaging classroom environment. They possess a deep understanding of child development, and their teaching methods are tailored to meet the unique needs of each student. Through play, creativity, and an unwavering commitment to their students' growth, great kindergarten teachers sow the seeds of a lifelong love for learning. They are not just educators; they are mentors, guides, and role models who leave an indelible mark on the lives of the children they teach.

Unlocking Worlds: The Many Doors Opened by the Simple Act of Reading


Jenny Lyn A. Cabuyao

Teacher II

San Miguel Elementary School

Reading is a fundamental skill and a source of lifelong enrichment. From fiction to non-fiction, poetry to prose, reading offers a multitude of benefits to individuals and society as a whole. In this essay, we will explore the various reasons why reading is not just a pastime but an essential activity that can transform lives.

First and foremost, reading is a gateway to knowledge. It provides access to a vast repository of information, experiences, and ideas. Whether it's a textbook that imparts scientific knowledge, a biography that offers insights into the lives of extraordinary individuals, or a novel that transports readers to different worlds, reading broadens one's horizons. The act of reading allows individuals to explore new concepts and understand the world from different perspectives. It is through reading that people can acquire the information needed for personal growth, professional development, and informed decision-making.

Beyond the acquisition of knowledge, reading enhances critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Engaging with the written word encourages individuals to analyze, interpret, and evaluate information. It fosters the development of analytical skills, enabling readers to make connections, identify patterns, and draw conclusions. Moreover, it encourages creative thinking, as readers imagine scenarios, visualize characters, and ponder the potential outcomes of a narrative. These cognitive skills, honed through reading, are valuable not only in academics but also in daily life.

Reading is a medium for self-improvement and personal growth. Books, articles, and other written materials often contain guidance and insights from experts, mentors, and thought leaders. Readers can find inspiration, motivation, and practical advice for self-improvement in various domains, from health and wellness to leadership and personal finance. Self-help books, for example, provide strategies for setting and achieving goals, managing stress, and developing positive habits. Through reading, individuals can embark on a journey of continuous self-discovery and self-improvement.

One of the profound reasons to read is the sheer joy and escape it offers. Literature, in all its forms, can be a source of entertainment and relaxation. Reading allows individuals to immerse themselves in compelling stories, experience the emotions of characters, and get lost in different worlds. It provides a break from the daily grind, offering an opportunity to unwind and destress. Whether it's a thrilling mystery, a heartwarming romance, or a gripping fantasy novel, reading can be a form of escapism, transporting readers to places they've never been and experiences they've never had.

Reading also has the power to foster empathy and understanding. When individuals read about the lives and experiences of characters from diverse backgrounds and cultures, they gain insight into the human condition. They can better comprehend the struggles, triumphs, and emotions of people who may be very different from themselves. This, in turn, promotes empathy and tolerance, fostering a more compassionate and open-minded society.

Furthermore, reading is a tool for effective communication. Strong reading skills lead to improved language and vocabulary, enhancing one's ability to articulate thoughts and ideas. Effective communication is not only crucial in personal relationships but also in academic and professional settings. An individual who reads widely is better equipped to express themselves clearly and persuasively.

In the digital age, where screens often dominate our attention, reading offers a welcome respite. Engaging with physical books or e-books encourages individuals to unplug from digital distractions and focus on a single task. This promotes mindfulness and concentration, skills that are increasingly valuable in a world of constant information overload.

In conclusion, reading is a multifaceted activity with myriad benefits. It is a means of acquiring knowledge, enhancing critical thinking, and fostering personal growth. It provides joy and escape, fosters empathy and understanding, and improves communication skills. In a world filled with fast-paced digital distractions, reading offers an opportunity to slow down, reflect, and engage deeply with the written word. It is an activity that not only enriches individual lives but also contributes to a more informed, empathetic, and cohesive society. Whether for education, entertainment, or personal growth, the reasons to read are abundant, making it an essential and timeless pursuit.

