ISSN (Online) 2799-0842

ISSN (Print) 2799-130X

Vol. III Issue II (Feb. 2023)

International Circulation

Table of Contents:

How to Be an Effective Virtual Reading Teacher

Evangeline P. Abbacan

School Principal, San Carlos Elementary School

Schools Division of Nueva Ecija

What is teaching reading?

Reading is one of the important skills that learners must have. Through word recognition, a learner can develop their comprehension and also maximize their vocabulary. Learning reading can also develop language skills that they can apply in real-life situations. It is the teacher’s role to teach and develop reading skills and provide remediation when it is needed by the learners.

Teaching reading is the process of teaching learners the basics to the most complex skills of reading. It is very challenging because it requires proper planning and assessment of what is needed to be learned, including the materials that both the teachers and learners can use for an effective learning experience. In the event that face-to-face reading remediation is not allowed due to class suspension brought by natural calamities, instruction has become even more challenging because of the distance learning and instruction as part of the learning contingency plan of the school. Reading remediation should not be stopped by conflict or natural calamities. Reading teacher takes another option. It is the reading remediation in virtual modality. The question on how to become an effective virtual reading teacher can only be answered through an analysis of learners’ need, the application of strategies that has been selected and the result of the virtual instruction to learners reading ability.


How can a teacher deliver effective virtual reading instruction?


According to an article published in we can deliver our instruction effectively if we build a good relationship with the learners and this can be done without meeting face to face, by talking with them through video calls, asking about their interests to form bonds and to assess what materials can be effective for them through their likes and dislikes. Communication with parents is also important because they can be the teacher’s partners and give reinforcement when it is needed. In this way, there is an active participation of the parents in the child’s learning.


In this current situation, a reading teacher should have the following skills to effectively teach reading to students. First is the technical knowledge in using applications that can be utilized in instruction. Teachers nowadays used Zoom, Google Meet and other applications to deliver their lesson to students. Because we cannot teach students personally and face to face, the knowledge in using these apps should be learned by the teacher. Since one of the challenges in delivering online teaching is the technical difficulties with online teaching tools, having the proper amount of knowledge in using them can be a proper solution to this problem.

Next, a teacher should be creative in the delivery of the reading lessons. In distance learning, the lack of proper motivation is an issue that every teacher and learner faced. Being creative with your activities can arouse motivation from learners. If a learner is struggling to grasp concepts and is having a difficult time learning how to read, the teacher should have a vast knowledge of creative ways to provide materials and design materials that will cater to the need of the learner. Creativity always results to the learner’s enjoyment of the lesson.

Third, the teacher should always be accessible and always gives feedback to the learners. This can lessen the feeling of being isolated from their classmates. It is not only the teachers that are doing adjustments to the new normal, but the learners as well. They can feel isolated and this may cause the lack of willingness to learn and can have negative effects on their disposition as well. Being accessible to the learners can give them their much-needed support, which can encourage them to learn more. Giving feedbacks is also an important part of any instruction because through feedbacks, the teacher can inform the parents and the learners about the things they are doing correctly or incorrectly. Feedbacks can also give an explanation to what the learners are doing accurately or inaccurately, which is very important in teaching reading skills.

Lastly, a teacher should always be passionate with the task at hand. The passion to teach gives a teacher the internal drive to always deliver instruction to the best of his/her ability. Reading is such an important skill to be learned by learners, and it can only be achieved through the strong dedication of the teacher and other people involved. Specially nowadays that reading is essential part of learning to regain loses brought about by pandemic. Virtual reading is the answer for learners who opt to undergo reading remediation at home. 

As teachers, the positive transfer of learning lies in our hands. Teaching reading in distance learning can be challenging but as long as we are properly equipped with the right amount of knowledge, the proper strategies and applications to use and the positive attitude for handling learners, learning is possible and achievable. After all, teachers can strategically and dutifully educate learners by all means.

Teacher Performance Management: The Role of Principal Leadership, Work Environment, and Motivation at Public Elementary Schools in Binangonan, Rizal

Christian M. Lobarbio, Mary Grace A. Floranza, 

& John Paul U. Capistrano

Binangonan Sub Office, Division of Rizal, Region IV-A CALABARZON



Teacher performance is an essential issue in academics (Mwangi & Njuguna, 2019) because teachers play a vital role in the field of education (Madrid et al., 2019). Low teacher performance leads to a significant loss in the shape of a student's academic career, which has a long-term impact on the education business. As a result, teacher performance is critical in the education business and must be examined by both researchers and practitioners. A competent teacher must have professional qualifications and academic competence, as well as effective communication skills with pupils, ownership of creative and productive spirits, a strong work ethic, and a strong devotion to the job (Sidi, 2001). If the teacher lacks competence, the pupils will lack competence as well. Improving educational quality must begin with the teachers (Jirangkul, 2017). Without proper competency, teachers will be unable to fulfill their function as educators adequately, as shown by the possession of educator certification. The rise of numerous challenges for teachers can be attributed to a lack of appropriate teacher management, including, in this case, performance management (Jones et al., 2006). The teacher development program has not taken into consideration all of the aspects that impact their performance (Ikhwandra, 2016). As a result, this study is an attempt to emphasize the essential aspects that may impact public elementary school teachers' performance in Binangonan, Rizal.        

Binangonan is one of the fastest-growing municipalities in Rizal. Being one of them, the education sector must be tested to see if the growth of the municipality includes the growth of the education sector of the municipality. Binangonan is a first-class municipality in the province of Rizal, Philippines. According to the 2020 census, it has a population of 313,631 people. Moreover, there are few research studies describing the influence of principals' leadership, work environment, and motivation on improving the performance of certified teachers. Thus, the objective of this study is to describe the influence of principals' leadership, work environment, and motivation on improving the performance of certified teachers at public elementary schools in Binangonan, Rizal.  

Leadership is vital to teacher performance (Andriani et al., 2018). A competent leader guides the team smoothly. A good teacher is usually a good leader, in the same manner. As a result, the principal's leadership always has a favorable impact on his or her subordinates. A competent school administrator always has strong leadership abilities in order to use teachers in such a way that student achievements improve. Along with the principal's leadership, the work environment has a significant impact on teacher performance. According to the studies, the work environment has a substantial impact on teacher performance (Kuncoro & Dardiri, 2017). Motivation to affiliate, in addition to principal leadership and work environment, influences teacher effectiveness in private schools. It is a critical component of high performance (Amin, 2015). Figure 1 depicts the association between these parameters and teacher performance.

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Strategies to Improve the Speaking Competence in English



Jose V. Yap NHS formerly TNHS- Annex

Practice is the key to learning any talent, especially communication abilities. Speaking more often will help you improve your pronunciation, expand your vocabulary, and increase your comprehension.

The following are some tried-and-true techniques to improve your English-speaking abilities:

Find a Conversation Partner: If possible, try to converse with a native English speaker so you can improve your language skills. Consider hiring a tutor if no one in your direct network is familiar with you. Otherwise, you may always connect with someone online to practice speaking and listening.

Make Sure To Listen As Well As Talk: Listening to others speak is one of the finest methods to comprehend how sentences are put together and expand your vocabulary. Try hearing podcasts and chats that have been recorded. There are various ways to hear English spoken, from YouTube to casual chats.

You're prone to make mistakes when speaking, therefore record your conversations. To learn from mistakes, though, you must be willing to make them. You can learn more effectively by listening to a recording of yourself speaking with your discussion partner. In this manner, you may monitor your development and learn pronunciation.

English is spoken everywhere, so surround yourself with it. You can discover English-language menus, promotional materials, books, movies, traffic signs, and more wherever you dwell. Your foundation will be stronger the more you pay attention to and immerse yourself in these everyday English elements.

The majority of individuals enjoy relaxing with music or entertainment in the form of movies to help them unwind. You have the option of watching movies in English or in your native tongue with readable English subtitles.

Read out loud: If you prefer to read to speaking and making up your own discourse, give it a try. As a result of seeing and reading the words simultaneously, you will be able to hear how you pronounce them and will remember them better.

If you're still unsure about your readiness to put your speaking abilities to the test, just talk to yourself! Your English skills will improve the more you practice by yourself.

Speech shadowing is essentially imitating a native speaker's speech pattern. The easiest way to practice speech shadowing is to watch videos or a movie with subtitles. Read the sentence aloud after you've finished. Play it back after that while the native speaker is speaking. To mimic the flow and pattern as precisely as you can, try pausing in between. You can record yourself doing this if you'd want to hear how it sounds when spoken by a native speaker.

Talking to yourself and hearing the lyrics will help you get better, whether you choose to sing to yourself or record your voice. You can read aloud as well.

Think in English: Although it probably won't come naturally to you, you can educate your mind to do so by first translating the ideas that are running through it. Otherwise, you can record your thoughts in an English journal or diary.

Retell a tale in English: Begin with a short tale, such as a fairytale or popular tale from your youth. Then you can push yourself even farther by attempting to recount a narrative that someone else has told in English. This aids in verifying your understanding and comprehension.

Around 20% of the world's population speaks English, making it the most learned language in the world. Learning English can lead to new opportunities in life, including the ability to travel more conveniently, communicate with more people, and even land better employment.








University of the People (2022). How to Improve English Speaking Skills and Become a Great Communicator. Retrieved from the world wide web at

Practical Spoken English Skill: The Doorstep Towards Greater Heights


Teacher II

Lino P. Bernardo National High School

Because we all care deeply about our children and the hopes of our nation, we will do everything it takes to give them the best start in life. However, would they be deemed fit and competent if we evaluate their abilities in light of the skills required in this century? Experts and studies have identified skills we need to ensure our children learn during their school years. English proficiency is one of them. In light of that, let us give attention to one fundamental- oral communication skills. How will the children respond when asked to communicate in spoken English? Will they be keen to express their opinions? Or will they cower and withdraw?

Many children and teenagers nowadays struggle to express themselves in English. Students in many classrooms tend to remain silent when asked to speak, particularly in English. On the surface, this is a minor issue that we can ignore for the time being. However, as these students get older and face the challenges of the global job market, this seemingly minor issue will become a huge disadvantage or hindrance to their success. Therefore, it is critical that our children's spoken English competence be honed so they will feel comfortable expressing their ideas even when the language required is English. As a side note, this is not a case of loving the Filipino language less or more. Instead, it is a matter of preparing our children, the future workforce of the land, for the demands of the present, not to mention the fact that they require a competitive advantage when faced with stiff competition in this so-called global village.

Another issue that we must all consider is that many students need additional confidence. When we ask our children and teenagers to stand in front and present something, they tend to scratch their heads, giggle, feel nervous, or refuse. Those who can stand in the front struggle to make good eye contact with their audience, their voice is muffled, and their hands tremble uncontrollably at times. How can we expect our children to engage in scholarly or intelligent debate if they are so terrified in front of others that they first want to return to their seats? Unfortunately, many college graduates behave similarly to high schoolers when asked to speak! No one would enjoy watching them perform with such trepidation and difficulty. We all want them to speak with clarity, poise, and fluency. As a result, they must be seriously trained to speak their minds with confidence and language competence while maintaining their values. On this note, simulations allow students to put theory into practice, develop critical thinking skills, and provide a welcome break from the monotony of reading and preparing for classes (Kanner, 2007). Many of these simulations also add a sense of realism to the student's experience. Historically, such simulations have been seen in the medical field, where mock-up patients take on the signs and symptoms of a specific disease or injury, and the student is asked to assess, diagnose, and treat the patient. Students must apply what they have learned to a reasonably realistic scenario. Furthermore, there is evidence that the experiential learning that occurs in simulations promotes long-term retention of course material (Bernstein & Meizlish, 2003; Brookfield, 1990).

The simulation aims to achieve communicative competence rather than grammatical competence. This means that one's actual performance and output are represented in real-life situations. Many teachers want their students to apply their classroom knowledge to the real world, to see how abstract concepts and theories play out in the real world, to be able to experience real-world processes and to become motivated to participate in the real-world processes that are discussed in class. It allows teachers to determine the long-term impact of their lessons on their students. Lastly, language development and confidence building can only be accomplished after a while. It is a process; thus, it takes time. While our children are still in school, this is the ideal time for us to get serious about providing the necessary support and encouragement so that they can gain oral English competence and confidence. This is also love for them, which is undoubtedly an important part of their preparation for a brighter future.

Boost Your Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Well-being:  Defeat Corona Virus


Teacher III, Pantabangan East Central School

The Corona Virus is very disturbing and alarming since it can enter and wreak havoc in our country. Everyone is affected whether young or old, rich or poor. Businesses, jobs at all levels whether private or public as well as the educational sector are greatly affected.  It is also presented challenges to the learners and teachers.

