ISSN (Online) 2799-0842

ISSN (Print) 2799-130X

Vol. III Issue VII (July 2023)

International Circulation

Table of Contents:


Dajian Huang
EdD Student

Tarlac State University



The teaching quality of universities is increasingly concerned by the society. Teachers' teaching competence, as an important index to evaluate the quality of education and teaching, is related to the development of a school's teaching quality. It is necessary to fully realize that teachers' teaching competence is the basis of teachers' work and an important guarantee factor for colleges and universities to train talents. This study describes the teaching competence and challenges faced by teachers in non-government universities in Guilin, Guangxi, China. The purpose of this study is to understand the current situation of teachers' teaching competence in non-government universities in Guilin, Guangxi. This paper discusses the influence of demographic characteristics on teachers' teaching competence. This paper investigates teachers' evaluation and understanding of self-teaching competence, and also investigates teachers' evaluation and understanding of others' teaching competence and analyzes the existing challenges in teaching quality. According to the research conclusion, this study proposes to strengthen the training of teachers; Establish a complete teaching quality evaluation system; Introduce the international private university management mode into the private teaching system; Well-known education experts from outside the school should be regularly invited to participate in teaching quality evaluation activities; Divide the evaluation index into the daily teaching management; Pay attention to the result assessment and process assessment; Reasonable distribution of teachers' teaching workload; Government departments implement fair treatment to non-government universities from the policy formulation; Higher education authorities to increase the number of teaching and research projects support and other suggestions.


Keywords: Non-Government Universities, Teaching Competence, Teaching Challenge, Guilin, China




As China implements the strategy of strengthening the country with talents, it is of great importance to improve the quality of personnel training. Colleges and universities are one of the most important bases for personnel training. As the key to personnel training, the position of college teachers is more and more important, and the teaching competence of college teachers is particularly key to improving the quality of personnel training. Therefore, the teaching competence construction of college teachers is the most important thing.

     China's non-government universities started late, and their strength is not superior to that of public colleges and universities, especially the strength of teachers, teachers have strong mobility, and teachers are often in shortage, especially in the teaching ability and teaching quality of teachers. Faced with the dual dilemma of increasingly fierce market competition, talent training and market demand mismatch, it is not only necessary but also urgent to improve the ability, quality and level of teachers in an all-round way, and improve the teaching quality of non-government universities.

Good teaching competence is the basis for teachers, and it is also the quality guarantee for the construction and development of non-government universities. Teaching competence is not only the basic competence of university teachers, but also the basis for universities to obtain sustainable competitive advantage.

The research on Chinese teachers' ability can be roughly divided into three stages. The first stage is the embryonic stage, and the research mainly appears in ancient Chinese classics and the discussion of important historical figures; the second stage is the development stage, which is manifested in the teacher's ability and entrance examination Relevant, the main purpose is to promote the improvement of students' academic performance; the third stage is the growth period, this stage is no longer limited to students' academic performance, but advocates quality education ability, and regards the research on teacher ability as a way to promote student development and teacher professional development. effective means (Chen & Wei 2021).

On the influence of teachers 'teaching ability on teaching, Shen Jiliang, Xin Tao and others show that the development of teachers' teaching monitoring ability has significant effect in promoting the improvement of teaching cognition level; the development of teachers 'teaching monitoring ability not only promotes the development of students' subject ability, but also promotes the improvement of students' academic performance. The research results of Wo Jianzhong, Shen Jiliang and Lin Chongde show that the improvement of teachers 'classroom teaching ability has an obvious effect on the development of students' thinking qualities such as depth, criticism, originality and flexibility (Liu 2019).

The domestic research on the cultivation and improvement of teachers 'teaching ability is, on the first hand, experts and scholars based on personal experience, on the other hand, the establishment of relevant institutions on the implementation of teachers' teaching ability training. The strategies proposed by Bai Yunxiao in the strategies and methods of cultivating and improving the teaching ability of young teachers are as follows: based on reality, To formulate scientific training plans; formulate a regulation, Standardize the training rules of young teachers; Strengthen the guidance, Improve in the teaching practice; The hierarchical culture, Show the talent of young teachers; Li Xue et al. proposed to strengthen vocational training in the Development Status and Training Strategies of New Young Teachers in Colleges and Universities (Liu 2020).


From the perspective of private colleges teachers’ management system: Hui-Ying Wang in the Chinese university teachers flow policy research, from the current big domestic environment, the national system level some problems are also the instability of private colleges teachers, in addition to secular and social understanding of private colleges is not enough, also lead to the loss of some teachers (Wang 2017).




The research site is mainly selected in Guilin, Guangxi, China, and three non-government universities in this city are sampled. The three schools are Nanning Institute of Technology, Guilin University of Information Technology and Guilin University. The study conducted a sample survey on three Non-Government Universities in Guilin, Guangxi, including Guilin University, Nanning Institute of Technology and Guilin University of Information Technology. Each school randomly sampled 100 respondents (teachers and administrators), and a total of 300 respondents participated in this study.

The researchers conducted a needs analysis using semi-structured interview guidance questions. In this study, in order to facilitate questionnaire distribution, recovery and data statistics, the questionnaire was edited in Chinese and then published online through China Wenjuanxing software. Respondents only needed to answer the structured questionnaire questions on the web page, and their answers to the questions were recovered at last.

The researcher also conducted interview in gathering data on the implementation of teachers' teaching capacity construction in three non-government universities, as the research object, combined with examples, the existing problems were analyzed, suitable methods and means were found out, and finally the management scheme model of teachers' teaching capacity construction was optimized. On the basis of statistical survey data, statistical tools were used to analyze and draw relevant conclusions.


Results and Discussion


1. Profile of respondents' personal information.

Gender: The survey found that among the respondents in the three universities, the frequency of gender of teachers was 127 men and 173 women, totaling 300 people. Male teachers make up 42.3 percent and female teachers 57.7 percent.

Age: The survey found that among the 300 teachers who participated in the survey, 27 were under 30 years old, accounting for 9.0% of the total sample; 85 were between 31 and 40 years old, accounting for 28.3% of the total sample; 118 were between 41 and 50 years old, accounting for 39.3% of the total sample. The frequency of teachers aged 51-60 was 70, accounting for 23.3% of the total sample.

Marital status: The survey found that 35 of the respondents were single teachers, accounting for 11.7 percent; There were 245 married teachers (81.7%); There were 10 teachers living separately, accounting for 3.3%; There were 9 divorced teachers (3.0%); There was one widowed teacher (0.3%).

Teaching experience: The survey found that of the 300 teachers surveyed, 28 (9.3%) had less than 5 years of teaching experience, 51 (17.0%) had between 6 and 10 years of teaching experience, 97 (32.3%) had between 11 and 15 years of teaching experience, and 87 (29.0%) had between 16 and 20 years of teaching experience. There are also 37 (12.3%) with more than 21 years of teaching experience.

Education background: The survey found that among the 300 respondents from three universities, namely Guilin University, Nanning Institute of Technology and Guilin University of Information Technology, 63 teachers, accounting for 21 percent, had graduated with a doctorate; 15 teachers, or 5 per cent, are pursuing doctoral degrees; There are 136 teachers with master's degrees, accounting for 45.3%; There are 38 teachers pursuing master's degrees, or 12.7 per cent; There are 48 teachers with bachelor degrees, accounting for 16 per cent.

Professional titles: The survey found 45 professors, or 15 per cent, out of 300 respondents from three universities; There are 69 associate professors, or 23%; There are 100 lecturers, accounting for 33.3%; There are 86 teaching assistants, accounting for 28.7%.