Nurturing the Flame of Literacy: Teachers' Unwavering Dedication to Sparking  a Love for Reading in Kids


Jenny Lyn A. Cabuyao

Teacher II

San Miguel Elementary School

Reading is often described as the gateway to knowledge and a fundamental skill that paves the way for lifelong learning. It is an essential building block in a child's educational journey, and teachers play a pivotal role in imparting this skill. Devoted educators understand the profound impact of teaching kids to read, and they tirelessly dedicate their efforts to ensure that every child has the opportunity to unlock the world of words and ideas.

First and foremost, teachers are passionate advocates for literacy. They recognize the transformative power of reading and the doors it can open for children. For many, the moment when a child first learns to read is a profound one, marked by a sense of accomplishment and the joy of discovering new worlds within the pages of a book. Devoted teachers are unwavering in their commitment to bringing this experience to every student they encounter.

Effective reading instruction involves far more than simply teaching the mechanics of reading. Devoted teachers are acutely aware of the varied learning styles and abilities of their students. They take the time to understand the unique needs of each child, whether they are advanced readers, struggling learners, or somewhere in between. By tailoring their instruction to address these individual needs, teachers ensure that all students have the chance to succeed.

In the early stages of reading development, teachers play a vital role in introducing young children to the alphabet, phonics, and basic sight words. They use engaging and interactive methods to make learning to read a fun and enjoyable experience. Through storytelling, games, and activities, devoted teachers instill a love for reading from an early age, setting the stage for a lifetime of literacy.

Devoted teachers are also committed to instilling a growth mindset in their students. They understand that the journey to becoming a proficient reader may involve challenges and setbacks. Instead of discouragement, these challenges are seen as opportunities for growth. Teachers teach resilience and perseverance, helping children understand that they have the capacity to overcome difficulties and continue on their path to literacy.

The impact of devoted teachers extends far beyond teaching the technical aspects of reading. They encourage children to read widely and explore a variety of genres and topics. This diversity of reading experiences broadens students' horizons, exposes them to different cultures and perspectives, and fosters a lifelong love for reading. Devoted teachers recognize that reading is not just a skill but a lifelong source of enrichment and empowerment.

Moreover, devoted teachers serve as role models for their students. They are not only instructors but also avid readers themselves. They share their own passion for reading, recommending books, discussing their favorite authors, and providing personal anecdotes about the joy of reading. By doing so, they inspire their students to view reading as a valuable and enjoyable pursuit, not just a classroom requirement.

In addition to their instructional roles, teachers often serve as advocates for literacy in their communities. They understand that reading proficiency is a cornerstone of academic success and future opportunities. Devoted educators work to build partnerships with parents and caregivers, encouraging them to be actively involved in their child's reading journey. They also collaborate with local libraries and literacy organizations to promote reading programs and resources.

Devoted teachers recognize that the ability to read is a critical life skill. It is a skill that enables individuals to access information, communicate effectively, and participate fully in society. Teaching kids to read is not just a job for them; it is a mission. They understand the profound and lasting impact that reading can have on a child's life and future. This understanding is what drives their unwavering dedication to impart the gift of literacy.

In conclusion, teachers who are devoted to teaching kids to read are champions of a brighter and more literate future. They instill a love for reading, adapt their instruction to meet individual needs, and serve as role models and advocates for literacy. Their work is not merely a job but a calling, driven by the knowledge that reading is not just a skill but a key that unlocks a world of knowledge, imagination, and opportunity. These teachers are dedicated to empowering the next generation through the gift of literacy, and their impact is immeasurable.


Utilization of Reading Passport to Improve the Reading Skills of Grade 3 Learners

Henry P. Royo, MAED

Teacher III

San Pedro Central Elementary School

SDO San Pedro City / Region IVA-CALABARZON



            This action research utilized the Reading Passport to improve the reading skills of Grade 3-Marcelo H. Del Pilar learners in San Pedro Central Elementary School. As part of learning recovery plan, this action research was aligned with the DepEd MATATAG: which one of its aims was to Make the curriculum relevant which strengthen the literacy program to resolve basic education challenges. The focus of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Reading Passport as an intervention material for the learners having difficulties in reading to eliminate non-readers and increase their reading skills. This action research used the One-group Pretest-posttest research design; wherein the outcome of interest was measured two (2) times, once before and once after exposing a non-random group of participants to a certain intervention or treatment. A Paired Sample t-test was employed in this study as statistical tool. Based on the findings, it was found out that Reading Passport can help the learners improved their reading skills as it engaged the learners to attend the intervention program because of their excitement to receive a STAR Merit and Boarding Pass. Therefore, it is recommended to utilize the material and replicate the Reading Passport for the improvement of the proposed intervention.