Some of the learners and teachers are already facing mental and physical health conditions especially with the changes that have taken place in the education department caused by the destructive virus that is rampant around the world. The pandemic tested  every teacher where face to face teaching leads to modular distance learning and online educational methods. This change will test the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well being of teachers. But,  the  department of education has continued to support  each teacher. The mental health break is one of DepEd programs which assists learners and school personnel with their mental health concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic.

 In addition to the education department programs, every teacher should develop a healthy body with or without pandemic but not only the physical aspect needs to improve but also the emotional, mental and spiritual well -being. The real question is, how can the department of education  fight and overcome this harmful and deadly virus?

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The Attributes and Economic Factors 

that Constrain Highly Effective Teachers


Teacher III

DepEd Manila - Raja Soliman Science and Technology High School

According to Tucker and Stronge (2005), highly effective teachers are those educators who, at the very least, have formal pedagogical training, possess standard or provisional forms of certifications, have adequate years of teaching experience across varying settings, employ traits of respectfulness, empathy and fairness, have tremendous aspirations career-wise and highly dedicated, demonstrates effective organizational and management skills, have high situational awareness on job and student demands, and are highly flexible in teaching within the given academic diversity. Then again, being highly effective is entirely different from being highly qualified. Teaching qualifications alone are insufficient in fully deciding whether a teacher is highly effective in his or her work.

To complement the formal definition from Tucker & Stronge, former CEO Pierre Pirard established strong similarities between the nature of how business chief executives and teachers work daily. Under four principles, Pirard stated that like CEOs, highly effective teachers are influential leaders in their fields of practice who constantly instills a belief of success in each of their students, thus giving them a vision to think of as utmost priority, all while carefully and forcefully planning each students’ path towards meeting that academic goal (TEDx Talks, 2013). Furthermore, Dr. Christine Coombe expanded on this matter, stating that along the aforementioned traits of highly effective teachers are the evidence of elements such as job calling (vocation), technical expertise on field of focus, sympathy, “with-it-ness” or being always on top of things, instructional effectiveness, good communication skills, street smarts, willingness to go the extra mile, life-long learner and a health life outside a teacher’s profession (IAFOR Media, 2016).

Being a highly effective teacher can be learned from scratch. Jim Mahoney believes that all potential highly effective teacher are already good teachers at the start. Using the BFK Connect Framework, Mahoney presented that every teacher starts from a specific quadrant of pedagogical expertise or inclination. These quadrants include being good at structures or routines, creative spontaneity, relational experts, and outcomes/results-oriented personality. Thus, becoming a highly effective teacher is the product of a holistic effort to become masters of all the said quadrants included in the framework (School Improvement Network, 2013).

One of the common economic challenges that limit the effectiveness of today’s teachers is regional and student poverty. Dell’Angelo (2016) pointed out that there is positive link between student poverty and teacher dissatisfaction. On regions under more astringent economic conditions, teachers are having a hard time in collectively raising student performance, resulting in weaker pedagogical motivators, particularly in career resilience. Ossola (2014) emboldened this claim by giving a comparative picture on education within the rural setting. On average, educational institutions in the rural areas have lower enrollment rates, significantly lower socioeconomic capabilities, lack of access to digital technology, higher transportation costs due to lack of infrastructure and limited access to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs.

The combined effects of these factors introduce more impediment to a teacher’s ability to thrive from a financial (e.g. lower salaries) and career health (e.g. compromises in key teaching duties) standpoint. But despite the unfavorable economic conditions in selected U.S. regions, a good proportion of teachers are surprisingly finding coping mechanisms to transform external setbacks in teaching institutions as mediating channels against student poverty (Dell’Angelo, 2016). In addition, outsourcing assistance from major local businesses can help reinvigorate poorly funded communities and, in turn, translate it on the classroom level through improvements in vital educational resource materials (Ossola, 2014). Despite obvious economic constraints to properly incentivize highly effective teachers, educators in the United States still demonstrate strong job satisfaction against common job stressors even with the existing variations in their sociocultural backgrounds (Klassen, Usher, & Bong, 2010).

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Master Teacher II

Macatcatuit Elementary School

SDO-Guimba West Annex, Nueva Ecija

Education is a key to success. But how can you unlock doors to your future without first unlocking the door to education? Having a good education is crucial to achieving your goals, but that means nothing if you have no way to get one. 

In every corner of the globe, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted educational systems. Nevertheless, even before the pandemic struck and negatively impacted millions of people, there were already a number of issues plaguing the educational system in the Philippines.

The spread of COVID-19 has intensified existing problems and introduced new ones in the Philippines' educational system, worsening the country's precarious situation.

Inadequacies in the educational system have been identified to a greater extent, and they are continually exposed as people have become more observant and critical thinkers and kept an eye on the system.

 The pandemic exposed various deficiencies and imbalances that exist within our country’s educational system, including the lack of accessibility to the internet and technological devices required for online learning and the lack of allocation of resources for the educational sector.   

Teacher responsibilities in public schools include not only classroom instruction but also administrative and clerical duties. It was no surprise that, with such a heavy workload, teachers' primary focus has shifted away from classroom instruction and toward their other duties. Additionally, educators who may not have been acquainted with contemporary instructional ideas and techniques had to learn them immediately, even if they were ill-equipped.

All Filipino child has the legal right to receive a free education according to the 1987 Philippine Constitution. However, learners from low-income families are especially likely to fall behind if they do not have access to technological learning tools or the drive and persistence to learn independently.

As we can see, numerous children today are growing up without a firm grasp of our country's history, struggling academically, which leads to low proficiency, and dropping out of school because of financial difficulties. The socioeconomic background of learners is reflected in the outcomes of their education. 

Long periods of non-classroom learning resulted in a loss of fundamental literacy and numeracy competencies among learners, a loss that cannot be overlooked. As a result, the Philippines was reported to have a rate of learning poverty of 90.9%.

The pupils opted out of school because they believed they had to work to provide for themselves. Without formal education, individuals lack the knowledge to ground their own beliefs and perspectives, leaving them open to manipulation.

Today, the Philippines' educational system is currently unstable. Education is one of the foundations of a functional society; thus, our country should place a high value on education for its citizens. 

Education's primary goal is to transform a closed mind into a curious one. Education is essential for both individual and societal development as it expands and refines our worldview.

The issues can be clearly seen, the answer is at hand, and all that is required now is movement and implementation. A prosperous future for humanity is impossible in a society where education is not valued.




Master Teacher II

Macatcatuit Elementary School

SDO-Guimba West Annex, Nueva Ecija

Educational reforms in the Philippines are moving in a more inclusive direction. Do you ever stop to think about the plight of a pupil as you go about your daily life as a teacher and as an individual?

There has been a sea of transformation in how youth are being educated about children with disabilities and LGBTQIA+ connections and identities, and this is a huge victory in the struggle for equality. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of work to be accomplished, and the battle is far from over.

Every child has the right to an education that is representative of their perspectives, their families, their life experiences, and the complete diversity of our global community.

Unfortunately, not all children get to go to school where they can learn and grow and where they are treated with dignity and respect. There is a risk that these children will lose interest in school and never reach their full potential.

For learning to be truly inclusive, students of all backgrounds must be able to recognize and respect positive representations of themselves, their communities, and their experiences in the classroom and beyond.

Special Education (SPED) is crucial for children with learning disabilities because it allows them to receive quality education tailored to their specific needs. Special education allows every student to achieve their full potential and gain a high level of independence.

According to TESDA, about 1.44 million children in the Philippines have been diagnosed with some form of disability. Over 93,895 enrollment of students that attend school at all, and the rest rob them of the right to a better life.

Schools use tried-and-true techniques to involve them in lessons, give them a sense of inclusion, and accomplish the main goal of education.

Expanding possibilities for children with special needs, including autism, visual or hearing impairment, speech and language disorders, and many more, to fully participate in lessons and school life on an equal basis with other children.

While some educational institutions do a great service by making students of the LGBTQIA+ community feel welcome and protected, this is unfortunately not the case everywhere.

School policies that force children, especially LGBTQIA+ children, to act and dress according to their sex rather than their gender identity and expression continue to have a negative effect on the students' well-being and fail to break the stigma, despite the DepEd's Gender-Responsive Basic Education Policy and the recently approved Senate Bill No. 689, or the SOGIE Equality Bill.

While approximately half of these students continue to be mistreated because of who they are, this vulnerability can be addressed by teaching all children and teenagers the importance of respecting one another and appreciating the unique qualities that make each person special.

Young people's sense of self and their perspective of the world can be shaped by the positive reinforcement they receive through inclusion. We discover the most about ourselves and the world around us in our formative school years, making diversity and acceptance of others a necessity.

. Instead of using what we discover about gender variety to build more walls, we will use it to embrace, respect, and acknowledge our fellow Filipinos. 

With the goal of fostering an environment where all students feel safe and respected, regardless of their gender, gender-responsive education encourages the deliberate creation of inclusive practices. Educational attainment for all learners is only one way that inclusive systems help bring about societal shifts away from discrimination.

Every Filipino child, no matter what gender or disability he or she has, should be taught from a young age that he or she is fully capable of contributing to society and deserves the same basic rights that the government gives to everyone else.



Master Teacher II

Macatcatuit Elementary School

SDO-Guimba West Annex, Nueva Ecija

Today’s century, the 21st century, is commonly identified as the technological age. It is indeed hard to imagine modern living without the ubiquitous presence of technological conveniences. Education is only one sector where technological advancements have had an influence.

How much does modern technology make it easier for people to talk to each other? Or does it just keep us away from the real world and our loved ones? 

This generation of young people is the first to grow up in an era of widespread technology use. Learners' ability to focus and their interest in learning are affected as a result. 

The pace of adult life is challenging. Innovations in technology tend to occur at a lightning pace. Streams of data are constantly being generated and transmitted. 

The fast spread of the COVID-19 outbreak is providing compelling evidence for the necessity of incorporating online learning into the educational system. 

With the rapid development of new technologies, teachers are also looking for ways to incorporate these tools into their lessons to better serve their learners' educational needs. 

Educators can make effective use of online learning by incorporating technology into their current curriculum rather than treating it as a standalone catastrophe management solution. Technology is used in private and public schools so that students can learn in a way that is more fun and interesting. 

Understanding the available technologies and their applications is crucial. Learners' adaptability to technological advancement improves when they are confident in their ability to acquire new technology.

Integrating technology into the classroom has become increasingly important as it helps learners acquire the fundamental technological knowledge and skills that are necessary to succeed in the modern workplace.

High-quality teacher preparation, standards-aligned interactive materials, and individualized lesson plans have all been shown to improve learners' academic performance and accessibility to enriching experiences that would be out of reach without them.

To succeed in the modern world, learners must learn to effectively employ technological tools. By adopting an entrepreneurial mindset, they can maintain their professional lives in the long run. They go on to lead the way as pioneers, creators, and economic captains of industry.

The first step is to ensure that the material covered in the activity or class is in line with the relevant national curriculum content. Encouraging learners to practice with the technology ahead of time enhances their conceptual knowledge of the material. 

Any online learning platform should have reliable and updated information that is in line with national curriculum standards. It should also have a well-structured environment that encourages teamwork and uses different ways to evaluate students.

When it comes to using technology in education, teaching, on-site mentoring, experience, and continuous assessment over a long period of time can help students grow as people and as professionals in a big way.

Because of technological advancements, it is now much simpler to facilitate the collaboration of creative geniuses and the dissemination of their concepts. Teachers and children alike have benefited from the fruitful combination of technological advancements and imaginative expression.







Master Teacher II

Macatcatuit Elementary School

SDO-Guimba West Annex, Nueva Ecija

In the modern age, when knowledge plays such an integral role in the development of society, learning and uniqueness are the legitimate measures of the success of human progress.

Learning is interesting since it has changed over the years. What is really fascinating is that education is a lifelong process. Earning a postgraduate degree opens up more opportunities for you as a teacher and gives you more leeway in your regular activities.

Education further than the undergraduate level is known as postgraduate. The term is commonly used to describe the educational path taken by those who earn their bachelor's degree and then proceed to earn their master's.

Getting a master's or doctorate in teaching is a great choice if you desire to make a significant influence on the lives of your pupils. Possibilities and opportunities will present themselves to you when you earn such a degree.

Educators who continue to pursue postgraduate degrees demonstrate mastery of their subject matter and dedication to their careers by adapting their pedagogical aims, strategies, and positions in the classroom to bring about the systemic reforms they advocate for.

Teacher education courses at the bachelor's level do not provide sufficient preparation for teachers in the field, especially in terms of helping them understand how philosophies can complement and enhance their everyday work.

Earning a master's degree is a great first step toward establishing oneself as a credible and respected educator. This allows for the development of specialized expertise and the improvement of educational attainment. Additionally, teachers can hone their teaching abilities while pursuing their passion.

As a teacher, your goal should be to exceed your learners' expectations. In order to more effectively meet the needs of your pupils, you should get a master's degree. Furthermore, it equips you with resources for interacting with kids and keeping the classroom as a whole a positive learning space.