Position/title: The survey found that out of 300 respondents in 3 universities, there were 3 vice-chancellors/vice-chancellors, or 1%; 10 Deans/Directors (3.3 per cent); There are 15 Vice-Presidents/Vice-Presidents, or 5 per cent; 21 managers, or 7 per cent; There were 251 teachers, accounting for 83.7%, indicating that more ordinary teachers participated in the survey.

Monthly income/salary: The survey found that 45 respondents, or 15%, earn less than $800 a month; The monthly salary of $801 to $900 was 134, accounting for 44.7%; The monthly salary of $901-1000 was 62, accounting for 20.7%; Twenty-three people (7.7%) earn a monthly salary of $1,001 to $1,100; The monthly salary of $1101 to $1200 was 31, accounting for 10.3%; Five, or 1.7 percent, earned more than $1,201 a month.

Teachers/non-teachers: The survey found that among the respondents, there were 173 teachers, accounting for 57.7%; There are 127 non-teachers, accounting for 42.3%. In the three universities in Guilin, teachers majoring in normal education occupy the majority, accounting for 57.7 percent.


2. How to describe the respondents' comprehensive evaluation and understanding of their own teaching competence.

Most of the interviewees think that they are in the middle level in teaching design competence, teaching operation competence, teaching management competence, teaching monitoring competence and teaching research competence, and they think that they can be competent for the basic abilities required by daily teaching. However, most respondents believe that their teaching design competence, teaching operation competence, teaching management competence, teaching monitoring competence and teaching research competence still need to be improved, and schools need to develop support plans related to teachers' teaching competence.



3. How to describe the respondents' comprehensive evaluation and understanding of others' teaching competence?

Most respondents believe that teachers in their schools are at a normal level in teaching design competence, teaching operation competence, teaching management competence, teaching monitoring competence and teaching research competence, and that they are basically competent in daily teaching. Most respondents believe that others' teaching design competence, teaching operation competence, teaching management competence, teaching monitoring competence and teaching research competence still need to be improved, and schools need to increase financial support, introduce relevant systems and formulate support plans for teachers' teaching competence.


4. How to describe the respondents' understanding of the challenges of teaching quality in their schools?

The survey found that among respondents, the following choices were the most agreed on the challenges of teaching quality in their schools: The ninth choice, "management philosophy is backward," was the most popular choice, a total of 186 people chose this option; This was followed by the eighth option, "less interaction between teachers and students", which was selected by 177 people. Then, option 12, "Underfunding of schools," was chosen by 160 people. Ranked fourth is "teaching quality supervision mechanism has not been established", a total of 158 people chose this option. According to the total score, it can be seen that the interaction between teachers and students is less, the management concept of administrators is backward, and the insufficient investment of school funding is an important factor affecting the teaching quality. Other factors, such as weak professional basic knowledge and low learning enthusiasm of teachers, showed a low score.


5. How schools take action plans to address teaching quality challenges.

In the face of these challenges in teaching quality, the respondents hope that the school will take corresponding measures to solve the problem, such as increasing the training opportunities of teachers' professional knowledge and competence, and stimulating the motivation of teachers' learning to improve the design of school curriculum; Increase the investment in school funding to ensure that all measures can be implemented; Ensure that more interactive teaching is arranged to meet the needs of students and society in order to increase interaction and communication between teachers and students; Ensure that schools have the most advanced technology and equipment to enable teachers to use modern web-based teaching methods; Encourage teachers to participate in and support the school's teaching quality monitoring mechanism, and ensure that the teaching quality monitoring and evaluation mechanism is perfect; Improve the management competence of the management team, and modernize the management concept.




 1. Among the respondents, 42.3 percent were male teachers and 57.7 percent were female teachers. The largest number of teachers are aged 41 to 50, followed by those aged 31 to 40. The most teachers had between 11 and 15 years of teaching experience and the least teachers had less than five years of teaching experience. The number of teachers with master's degrees is the highest and the number of teachers with doctoral degrees is the lowest. Lecturers had the most teachers and professors the least. The number of ordinary teachers participating in this study is the largest. Among the marital status, married teachers were the most, accounting for 81.7%. Among the monthly income/salary, the number of people with monthly salary of $801-900 is the largest, accounting for 44.7%, and most teachers have a low-income level. Among the majors, teachers accounted for 57.7%; Non-teachers accounted for 42.3% of the employees.

2. The respondents are at an average level in teaching design competence, teaching operation competence, teaching management competence, teaching monitoring competence and teaching research competence, and are basically competent for the basic abilities required by daily teaching. Respondents generally have room for improvement in their own teaching competence.

 3. The survey shows that the teachers in the school where the respondents work are at an average level in terms of teaching design competence, teaching operation competence, teaching management competence, teaching monitoring competence and teaching research competence. There is a large space for universities to improve teachers' teaching competence.

4. Most of the non-government universities have encountered the following challenges in terms of teaching quality: the management concept of school administrators is backward; Insufficient investment in school funds; The school has not established a perfect teaching quality management system; Teaching quality supervision mechanism has not been established; Less interaction between teachers and students; The teachers are not stable enough and the turnover rate is high. Fewer training opportunities for teachers and administrators; Unreasonable appointment and evaluation system.

5. Teaching design competence, teaching operation competence, teaching management competence, teaching monitoring competence and teaching research competence are the components and manifestations of the overall teaching competence of college teachers. The improvement of teachers' teaching competence is an important part of the work of colleges and universities.



Based on the summary and conclusion of this study, the following suggestions are put forward:

 1. Strengthen the training of teachers. Different education and training measures should be taken for different groups. Different training plans should be formulated according to teaching experience, major, age, job content, etc., and teachers' meetings should be held to discuss training objectives and assignment of work tasks to ensure good training results.

 2. Establish a complete teaching quality evaluation system, including setting up teaching supervisors, carrying out self-evaluation and mutual evaluation of teachers, including students' evaluation of teachers in class. Let the teaching evaluation system become a powerful measure to promote the development of teaching and promote the high-quality development of teaching in non-government universities.

3. An international conference on the education quality of non-government universities should be held. In order to improve the education quality of non-government universities in China and its influence in the world, it is necessary to introduce an international private university management model into the private teaching system.

4.Non-Government universities should regularly invite well-known education experts from outside the school to participate in teaching quality evaluation activities. The improvement of the teaching quality of non-government universities needs the participation of more third-party institutions and personnel.

5.Non-Government universities need to accept teaching quality assessments from higher education authorities on a regular basis. Therefore, principals of non-government universities should be guided by assessment goals and separate assessment indicators to achieve daily teaching management.

 6. In order to ensure that teachers have sufficient time to conduct teaching research and ensure the quality of class, the school management department should reasonably allocate the teaching workload of teachers, so that teachers cannot be in the state of over workload.

7. Government departments should give fair treatment to non-government universities in terms of policy formulation. First, increase financial support for non-government universities; second, give non-government universities more autonomy in terms of title evaluation policies.

 8. Higher education authorities should increase the amount of support for non-government universities from the establishment of research projects and teaching reform projects, and promote the scientific research level of teachers in non-government universities.



Chen, Y., & Wei, X. (2021). The status and development of teachers' teaching ability in private colleges. Modern Education Science, 9(1), 165-167.

Darling-Hammond, L. (2017). Teacher education around the world: What can we learn from international practice? European Journal of Teacher Education, 40(3), 291-309. doi: 10.1080/02619768.2017.1293866

Li, M., & Xu, C. (2018). Research on the construction of teachers' team in private colleges from the perspective of teaching ability. Education Exploration, 12(11), 113-115.

Liu, A. (2019). Game analysis of the relationship between private colleges and teachers. Education Teaching Forum, 10(6), 51-53.