Keywords Utilization, Reading Passport, Reading Skills, One Group Pretest Posttest Research Design, Paired Sample T-Test



Reading had been a long-lasting and widespread problem among learners at the primary level. Learning to read is a basic skill that unfortunately not all learners learn sufficiently. One of the challenges facing teachers is how to motivate learners to read independently. Teachers experience difficulties in teaching due to the poor reading ability of the learners.

According to the study of (Castillo, 2013), despite of the successes with early reading interventions in public schools, reading skills was still a major concern of the Philippine educational system. There were pupils who did not recognize letters and sounds, there were those who could read but were having difficulty understanding what they read. These

were some of the reading problems that need to be attended.

As cited by (Tamor, 2017), learners with reading difficulties throughout school and into adulthood, said how embarrassing and devastating it was to read in front of peers and teachers, and to demonstrate this weakness daily.  This type of failure affects children negatively earlier than we thought.  By the end of first grade, learners having difficulty learning to read begin to feel less positive about their abilities than when they started school.

To address this problem, the Department of Education from national level down to school level launched different reading programs to solve this issue and concerns in improving reading skills of learners. As reflected in DepEd Order No.018, Series of 2017 stating that in line with the K-12 Program and the goal of making every child a reader, the Department of Education (DepEd) is strengthening its reading program through the implementation of the Early Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program. One of such is the Project TOGETHER (Training Orders to Give Extra Time in Holding Extreme Reading) of San Pedro Central Elementary School that was started in 2019. 

         It was also with the great honor of the DepEd with the initiative of our Vice President and Secretary of Education Sarah Z. Duterte to launch MATATAG Agenda: Bansang Makabata, Batang Makabansa last January 31, 2023, to provide a new direction of the department and stakeholders to resolve basic education challenges. As the first component of this agenda states that Make the curriculum relevant, which one of its aims is to strengthen the literacy program, the researcher conducted this action research to undertake the difficulties of learners who were poor in reading through proper assessment using standardized materials in reading such as Phil-IRI.

Based on the DepEd Order No. 014, Series of 2018 as policy guidelines on the administration of the revised Philippine Informal Reading Inventory, it states that literacy instruction is learner-oriented and responsive to the strengths and needs of individuals and/or whole class, a Phil-IRI pretest was conducted last September 19, 2022 and it showed that 13 out of 30 pupils  or 43% in Grade 3-Marcelo H. Del Pilar were non-reader in English. It was challenging for these pupils to encounter words they cannot read and understand because it would be hard for them to understand the lessons and what the lessons were all about. Some of them were not encouraged to go to school because of difficulty understanding the lessons, which boiled them down from difficulty in reading. The researcher decided to plan an intervention that will help the learners become a reader. The researcher also believed that the use of colorful instructional materials is crucial in improving reading skills among learners. Colorful materials not only capture the attention of learners but also enhance their comprehension and retention abilities. Furthermore, colorful materials create an engaging learning environment that fosters creativity and imagination. When learners are exposed to vibrant visuals, they become more motivated to participate actively in the learning process. This enthusiasm translates into increased interest in reading and a desire to explore different texts. This supported the study of (Ajoke, 2017) asserts that instructional materials are central in teaching and learning because they are used to complement efficiency of a teacher, and effectiveness in lesson delivery. It also stated that the use of instructional materials makes teaching effective as it enables learners to participate actively in classroom instruction.

         The aforementioned statements above initiated the researcher to make a Reading Passport as and intervention material and conduct action research on utilization of reading passport to improve the reading skills of Grade 3-Marcelo H. Del Pilar learners in San Pedro Central Elementary School. The main goal of this study is to increase the reading level of the learners and eliminate non-readers to become a reader.