Every teacher can gain a deeper understanding of the philosophical and practical foundations of their professions through postgraduate degree courses, as well as experience firsthand how the philosophy of education informs and improves classroom instruction.

Everyone aspires to be the best at what they do, so when the chance to learn something new or improve one's skillset presents itself, one should take it. Therefore, earning a master's or doctoral degree in education can be a great way to advance a teacher's career goals and make a greater contribution to the field of education.

Earning a Master's in Education will not magically propel you toward your aspirations any faster. Aspirations of greatness and a burning desire to be successful at work are great things for a professional to be driven by.

Attending postgraduate education is a substantial commitment in terms of time, cost, and effort. Nonetheless, if you are really prepared to put in the effort, you might find that the degree is well worth the cost.

The process of learning never ends, and it is essential to development. And if you are an employed professional, investing time and energy in your own professional development is a surefire way to go up the career ladder.





Master Teacher II

Macatcatuit Elementary School

SDO-Guimba West Annex, Nueva Ecija

School is like a second home to us, but a real home is supposed to be a haven of refuge and security. But are our schools still a safe place for us, or have they become just another source of trauma and pain? 

Issues with prejudice and bullying in the classroom have plagued schools for decades. Unfortunately, many children fall prey to bullies because of things they were born with and have little control over changing, such as their appearances, gender, religion, or accent.

There are some students who like bullying and discrimination because it gives them the chance to do anything they want. Some people may actually enjoy violent confrontation. Additionally, it is possible that some are just careless instead of malevolent. The insensitivity of some may stem from ignorance rather than intention.

There could be issues with wellness, academics, and confidence for some. Many people may be facing psychological abuse, bullying, maltreatment, or physical violence.

There is a correlation between bullying and the development of long-term psychological and behavioral disturbances, including depression and violence.

Instead of responding to individual occurrences of bullying and discrimination with punishing penalties, schools should use a holistic, preventative strategy that does not stigmatize pupils and works to improve the atmosphere in classrooms as a whole.

As crucial as it is to develop more effective responses to acts of discrimination and bullying once they have happened, it can just be as effective to preventing such acts from happening in the first place.

One of the most crucial components of a thriving school is creating and maintaining a welcoming environment for students and staff by fostering a positive school culture.

Camara (2019) cites studies showing that a positive school culture can have beneficial effects on the emotional and physical health of students and teachers, as well as their engagement and performance in the classroom.

There are many different components that make up the school culture. It includes things such as the conventions, traditions, and similar ideas held by either the learners or faculty. School culture resembles the school’s atmosphere in a way, and it may affect virtually every aspect of life both inside and outside of the school.

In order to create a peaceful and welcoming learning environment, teachers and administrators should be aware of the problems that learners with different identities have had in the past, how they have been left out, and the structural or concrete barriers they face.

Teachers also have a responsibility to ensure that learners from oppressed groups feel safe to openly discuss and embrace their identities and that they are not further victimized as a result of other people's actions.

Optimistic school climates are interesting places to be. These are comprised of both faculty and pupils who get along effectively, share common aspirations, and are strongly entrenched in their communities.

Creating and maintaining a positive school culture is not a passing phase, but rather an integral element of who we are as people and our sense of morality. Everyone at the school is responsible for helping to keep it a place where students and teachers may thrive safely and productively.

The Effect of Pandemic on Students’ Reading Comprehension


Master Teacher I/ Lennec Elementary School

Reading is an activity that can improve memory functions. Teachers encourage students to read more because of its benefits to the human brain. Starting to read young is advantageous for a person. It contributes to cognitive development and improves imagination and creativity. A student who loves to read has a great advantage compared to those who do not. They also have a high possibility of achieving academic excellence.

Before the pandemic happened, students in the Philippines were already facing challenges in reading comprehension. During the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2018, the Philippines ranked the lowest in reading comprehension out of the 79 countries that had competed. The country also placed second to last place in science and mathematics. The Department of Education recognized the gaps in education and saw the urgency to address the academic deficiency. The pandemic has worsened the situation for these students since they can only attend classes virtually. It might result in learning gaps among students that could lead to long-term effects if not solved immediately. It was also challenging for teachers to think of effective strategies for online classes. Many teachers lack the necessary qualifications to teach virtually, and just like students, they need time to adjust too. But since the world is in the middle of a crisis, they had no choice but to enter this setup unprepared. No one was expecting the country would be on lockdown for two years, so it was challenging for everyone.

In rural areas, modular distance learning was implemented since the availability and stability of internet connection was a challenge in most places. Students were expected to self-study in this setup, making it difficult to receive feedback from their teachers. In traditional classes, students throw a lot of questions to their teachers whenever something is unclear to them. In this setting, no one will be available to clarify their questions aside from their parents or guardians. Unfortunately, some students were not being guided enough. There were also cases in which parents were the ones who answered the modules. This kind  of dishonesty will only make the students suffer once they return to face-to-face classes.

Even though everything is slowly back to normal, the crisis has left a severe impact on education. The Department of Education has received numerous reports of students not knowing how to read despite being enrolled in online classes. Children are also struggling with other skills such as writing, speaking, and problem solving. They are aware of these problems, which is why they think of plans to solve these academic difficulties caused by the pandemic. One of these is the Regional Education Development Plan which requires every school to include a reading program for students. It takes a long way to recover from the learning loss the pandemic has caused students. Along with bringing back the number of students that dropped out, the government should focus on providing quality education. The students' future lies in the hands of teachers and officials responsible for their safety and welfare.

Importance of Parental Involvement

 to Students’ Academic Performance


Master Teacher I/ Lennec Elementary School

Parental involvement is not only about parents ensuring that their children finish their homework. It can involve supporting every step the child makes in their education. Primary students need parental supervision the most. There are a lot of things that they cannot understand yet. Their age is also vulnerable to harm, which is why they need guidance, especially in their education. Parents can be good role models to their children by volunteering in school or community activities. When children see their parents participating in different tasks, there is a high possibility that they will be acquiring that action and giving them a sense of leadership.

It is already given that children need parental assistance, but it does not mean that once they go to high school or college, they do not need support from their parents anymore. Students can undergo many challenges during high school that need parents' participation. That is when they discover their talents, meet new friends, experience their first heartbreak, commit mistakes, feel pressure, and many more that can affect their education. It is inevitable for teenagers to encounter these things, but their experiences may have an undesirable effect on how they think and make decisions that can last for a long time before they change. Parents' guidance and support are crucial at this age. When parents do not allot some time to bond with their kids, children might feel neglected, causing them to have trust issues with their parents and not being open to them. There is also a chance for them to be acquainted with people who influence them to do bad things. That is when the relationship between parents and children is experiencing difficulties. It can be avoided if both are open to communicating with one another. Parents should be the first to introduce the idea of discussing the problems instead of avoiding them. Once children understand that issues can be fixed through proper communication, they can bring this aspect up until they grow up.

Students experience all kinds of pressure and stress in college that might lead to anxiety and depression. Some keep the struggles to themselves and do not vent their feelings. Parental involvement does not necessarily mean participating in school activities. There are problems that students are only comfortable talking about with their parents. Sometimes, students only need someone willing to lend an ear to make them feel better. Parents can give their support by simply showing up to their children’s events at school and assuring them that they always got their back. Communication is significant in strengthening relationships between family members.

Schools must promote family engagement to all parents to increase students' academic success. During parent-teacher meetings, they can encourage them to connect with their children. They can make their leisure time fun and educational. Much research has proven the positive impact of parents' involvement on a student's academic performance and behavior. Parents hold one of the keys to children’s development. With their undying support, students can achieve their dreams.


Challenges that Students Face in New Normal


Master Teacher I/ Lennec Elementary School

In the school year 2020-2021, the Philippines started to adopt online classes to prevent students from being delayed in their education because of the pandemic. Students have no other choice but to become online learners for two years. The world is gradually returning to normal; kids can go to school, employees can report on-site, outdoor activities are allowed, etc. However, there are many adjustments that people should learn to live today. One of them is wearing a mask all the time outside the home. It is required to do that to avoid the spread of Coronavirus. Before, spraying alcohol after physical contact with someone was a sign of rudeness; today, it is considered normal.

Students need to face some adjustments too. Children have had no physical interaction with one another for two years, so it was a bit challenging for them too. Making friends face-to-face is much easier than online. During online classes, students only know each other through social media. Some have this particular image they portray on the internet that is the total opposite of what they are in person. With that, students tend to judge one another based on what they see on social media. They were also expected to have self-discipline during online classes. Some schools allow students not to open their cameras during meetings to avoid technical issues. That means it was in their hands whether they would listen to the discussion since the teacher could not see them. The availability of the internet is being taken advantage of by students during online classes. They thought they had escaped their responsibilities as a student, but instead, they had put themselves in a more challenging position. They could still be victims of learning gaps even though they were enrolled in online classes. One type of learning gap they might encounter is the skills gap since there are limited activities students can perform at home. They might also experience a knowledge gap if they do not give their whole effort. With that, it will be harder for them to adjust when they return face-to-face. The students were so assured that they forgot that they would return to regular classes one day, and it would show on their performance if they gained anything or not.

Studying online has benefits for students and teachers. If we talk about availability, virtual learning is more accessible than traditional classes, especially for working students and learners with mobility impairments. Even though face-to-face education is coming back, some schools decided to remain online classes because of these benefits. COVID-19 has brought lots of challenges to education. Many schools had closed down, and students dropped out, which is why the Department of Education hired 11,000 more teachers to aid learning losses because of the pandemic. One of their goals is to increase the number of students returning to class and remedial learning to help them catch up. Resolving these problems in education is possible with the government's support and the efforts of teachers and students.



Master Teacher I/ Lennec Elementary School

Technology being invented in this century is like a gift from the heavens. Imagine during the pandemic, there was no technology. People would not be able to continue their work and study. At that time, it was impossible to see your loved ones due to many restrictions. Because of technology, distance did not become a hindrance to communicating with one another. It saved people from boredom, especially when everyone was not allowed outside. People of different ages have cell phones or tablets to use for recreation. In this generation, the gadget is a necessity. 

People continue to use technology in their daily lives even after the pandemic's peak. Before, students made their visual aids out of papers and art supplies, but now they bring their laptops to school for their presentations. The world is becoming more digital, and humans are slowly adapting to this lifestyle. Technology makes humans' lives more uncomplicated than before. However, just like every other thing, it also needs limitations. 

According to some studies, too much use of technology harms students' physical and mental health. Students would prefer to spend their entire day in front of their devices than participate in physical activities. As a result, they are most likely to develop obesity, body pain, headache, poor eyesight, etc., due to lack of physical exercise. Too much use of social media may lead to mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. 

Students have this habit of posting their achievements online. There is nothing wrong with sharing the accomplishments, especially if it was a product of effort, but for other students, it brings pressure to them. They tend to compare their achievements to other students, leading them to believe that their success was not enough.

The internet can be a traumatizing place for children. Any information shared on social media can spread and go viral in a second. One-click can ruin a person’s life. Some people don't consider how their posts might damage someone else's feelings. They use social media as a weapon to say offensive words to others. Sadly, some people cannot bear it affecting their interpersonal relationships with other people and their education. Bullying among students often happens on social media while the school is being oblivious to it.

Children should never be left unsupervised while using social media. No one knows what might show up on the screen, so it is best that they are guided. It is far preferable for parents to teach their kids to limit their screen time at a young age. Explaining the harmful outcomes, they might acquire by being in front of the screen all-day is helpful too. Schools also play a crucial role in guiding the students. They can organize seminars discussing social media and its effect on students’ mental health. Students have so much on their plates that sometimes they do not know what to do anymore. Having a hand to lend for these students are more than enough to conquer their battle in their mental health.




Master Teacher I/ Lennec Elementary School

No one expected the one-week suspension in March 2020 will take two years. Numerous plans that did not turn out as envisioned led to many changes and adjustments. During the lockdown, people were not allowed to go outside their homes. Life was twice hard for those people living paycheck to paycheck. Students had no choice but to enter a new set-up that not everyone could afford. There was only one option to continue their study, and that is to enroll in online classes. Having the gadget to use is not enough to study comfortably during the pandemic. Managing an unstable internet connection is part of living in the Philippines. Unfortunately, many students had to drop out since they lacked gadgets and reliable internet access.

Because of technology, people managed to continue their work and study. However, numerous studies listed its negative impact on student's overall academic performance and mental health. In an online class, students are not attending the class physically, so technically, they are still unsupervised. It is challenging for the teachers to measure if the students learned something if they cannot see them personally. Also, considering that everything can be searched online so students can perfect an exam even without gaining anything with the help of technology.