Liu, M. (2020). Comparative study on the professional development of teachers in private colleges and public universities. Education Science, 9(3), 185-188.

Wang, H. (2017). Research on the flow policy of Chinese university teachers. Education Science, 6(4), 92-95.


(NaPas-pas nga Wi-Fi para iti NaDur-as nga Masakbayan)

Fast and Reliable Wi-Fi Connection for a Progressive Future

SHS Teacher II

LT. Edgar Foz National High School

Ilocos Norte, Region I

The arduous tasks of educators to establish quality instruction is tantamount to the nature of their profession wherein they are tasked to look after their students’ welfares. The teaching profession is widely recognized as a devotion where thousands of individuals are catered by teachers for them to become worthy citizens of our country as stipulated in the core values of the department. This heroic deed of teachers comes from their commitment that whatever lies ahead, they are filled with passion and optimism to implement change in the lives of these individuals.

The education sector has faced various challenges and modifications that must remain relevant for these times. The implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum roughly 9 years ago remained challenging as there are still gaps to be addressed. However, the agenda presented by our education administrators tried to solve these issues and resulted in a positive impact. They remained steadfast to heed the call of various stakeholders of the education sector, they implemented numerous programs, projects, and activities that are aligned with the facets of Sulong EduKalidad, to ensure that learners and other stakeholders become adaptive and resilient with the ever-changing educational landscape.

One of the most challenging times that ever affected the education sector is the emergence of the COVID-19 virus which caused closures of schools and brought anxiety to all individuals. The pandemic produced uncertainty in the field of education since by principle, this human engagement must not be stopped as this may cause severe economic and educational crisis. Instruction has been shifted from traditional face-to-face learning to distance learning and encouraged all stakeholders to adjust with this set-up. As schools battle this unseen enemy, both learners and teachers alike must be prepared to assert the call of DepEd for continuous learning despite this pandemic. Hence, the department issued the basic education learning continuity plan (BE-LCP) that lays down the basic principles that must be followed by schools to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic.

As the pandemic shifted the delivery of instruction to distance learning modes, there are issues on the part of teachers, learners, and other stakeholders that need to be addressed. The challenge lies among the school to effectively deliver the contents of BE-LCP that is presented to the officials of the three (3) school catchment areas. The school head entered a partnership that seeks the services of barangay officials during the delivery and retrieval of modules. As one of the community partners, they heeded the call of the school for the continuity of learning by the students.

With Printed Modular Distance Learning (PMDL) as the primary mode of distance learning delivered by Dingras NHS/Lt. Edgar Foz MNHS-Sulquiano Campus for the school year 2021-2022, communication during class monitoring and supervision has been a struggle for both learners and teachers. As remarked by parents and guardians when they supervise the accomplishment of tasks of their children, they complain of the intermittent signal in their locality that hinders them to ask clarifications from teachers regarding the activities.

Although most of the students have cellphones or gadgets to use, some learners cannot afford to buy load for data connection while others complain of slow to no connection in their residences. The same scenario is faced by teachers especially when they report to school to monitor and supervise their classes, as the school is located at the breast of Bantay Giwang where internet connection is an issue. This compromised the establishment of constant communication among learners and their parents to effectively deliver the contents of the modules and other school-related concerns. Hence, there is a need to establish Wi-Fi hotspots where both students and teachers connect to use in their classes.

To address the said problem, the administration of Dingras NHS/Lt. Edgar Foz MNHS-Sulquiano Campus bannered the implementation of the Pas-pas Dur-as (Napas-pas nga Wi-Fi para iti Nadur-as a Masakbayan. This project is primarily aimed at installing fast and reliable Wi-Fi hotspots to select school catchment areas to be used by all enrolled learners and teachers of the school. What is unique in this project is also the provision of free Wi-Fi vouchers with specific codes to be given to all learners every week as these are inserted in their envelopes. Also, the project hopes to decrease the wide gap of digital divide that is experienced by those learners who can afford to sustain their data allowance and for all learners to actively participate during class monitoring and supervision by their teachers.

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Supervisory Practices of Secondary School Principals in Relation to Teachers’ Morale and Behavior: Basis for a Proposed Intervention Program

Dr. Bedaria Inidal Amerol

Mindanao State University – Main Campus, Philippines

Corresponding Author email:


Aim: This study focused on the supervisory practices of secondary school principals in Lanao del Sur 1 and Marawi City divisions in relation to teachers’ morale and behavior.

Methodology: This study employed a descriptive-correlational research design. The data was gathered through a non- standardized   modified checklist questionnaire to the 285 respondents from Lanao del Sur 1 and Marawi City divisions. The data were tabulated and analyzed using the frequency count, percentage and weighted mean. The Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation was used to correlate the relationship between the perceived supervisory practices of the secondary school principals and the teachers’ morale and behavior and the relationship between the teachers’ morale and behavior.  

Results: With a significance level of 0.05, the conducted hypothesis testing revealed significant relationships between the supervisory practices of school principals and both teachers' morale and behavior.

Conclusion: The study concludes that there is a significant relationship of supervisory practices in shaping teachers' morale and behavior, highlighting a significant relationship between teachers' morale and behavior as well.


Keywords: supervisory practices, secondary school, principals, teacher morale, and behavior



The supervisory practices of school administrators are an important tool for the improvement of instruction. These receive less attention than the classroom practices of teachers because it is believed that the influence or impact of school administrators on student achievement is indirect, “operating through others who have a more direct and extensive influence on students” (Place, 2011).  Ostensibly, “others” here refer to teachers. Waters and Kingston (2005) has noted that, “Principal leadership is positively correlated with student achievement. This  has been supported  by Stronge (2010) who emphasized  that the role of the school administrators as well as his supervisory practices is  undeniably  a factor  to take into account. 

As Place (2011) argues in his book Principals Who Dare to Care, “just as plants and animals need proper care and feeding, so do students and teachers need support and encouragement.”   He affirms the importance of establishing conditions that encourage or at least do not discourage human caring.  As far as he is concerned, the most important aspect of principalship is to care about all the people that he works with and to have at least some of those people care about him.  In the kind of context described by Place, supervisory practices should figure prominently. For example, in American schools, classroom walk through is now recognized as a tool for improving teaching and learning. The practice is receiving increasing attention as principals and other educational leaders search for, and try out, strategies aimed at improving instruction with the ultimate result of improving learning gains or student achievement (Kachur, et al. 2010).  Actually, local teachers are no strangers to the practice which is just a modern model of what they call ‘visitation’ or ‘observation’. 

No organization can rise above the quality of the human workforce and school leaders playing the crucial role in ensuring quality services for the effective learning of the students. There are components of an organization that demand attention, but as numerous studies of the experiences of high-performing corporations reveal, the human resource is in the forefront (Dressler, 2000). If people are the single most important aspect of school systems, a more critical look at the supervisory practices of school administrators should be in order. It has been observed by not a few that in the municipalities in Lanao del Sur and Marawi City Divisions where public secondary schools are situated, the supervisory practices of the school administrators leave much to be desired.  In Angin’s study (2015), she recommended the need for school administrators to   improve their management practices on the use of instructional materials, as this effect has less satisfaction to school leaders’ performance. Likewise, the study of Mutin (2014) reported a moderate level of teachers’ and school administrators’ adaption to, and adopting changes and strategies demanded by the K+12 program. All these findings call attention to the need to revisit the supervisory practices of school administrators or educational leaders in Lanao del Sur. Deplorable practices as those discovered in the growing number of studies affect teachers’ morale, behavior., and performance, which in turn have dire consequences for the learning process and student achievement.  If this kind of situation persists in public schools, it can surely become a serious hindrance or roadblock to achieving quality education.