         Utilization of Reading Passport was conceptualized to cater the needs of Grade 3-Marcelo H. Del Pilar learners in San Pedro Central Elementary School to improve their reading skills. It’s an intervention material that integrate into teaching practices that was essential in improving reading skills among learners. The visual appeal of this material captures learners' attention while increasing their reading abilities. Through engagement in reading passport material, it created an interactive learning environment that motivated learners to develop a love for reading.

 The duration of this intervention was run from third week of February up to second week of May 2023, a total coverage of 8 weeks during their remedial time from 11:30 to 12:10 in the afternoon. This intervention was given to the 43% learners that has been identified under non-reader level using PHIL-IRI standardized pretest material.

The developed reading passport material is a teacher-made which composed of Phonics, Basic Sight Words, Phases and Simple Sentences. Each learner under this study was given a copy of Reading Passport and a Boarding Pass that served as their attendance to complete the intervention reading program. Strictly “NO ATTENDANCE NO BOARDING PASS” Policy. To validate and evaluate the progress of the learners, the teacher-researcher put a star merit on their copy, thus the learner was earning a numerous stars depending on his or her reading abilities. A progress report was also included to record their performance.

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Contemporary Reading Strategies as Gearing Tools Toward Elementary Pupils’ Learning Engagement


Teacher I

Penaranda Central School

Nueva Ecija

Reading is a crucial skill for learning knowledge, but it also offers many additional advantages. While interested readers, both young and old, are often aware of the knowledge they get from reading a text, they may be unaware of the other vital abilities they are developing at the same time. Reading can help improve one's language skills, especially if the reading material combines familiar and hard themes. Reading improves one's ability to talk and write by expanding one's vocabulary, grammar, and syntax.

         Reading is thus an especially beneficial exercise for English language learners. Even if the aim is fluency in speaking, the benefits of reading extend to their language journey. However, finding reading material that is accessible, challenging, and relevant to an English language learner can be difficult, making quality reading material a valuable resource.

         Reading is an essential skill for all types of learning, particularly language learning. It comes before and heavily influences the quality of the all-important skill of writing. Proper reading skill development ensures a solid foundation for writing.

         But, with all the good things earned through reading, are people aware how it changes? In the study of Waterstone (2020), Reading has been a popular pastime for many people since the invention of the printing press, which enabled individuals to mass manufacture and distribute printed material. Reading has grown in popularity among individuals of all ages over the years. Some readers favor fantasy stories or gory mysteries, while others love learning from nonfiction books or putting themselves in the shoes of others by reading biographies and memoirs. Whatever their motives for reading, they can't dispute that a lot has changed between their childhood reading culture and reading now.

         It is believed that early childhood education provides a solid foundation for adult learners to comprehend text and analyze reading materials. Here's a look at some of the research-based reading techniques used by elementary teachers.      

         First, concentrating on fluency and phonics at the same time. Phonics and fluency are inextricably linked; one can't have one without the other. In the field of education, combining disciplines and teaching them concurrently is quite popular right now. While phonics and fluency are closely related, teachers may simply dabble in this trend by teaching both at the same time. Fluency is defined as the ability to decode text and read with accuracy, speed, and expression. Simply put, it is the ability to read a text without stumbling over words or sounding choppy and awkward.

         Another strategy is to explicitly teach and demonstrate reading strategies. We've all experienced the incredible sensation that comes with constructing the properly decorated classroom. Everything is in its place and wonderfully organized - until the children arrive. However, when it comes to interior decorations, it should be more than just lovely. By presenting strategies around the room, elementary teachers make their classroom decor a vital aspect of their reading program. Displaying and explicitly teaching reading methods to their students They give their students some independence by keeping important strategies visible. They can take charge of their own reading and assist themselves with difficult words or pronunciation concerns.

         Avoiding over-correcting is also a good strategy done by teachers in primary levels. It's natural for teachers to want to correct their students when they make a mistake. This desire to correct or assist a failing student stems from a desire to help them learn and progress. This particular teaching technique was always difficult for most teachers. As a primary school teacher, I began wearing a rubber band around my wrist as a painful reminder not to overcorrect. When I feel the urge to constantly correct or help a struggling student too quickly, I snap the band to remind myself to pause and close my mouth.