The environment is another factor to consider in studying online. Not all students have a quiet and peaceful room to attend a class. In a traditional classroom, noise coming from outside the area is too distracting for teachers and students, so how much more at home where there is a variety of noise. According to some studies, children aged ten have only a 20 to 30 minutes attention span. So if they are left unattended throughout a 3-hour online lecture, they will only be paying attention for a maximum of 30 minutes.

Learners in high school and college had to understand the whole situation of the pandemic compared to those in primaries. However, students at that age are highly subjected to feeling the pressure. During the pandemic, thinking about what might happen next made people fear not only for their lives and safety but also for the future, uncertain when things return to normal. Entering an unfamiliar set-up was not easy too. Given that the country was not fully ready at that time, many students living in rural and were unable to keep up with the drastic change were left behind.

After almost three years, the world has slowly learned how to live with COVID-19. Students are now allowed to go to school, employees go on-site, concerts are resumed, and it seems like everything is coming back to normal. Although the effect of the pandemic on the lives of people will take some time to leave. COVID-19 challenge humanity. Students who were caught in the pandemic are now moving forward in pursuit of their goals. The challenge humans have been through almost three years ago made everyone even stronger now. It leaves a lesson to cherish life and value what you have.



Teacher III

Calem Elementary School

SDO-Guimba West Annex

This new normal education system is a real challenge for both educators and learners. Hence, parents and teachers must work together to educate pupils and not lose their desire to learn. Facilitating tutorials, whether in-person or online, is one of the strategies to work directly with learners and understand where they are in their learning.  Even before the pandemic, many teachers worked part-time as tutors. Teaching tutorials is often the first, and often the only, opportunity for many graduate students to apply and strengthen their teaching skills. Some parents, especially those with children who are still in pre-school and elementary school, pay part-time tutors or teachers for their children's tutorials. Some tutors teach one on one in person so that these students understand better the lessons they teach. They go to the children's homes, or the children are taken by their parents to the teacher's house for face-to-face tutorials.  The most popular tutorial types are:


1. Reading, writing and math tutorials. On these tutorials, it must be realized that if the children don’t practice and aren’t encourage to become experts at certain abilities they won’t learn them and will lag behind other subject matters.

2.     Discussion-based lessons. These tutorials use discussions and debates to go deeper into course content.

3.     Tutorials on problem-solving procedures and quantitative reasoning are common in math and science.

4.     Study and Q&A tutorials. To broaden children’s knowledge on the key concepts and important competencies of the subject, before exams or quizzes, learners with the help of teacher or tutor do question and answer on these kinds of tutorials. 


Online tutorials can be delivered in a variety of ways, including synchronous, asynchronous, or a combination of the two. Of course, lessons are delivered in a synchronous style, making an asynchronous alternative available by recording it and making it available to all pupils. Here are some online tutorial techniques for teachers:

1.     Ensure that pupils are familiar with the technology- Teachers should begin by spending time in class assisting kids in understanding and using technology. Practice exercises are an excellent technique to improve familiarity and usability. Screen capture technology is another alternative. Teachers can capture screenshots of their computers and share them with students so that they can comprehend and follow the instructions.

2.     Create learning environments using technology- Teachers can communicate with their pupils at specific times using video conferencing platforms such as Zoom, Google Hangouts, and Microsoft Teams. Pupils can log in and engage in the lecture, just like they would in a classroom. The films can also be recorded and replayed as many times as necessary till the pupils understand the topic at hand. Video conferencing can also be used to foster team activity; for example, teachers can assign a project for learners to work on and complete. Again, they can meet with pupils one on one to address specific difficulties.


The learning process requires interaction which is very important. There are usually pupils who are hesitant to express themselves or ask questions in class. As a result, one-on-one engagement between learners and teaching-facilitators is important for continuous learning.




Teacher III

Calem Elementary School

SDO-Guimba West Annex

Learning the fundamentals of technology is the first step to learning a ton of other new things. They can help you feel more comfortable using technology for your job, school, and daily life. The education system that is committed to maintain global partnership and leadership in a knowledge-based society needs ICT-integrated teachers.

Most pupils are now digital citizens thanks to the abundance of social media platforms. Learners can, however, start learning how to be responsible in the digital world and with their digital behaviors by integrating technology into the classroom. Learners can experience communicating, searching, and interacting with other digital citizens. Teachers now require more advanced digital abilities than merely the ability to utilize word processing and spreadsheet programs.

A key factor in the education now is technology. The presentation and usage of teaching aids are some of the most important aspects of ICT in education. In recent years, the quality of instructional aids has improved. Even before the pandemic began, this was the case, but 'technophobic instructors' refused to admit it until they were compelled to face it head-on. The rapid disruption brought on by the epidemic and the subsequent school closings, a new method of teaching and learning and establishing a "new normal" in the pedagogical world. A number of teachers were taken off guard, and many were not even properly ready to adapt the new adjustments.

Attending webinars is a great help for teachers to become more effective and efficient in various modern technologies. Teachers learned to use Google Classroom, Zoom and Microsoft Teams, and other online platforms for their professional growth, presenting lessons and even providing assessments and activities for learners. The internet also helps to enhance the technical skills of teachers. They can watch tutorials on YouTube on how to use Microsoft applications that they can use in making lesson plans, making lectures and activities, and in computing grades. In other words, teachers embrace educational technology and develop solid digital abilities of modern pedagogy.

According to Tsisana Palmer (2015), innovators are one of the qualities of a teacher in the twenty-first century. Innovation is the capacity to step outside of one's comfort zone and try new tools and tactics, experiment with fresh learning scenarios, and look for alternate learning routes. Innovations bring with them the crucial ability of flexibility. Innovation and adaptation go hand in hand with one another. Utilize cutting-edge technologies to develop adaptable learning environments for learners and to create new learning experiences.

These nine digital platform principles are a necessity for the teachers in the 21st century:

·       Make audio clips and edit them.

·       Make video material that is interactive.

·       Create posters and infographics.

·       Create a location where students can participate via blogs and wikis.

·       Construct captivating presentations.

·       Make online portfolios.

         Teachers use digital technology to make their classes more contextual, immersive, and enjoyable. Teaching is challenging in this time of pandemic. But there is nothing teachers cannot do for their learners to learn. They just need to give extra effort and patience so that they can be proficient in using the technology.






Teacher III

Calem Elementary School

SDO-Guimba West Annex

Covid-19 has become a global health crisis all over the world; in our country, the Philippines, many of us have been affected by this pandemic and all the recurrent lockdowns implemented by the government. Many establishments and businesses were closed, as schools, for a physical classroom setting or what we used to call face-to-face learning.

Distance learning refers to any learning that takes place outside the classroom where the learners are not physically present. This term originally referred to correspondence courses in which learners communicated with their schools or teachers through electronic mail, chat rooms, and text messages. Blended or flexible learning which includes the use of online platforms, and offline or printed modules is the new learning strategy used by schools. Most of the schools only use pure distance learning in the form of “modular learning” in which there are printed handouts prepared by the teachers and disseminated to their learners. The learners, on the other hand, will answer these modules and be submitted back to their teachers on the date of the deadline given to them, probably a week or two after the distribution of modules.  Another distance learning option is online to access a variety of systems and methods that can be accessible practically from any connected device.

The famous line, “There is always a room for improvement.” tells us that we can improve anything; including this New Normal Education system. Last August 2022, the Department of Education (DepEd) updated its standards for face to face instruction with the full assistance of the Department of Health (DOH). Additionally, DepEd offered direction of five days gradual in-person learning sessions and blended learning modality. But, on November 2, 2022 all public and private schools transitioned to five days face-to-face instructions.

Face-to-face education improves mental health and well-being, academic performance, and the ability to engage in social interaction. It fosters relationships between learners and teachers, motivates them to interact with others and develop social skills, and has fewer interruptions. Learners are encouraged to connect with others following health safety protocols and develop social skills. People throughout the world hold a variety of beliefs and values. As a result, the approach enables them to interact with people from varied backgrounds and discover various cultures. Learning about other cultures makes it easier for people to communicate with many different people in groups and the community. It also enables one to value and respect the backgrounds of others. Additionally, the interaction between learners and teachers is successful, which aids teachers in understanding the difficulties that learners have in various lessons. 

A great teacher understands how to use strategic creative design and guidance to assist learners to build a deep and integrated understanding. Due to the complexity of planning and teaching subjects, teachers must be adaptable in order to achieve students' understanding and expand their knowledge into more enthusiastic learning. Teachers' teaching styles updated religiously for better program implementation and to create a significant difference in the learning environment, as they are the most influential factor in the curriculum implementation process.




Teacher III

Calem Elementary School

SDO-Guimba West Annex

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all," declared Greek philosopher Aristotle. It means enhancing the intellect is good but enriching the character is best.  Aristotle emphasizes the need for values in education. Educating the heart entails establishing moral values that result in the development of integrity, virtue, and character. It enables a learner to make decisions that are in line with society's values, culture, morals, compassion, ethics, and necessities.

Every parent wants to provide their children with the best education possible, but this education must go beyond what can be observed and learned from books. Because education is a lifetime process of development, schools have a big impact on how one can nourish their individuality. A child's character, like their habits and personality, evolves as they get older; it is not innate. It relies on the surroundings in which they were raised, the school in which they are enrolled, and the people whom they interact with. Instilling moral values and positive attitudes to pupils like respecting others spiritual beliefs; kindness, integrity, respect for others, teamwork, compassion, and forgiveness; showing care for the environment; and developing love for the country;  schools, with the supervision of the teachers could elevate values in education by nurturing their pupils with moral values and positive attitude.

All Filipinos are renowned for having great attributes. When their children were young, parents fostered in them the values of respect for authority figures, affection for siblings and relatives, faith in God, and constant kindness to others. It is the process by which a learner interacts with their environment while being watched over by a teacher, shaping their values, attitudes, and habits. It allows the learners to grow in maturity and responsibility. It enables them to have a more comprehensive understanding of life and to live fulfilling lives as responsible citizens. Additionally, it aids pupils in developing close bonds with their family and peers.

Children must educate themselves on values; school personnel cannot do it alone. The pupils’ knowledge and skills are sharpened by matching their actual life experiences with what they learn in class. As a result, if they lack personal values, they are unable to respond to inquiries and issues with the subject. Teachers can then observe or evaluate the children's moral strengths and flaws. Every day, the teachers are still able to impart values education to the children. They show them how to take accountability for their actions. Behavior can only be influenced when a value is experienced and a commitment to it is established in belief and attitude.

Values education is a type of teaching that emphasizes values. Values must be integrated in all learning areas because it is essential for the learners' overall development. Therefore, to create and develop the children's strong character and values so they may become more sensible, realistic and liable for their words and actions, it should be valued to foster a positive learning atmosphere that promotes academic success and the development of social and relationship skills in pupils that will last a lifetime.


Ensuring Quality Education Through Effective Educational Management in the Department of Education

Sweetzel Bunag De Dios

Teacher, St, Vincent School Foundation Inc.

The Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines plays a crucial role in the country's social and economic development. Education is a fundamental human right that provides individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to participate in society and contribute to its growth. Effective educational management is crucial to ensure that the Department of Education can provide quality education to all Filipinos.

One of the main challenges that the DepEd faces is the lack of resources. According to the 2020 DepEd data, there are approximately 27 million learners in the country. This means that the Department needs to allocate resources effectively to provide quality education to all. To address this challenge, the DepEd must implement effective financial management practices to ensure that resources are used efficiently and effectively.

Another challenge is the need to adapt to new technologies and teaching methods. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the DepEd to shift to distance learning, which requires the use of technology. The Department needs to invest in technology infrastructure and provide training to teachers and staff to ensure the effective use of technology in education. According to the 2021 UNESCO report, "Education in a Post-Covid World: Nine Ideas for Public Action," investing in technology is crucial to delivering quality education and closing the digital divide.

The DepEd also needs to prioritize the professional development of teachers and administrators. According to the 2021 DepEd data, there are approximately 798,418 teachers in the country. Providing training and development opportunities for teachers and administrators is crucial in ensuring that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to provide quality education. The Department must also provide incentives to encourage teachers to pursue higher education and continue their professional development.

Another key factor in educational management is effective communication. Clear and open communication between teachers, administrators, students, and parents is key to ensuring that everyone is working towards the same goals. The Department must provide training to teachers and administrators to develop their communication skills.


The DepEd must also prioritize the promotion of diversity and inclusion in education. According to the 2021 DepEd data, there are approximately 5,567 public schools in the country with Special Education (SPED) programs for students with disabilities. This is a testament to the Department's efforts in promoting inclusion. However, more needs to be done to ensure that all students have equal access to quality education.

In conclusion, effective educational management is crucial in ensuring that the Department of Education can provide quality education to all Filipinos. To address the challenges that the Department faces, the DepEd must prioritize effective financial management, invest in technology infrastructure, provide professional development opportunities for teachers and administrators, promote effective communication, and prioritize diversity and inclusion in education. By doing so, the DepEd can help shape a better future for the Philippines.