De Grawe (2001) as quoted by Maulana and Azkiya (2003) noted that the priority of all countries, especially those falling into the ‘developing’ category, is to improve the quality of schools and the achievement of students since learning outcomes depend largely on the quality of education being offered.  Barro (2006) affirms the same views emphasizing that higher quality education fosters economic growth and development.  However, quality education partly depends on how the teachers are trained and supervised since they count among the key inputs to education delivery. 

 Moreover, De Grauwe (2001) pursues the same line of thought, positing that the national authorities rely strongly on the school supervision system to monitor both the quality of schools and key measure of its success, such as student achievement. Oransaju (1983) opines that supervision is a way of stimulating, guiding, improving, refreshing, encouraging and overseeing certain groups with the hope of seeking their cooperation in order for the supervisors to be successful in their task of supervision. Supervision is essentially the practice of monitoring the performance of the school staff, noting the merits and demerits and using fitting and amicable techniques to ameliorate the flaws, while still improving on the merits thereby increasing the standards of the school and achieving educational goals.

         Section 17 of the Education Act of 1982 or Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 mandated the duties and obligations of school officials, teachers and other school personnel in the school (Bacarat,2004). This law recognizes the important role of education as a tool for the improvement of the society. The latter can be realized if quality education will be sustained and one of the important aspects of a successful school is effective supervision. In fact, according to Medina (2006), supervising human beings aside from other components of an organization is the most difficult task and considered as the most common problem faced by many administrators. The need for effective supervision practices is important to foster positive implementation of laws affecting education. 

           Evidently, the success of any school in meeting its goal depends on its leaders or principals who perform supervision functions. Taking cognizance of the importance of supervision in educational system, this study attempts to clarify the supervisory practices used by the school principals in relation to the teachers’ morale and behavior. Supervision as emphasize.  Recognition of the impact of supervisory practices on teacher morale and performance, then of teacher morale on student achievement or learning outcome, provoked the researcher to look into the perceptions of the teachers on the supervisory practices of their principals, particularly on practices that   influence on their morale and behavior.

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Jamal Alip Monte, LPT, MAED

Adiong Memorial State College, Ditsaan Ramain, Lanao del Sur


         Communication is very important to have better understanding.  It can be done through intrapersonal and intrapersonal communication.  Achieving good communication can be done also through verbal and non-verbal.

         Along with those above statement.  It is said to be that one of the noblest profession in the world rather the universe is the TEACHING PROFESSION because the mother of all professions were done through teaching.  Now a day, English Language surpasses the other languages used in the whole world in terms of communicating, economics, and relationship.  Mass media personalities used English Language to have report and gather information.  In connection that premises, the teacher in the different subject areas especially the English subject teacher should know the correct English grammar so that they can express their thought clearly and effectively.  The teachers should be able to communicate in English whenever society requires its use.  They need to use English in formal situation like discussing topic in the classroom, classroom interaction, conventions, conference, communications among people of different ranks in a societal hierarchy, listening to lectures, responding to an interviewer, interviewing persons in authority, and reading for information in foreign or local publications in English.  They also need it in informal settings like talking with their superiors inside or in their place of work, and talking with their co-teachers and others.

         In addition, the teachers are one of the molders of the youth and because of that, they should possess the characteristic of being professional in their assign task being teachers.  They are the model of the youth and the who drive their brighter future.  On the other hand, teachers in the National High School within Division I-A Lanao del Sur particularly in the Municipalities of Ditsaan-Ramain, Bubong, and Buadipuso Buntong are very participative and dedicated to their job as a public teachers.  They did to educate the future leader of the said Municipalities.  They engaged themselves in related trainings and seminars to hone, sharpen and develop their mind and intellect as teachers.

         Likewise, communicative competence as an assessment to the Secondary School Public Teachers as the central topic of the study and research is very clear that the teachers in the national high school excelled in communication specially those who are assigning in the languages subject such as English and Filipino.  Whenever they discussed the topic in the classroom and do communicate to their students and co-teachers, English Language become their members of instruction.  Based on the study, both of them are well verses on communicating using English and Filipino dialect whenever the situations requires it.

         Passion in learning as one of the keys to success in the different field must be cultivated to ensure success.  The teachers should engage themselves in the teaching heartily so that the students will learn a valuable lesson from them.  In other words, they have to master the English Language as their prime duties being public teachers.  On what level are thee communicative competencies of the national high school then? What are the common errors committed by the faculty? Answers to the questions will be the task of the researcher.


Conceptual Framework

         This research learned on the premise that the basic ingredient in the use of language is communicative and that the teacher should exhibit the needed competence to serve important purposes such as satisfaction of needs, access to technical and scientific materials and maintenance of communication in the speech community.  For this reason, as assessment of the communicative competence of the national high school teachers would establish a picture of their proficiency along the three criteria of communicative competence categorized by Willian as adapted by Danao (2012) which are: 1.) Knowledge of the Mechanical Rules of the Language which contains: Dictation, Related Sentences, and Error Detection.  2.) Knowledge of the Meaning System of the Language which covers: Idioms, Vocabulary, Close Test.  3.) Initiating a Talk ang Responding to a Talk.

         The survey also involved the identification of the level of competence of the teachers in each criterion in the communicative competence so as to ascertain the teacher strengths and weaknesses.

         Comparison of the teachers’ performance in the three criteria of the communicative competence test-grammatical, lexical, socio-linguistic, oral will use to determine whether there is interrelationship of achievement among the mentioned criteria.  The research would able also try to find out whether performance in the written in related to oral work.  With the use of a questionnaire, relevant factors that may influence the use of language such as faculty professional background and exposure to media will look into to determine which of these input data would have measurable impact on competence.

         The result and findings of this research will furnish insight and consequently provide a basis for formulating a more responsive secondary school Communication Arts Program to improve the communicative competence of the faculty and enrich their experiences in the English language.

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Chona R. Dagatan
Chairman, Computer Engineering Department

Cebu Technological University-Danao Campus


Chona R. Dagatan
Chairman, Computer Engineering Department

Cebu Technological University-Danao Campus


Chona R. Dagatan
Chairman, Computer Engineering Department

Cebu Technological University-Danao Campus

Coffee is Life

Jemica M. Colasito

Public Secondary English Teacher

Antipolo National High School

SDO-Antipolo City

Maybe most of us have always loved indulging in coffee as part of our daily routine. The majority of us may agree with the phrase, "Coffee is Life." So, allow me to hypothesize that there is a significant relationship between coffee and life.

Let us compare coffee to life itself. Imagine the dark, bitter coffee as a representation of our toughest moments—the times when things get rough, and we can't help but feel a bit down. But fear not, my friends! Just like sugar sweetens our coffee, imagine those moments of triumph, the victories that bring smiles to our faces and fill us with joy. And to add a touch of tranquility, picture the creamy, white creamer representing peace of mind and contentment.

Now, let's think about our bodies as cups, our life as the water inside, and our mind as a spoon. The cup holds our life's experiences, just like it holds coffee. And the spoon? It symbolizes our thoughts and how we navigate through life.

Imagine taking a spoonful of bitterness and mixing it into the cup of life. It might make things seem dark and unpleasant. Nobody wants a life filled with bitterness and pain, right? But let's sprinkle in two spoonful of sweetness—the moments of joy, success, and pure happiness. Ah, much better! Those bitter moments become more bearable. Lastly, let's add three spoonful of contentment, peaceful thinking, and a sense of purity. Ah, now that's a perfect blend!