         All those strategies as gearing tools toward pupils’ learning engagement work for the best. Teachers just need to put extra efforts and longer patience in facing contemporary pupils. However, for readers today, they should make reading a habit throughout their life. They may learn from, be illuminated by, and be guided by good texts. A great book makes the best companion. Reading is crucial because it promotes general wellbeing. Once someone begins reading, a whole new universe opens up to him/her. Reading becomes a habit that an individual eventually becomes addicted to. Reading improves vocabulary and language abilities. Another approach to unwind and relieve tension is to read. Reading a good book for at least a few minutes every day will help to stretch the brain's muscles and promote healthy functioning.

 Awareness on Household Solid Waste Segregation  















Background of the Study


 Solid waste segregation plays a crucial role in the execution of the ecological solid waste management of the local government units. It serves as a key for the successful implementation of the 3 R's: reuse, recycling, and recovery (Kihila et al., 2021). Waste segregation is regarded as a fundamental component of an effective solid waste management plan since it helps to maintain a safe environment for human safety. The poor and unacceptable state of solid waste management in a local government unit (LGU) is demonstrated by noncompliance with adequate waste segregation at the home level (E.P. Ibanez et al., 2022), which also affects institutions' ability to generate income and save money (Bretel B. Dolipas et al., 2020).

Non-compliance with proper waste segregation at the household level shows that the status of Solid Waste Management of a Local Government Unit (LGU) is poor and unacceptable, (E.P Ibanez, 2022).

The Government of the Philippines has enacted Republic Act 9003 (also known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000), which mandates the segregation of solid waste at source. However, according to DENR Acting Secretary Jim Sampulna, in spite of the enactment of the law, some local government units (LGUs) failed to strictly enforce the law, which caused a major problem in solid waste management in the Philippines (Philippine News Agency, 2022). In addition, some studies have revealed that there is low compliance with waste segregation at the source. (Mary Ellen C. Camarillo et al., 2021). This is due to various factors, such as people’s awareness of adequate facilities and the difficulty of separation (P. Pongpunpurt et al., 2022). The DENR lists additional causes, including a lack of government incentives and enforcement of laws as well as inadequate support infrastructure for receiving pre-segregated goods (DENR-NSWMCR, 2018). Households in Borongan City, Eastern Samar, frequently observe the local government unit's low level of compliance with RA 9003, or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, particularly with the implementation of solid waste management segregation at the local level. The Local Government Unit is having trouble putting its source-based segregation policy into practice. As stated in its 10-Year Ecological Solid Waste Management Plan, segregation at source is not easily implemented at the household level since waste sources are still using a traditional way of disposing of their waste, which is a non-segregated way where all types of waste are collected by the city truck from house to house and per establishment. Thus, the ‘’ No segregation, No collection The policy was adapted to the sixty-one (61) barangays of Borongan City, Eastern Samar. Likewise, the LGU is conducting an information education campaign on proper waste segregation at the barangay level through its City Solid Waste Management Office (Borongan City SWMP, 2018). However, despite the enactment of the policy and providing IEC to households, the LGU of Borongan City, Eastern Samar, is still struggling with its compliance with proper waste segregation at the household level. In addition, the researcher observed that unsegregated wastes were still visible in some Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) and disposal sites, which entails that solid waste segregation at the household level is not yet fully implemented. Additionally, according to data from the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), LGU-Borongan City in Eastern Samar is still only partially in compliance with regulations for managing solid waste, notably adequate trash segregation. It demonstrates that just 81 percent of barangays as a whole are adhering to adequate trash segregation (EMB R08, 2022). The researcher is therefore uncertain about the elements that have a substantial impact on the adoption of strategies for segregating household garbage. Additionally, no study or research has been done in Borongan City, Eastern Samar, to demonstrate that the factors listed above, such as people's awareness of adequate facilities, difficulty in segregating materials, a lack of government incentives and enforcement of laws, or a lack of support facilities to receive materials that have already been segregated, are some factors that significantly affect household solid waste segregation practices. Hence, this study is necessary to be conducted to be able to determine factors influencing household solid waste segregation practices in Borongan City, Eastern Samar. Further, the result of the study is very helpful to different entities, especially the Local Government Unit of Borongan City, Eastern Samar, in finding ways and solutions for the implementation of proper waste segregation, particularly in the implementation of sound and effective ecological solid waste management, and it is likewise helpful to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources' Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) in terms of policy formulation and enforcement.