Leadership and Management Strategies for Quality Education in the Department of Education


Sweetzel Bunag De Dios

Teacher, St, Vincent School Foundation Inc.

The Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines faces a multitude of challenges in its mission to provide quality education to all learners. The role of educational leaders and managers is crucial in addressing these challenges and ensuring the success of the Department. Effective leadership and management strategies can help the DepEd provide quality education and achieve its goals.

One of the key challenges facing the DepEd is the need to adapt to changing educational needs and trends. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the Department to shift to distance learning, highlighting the importance of technology in education. Educational leaders and managers must develop strategies to address this challenge, such as investing in technology infrastructure and providing training for teachers and staff to ensure effective use of technology in education.

Another challenge is the need to improve the quality of education. According to the 2021 World Bank report, "Learning to Realize Education's Promise," the Philippines ranks 69th out of 77 countries in terms of education quality. Educational leaders and managers must develop strategies to improve the quality of education, such as developing a more relevant and responsive curriculum, providing teacher training and support, and increasing access to educational resources.

Effective leadership and management in the DepEd also means ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently and effectively. According to the 2020 DepEd data, the Department's budget for 2021 is Php 606.5 billion. Educational leaders and managers must ensure that this budget is used effectively to support the Department's programs and initiatives.

Another key factor in educational management is stakeholder engagement. Educational leaders and managers must engage with various stakeholders, including teachers, students, parents, and the wider community, to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals. According to the 2021 DepEd data, there are approximately 27 million learners in the country, highlighting the importance of stakeholder engagement in ensuring that all learners receive quality education.


Educational leaders and managers must also prioritize the professional development of teachers and staff. According to the 2021 DepEd data, there are approximately 798,418 teachers in the country. Providing professional development opportunities for teachers and staff is crucial in ensuring that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to provide quality education.

Finally, educational leaders and managers must prioritize diversity and inclusion in education. According to the 2021 DepEd data, there are approximately 5,567 public schools in the country with Special Education (SPED) programs for students with disabilities. However, more needs to be done to ensure that all learners have equal access to quality education, regardless of their background or circumstances.

In conclusion, effective leadership and management strategies are crucial in addressing the challenges facing the Department of Education in providing quality education to all learners. This includes adapting to changing educational needs and trends, improving the quality of education, ensuring efficient use of resources, stakeholder engagement, professional development for teachers and staff, and promoting diversity and inclusion in education. By prioritizing these strategies, the DepEd can provide quality education and help shape a better future for the Philippines.



Transforming Educational Management  in the Department of Education

Sweetzel Bunag De Dios

Teacher, St, Vincent School Foundation Inc.

The Department of Education (DepEd) is the principal government agency responsible for providing quality education to Filipinos. As the largest bureaucracy in the country, it faces numerous challenges in managing the education system. To improve educational management, DepEd must address issues such as teacher shortages, inadequate infrastructure, and outdated curriculum.

One of the main challenges of the Philippine education system is the shortage of qualified teachers. According to a 2019 report by the Philippine Statistics Authority, the country had a shortage of over 55,000 teachers, particularly in public schools. This shortage results in crowded classrooms and compromised quality of education. DepEd must prioritize the recruitment and training of new teachers to address this shortage. In addition, it must also provide professional development opportunities for current teachers to improve their skills and knowledge.

Another challenge facing DepEd is inadequate infrastructure, particularly in rural areas. Many schools lack basic facilities such as classrooms, chairs, and sanitation facilities. In a 2020 report, DepEd revealed that more than 5,000 schools still have no access to electricity, while 8,000 schools have no access to water. To address this issue, DepEd must prioritize infrastructure development in rural areas, including the construction of new schools and the repair of existing ones.

DepEd also faces criticism for its outdated curriculum. The current curriculum has been in place since 2013 and is viewed as lacking in relevance to the changing needs of students and the demands of the 21st century workforce. The COVID-19 pandemic further highlighted the need for a curriculum that can adapt to changing circumstances, including the shift to online learning. DepEd must develop a new curriculum that is relevant, flexible, and responsive to the changing needs of students and the workforce.

To improve educational management, DepEd must also prioritize data-driven decision-making. The agency must collect and analyze data on student achievement, teacher performance, and school facilities to inform policy and program development. DepEd must also improve the quality and accessibility of data to stakeholders, including parents, teachers, and students.


In conclusion, the Department of Education faces significant challenges in managing the education system in the Philippines. To address these challenges, DepEd must prioritize the recruitment and training of new teachers, infrastructure development in rural areas, the development of a new curriculum, and data-driven decision-making. By addressing these issues, DepEd can improve the quality of education and provide better opportunities for Filipino students.



Philippine Statistics Authority. (2019). 2018 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry: Education. Retrieved from


Department of Education. (2020). Basic Education Information System (BEIS) Facts and Figures. Retrieved from

Navigating Educational Management  in the Department of Education

Sweetzel Bunag De Dios

Teacher, St, Vincent School Foundation Inc.

Education plays a vital role in shaping the future of a nation. In the Philippines, the Department of Education (DepEd) is responsible for ensuring that every Filipino has access to quality basic education. With a total budget of PHP 595.38 billion in 2021, DepEd oversees the education of over 27 million learners in more than 62,000 public schools across the country. Effective educational management is crucial to ensure that the resources and funds allocated to the department are maximized to benefit all learners.

One of the primary challenges in educational management is ensuring that every learner has access to quality education, regardless of their socioeconomic background or location. In 2021, DepEd reported that only 39% of public schools had access to the internet. This digital divide exacerbates the challenges of distance learning, which has been the mode of education since the pandemic began. DepEd has allocated a budget of PHP 4.9 billion for the implementation of the Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) in 2021. This plan aims to address the gaps in the education system and ensure that every learner has access to quality education.

Another challenge in educational management is teacher recruitment and retention. The shortage of qualified teachers in the Philippines has been a longstanding issue. In 2021, DepEd reported a teacher-to-learner ratio of 1:31. This ratio is higher than the recommended ratio of 1:25. The department has allocated PHP 1.5 billion for the hiring of 10,000 public school teachers in 2021. However, hiring is only one part of the solution. Retaining qualified teachers is also crucial in ensuring that learners receive quality education. DepEd has implemented several initiatives, such as the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) and the Career Guidance Program, to support the professional growth and development of teachers.

Effective educational management also involves the efficient allocation and use of resources. DepEd has implemented the School-Based Management (SBM) framework, which empowers schools to manage their resources and finances to support the learning needs of their learners. In 2021, DepEd reported that 95% of public schools were practicing SBM. This framework allows schools to prioritize their needs and allocate their resources accordingly.


Furthermore, educational management involves ensuring the safety and well-being of learners. DepEd has implemented the Child Protection Policy (CPP) to protect learners from abuse, violence, exploitation, and discrimination. In 2020, DepEd reported that it had received and resolved 10,901 cases of child abuse and exploitation. The department has also implemented the Health and Nutrition Program (HNP) to ensure that learners are healthy and able to attend school. In 2021, DepEd reported that it had provided iron supplementation to 6.4 million learners and deworming medication to 3.3 million learners.

In conclusion, effective educational management is crucial in ensuring that every learner has access to quality education. DepEd faces several challenges, such as the digital divide, teacher recruitment and retention, and the efficient allocation of resources. However, the department has implemented several initiatives to address these challenges, such as the BE-LCP, teacher hiring and retention programs, SBM, CPP, and HNP. These initiatives are essential in ensuring that every Filipino learner receives quality education, regardless of their socioeconomic background or location.

Transforming Education in the Digital Age: Educational Technology and Digital Transformation

Blessa Joy B. David

Paniqui Tarlac

Educational technology (EdTech) has revolutionized the way students learn, teachers teach, and administrators manage schools. The integration of technology in education has been a game-changer in many countries, including the Philippines. The Department of Education (DepEd) has been actively promoting the use of EdTech in classrooms and digital transformation in its processes. In this essay, we will discuss the impact of EdTech on education and digital transformation in DepEd.

Firstly, EdTech has been proven to enhance the learning experience of students. According to a study conducted by the Department of Education in the United States, students who used EdTech in their learning experience scored higher in tests than students who did not. EdTech provides a platform for students to access a vast amount of information, videos, and simulations that make learning more interactive and engaging. It also enables students to work at their own pace and in a style that suits them, making education more personalized.

Secondly, EdTech has been shown to improve the teaching experience for educators. It provides a platform for teachers to create and share resources, assessments, and lesson plans with other teachers. It also offers real-time feedback and assessments that allow teachers to monitor the progress of their students and adjust their teaching strategies accordingly. EdTech tools, such as Learning Management Systems (LMS), make it easier for teachers to manage their classrooms and communicate with parents and students.

Furthermore, digital transformation in DepEd has been a priority for the Philippine government. In 2017, the DepEd launched the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP), which aimed to provide learning opportunities for students during times of crisis, such as natural disasters or pandemics. The BE-LCP emphasized the use of EdTech tools, such as online learning platforms, to ensure that learning could continue despite disruptions.

In 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the Philippines, the DepEd was ready to implement its BE-LCP. It launched the DepEd Commons, an online platform that provided access to resources, modules, and learning materials for students and teachers. The DepEd also partnered with telcos and other organizations to provide free access to online learning platforms and resources, ensuring that students in remote areas could access education.


The digital transformation in DepEd has not only provided access to education but has also made the administration of schools more efficient. The DepEd has implemented the Learner Information System (LIS), which provides a centralized database of all learners' information, making it easier to manage and monitor their progress. The LIS also enables the DepEd to track the performance of schools and teachers, making it easier to identify areas for improvement.

In conclusion, EdTech has revolutionized the way education is delivered, making it more engaging, interactive, and personalized. The digital transformation in DepEd has enabled the Philippine government to provide access to education, even during times of crisis. It has also made the administration of schools more efficient, making it easier to manage and monitor learners' progress. With the continued integration of EdTech in education and the digital transformation of DepEd, the Philippines can ensure that all learners have access to quality education, regardless of their location or background.




Department of Education. (2017). Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan.

Futuresource Consulting. (2020). The Impact of Covid-19 on Education Technology in Asia.

International Society for Technology in Education. (2021). The Impact of Technology on Education.

Unlocking Potential: Embracing Diversity through Special Education and Inclusive Education

Blessa Joy B. David

Paniqui Tarlac

Special education and inclusive education have become increasingly important in the Philippines, with the Department of Education (DepEd) taking significant steps to promote these practices in schools across the country. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of special education and inclusive education, as well as the initiatives of the DepEd to ensure that all learners have access to quality education.

Special education is a form of education that is tailored to meet the needs of learners with disabilities or special needs. In the Philippines, the term used to refer to special education is "SPED." According to data from the Philippine Statistics Authority, approximately 1.57 million Filipinos aged 5 to 17 years old have a disability. This highlights the importance of providing quality education that caters to the needs of these learners.

Inclusive education, on the other hand, is an approach that aims to provide access to education for all learners, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Inclusive education promotes diversity, equity, and social justice in the education system. It acknowledges that learners have different needs and abilities, and it aims to provide an education that is accessible to everyone.

The DepEd has taken significant steps to promote special education and inclusive education in schools across the Philippines. In 2004, the DepEd issued the Policy Guidelines on Inclusion in Education, which provided a framework for inclusive education in schools. The policy emphasized the importance of providing equal opportunities to learners with disabilities and special needs and ensuring that they receive the necessary support to succeed in school.

Furthermore, the DepEd has established SPED centers in various regions across the country. These centers provide specialized education and support services to learners with disabilities and special needs. The SPED centers also serve as resource centers for teachers and schools, providing them with the necessary tools and materials to support learners with disabilities.

The DepEd has also implemented the Special Education Fund (SEF), which is a fund that is allocated to support the needs of learners with disabilities and special needs. The SEF is used to provide additional resources, materials, and equipment to schools that cater to learners with disabilities. It is also used to provide training and professional development for teachers who work with learners with disabilities.

In addition to these initiatives, the DepEd has also made efforts to promote inclusive education in schools. The DepEd has encouraged schools to implement the Inclusive Education Resource Program (IERP), which provides a framework for schools to support learners with disabilities and special needs. The IERP emphasizes the importance of providing individualized support and accommodations to learners with disabilities to enable them to succeed in school.

The DepEd has also implemented the K-12 curriculum, which is designed to cater to the needs of all learners, including those with disabilities and special needs. The K-12 curriculum promotes the use of different teaching strategies, approaches, and materials to ensure that all learners can participate in the learning process.

In conclusion, special education and inclusive education are essential in ensuring that all learners have access to quality education. The DepEd has taken significant steps to promote these practices in schools across the Philippines, including the establishment of SPED centers, the implementation of the SEF, and the promotion of the IERP. These initiatives have helped to create a more inclusive education system that caters to the needs of all learners, including those with disabilities and special needs.