But you know what? Some of us do not like to experience bitterness, painful moments, dark events, or scenarios that break our hearts. We do not like them. We just want sweet moments, triumphs, winning events, pleasure, and a feeling of bliss. But who likes to drink water with only sugar in it?

Remember, the very reason that keeps us alert is the bitter tastes of life. The main ingredients that keep us awake are the aroma and the taste of coffee. Our motivation to move forward comes from those darkest moments of our lives. The pain reminds us to push ourselves to the unlimited potential of advancement. Without those heartbreaks, we might lose the desire to win.

But also, do not forget that we can only have the perfect taste of life if we add so much more contentment, purity of our souls, calmness, and a peaceful mind. Sugar cannot change the color of coffee, but the creamer can. If we add some purity to our souls, we can instantly change the color and taste of our lives.

Let's create our own blend of life. We have full control over its taste. We can decide the amount, personalize its measurement, and add some more ingredients and flavors. With the right mixture, we can have a more enjoyable sip of life.


Addressing Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Hospitality Management Practicum Students

Sulpicio D. Garces Jr., PhD.
Associate Professor II / BSHM Department Chair

North Eastern Mindanao State University-Tagbina Campus

Practicum experiences are an integral part of hospitality management education, providing students with the opportunity to gain real-world experience in the industry. However, practicum experiences also present ethical concerns that students need to be aware of and address. The following are some of the ethical concerns that practicum students may encounter and the steps they can take to address them:

1. Ensuring that employees are treated fairly and with respect. Practicum students may be placed in situations where they observe or even participate in practices that are unethical or violate labor laws. For example, they may witness employees being paid less than minimum wage, working excessive hours, or being discriminated against. It is essential that practicum students are trained to recognize and report such practices to their supervisors, mentors, or other appropriate authorities. They should also be taught about fair labor practices, such as minimum wage laws, and how to advocate for employees' rights.

2. Hospitality management businesses operate in a sustainable and environmentally responsible manner. Practicum students should be taught about sustainable practices such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and using eco-friendly products. They should also be trained to recognize and report practices that are harmful to the environment, such as the use of single-use plastics or excessive use of water resources. Practicum students should be encouraged to advocate for sustainable practices in the workplace and to promote the importance of sustainability in the industry.

3. Hospitality management businesses operate in a socially responsible manner. This includes providing a safe and healthy work environment for employees, promoting diversity and inclusion, and supporting the local community. Practicum students should be trained to recognize and report practices that violate these ethical standards and to advocate for social responsibility in the workplace. They should also be encouraged to promote these values in the industry and to support businesses that prioritize social responsibility.

Moreover, hospitality management practicum students are essential to understand the role of ethics in the industry. Ethics refers to a set of moral principles that govern the behavior of individuals and organizations. In the hospitality industry, ethics play a crucial role in ensuring that businesses operate in a socially responsible and sustainable manner.  Practicum students must be aware of their ethical responsibilities as representatives of their educational institutions and the hospitality industry. They should understand the importance of upholding ethical standards and the consequences of unethical behavior. Practicum students should also be aware of the legal implications of unethical practices and the potential harm they can cause to individuals and businesses.

Finally, practicum students should be aware of the ethical concerns related to customer interactions. They may encounter situations where customers are treated unfairly or are subjected to discriminatory practices. They should be trained to recognize and address these situations and to advocate for fair and equal treatment of all customers. Practicum students should also be trained to recognize and report situations where customers are harmed, such as through unsafe or unsanitary conditions.  Therefore, addressing these ethical concerns, practicum students can contribute positively to the industry and make a difference in the lives of employees, customers, and the environment.



Teacher III

Bagong Silang High School





Researcher: Genelyn C. Rico

Degree:       Master in Educational Management

Institution:    Polytechnic University of the Philippines-Open University

Year: 2020

Adviser:       Dr. Norberto Caturay


This study assessed the organizational commitment and engagement of Supreme Student Government (SSG) officers in Caloocan North I and II District from school Year 2019-2020. Specifically, it sought to identify the SSG Officers personal profile such as; age, sex, grade level, number of years as an SSG officer, number of SSG activities organized; type of school; how the respondents assessed their organizational commitment to SSG in terms of Affective Commitment based on their emotion attachment, Continuance Commitment that measures their willingness to work in the same organization and Normative Commitment that builds upon duties and values in the organization; how the respondents will assess their engagement to SSG in terms of Emotional or the student’s sense of belongingness, Behavioral or the student’s participation and Cognitive or the student’s motivation and regulation; and if it there any significant difference on the assessed commitment and engagement to SSG when the respondents were group according to their profile variables.

Seven public secondary schools in Caloocan-North I and II particularly SSG Officers from School A to G for the School Year 2019-2020 were chosen as the respondents of this study. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to measure the organizational commitment and engagement of the SSG Officers. The following were taken as the result of the study: Majority of the SSG officers aged 15-16 years old, dominantly female, from Grade 10-12 level, served for 1 year or less as an officer and have attended 5 various SSG launched activities. As to the extent of organizational commitment, SSG officers assessed themselves to be with High Level of Affective, Continuance and Normative domains. Meanwhile, the extent of students’ engagement found to have a Very High Level of Emotional and Behavioral while with High level of Cognitive engagement. There was no significant difference if the SSG officers in terms of commitment when grouped according to age and sex but found to have a significant difference when grouped according to grade level and number of years as SSG Officer. On the other hand, there was no significant difference in the responses of the SSG officers in terms of engagement when grouped according to age and grade level. However, found to have a significant difference when grouped according to gender and number of years as an officer.




Keywords: Student Leadership, Commitment, Engagement, Supreme Student Government, Leadership Training

Discovering the Silver Linings Amidst Research Challenges


Sarah M. Palaw-ay

Benguet State University, CAR

Ting! Ting! The Messenger group chat for our MTBMLE research project became increasingly busy, demanding my attention. Determined to avoid distractions, I muted the chat. Although my mind and heart weren't fully invested in this project, as it wasn't my preferred research topic, I decided to join out of camaraderie and undeniably earn points for promotion.

Initially, I had envisioned a small-scale study, focusing on a few schools or conducting a complete enumeration of primary teachers in our municipality only. However, I soon discovered that the scope of the study encompassed the entire province, consisting of 13 municipalities. Dazed by other deadlines and responsibilities, all the more I regretted my decision to join the research project. The best choice was to push forward, and be compliant or else I will always be arguing for my deviant thoughts which will bring me to nowhere but stress. Sink or swim, as they say.

The piercing sound of my alarm clock disrupted the early morning stillness, signaling the beginning of our data-gathering journey across various schools in the province. The research team planned to start at 5:30 AM, so despite my lack of enthusiasm, I rose earlier than the sun to offer prayers before preparing for the trip. Our strategy was to visit the farthest school first and work our way back to the nearest.

Since it was our first time in the location, we got lost on our way. The people at the base of the mountain verified several times that we are really looking for the multi-grade school because it takes  forty minutes to an hour to climb up the mountain where it is located. Walking is not a problem for us since we are used to it. Shielded by umbrella, we briskly climbed the mountain with the intention of cutting down on time so we can cover the target number of schools in a day. The breathtaking natural landscape and the captivating sky kept me energized during our brief stops. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of walking, we reached the first recommended school. Before shaking hands with any of the multi-grade teachers, I hurried to the comfort room to wipe away the perspiration that clung to my body. I realized how important it is to carry an extra shirt for comfort in case you get drenched in sweat.

Following nearly two hours of engaging in focus group discussions (FGDs), we had to make our way back down the mountain, aiming to descend faster than our ascent. Descending maybe quicker, but not necessarily easier. We couldn't afford to dawdle along the way, as other teachers in other schools were awaiting our arrival. The cycle repeated itself as we visited at least three schools per day.