Statement of the Problem

The study aims to identify the factors influencing the household solid waste segregation practices of LGU Borongan City, Eastern Samar.

 Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions:

1.    What is the socio-demographic profile among household heads in Borongan City, Eastern Samar, in terms of the following?

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Education

d. Income

2.    What is the level of awareness among household heads in LGU-Borongan City, Eastern Samar, about proper waste segregation?

How does the enforcement of policies and ordinances by the local government unit with respect to solid waste management affect household waste segregation practices?


Significance of Study

The result of the study, which determined the factors influencing household solid waste segregation practices of the local government unit of Borongan City, Eastern Samar, is beneficial to the following entities:

A.    Local Government Unit of Borongan City and Provincial Government Unit (LGU) of Eastern Samar, in terms of the formulation of plans, programs, and strategies for solid waste management as well as the implementation of waste management systems

B.     DENR- One of the duties of the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) is to provide local government units with the necessary technical support and assistance in the development and implementation of a local and provincial solid waste management system, particularly in the establishment of methods and other parameters for the measurement of waste reduction, collection, and disposal (EMB).

C.    Barangay Government Units: This study will help the barangay level comply with the Ecological Solid Waste Management System as a vital component of the implementation of various solid waste management programs by the local government unit.

D.   Households, residents, academia, and future research projects in which the result of the study will provide significant information related to this study

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SY 2023-2024






Pantawid Pamilya grantees are required to attend classes everyday inorder for them to get the exact amount of benefits rendered to them by the agency.attendance in the classroom is one of the requirements,when a student is absent from class it has an effects on their academic performances and will affects the report needed by the municipal link.or the Pantawaid Pamilya employee who update and evaluated members monthly.

According to some students there are many factors why they are being Absent First the amount they are receiving are not enough for the whole family. Another reasons are family health or financial concerns,poor school environment transportation problems most especially if they came from far away baranggay.

       The main purpose of this study is to investigate the the factors that influence Pantawid Pamilya students grantees absenteeism.




Teacher II

Compra National High School

Region IX- Division of Zamboanga del Norte

Culture. Socio-economic status. Religion. Intellectual capacity. Learning styles. These are just among the multifarious facets in a diverse classroom that put teachers on the constant quest of unraveling the how’s and why’s in teaching. An inclusive learning environment is one that embraces an array of learners’ differences ethnically, culturally, socially, and intellectually. Addressing issues of diverse learners has been a continuous plight among educators in terms of designing appropriate teaching strategies that can cater a holistic learning experience, albeit the varied aspects that each student embodies.

 As to learners’ multiplicity, diversity in the classroom inevitably creates complexities for teachers in formulating learning and teaching models that suit their specific context, situation, and the students’ varying needs. Similarly, an education free of inherent biases, with an unrestricted freedom to engage on other perspectives and cultures, and get inspired by the goal of making learners feel accepted and respected are vital constituents that make up an inclusive learning hub.

         On this regard, how do teachers build up a safe and conducive learning atmosphere?  Are we really setting aside their differences and allow them feel that these aspects are tolerated? An ideal classroom environment does not always entail on having well-ventilated setting, fully-furnished facilities, and learning-supported corners. This idealistic and conventional concept of a learning set-up has driven teachers to mutually meet the learners halfway as they venture on establishing inclusive education that sets no borders to each learner. These notions seek to tie up the background experience of students without putting quality learning at stake. Apparently, expect that each student is a mirror of his moral and cultural upbringings and is greatly shaped from his homegrown perspectives.

         As an eye view, an inclusive learning experience brings students in the same box regardless of how they identify themselves. It pivots on the thoughts of acknowledging, respecting, and responding appropriately to the student diversity that are primary factors in enhancing learning outcomes, in developing cross-cultural perspectives, and instilling in them the value of mutual understanding.