Department of Education. (2004). Policy Guidelines on Inclusion in Education.

Philippine Statistics Authority. (2020). Persons with Disabilities in the Philippines: Results from the 2016 National Survey of Persons with Disabilities.

Building Bridges: The Power of Parent and Community Engagement in Education

Blessa Joy B. David

Paniqui Tarlac

Parent and community engagement is a vital aspect of the Department of Education's (DepEd) efforts to provide quality education to learners in the Philippines. When parents and the community are actively involved in the education process, it can lead to better learning outcomes for students. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of parent and community engagement in the education system and the initiatives of the DepEd to promote this engagement.

Studies have shown that when parents and the community are involved in education, students tend to perform better academically. Research conducted by the National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education (NCPIE) in the United States found that parent involvement in education is associated with higher academic achievement, better attendance, and fewer disciplinary problems among students. The NCPIE also found that community engagement in education can lead to improved school climate, increased resources for schools, and stronger partnerships between schools and communities.

The DepEd recognizes the importance of parent and community engagement in education and has taken steps to promote this engagement. The DepEd has implemented programs and initiatives that aim to involve parents and the community in the education process. These programs include the Brigada Eskwela, the National School Maintenance Week, and the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA).

The Brigada Eskwela is an annual program that encourages community involvement in the maintenance and repair of public schools. The program encourages parents, community members, and other stakeholders to volunteer their time, skills, and resources to help schools prepare for the upcoming school year. The Brigada Eskwela has become a popular program across the Philippines, with more than 31 million volunteers participating in the program in 2019.

The National School Maintenance Week is another initiative that promotes community involvement in the maintenance and repair of schools. This week-long event is held in June and aims to mobilize parents, teachers, students, and other stakeholders to participate in activities such as cleaning, painting, and repairing school facilities.


The PTA is an organization that aims to promote parent involvement in education. The PTA is composed of parents and teachers who work together to support the education of students. The PTA provides a forum for parents and teachers to discuss issues related to education, and it also provides opportunities for parents to become more involved in their children's education.

In addition to these programs, the DepEd has also established mechanisms to ensure that parents and the community are involved in decision-making processes related to education. The DepEd has established the School Governing Council (SGC), which is composed of representatives from the school community, including parents, teachers, and community members. The SGC is responsible for developing school improvement plans, setting priorities, and making decisions related to school governance.

The DepEd has also implemented the Child Protection Committee (CPC), which aims to promote child protection and welfare in schools. The CPC is composed of representatives from the school community, including parents, teachers, and community members. The CPC is responsible for ensuring that schools provide a safe and supportive environment for learners.

In conclusion, parent and community engagement is an important aspect of the education system. The DepEd has recognized the importance of parent and community engagement and has implemented programs and initiatives that promote this engagement. These programs and initiatives have helped to create a more inclusive and supportive education system that caters to the needs of learners and their communities.




National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education. (2016). A New Wave of Evidence: The Impact of School, Family, and Community Connections on Student Achievement.

Department of Education. (2019). Brigada Eskwela 2019: 31M volunteers joined in the largest school maintenance effort.



The State of Educational Management in the Department of Education

Blessa Joy B. David

Paniqui Tarlac

In the United States, the Department of Education is responsible for promoting student achievement and preparing all students for success in the global economy. As the national policy-making body for education, the Department of Education has a critical role in the management of educational systems across the country. This article will explore the state of educational management in the Department of Education, citing facts and real-time data to provide an authentic and factual overview of this critical area.

One of the key functions of the Department of Education is to administer federal education programs and provide funding to state and local education agencies. In recent years, the Department has taken steps to improve the management of these programs and ensure that they are effective in meeting the needs of students. According to the Department's 2021 Performance and Accountability Report, the Department provided over $68 billion in discretionary funding to support education programs in the fiscal year 2020. The report also noted that the Department's program managers have implemented rigorous performance measures to evaluate program effectiveness and ensure accountability.

Another area of focus for educational management in the Department of Education is the implementation of education policy at the national level. The Department is responsible for developing and implementing policies related to early learning, K-12 education, postsecondary education, and career and technical education. In recent years, the Department has focused on promoting equity and access in education, as well as improving teacher quality and supporting innovation in education.

To support these efforts, the Department has implemented several initiatives, including the Race to the Top program, which provided grants to states that implemented bold education reforms, and the Teacher Incentive Fund, which provided funding to support innovative teacher compensation systems. These initiatives have had a significant impact on the educational landscape, with states implementing a wide range of education reforms, from adopting new academic standards to implementing new teacher evaluation systems.

Despite these efforts, there are still challenges facing the Department of Education when it comes to educational management. One of the biggest challenges is the issue of funding. While the Department provides significant funding for education programs, many education advocates argue that it is not enough to meet the needs of all students. Additionally, some critics argue that the Department's focus on performance measures and accountability has led to a narrow focus on test scores and metrics, rather than a more holistic view of student achievement.

Another challenge facing the Department of Education is the issue of political polarization. In recent years, education policy has become increasingly politicized, with Democrats and Republicans taking different approaches to issues such as school choice and federal education funding. This has made it more difficult for the Department to implement meaningful education reforms and has led to a lack of consensus on many key education issues.

In conclusion, the state of educational management in the Department of Education is a complex and multifaceted issue. While the Department has made significant strides in improving the management of federal education programs and implementing education policy at the national level, there are still challenges that must be addressed. As the Department continues to navigate these challenges, it is critical that it remains focused on promoting equity and access in education, supporting innovative approaches to teaching and learning, and providing the funding and support necessary to ensure that all students have the opportunity to succeed.


Balancing the Books: The Art and Science of Educational Finance and Budgeting



Education is a fundamental right and a critical component of human development. It plays a vital role in building a nation's human capital and driving economic growth. However, providing quality education requires significant financial resources, and the Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines is no exception. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of educational finance and budgeting in DepEd and the initiatives that the agency has implemented to ensure sustainable and equitable financing of education.

The Philippines has made significant progress in improving access to education. The DepEd has made significant strides in increasing enrollment rates, reducing dropout rates, and improving learning outcomes. However, providing quality education requires significant financial resources. According to the DepEd's 2021 budget proposal, the agency requested PHP 708.28 billion ($14.5 billion) in funding for the year. This funding is intended to support various programs and initiatives, including the construction of new classrooms, the procurement of learning materials, the hiring of teachers, and the implementation of new educational policies.

The DepEd has implemented several initiatives to ensure sustainable and equitable financing of education. One of these initiatives is the allocation of resources based on the needs of learners. The DepEd has established the Basic Education Information System (BEIS), which is a database that collects information on learners, teachers, and schools across the country. This database helps the agency to identify areas where resources are most needed and to allocate resources accordingly.

The DepEd has also implemented a system of financial decentralization. This system allows for greater flexibility in the allocation of resources at the local level. Under this system, schools are given greater autonomy in managing their finances, allowing them to tailor their spending to the specific needs of their learners.

The DepEd has also implemented a policy of transparency and accountability in the management of educational finances. The agency has established a financial management system that is compliant with international standards and best practices. The DepEd's financial management system includes mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation, as well as for auditing and reporting.

Ensuring Quality Education: The Significance of Quality Assurance and Accreditation



Ensuring the quality of education is critical to the Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines. Quality assurance and accreditation play a significant role in achieving this objective. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of quality assurance and accreditation in DepEd, the initiatives that the agency has implemented to promote quality assurance, and the impact of accreditation on education.

Quality assurance is a process that involves the systematic monitoring and evaluation of educational programs to ensure that they meet established standards. In the Philippines, the DepEd has established the Quality Management System (QMS) to promote quality assurance in education. The QMS is a set of policies and procedures that govern the design, implementation, and evaluation of educational programs. The QMS also includes mechanisms for continuous improvement and for addressing issues that may arise during the implementation of educational programs.

Accreditation is a formal recognition that an educational program or institution meets established standards of quality. Accreditation is an important tool for promoting quality assurance in education. In the Philippines, the DepEd has established the Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) program to accredit schools and educational programs. The A&E program includes a set of standards that schools and educational programs must meet to receive accreditation. The A&E program also includes a system of evaluation and monitoring to ensure that schools and educational programs continue to meet these standards.

The DepEd has implemented several initiatives to promote quality assurance and accreditation. One of these initiatives is the implementation of the K to 12 program. The K to 12 program is a comprehensive education reform program that aims to improve the quality of basic education in the Philippines. The K to 12 program includes the implementation of new curriculum standards, the provision of additional resources, and the training of teachers and administrators. The K to 12 program has been accredited by the A&E program, which is a testament to its quality.

The DepEd has also established the Philippine Education Quality Indicator System (PEQIS) to monitor and evaluate the quality of education in the country. The PEQIS includes a set of indicators that measure the quality of education in various areas, including curriculum, teacher quality, and student achievement. The PEQIS provides valuable data that can be used to identify areas where improvements are needed and to develop strategies to address these areas.

The impact of accreditation on education has been significant. Accreditation provides an objective assessment of the quality of educational programs and institutions. Accreditation also provides a mechanism for continuous improvement, which can lead to better outcomes for learners. Accreditation can also help to promote transparency and accountability in the education sector, which can help to build trust and confidence among stakeholders.

In conclusion, quality assurance and accreditation are critical components of the DepEd's efforts to provide quality education to learners in the Philippines. The agency has implemented various initiatives to promote quality assurance, including the establishment of the QMS, the A&E program, the K to 12 program, and the PEQIS. These initiatives have helped to promote quality assurance in education and have had a significant impact on the education sector in the Philippines.




Department of Education. (2021). Quality Management System.

Department of Education. (2021). Accreditation and Equivalency Program.

Department of Education. (2021). Philippine Education Quality Indicator System.

Philippine Star. (2020). What is the DepEd's K-12 program?


Preparing for the Worst, Hoping for the Best: Disaster Preparedness and Management in Schools



Disaster preparedness and management in schools are critical in ensuring the safety of students and staff during emergencies. The Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines recognizes the importance of disaster preparedness and management in schools and has implemented various initiatives to promote this. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of disaster preparedness and management in schools, the initiatives that the DepEd has implemented to promote disaster preparedness, and the impact of these initiatives on schools.

Disasters can strike at any time, and schools are not immune to them. Therefore, it is crucial for schools to have disaster preparedness plans and procedures in place to ensure the safety of students and staff during emergencies. Disaster preparedness involves activities such as risk assessments, evacuation planning, and emergency drills. Disaster management involves activities such as search and rescue, medical care, and recovery efforts.

The DepEd has implemented various initiatives to promote disaster preparedness and management in schools. One of these initiatives is the integration of disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) into the school curriculum. The integration of DRRM into the curriculum aims to promote awareness and understanding of disaster risk reduction and management among students and teachers. It also aims to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to respond to disasters effectively.

The DepEd has also established the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Service (DRRMS) to oversee disaster preparedness and management in schools. The DRRMS provides training, technical assistance, and guidance to schools in developing disaster preparedness plans and procedures. The DRRMS also coordinates with local disaster management agencies to ensure a coordinated response to disasters.

In addition, the DepEd has implemented the Oplan Kalusugan sa DepEd (OK sa DepEd) program, which aims to promote the health and wellness of students and staff in schools. The OK sa DepEd program includes activities such as health promotion, disease prevention, and disaster preparedness. The OK sa DepEd program aims to ensure that schools are prepared to respond to disasters effectively by providing students and staff with the knowledge and skills needed to respond to emergencies.


The impact of these initiatives on schools has been significant. The integration of DRRM into the curriculum has led to increased awareness and understanding of disaster risk reduction and management among students and teachers. This has led to the development of a culture of safety in schools, where students and teachers are aware of the risks and are prepared to respond to emergencies. The establishment of the DRRMS has also helped to ensure a coordinated response to disasters in schools, which has led to improved outcomes for students and staff.

In conclusion, disaster preparedness and management are critical in ensuring the safety of students and staff in schools. The DepEd has implemented various initiatives to promote disaster preparedness and management in schools, including the integration of DRRM into the curriculum, the establishment of the DRRMS, and the implementation of the OK sa DepEd program. These initiatives have had a significant impact on schools, leading to increased awareness and understanding of disaster risk reduction and management, and a culture of safety in schools.




Department of Education. (2021). Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Service.

Department of Education. (2021). Oplan Kalusugan sa DepEd.

Philippine Information Agency. (2020). DepEd to integrate disaster risk reduction in school curriculum.

UNICEF. (2021). Disaster Risk Reduction in Schools.


Leading the Way: Nurturing Excellence Through School Governance and Leadership



School governance and leadership play a crucial role in ensuring the effective and efficient operation of schools. The Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines recognizes the importance of school governance and leadership and has implemented various initiatives to promote this. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of school governance and leadership, the initiatives that the DepEd has implemented to promote school governance and leadership, and the impact of these initiatives on schools.