Despite my initial reluctance to embark on this journey, I gradually developed an appreciation for MTBMLE as a research topic. At first, I just simply listened, recorded, and took notes of  the various experiences, problems, and conflicting ideas shared by the FGD participants, but as we laughed at the amusing anecdotes shared by the teachers, I came to empathize with their struggles in managing classroom learning and admired the solutions they had devised. Having never taught this subject before, I was indifferent to it since we can not go against its implementation. Indeed, it is true that a deeper understanding of a matter leads to a greater appreciation of its value.

After almost two weeks of data collection across three municipalities, we received an urgent notice from the DepEd regional director, requesting the initial data we had gathered to support their appeal at the Senate to suspend the use of mother tongue as a medium of instruction. It is important to note that our research is not funded by DepEd or other agencies, nor was it intended to debunk MTBMLE but to improve our curriculum and instruction for our pre-service teachers and design a training project for extension service. As researchers, our primary responsibility is to share our findings with those who need them. That day, it finally sunk in me that our study is not ordinary which requires not just a compliant attitude but a yearning to level up in understanding research and developing the skills needed. Although I knew that any study could contribute to future research, I never imagined that ours would have an immediate impact on addressing a national issue in pedagogy. As a novice in research, the opportunity to contribute to problem-solving felt more rewarding than getting published or cited. It served as a wake-up call to appreciate efforts, no matter how small they are, as they may contribute to significant solutions.

Joining this research project for the first time felt overwhelming, with its enormity and challenges for a novice like me. Nevertheless, the valuable lessons I learned, particularly from conducting qualitative research alongside experts, have expanded my understanding of various areas within and outside the realm of research. Accompanying, observing, and actively listening to our leader's coordination with administrators and participants during FGDs provided me with hands-on learning experiences in conducting research projects. Waking up early for long trips, enduring walkathons, and dealing with the pressures of deadlines and paperwork served as my tuition fees for this practical learning. I am now determined to set aside my tendencies to magnify my personal concerns and instead focus on finding solutions, with faith that all things work for good to those who love the Lord, as the Bible says.





Masteral Student

Urdaneta City University Graduate School


The study presents the real-life experiences of nurses working amidst the Covid-19 outbreak. The approach includes logically related topics such as health and nursing challenges and problem-solving. During the COVID-19 crisis, a phenomenology qualitative study comprising semi-structured interviews was conducted. Ten people were recruited from three government hospitals in Tarlac, significant hotspots during the COVID-19 pandemic spike. A semi-structured, in-depth interview questionnaire was used to collect data. Before the interview, the researcher gathered demographic information from the respondents. Three weeks later, the same interviews were conducted. Respondents in this study were between the ages of 25 and 34. Those who did not live with their parents (n = 8) elected to keep their employees in the isolation ward a secret from their parents. After being separated from their families, they felt helpless and remorseful. Respondents who cared for elderly patients and small children at their patients' homes were especially concerned about their families. The study showed that frontline nurses' positive and negative attitudes toward the disease coexist. Respondents frequently experienced more negative emotions in the early stages, while positive feelings arrived instantaneously or gradually over time. The study concludes that nurses must practice self-care and psychological growth techniques to sustain their mental health and well-being and mental health literacy in the workplace, also known as psychoeducation training. Positive reasons for involvement in mental health interventions, as well as participation in such programs by visible leaders who help to promote a culture of health in the workplace, are critical to the success of such efforts, as are psychosocial support team activities that teach nurses to sympathize with the challenges that they encounter.

Keywords: Healthcare workers during the pandemic, lived experiences of nurses.






Aftmost gratitude to the Father Almighty, who created all things beautiful and purposeful. Gratitude to the professors of Urdaneta City University for their untiring guidance and wisdom in delivering excellence and passing on the virtue of constant learning.

Salutation towards the professors, and my adviser, for the example they had imparted, their perseverance, and their understanding in educating the researcher about the true essence of excellence in learning.

Endless appreciation for my parents, family, friends, and coworkers who have shared their time, support, blessings, and prayers. For all the healthcare providers, survivors, and lost loved ones in the battle against the Covid-19 global pandemic.







Background of the Study


Nurses are at the forefront of promoting health, advocating for patients, and advancing care science. The World Health Organization designated 2020 the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. Organizations within the World Health Assembly, such as the International Confederation of Midwives, International Council of Nurses, Nursing Now, and the United Nations Population Fund, planned to celebrate nurses worldwide, address challenges nurses face, and highlight nurses' vast contributions throughout 2020 (Alharbi et al., 2020).

However, the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife was quickly overshadowed by the international invasion of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The effects of COVID-19 have been felt in, and continue to ripple through, all areas of the world. Anecdotes continue to emerge as nurses engage in the power of storytelling to share their reality of COVID-19. Curating and archiving these pandemic experiences are necessary. This study aims to scientifically examine the lived experiences of nurses or practices during the pandemic (Galehdar et al., 2020).

The first wave of coronavirus disease 2019 was a global event for which nurses had limited time to prepare before receiving an influx of high-acuity patients and navigating new care plans. Furthermore, to resolve challenges and problems in the nursing community, we must first understand nurses' lived experiences during the COVID-19 outbreak. Hence, numerous research studies should be done.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is the virus that causes COVID-19, which was first identified as a pneumonia-like illness in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. The World Health Organization declared a public health emergency in January 2020, and in March 2020, the United States declared a national emergency. Areas of Europe and the United States became epicenters of the disease. Information about the pathophysiology, prevention, and treatment of, as well as recovery from, COVID-19 continues to emerge (Liu et al., 2020).

COVID-19 can cause various flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, exhaustion, gastrointestinal abnormalities, and loss of taste and smell. Emerging evidence suggests that COVID-19 impacts populations differently, particularly vulnerable populations such as the elderly, racial and ethnic minorities, and children. Importantly, COVID-19-infected children younger than 12 years old are most susceptible to a multisystem inflammatory syndrome, a cluster of symptoms resembling Kawasaki disease. Clotting abnormalities, as shown by an elevated D-dimer level and a prolonged prothrombin time, appear to contribute to increased mortality rates in adults with COVID-19 (Torrentira Jr., 2020).

Also, new techniques for countering COVID-19 are shared constantly. It is recognized that a prone stance increases oxygenation in people with acute lung diseases. During the pandemic, evidence supporting prone positioning as an intervention to reduce intubation and enhance oxygenation was utilized to validate prone positioning. To prevent the transmission of the virus, protocols for social distancing in communal spaces such as schools, workplaces, and hospitals were implemented. Around the Philippines, critical care units (ICUs) that typically encourage family visits have closed their doors. The practicing environment of nurses has been extensively examined. According to research, the work environment influences psychosocial health, interpersonal interactions, and the quality of patient care nurses. In addition, it contributes to nurse burnout, job satisfaction, and patient mortality. In reaction to COVID-19, nurses working in intensive care situations have witnessed some of the most rapid changes.

Overall, nurses have high rates of exposure to infectious diseases. Personal protective equipment (PPE) standards are in place to protect nurses from disease transmission. However, evidence remains mixed on how best to remove soiled PPE and train healthcare workers in correctly applying PPE. During the COVID-19 outbreak, nurses and other healthcare providers have faced a global PPE shortage, and institutions have implemented unconventional practices to conserve and reuse PPE (Sadang et al., 2022).