         In the classroom context, there is a need for teachers to recognize that every student is as capable as the other learners. Their varied learning styles and personal inclinations are evident as they venture on the same goal, but on different fields. Effective teachers engage parent involvement and demonstrate important association with a common purpose of unlocking the potential of the students on whatever aspect they intend to excel. Consequently, there are myriad of ways to incorporate diverse techniques into the class curriculum that connect individual pieces together to build unity and belongingness.

         The foundation of an inclusive classroom is not only delineated as to the extent of how tolerated the diverse learners are, but also considers the teacher’s involvement in creating learning environment and his knowledge and comprehension on learners’ differing qualities and experiences. These are imperative in the planning and designing of learning opportunities that seek to promote the celebration of learners’ diversity in the classroom setting.

"Unveiling the Spectrum of Human Potential: Exploring Multiple Intelligences in Learners"


Teacher I

New Xavier Elementary School

Cotabato, Region XII

The educational landscape has changed dramatically throughout time in response to the various skills and aptitudes of learners. With his idea of multiple intelligences, famous psychologist Howard Gardner transformed how we think about intelligence. Gardner made the ground-breaking claim that human intelligence isn't a single, monolithic entity but rather a complex web of different intelligences that include a wide variety of abilities and skills. The focus has shifted from a one-size-fits-all model to one that welcomes the distinctive qualities and potential of each individual according to this philosophy, which has revolutionized the way educators approach teaching and learning.


The Multiple Intelligences Theory

According to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, there are eight different categories of intelligence, each one of which corresponds to a particular aspect of human cognition and ability. These intelligences consist of:

1. People with linguistic intelligence have a strong affinity for words, both when they are written and spoken. They are excellent writers, readers, and language communicators.

2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: Analytical and problem-solving abilities are related to logical-mathematical intelligence. This intelligence enables one to reason, spot patterns, and solve challenging mathematical calculations.

3. Those who possess musical intelligence are naturally talented in harmony, melody, and rhythm. They frequently excel at writing music, playing musical instruments, and comprehending complex musical systems.

4. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: This type of intelligence has to do with physical aptitude and coordination. With their remarkable hand-eye coordination, people with this intelligence excel in sports, dance, and other physical pursuits.

5. Ability to see the world in three dimensions is referred to as spatial intelligence. It is frequent among those who can precisely imagine items and locations, such as architects, artists, and navigators.

6. The focus of interpersonal intelligence is on having the capacity to comprehend and relate to others. People with this intellect are adept at interpersonal interactions, empathy, and communication.

7. Understanding one's own feelings and motivations is at the heart of intrapersonal intelligence, which focuses on self-awareness. It is directly related to emotional intelligence and self-reflection.

8. Naturalistic intelligence: This refers to a person's love of nature and their capacity to perceive and comprehend the natural world. Botanists, zoologists, and environmentalists are frequently found to have it.


Diversity Recognition in the Classroom

A critical first step in developing inclusive and successful educational environments is acknowledging the existence of diverse intelligences. Teachers may create learning experiences that appeal to a wider range of talents and interests when they recognize that intelligence is not just limited to linguistic and logical-mathematical skills.

In actuality, this implies that educators must be adaptable in their approach to teaching. A lecture on the solar system, for instance, may be created to accommodate different intelligences. great linguistically minded students might love writing articles about the planets, whereas learners with great spatial mindedness might enjoy building 3D models of the solar system. Songs about the planets can appeal to musical intelligence, and planetary dancing can appeal to learners who learn best through their bodies. Incorporating various activities allows teachers to take advantage of all the many skills that their pupils possess.


The Impact on Assessment

Conventional assessment methods usually favor linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences. For instance, standardized tests usually favor particular intelligences more than others, potentially ignoring the abilities of students who have other intelligences. Teachers are increasingly examining alternative assessment methods that give a more complete view of a student's capabilities in order to address this problem.

Portfolios, project-based assignments, and presentations are a few examples of assessment strategies that allow students to use their natural intelligences to show off their knowledge and abilities. Pupils can develop and highlight their special skills while also getting a deeper knowledge of their performance thanks to diverse evaluation.