School governance and leadership involve the processes and structures that are in place to manage and operate schools. School governance refers to the decision-making processes that are in place to manage schools, while school leadership refers to the individuals who are responsible for leading and managing schools.

The DepEd has implemented various initiatives to promote school governance and leadership. One of these initiatives is the School-Based Management (SBM) program. The SBM program aims to decentralize decision-making processes in schools, giving school leaders and stakeholders more autonomy in managing their schools. The SBM program also aims to promote the involvement of parents and communities in school governance and decision-making processes.

The DepEd has also established the Schools Division Office (SDO) to oversee school governance and leadership in schools. The SDO provides support and guidance to school leaders in managing and operating their schools effectively. The SDO also works with school leaders to develop and implement policies and programs that promote effective school governance and leadership.

In addition, the DepEd has implemented the K to 12 Basic Education Program, which aims to provide students with a quality education that prepares them for higher education and the workforce. The K to 12 program includes the development of new curricula, the provision of additional resources and facilities, and the training of teachers and school leaders.


The impact of these initiatives on schools has been significant. The SBM program has led to increased participation of parents and communities in school governance and decision-making processes. This has led to a more collaborative approach to school management, where school leaders and stakeholders work together to improve the quality of education in schools. The establishment of the SDO has also helped to ensure effective school governance and leadership by providing support and guidance to school leaders.

The K to 12 program has also had a significant impact on schools. The development of new curricula and the provision of additional resources and facilities have helped to improve the quality of education in schools. The training of teachers and school leaders has also helped to improve their skills and knowledge, enabling them to provide a better education for students.

In conclusion, school governance and leadership are crucial in ensuring the effective and efficient operation of schools. The DepEd has implemented various initiatives to promote school governance and leadership, including the SBM program, the establishment of the SDO, and the implementation of the K to 12 program. These initiatives have had a significant impact on schools, leading to increased participation of parents and communities in school governance, effective school management, and improved quality of education for students.




Department of Education. (2021). School-Based Management.


Department of Education. (2021). K to 12 Basic Education Program.


Department of Education. (2021). Schools Division Office.


Philippine Information Agency. (2020). DepEd promotes school-based management in schools.

Breaking the Mold: The Role of Education Policy and Reform in Shaping the Future


Education policy and reform are critical to improving the quality of education in the Philippines. The Department of Education (DepEd) has implemented various policies and reforms to address the challenges faced by the education system in the country. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of education policy and reform, the initiatives that the DepEd has implemented to promote education policy and reform, and the impact of these initiatives on education in the Philippines.

Education policy and reform are essential in addressing the challenges faced by the education system in the Philippines. These challenges include inadequate infrastructure, insufficient funding, shortage of teachers, and outdated curricula. The implementation of education policy and reform aims to address these challenges and improve the quality of education in the country.

The DepEd has implemented various initiatives to promote education policy and reform. One of these initiatives is the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 or the K to 12 Law. The K to 12 Law aims to provide students with a quality education that prepares them for higher education and the workforce. The K to 12 program includes the development of new curricula, the provision of additional resources and facilities, and the training of teachers and school leaders.

The DepEd has also implemented the National Education Reform Agenda (NERA) to improve the quality of education in the country. NERA includes six components, namely:

Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA) – aims to improve access to and quality of basic education in the country.

Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Reform Agenda – aims to improve the quality of technical-vocational education and training in the country.

Higher Education Reform Agenda (HERA) – aims to improve the quality of higher education in the country.

Alternative Learning System (ALS) Reform Agenda – aims to provide non-formal education to out-of-school youth and adult learners.

Education Management Information System (EMIS) Reform Agenda – aims to improve the collection, management, and use of education data.


Governance Reform Agenda – aims to improve the governance of the education system in the country.

The impact of these initiatives on education in the Philippines has been significant. The implementation of the K to 12 program has led to the development of new curricula, the provision of additional resources and facilities, and the training of teachers and school leaders. This has helped to improve the quality of education in the country and prepare students for higher education and the workforce.

The implementation of NERA has also had a significant impact on education in the Philippines. BESRA has helped to improve access to and quality of basic education in the country. TVET and HERA have helped to improve the quality of technical-vocational education and training and higher education, respectively. ALS has provided non-formal education to out-of-school youth and adult learners. EMIS has improved the collection, management, and use of education data, while the governance reform agenda has improved the governance of the education system in the country.

In conclusion, education policy and reform are critical to improving the quality of education in the Philippines. The DepEd has implemented various initiatives to promote education policy and reform, including the K to 12 program and the NERA. These initiatives have had a significant impact on education in the Philippines, leading to the development of new curricula, the provision of additional resources and facilities, the training of teachers and school leaders, and the improvement of the governance of the education system in the country.




Department of Education. (2021). K to 12 Basic Education Program.


Department of Education. (2021). National Education Reform Agenda.


Philippine Information Agency. (2019). DepEd cites accomplishments in implementing National Education Reform Agenda.


Philippine Star. (2020). The National Education Reform Agenda.


Beyond the Numbers: The True Value of Student Assessment and Evaluation


Student assessment and evaluation are critical components of the education system in the Philippines. Assessment and evaluation allow educators to determine the effectiveness of teaching and learning strategies and help students identify areas where they need to improve. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of student assessment and evaluation, the methods used for assessment and evaluation in DepEd, and the impact of these methods on education in the Philippines.

Student assessment and evaluation are crucial to the success of the education system in the Philippines. These processes allow educators to determine the effectiveness of their teaching methods and help students identify areas where they need to improve. Assessment and evaluation also provide a basis for decision-making regarding curriculum development and student placement.

The Department of Education (DepEd) uses various methods for student assessment and evaluation. One of these methods is the National Achievement Test (NAT), which is administered to all students in Grades 6 and 10. The NAT measures the mastery of basic competencies in subjects like English, Mathematics, Science, and Filipino. The results of the NAT are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum and teaching methods and to identify areas where improvement is needed.

Another method used for student assessment and evaluation in DepEd is the classroom-based assessment. This type of assessment allows teachers to evaluate students' progress regularly and provides feedback to help students improve. Classroom-based assessment includes quizzes, tests, projects, and performance assessments. This type of assessment provides a more comprehensive understanding of students' progress and helps to identify areas where improvement is needed.

The DepEd also uses the Learner Information System (LIS) to monitor and evaluate students' progress. The LIS is an online database that stores information on students' enrollment, performance, and attendance. The LIS allows educators to track students' progress and identify areas where support is needed.


The impact of these methods on education in the Philippines has been significant. The NAT provides a basis for decision-making regarding curriculum development and student placement. Classroom-based assessment provides regular feedback to students and allows educators to identify areas where improvement is needed. The LIS allows educators to monitor and evaluate students' progress and provide support where necessary.

However, there are also challenges in student assessment and evaluation in DepEd. One of these challenges is the lack of resources and training for educators. Another challenge is the need to balance the need for accountability with the need to promote learning. These challenges must be addressed to ensure that assessment and evaluation are effective and provide accurate information about student progress.

In conclusion, student assessment and evaluation are critical components of the education system in the Philippines. The DepEd uses various methods, including the National Achievement Test, classroom-based assessment, and the Learner Information System, to monitor and evaluate students' progress. These methods have had a significant impact on education in the Philippines, providing a basis for decision-making, regular feedback to students, and support where necessary. However, there are also challenges that need to be addressed to ensure that assessment and evaluation are effective and promote learning.




Department of Education. (2021). National Achievement Test.


Department of Education. (2021). Classroom-Based Assessment.


Department of Education. (2021). Learner Information System.


Education Policy and Data Center. (2018). Challenges in Assessment and Evaluation in Philippine Basic Education.


Empowering Educators: The Importance of Teacher Training and Professional Development


Teacher training and professional development are critical components of the education system in the Philippines. The Department of Education (DepEd) recognizes the importance of ensuring that teachers have the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver high-quality education to students. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of teacher training and professional development, the methods used for training and development in DepEd, and the impact of these methods on education in the Philippines.

Teacher training and professional development are essential for ensuring that teachers have the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver high-quality education. These processes allow educators to stay up-to-date with the latest teaching methods, technologies, and pedagogical practices. Training and development also provide opportunities for teachers to improve their skills, which can lead to better student outcomes.

The DepEd uses various methods for teacher training and professional development. One of these methods is the In-Service Training (INSET) program, which is designed to provide teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver high-quality education. The INSET program provides training in areas like teaching strategies, classroom management, and assessment and evaluation.

Another method used for teacher training and professional development in DepEd is the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP). The NEAP provides professional development opportunities for teachers, including training in curriculum development, assessment and evaluation, and leadership and management. The NEAP also offers online courses and webinars, allowing teachers to access training from anywhere.

The DepEd also uses the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) to evaluate teachers' performance and provide feedback for improvement. The RPMS provides a framework for assessing teachers' performance based on their contributions to student learning and development. The RPMS also provides opportunities for teachers to identify areas where they need to improve and to access training and development opportunities.


The impact of these methods on education in the Philippines has been significant. The INSET program and NEAP provide teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver high-quality education, while the RPMS provides feedback and support for improvement. These methods have led to better student outcomes and improved the quality of education in the Philippines.

However, there are also challenges in teacher training and professional development in DepEd. One of these challenges is the lack of resources and funding for training and development programs. Another challenge is the need to ensure that training and development programs are accessible to all teachers, regardless of location or socio-economic status. These challenges must be addressed to ensure that all teachers have access to the training and development necessary to deliver high-quality education.

In conclusion, teacher training and professional development are critical components of the education system in the Philippines. The DepEd uses various methods, including the INSET program, NEAP, and RPMS, to provide teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver high-quality education. These methods have had a significant impact on education in the Philippines, leading to better student outcomes and improved the quality of education. However, there are also challenges that need to be addressed to ensure that all teachers have access to the training and development necessary to deliver high-quality education.




Department of Education. (2021). In-Service Training (INSET).

Department of Education. (2021). National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP).

Department of Education. (2021). Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS).

Philippine Information Agency. (2019). DepEd addresses teacher training, resource gaps through new programs.

Philippine Star. (2019). DepEd to roll out new programs for teacher training, development.

Philippine Daily Inquirer. (2019). DepEd mulls teachers’ continuing education program.

Ramos, J. C. (2021). Professional Development for Philippine Teachers: Practices and Challenges. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 11(1), 53-59.


Crafting an Effective Education Journey: The Art of Curriculum Development and Implementation


Curriculum development and implementation are crucial aspects of the education system in the Philippines. The Department of Education (DepEd) is responsible for the development and implementation of the national curriculum, which is aligned with the goals and objectives of the K-12 program. The curriculum aims to provide students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for their future careers and personal development.

The DepEd has implemented various reforms in the curriculum to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. One of the significant changes was the implementation of the K-12 program in 2013. The program added two years to the basic education curriculum, which includes one year of senior high school (SHS) and another year of kindergarten. The SHS program allows students to specialize in a particular field and prepare them for college or employment.

Moreover, the DepEd has also updated the curriculum to integrate 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. These skills are essential for students to thrive in the current global economy and prepare them for the future job market.

The implementation of the curriculum is a challenging task as it requires proper planning, resource allocation, and teacher training. The DepEd has provided support to teachers to ensure that they are equipped to deliver quality education to their students. The department has developed teacher's guides and other teaching materials to assist teachers in the classroom. In addition, the DepEd also conducts regular training programs for teachers to enhance their teaching skills and improve their knowledge of the curriculum.

The DepEd has also developed programs to ensure that the curriculum is implemented effectively. One of these programs is the National Assessment System (NAS), which aims to measure the learning outcomes of students. The NAS covers different grade levels and subjects and provides feedback to teachers on how they can improve their teaching strategies. The program also helps the DepEd in identifying the areas that need improvement in the curriculum.


Moreover, the DepEd has implemented the Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS), which provides teachers with a centralized platform for accessing teaching resources. The LRMDS contains lesson plans, teaching guides, and other learning materials that teachers can use in their classrooms. The platform is accessible online, which makes it easier for teachers to access the resources they need.

Despite the efforts of the DepEd to develop and implement a quality curriculum, there are still challenges that need to be addressed. One of the significant challenges is the lack of resources, particularly in remote areas. Some schools lack the necessary facilities and materials needed to deliver quality education. The DepEd needs to provide support to these schools to ensure that they can deliver quality education to their students.

Another challenge is the alignment of the curriculum with the needs of the industry. The DepEd needs to work closely with the private sector to ensure that the curriculum is relevant to the needs of the industry. The private sector can provide insights into the skills that are in demand in the job market, which can help the DepEd in developing the curriculum.

In conclusion, the curriculum development and implementation are crucial aspects of the education system in the Philippines. The DepEd has implemented various reforms to ensure that the curriculum is relevant and effective. The department has also provided support to teachers to ensure that they are equipped to deliver quality education to their students. However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed, particularly in terms of resource allocation and alignment with the needs of the industry. The DepEd needs to work closely with different stakeholders to ensure that the curriculum continues to meet the needs of the students and the society as a whole.