In the context of these rapid changes and the promotion of practices that were once unheard of, nurses face the potential for physical and psychological distress. More specifically, moral distress occurs when nurses cannot provide compassionate patient care, contributing to nursing burnout and compassion fatigue. In addition to the reuse of PPE, other factors such as the influx of high-acuity patients, the lack of presence of family members, and high patient censuses have contributed to increased moral distress among nurses—psychological stressors related to caring for terminally ill patients who have COVID-19 test nurses' resilience. Caring for dying patients heightens the risks of job burnout and secondary traumatic stress syndrome. Other factors contributing to nursing burnout include unrealistic job expectations, lack of respect, and mismatched values between employees and the organization. On the other hand, personal support and peer relationships have demonstrated positive outcomes related to building resiliency (Walton et al., 2020).

To protect the public and enforce governmental suggestions for social distancing, institutions changed visitation policies to stop family bedside presence from slowing the spread of the virus. This familial distance, along with additional causes of moral distress, such as increased workload, staffing concerns, and the potential for medication errors, is all characteristics of the tumultuous critical care environment during the pandemic (Karimi et al., 2020).

Given critical care nurses' high pre-pandemic levels of moral distress and burnout, the COVID-19 pandemic will tremendously influence intensive care unit (ICU) nurses' mental health and continuation in the ICU workforce. Nurses who worked in ICUs in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic were recruited to complete a survey from October 2020 through early January 2021 through social media and the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. Three open-ended questions focused on the experiences of ICU nurses during the pandemic. Of the 498 nurses who completed the survey, 285 answered the open-ended questions. Nurses reported stress related to a lack of evidence-based treatment, poor patient prognosis, and lack of family presence in the ICU. Nurses perceived inadequate leadership support and inequity within the health care team. Lack of consistent community support to slow the spread of COVID-19 or recognition that COVID-19 was real increased nurses' feelings of isolation. Nurses reported physical and emotional symptoms, including exhaustion, anxiety, sleeplessness, and moral distress. Fear of contracting COVID-19 or of infecting family and friends was also prevalent. Intensive care unit nurses in the United States experienced an unprecedented and immense burden during the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding these experiences provides insights into areas that must be addressed to build and sustain an ICU nurse workforce. Further studies are needed to describe nurses' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and identify adequate resources supporting ICU nurses' well-being (Guttormson J., 2022).

 The current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has triggered exceptionally rapid changes in the structure of our hospitals. Critical care nurses, directly involved in caring for the most severely affected patients, are experiencing new challenges with implementing new COVID-19 intensive care units (ICUs). At the height of the surge in COVID-19 patients in Italy, the lack of ICU beds and mechanical ventilators meant that our hospital administrators were forced to convert recovery rooms and operating rooms into new COVID-19 ICUs. These COVID-19 units provide the highest isolation precautions and represent the best of our hospitals' logistic capacities. However, the absolute lack of resources has been in "human competence."

The surge in critically ill patients has meant sudden organizational changes imposed by hospital managers to provide an immediate response to this unprecedented human resource crisis in health care. These circumstances have fueled new nursing management challenges and opportunities that deserve our attention. For example, once new ICU beds were designated, critical care nurses were needed to manage patients depending on organ and system support, such as mechanical ventilation, prone positioning, continuous renal replacement therapy, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Managers have enrolled nurses with previous ICU experience and recently graduated nurses to overcome the staff shortage with intensive care nursing competencies. This solution may have lowered the staff skill mix in these ICUs below the required standards, with potential risks to patients' safety and quality of care. For most of the nurses in these COVID-19 ICUs, the long hours while using personal protective equipment (PPE) were associated with adverse consequences such as discomfort, fatigue, and skin damage. Scientific nursing societies should recommend standards for maximum working hours wearing PPE. Nursing managers should adjust day and night shifts, considering the maximum period for wearing PPE. Changes in how the ICU team communicates and the visual and acoustic hindrances caused by PPE should be monitored for potential increased risk for adverse events among patients and healthcare providers.

Nurses' workload should be monitored through validated tools such as the Nursing Activities Score, and the staff skill mix should be adjusted based on the collected data. A recent case series of critically ill patients affected by COVID-19 showed a 33% increase in nursing workload compared with the usual case mix seen with ICU patients in the cases of the impact of COVID-19 on nursing workload and planning and nursing staff on the Intensive Care: A prospective descriptive multicenter study of Hoogendorn et al., 2021. Surveys about nursing activities and nurse-to-patient ratios in COVID-19 ICUs could help establish priorities in managing potential staff shortages.

Experience with staffing during this pandemic can teach us new ways to manage nursing resources in the future. In the study of Barcello et al., 2020, limitations could be instituted to prevent nurses from working solely in a single clinical specialty area or ICU instead of encouraging nurses to change their allocation inside the hospital several times during their careers. A great opportunity is available to increase each nurse's experience and competencies and to improve nurses' skills within multidisciplinary teams. The study emphasized that broadening competencies and skills could benefit nurses, such as higher resilience, increased practical and theoretical knowledge, a more comprehensive view of the clinical and organizational picture, and reduced psychological impact in case of sudden reassignment to a different clinical setting.

         The COVID-19 pandemic crisis resulted in an abrupt paradigm shift in nurses' life in healthcare systems, leading to stressful and overwhelming challenges in their daily battle against this illness. This descriptive phenomenological inquiry explored the meaning of Filipino nurses' work on the frontlines of community quarantine facilities amidst this pandemic health crisis. Using snowballing, a recruitment technique in which research participants are asked to assist researchers in identifying other potential subjects through in-depth interviewing, ten nurses were participants in this study who sought to deeply understand and explain their lived experiences while working in their respective facilities.

                  Three major themes emerged from the data analysis of the transcribed verbatim responses using Colaizzi's approach: Work as self-sacrifice with three sub-themes, work as self-fulfillment with two sub-themes, and Work as a psychological struggle with two sub-themes. The nurses show exemplary professional efforts and sacrifices in their fight against this crisis to overcome challenges in the face of insufficient or unavailable necessary resources. Thus, Sadang 2022 recommends in a study that appropriate authorities must provide extensive support to safeguard nurses' well-being so that they can continue their selfless duty of preventing and curing the illness in our various communities.

This research study aims to understand the lived experiences of nurses working amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. Hence, to develop an enhancement program for nurses' well-being when on duty or faced with a Health Emergency crisis.




Conceptual Framework

The research study used the Twenty-One Nursing Problems Theory, which focuses on human needs, created by Faye Abdella. This theory is typically reviewed and referred to by nursing students in preparation for practice since it explains the optimal methods for providing comprehensive patient care. Nurses, patients, treatment regimens, and societal elements are all involved in comprehensive care. This theory's central tenet is that nursing is an art form of care requiring nurses to have upbeat attitudes, extensive medical knowledge, and specialized skill sets. The concept applies both to the patient and as well as to the nurses providing the care.

Abdellah’s typology of 21 nursing problems is a conceptual model that mainly deals with patients' needs and nurses' role in problem identification using a problem analysis approach. According to the model, patients have physical, emotional, and sociological needs. People are also the only justification for the existence of nursing. Nursing is a profession with people since they are the recipients of nursing. Patient-centered approaches to nursing health are described as a state mutually exclusive of illness. Abdellah does not define health but speaks to “total health needs” and “a healthy state of mind and body" in her nursing description. However, Abdellah conceptualized nurses' actions in nursing care contrary to her aim of categorizing patients' problems as health needs. Nurses' roles were to alleviate the problems assessed through the proposed problem-solving approach.