Multiple Intelligences Development

Each person possesses a unique combination of intelligences, yet these traits are not fixed. The development and nurturing of these intelligences depend on education. Teachers can help learners explore their personal identities and develop their talents by utilizing the following techniques:

1. Encourage exploration by allowing kids to delve into a variety of subjects and activities in order to discover their strengths and passions.

2. Give students a choice of assignments or projects so they can utilize their preferred intelligences.

3. Encourage cooperation: Group activities can help learners improve their social skills, encourage cooperation, and improve communication.

4. By emphasizing the worth of different intelligences and creating a supportive climate in the classroom, you can celebrate diversity.


Recognizing the range of human intelligences is crucial in a society that values diversity. The Multiple Intelligences idea has completely changed education by recognizing that every learner has a special combination of cognitive abilities. Educators may create inclusive, interesting, and productive learning environments by adopting this idea. By fostering the linguistic, logical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist, and existential intelligences that make each kid a unique learner, educational institutions have a responsibility to unleash the full range of human potential. The opportunities for teaching have increased thanks to Howard Gardner's development of the many intelligences theory. By identifying and valuing the diverse talents and abilities of learners, educators may create inclusive and effective educational settings that celebrate the diversity of human potential. As we grow in the continuously evolving field of education, the concept of many intelligences will continue to have an impact on how we see intelligence, teaching, and learning, ensuring that every learner has the opportunity to thrive in their own unique way.

"Guiding the Way, in the Fight of the Century"

Cricelyn V. Panilagan, MAEd

Teacher III

Tambulig Central Elementary School-SPED

Zamboanga del Sur / Region 9

In the Philippines, teachers stand tall,

Facing battles with their all.

They embrace tools igniting play,

Guiding students every day.


The classroom is a mix,

Teaching with hearts and spirits fixed.

Their guiding idea is inclusion,

Allowing students to do their best.


With resources, a race

Yet they create a safe space with grace.

Though internet fluctuations may come and go

Their passion remains steadfast a glow.


In this paced 21st century race

They serve as beacons, in educations embrace.

Through every obstacle they shine so bright

Shaping the future with love and insight.



Glen B. Millar, MAEd

College Instructor

FAITH Colleges: First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities

Region 4-A

“A quality education begins with the best teachers”, Pyne, 2014. The readiness of pre-service teachers for their practice teaching program is a critical factor that can significantly impact the success of their teaching experiences and, ultimately, their future careers as educators. Pre-service teachers should have a strong understanding of the subject matter they will be teaching. They should be well-versed in the curriculum and have a good grasp of the content they will be delivering to students. Also, they should be familiar with various teaching methods and strategies that are effective for different age groups and learning styles.

Understanding pedagogical theories and principles is essential. Pre-service teachers need to be prepared to handle classroom management effectively. They should be aware of strategies for maintaining discipline, managing behavior, and creating a positive classroom environment. Effective communication is key in teaching. Effective mentoring and supervision from experienced educators can help pre-service teachers navigate the challenges of practice teaching and provide guidance and support. Based on the study of Somosot (2020), “when preservice teachers are skillful in terms of communication, there is a chance that they can implement effective classroom management. The preservice teachers have collaboration with cooperating teachers, co-preservice teachers and practice teaching supervisors, there would be an effective teaching process specifically in teacher’s personality and classroom management.”

Encourage pre-service teachers to develop their reflective skills. They should be able to critically evaluate their teaching methods and adapt them to meet the needs of their students. Further, the ability to design and implement effective lesson plans is crucial. Pre-service teachers should be able to create engaging, age-appropriate, and well-structured lessons. In addition, pre-service teachers should be prepared to work with diverse student populations. They should understand and respect cultural differences and be aware of inclusive teaching practices. Familiarity with educational technology is increasingly important. Pre-service teachers in the 21st century should be capable of using technology as a tool for teaching and learning.

Prior observation of experienced teachers can provide valuable insights. Pre-service teachers should have the opportunity to observe real classroom settings before they begin teaching themselves. Furthermore, pre-service teachers should be able to give and receive constructive feedback by their cooperating teacher. They should also be skilled in assessing student performance and understanding assessment techniques.  Building pre-service teachers' confidence in their abilities is essential. This can be achieved through mentoring, support, and gradually increasing their responsibilities in the classroom.