Department of Education. (n.d.). Curriculum and Instruction. Retrieved February 25, 2023, from


National Assessment System. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2023, from


Philippine Daily Inquirer. (2021, April 21). DepEd to adjust curriculum for ‘emerging needs.’ Retrieved February 25, 2023, from


Republic of the Philippines. (2013). An Act Enhancing the Philippine Basic Education System by Strengthening Its Curriculum and Increasing the Number of Years for Basic Education, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes. Retrieved February 25, 2023, from




Empowering Administrative Officers in DepEd: Strategies for Effective Personnel Management and Professional Development

Christian B. Ganay

The Department of Education (DepEd) is responsible for providing quality education to Filipinos, and administrative officers play a vital role in achieving this objective. However, administrative officers in DepEd often face numerous challenges, including limited resources, high workload, and limited opportunities for professional development. As a result, it is essential to empower administrative officers to help them manage their responsibilities effectively and develop their skills and expertise. In this article, we will discuss strategies for empowering administrative officers in DepEd, focusing on personnel management and professional development.

Personnel management is one of the critical responsibilities of administrative officers in DepEd. It involves managing the department's workforce, including recruitment, training, and performance evaluation. To empower administrative officers in this area, it is essential to provide them with the necessary tools and resources, including software systems that streamline recruitment and performance evaluation processes. These tools can help administrative officers manage their workload more efficiently, giving them more time to focus on professional development and other critical tasks.

Professional development is another critical area for empowering administrative officers in DepEd. By providing opportunities for professional development, administrative officers can enhance their skills and expertise, which can ultimately benefit the department and its stakeholders. Strategies for professional development could include mentorship programs, on-the-job training, and attendance at conferences and seminars. These opportunities not only help administrative officers develop new skills and knowledge, but they also help them stay up-to-date with best practices and trends in their field.

Another important strategy for empowering administrative officers in DepEd is to create a supportive and collaborative work environment. This can be achieved through open communication, recognition of achievements, and opportunities for feedback and input. By creating a positive work environment, administrative officers are more likely to feel motivated and engaged in their work, which can ultimately benefit the department and the students it serves.

Finally, it is essential to recognize the contributions of administrative officers in DepEd and provide them with opportunities for career growth and advancement. This could involve creating a career ladder or providing training and development opportunities that lead to more senior positions. By recognizing the importance of administrative officers in DepEd and investing in their professional growth, we can ensure that the department has the skilled and motivated workforce it needs to achieve its objectives.

In conclusion, administrative officers play a critical role in the success of the Department of Education. By empowering administrative officers through effective personnel management and professional development strategies, we can help them manage their responsibilities more effectively, develop new skills and knowledge, and contribute more to the department's objectives. Ultimately, this can benefit the department and the students it serves by creating a more efficient, effective, and motivated workforce.

The Changing Role of Administrative Officers in DepEd: Adapting to the Challenges of the Digital Age

Christian B. Ganay

The Department of Education (DepEd) is one of the largest government agencies in the Philippines. With over 55,000 schools and almost 27 million students, managing the education system is a complex task that requires the efforts of thousands of dedicated professionals. Among these professionals are the administrative officers who are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of schools and ensuring that the education system runs smoothly. However, as the world becomes more digital, the role of administrative officers in DepEd is changing, and they must adapt to new challenges brought about by the digital age.

One of the biggest challenges facing administrative officers in DepEd is the integration of technology into the education system. The use of digital tools such as learning management systems, online classrooms, and educational software has become more prevalent in recent years. Administrative officers need to be familiar with these technologies to be able to support teachers and students who use them. They must also ensure that schools have the necessary infrastructure to support these digital tools, such as reliable internet connections and modern computers.

Another challenge that administrative officers face in the digital age is the need to manage and secure student data. With the increasing use of technology in education, student data is being collected and stored electronically. This data can include sensitive information such as academic records, medical records, and personal information. Administrative officers must ensure that this data is kept secure and confidential, and that it is only accessed by authorized personnel.

In addition to these challenges, administrative officers must also adapt to changes in communication methods. With the rise of social media and instant messaging apps, communication among teachers, parents, and students has become more instantaneous and informal. Administrative officers must be able to navigate these new communication channels while maintaining professionalism and adhering to DepEd policies.

To adapt to these challenges, administrative officers in DepEd must be willing to learn new skills and embrace technology. They must also be proactive in identifying potential issues and finding solutions to them. This includes staying up-to-date on the latest technological advancements, as well as attending training sessions and workshops to enhance their skills and knowledge.


Furthermore, administrative officers must be able to work collaboratively with other stakeholders in the education system, including teachers, parents, and students. They must be able to communicate effectively and build strong relationships based on trust and mutual respect.

The changing role of administrative officers in DepEd also presents opportunities for them to contribute to the improvement of the education system. For example, by using data analytics tools, administrative officers can analyze student data to identify areas where students may be struggling and develop targeted interventions to address these issues. They can also use digital tools to streamline administrative processes and reduce administrative workload, allowing them to focus more on supporting teachers and students.

In conclusion, the role of administrative officers in DepEd is changing as the world becomes more digital. To adapt to these changes, they must be willing to learn new skills, embrace technology, and collaborate with other stakeholders in the education system. By doing so, they can contribute to the improvement of the education system and help ensure that all students have access to quality education.

The Backbone of DepEd:  The Essential Role of Administrative Officers

Christian B. Ganay

The Department of Education (DepEd) is the primary agency of the Philippine government responsible for the country's basic education. The department employs a vast number of people in different capacities, including teachers, school administrators, support staff, and administrative officers. While all these roles are crucial in achieving DepEd's mission of providing quality education to every Filipino, administrative officers play a particularly vital role in keeping the department running smoothly. They are, in many ways, the backbone of DepEd.

Administrative officers in DepEd are responsible for managing the department's administrative functions, which include budgeting, procurement, personnel management, and office administration. They ensure that the department's resources are used efficiently and effectively and that the needs of employees and stakeholders are met. They are the ones who keep the wheels turning and ensure that everything runs smoothly, despite the challenges that may arise.

One of the most important roles of administrative officers in DepEd is budget management. They are responsible for overseeing the department's budget and ensuring that funds are allocated appropriately. They work closely with other officials to identify priorities, monitor expenditures, and ensure that the department's financial resources are used efficiently. They also prepare reports and financial statements that are crucial for monitoring the department's financial performance.

Another critical role of administrative officers is procurement management. They are responsible for managing the department's procurement process, which involves sourcing and acquiring goods and services needed for the department's operations. They work closely with suppliers to ensure that the department obtains the best value for its money, while also complying with legal and regulatory requirements. They also ensure that procurement processes are transparent and fair, promoting accountability and good governance.

Administrative officers also play a critical role in personnel management. They are responsible for managing the department's workforce, including hiring, training, and performance evaluation. They ensure that the department has the right people with the necessary skills and qualifications to achieve its objectives. They also promote a positive working environment that supports employee development and well-being.


Office administration is another essential function that administrative officers perform. They are responsible for ensuring that the department's offices are well-managed and equipped to support the needs of employees and stakeholders. They oversee office operations, including the maintenance of facilities and equipment, the management of supplies and inventory, and the provision of support services such as transportation and security.

In conclusion, administrative officers are the backbone of DepEd. They perform critical functions that ensure the efficient and effective functioning of the department. They manage the department's financial resources, procurement processes, personnel management, and office administration. Their work ensures that the department has the resources and personnel needed to achieve its objectives and that these resources are used efficiently and effectively. By recognizing the essential role of administrative officers in DepEd's mission, we can better appreciate their contributions and work towards building a stronger and more efficient education system that benefits all Filipinos.

Streamlining Administrative Processes in DepEd: Improving Efficiency and Accountability

Christian B. Ganay

As the Department of Education (DepEd) oversees the education of millions of students in the Philippines, it is essential to ensure that its administrative processes are efficient, transparent, and accountable. Streamlining these processes can help reduce bureaucratic delays, improve decision-making, and optimize the use of resources. In this article, we will discuss how DepEd can streamline its administrative processes to improve efficiency and accountability.


Digitization of Records and Processes

DepEd should prioritize the digitization of its records and processes. By adopting digital tools, the department can reduce paper-based processes and automate routine tasks, such as data entry, record keeping, and reporting. This can save time and reduce the risk of errors. Moreover, digitization can enable real-time monitoring of activities and performance indicators, providing a more accurate and timely picture of the department's operations.


Standardization of Processes

DepEd should establish standard operating procedures (SOPs) for all administrative processes. These SOPs should define the steps, timelines, and responsibilities for each process, ensuring consistency and clarity in execution. Moreover, SOPs can enable better tracking of progress and provide a basis for evaluating performance. DepEd should ensure that these SOPs are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changing requirements.


Centralization of Services

DepEd should consider centralizing some administrative services, such as procurement, HR, and finance. Centralization can reduce duplication of effort, increase transparency, and improve economies of scale. Moreover, it can provide better access to expertise and resources, enabling the department to make informed decisions and optimize its use of resources.




Training and Development

DepEd should invest in training and development programs for its staff. These programs should focus on developing skills in project management, communication, data analysis, and other relevant areas. By building the capacity of its staff, DepEd can improve the quality and efficiency of its administrative processes, reduce the risk of errors, and enable better decision-making.


Performance Management

DepEd should establish a robust performance management system that links individual and team performance to organizational goals and objectives. This system should include regular performance reviews, feedback mechanisms, and incentives for high-performing staff. By aligning individual and team goals with the department's objectives, DepEd can improve accountability, encourage a culture of continuous improvement, and motivate staff to deliver high-quality services.


Collaboration and Communication

DepEd should promote collaboration and communication across its various units and offices. Effective communication can help reduce misunderstandings and delays, enabling faster decision-making and problem-solving. Moreover, collaboration can enable the sharing of best practices, resources, and knowledge, enabling the department to learn from its experiences and continuously improve its processes.


In conclusion, streamlining administrative processes is essential for improving efficiency and accountability in DepEd. By adopting digital tools, standardizing processes, centralizing services, investing in training and development, establishing performance management systems, and promoting collaboration and communication, DepEd can enhance its administrative operations and better serve the needs of its stakeholders. Moreover, by continuously monitoring and evaluating its processes, DepEd can identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to achieve its goals and objectives.


"Navigating Challenges and Celebrating Milestones:  A Reflection on Early Reading Instruction"



Teacher III

Kisulan Elementary School

Division of Davao del Sur, Region XI

As a reading teacher in the early grades, I have the unique privilege of guiding young minds as they embark on their journey towards literacy. While it is a rewarding experience, it is not without its challenges. In this article, I will share some of my insights into the challenges and advantages of being a reading teacher in early grades.

One of the biggest challenges I face as a reading teacher in early grades is catering to the diverse needs of my students. Each child has their unique learning style, pace, and strengths. It can be challenging to strike a balance between differentiating instruction to meet individual needs while still teaching a cohesive curriculum.

Another challenge I face is overcoming the preconceived notions that some students have about reading. Some students have already formed a negative perception of reading, which can be challenging to overcome. My approach to this challenge is to make reading fun and engaging by incorporating hands-on activities, games, and interactive technology.

Despite the challenges, being a reading teacher in early grades is an incredibly rewarding experience. One of the greatest advantages is seeing the progress that my students make. Witnessing a struggling reader gain confidence and fluency is a magical experience that reminds me why I love teaching.

Another advantage is the opportunity to shape the reading habits of young minds. Early reading skills lay the foundation for a lifetime of learning and enjoyment. By instilling a love of reading in my students, I am setting them on a path towards becoming lifelong readers.

Over the years, I have developed some strategies to help me overcome the challenges and maximize the advantages of being a reading teacher in early grades.

Firstly, I believe in creating a positive classroom environment. A classroom culture that values effort, celebrates progress, and fosters a love of learning is crucial for success. I achieve this by creating a warm, welcoming, and supportive classroom where every student feels valued and respected.

Secondly, I differentiate instruction to meet individual needs. This involves using a variety of instructional methods, such as small group instruction, individual conferences, and technology-based activities, to cater to each student's learning style.

Finally, I incorporate engaging and fun activities into my lessons. This can include games, hands-on activities, and reading-related field trips. By making reading enjoyable, I am instilling a love of reading in my students that will stay with them for a lifetime.

In conclusion, being a reading teacher in early grades is both challenging and rewarding. By overcoming the challenges and maximizing the advantages, I can help my students become lifelong readers. My strategies for creating a positive classroom culture, differentiating instruction, and incorporating fun activities have helped me create a successful reading classroom. I hope my insights will inspire other reading teachers to continue cultivating lifelong readers in their own classrooms.