The basic needs of an individual are to maintain good hygiene and physical comfort; promote optimal health through healthy activities, such as exercise, rest, and sleep; promote safety through the prevention of health hazards like accidents, injury, or other trauma and the prevention of the spread of infection; and maintain good body mechanics and prevent or correct deformity. The theory is intended to guide care not just in the hospital setting but can also be applied to community nursing, according to Gonzalo 2021. The model has interrelated concepts of health and nursing problems and problem-solving, which are inherently logical.

Contact us for the full paper.


Michelle P. Trangia, EdD.


Cebu Technological University-Main Campus



The researchers in this study are perplexed on how will the teacher’s know whether students learned or not. Thomas Reeves (2006) mentioned that the success of any learning environment is determined by the degree to which there is adequate alignment among them is assessment. Astin’s theory (2008) found that engagement is positively related to measures of gains in general abilities. He mentioned that student engagement is positively related to grades when institutional policies and practices are established. In this study, it is hypothesized that when the teacher impose classroom policies the students tend to be more engaged in their tests and have more focused on the test paper they’re taking. Further, it tries to postulate that when students are given rules or policies during testing they tend to have higher performance in their test scores. This study utilized quasi-experimental method participated by 91 students from the College of Teacher Education in University of Cebu-Lapulapu and Mandaue. Purposive sampling was the method of choosing the participants. The results showed that it is evident that students are more engaged when policies are set during examinations. Furthermore, when the teacher is more lenient, the students can get better test results. The results rejected the hypothesis. It is recommendatory to create a booklet for proper test administration handy in classroom setting and researchers may formulate own theory based on the results of the study and by conducting phase 2 of this research.



Keywords: Classroom policies, test taking behaviors, predictors of scores, quasi experiment, student engagement, test performance


The Joy of Solving: A Mathematical Ode

Rowena P. Dato-on, PhD.

Associate Professor V

Cebu Technological University Daanbantayan Campus

A mathematical challenge, I do confess,

A puzzle to solve, and nothing less,

With numbers and symbols, it's quite complex,

But I'll find a solution, with no neglect.


I'll start with a line, and a simple sum,

Adding and subtracting, 'til I've come,

To a solution that's precise and true,

And with this equation, I'll start anew.


A triangle and circle, with an area to find,

A formula to use, and numbers to bind,

A square root and pi, and a bit of fun,

And soon I'll have solved, this math problem done.


With every step, my confidence grows,

And as I solve, my knowledge shows,

That math is a language, both bold and bright,

A tool to explore, and to make things right.


So let's tackle this challenge, with all our might,

And find the answer, with clarity and sight,

For mathematics is a path, to greatness and truth,

And every problem, is a chance for us to prove.

The Forge of Minds: Embracing Engineering's Call

Engr. Tomashita P. Arenas

Chair, Electrical Engineering Department

Cebu Technological University- Danao Campus

In the realm of knowledge's vast terrain,

Where logic and creativity intertwine,

There lies a realm of wisdom to attain,

Where engineers seek secrets divine.


In halls of learning, where bright minds convene,

Bound by a common thread of innovation,

They delve into sciences, both bold and serene,

Unraveling mysteries, shaping their creation.


Amidst the equations and lines of code,

In labs and workshops, their skills they hone,

They build foundations strong, yet never corrode,

For engineering education is a path well known.


From bridges towering over rivers' flow,

To skyscrapers piercing the boundless sky,

Engineering's canvas reveals its glow,

A testament to minds that dare to fly.


With fervent study, they forge their way,

Through circuits, gears, and thermodynamics,

They challenge conventions, with minds at play,

Transforming dreams into tangible mechanics.


But beyond the equations and the technical art,

Engineering education nurtures more,

It ignites the flame within each heart,

To solve problems and the world restore.


With teamwork as their trusted guide,

They bridge the gaps of societies' need,

Harnessing knowledge and pushing aside,

The limits of what's possible, indeed.


They innovate, they build, they strive,

With hands that shape a future anew,

Engineering education keeps dreams alive,

Enlightening minds with wisdom true.


So raise your voice, aspiring minds,

Embrace the challenges that lie ahead,

For in engineering's realm, destiny finds,

A canvas where dreams are brilliantly spread.


And let this ode echo through the years,

Inspiring those who dare to explore,

Engineering education, a symphony that steers,

Humanity's progress, forevermore.

Promoting Inclusivity and Diversity in Hospitality

Richard Agustin, Ph. D. TM

Assistant Professor III

Cebu Technological University - Carmen Campus

The hospitality industry thrives on creating unforgettable experiences for people from all walks of life. In today's globalized world, embracing diversity is crucial for success in this sector. This essay explores the importance of diversity in hospitality and its impact on businesses, employees, and customers. Diversity in hospitality encompasses cultural backgrounds, age, gender, race, and sexual orientation. By embracing diversity, companies can better understand and appreciate different customs, traditions, and preferences. This cultural awareness allows organizations to provide personalized experiences that resonate with a diverse customer base, enhancing satisfaction and fostering loyalty.

Furthermore, diversity fosters innovation and creativity. When individuals from diverse backgrounds collaborate, they bring unique perspectives, experiences, and ideas. This diversity of thought drives innovation, leading to new solutions and improved services. Organizations that embrace diversity gain access to a wide range of talents and ideas, giving them a competitive advantage. Diversity also enhances employee engagement and retention. When organizations prioritize diversity and inclusion, they create an environment where employees feel important, valued, and respected. This inclusive culture boosts employee engagement, motivation, and loyalty. Engaged employees provide exceptional customer service, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and repeat business. From a business perspective, diversity expands market reach. Customers from different backgrounds seek inclusive and culturally sensitive services in today's interconnected world. Organizations attract a broader customer base by creating an environment that welcomes everyone. Positive word-of-mouth recommendations enhance the business's reputation, increasing customer loyalty and market share. Embracing diversity in hospitality is a strategic imperative and an ethical responsibility. By prioritizing diversity and inclusion, organizations contribute to a more equitable society. This commitment to ethical practices builds trust among employees and customers, fostering enduring relationships and enhancing the industry's reputation.

In conclusion, embracing diversity in hospitality is crucial for success and inclusivity. Organizations thrive in an interconnected world by promoting cultural understanding, fostering innovation, nurturing employee engagement, expanding market reach, and upholding ethical practices. Embracing diversity is a moral imperative and a fundamental driver for long-term growth and sustainability in hospitality.

The Front Desk Supervisor

Richard Agustin, Ph. D. TM

Assistant Professor III

Cebu Technological University - Carmen Campus

In a hotel, the supervisor waits,

At the front desk, where guests congregate.

With a friendly smile and a helping hand,

He guides visitors from across the land.


From morning till night, he's always there,

Assisting guests with kindness and care.

Booking rooms and answering questions,

Ensuring everyone's satisfaction.


Behind the desk, he manages it all,

Handling tasks with a confident call.

Assigning rooms and checking folks in,

Making sure their stay is a joyful win.


Like a conductor, he leads the way,

Balancing requests throughout the day.

Patient and kind, he solves any strife,

Creating a memorable stay in life.


The front desk supervisor, a true friend,

Supporting guests until their stay ends.

With simple words and a heart so true,

He makes each visit special for you.

SDO Talugtug Annex Reading Intervention Program

Johanna Dianne D. Quibilan, MAEd

Teacher III

Talugtug West Central School

Due to the increased number of learners who are not proficient in reading and the many beliefs of the best practices to help struggling readers, SDO Talugtug Annex seeks to determine the best methods to implement to help struggling readers reach proficiency in reading. Looking at our education system has challenged the project to focus on getting struggling readers. ​

    Learners come into the classroom daily with many challenges and struggle to grow academically. Some learners have living situations that have influenced their reading proficiency. These include parents that work long hours, parents who speak limited English, parents who have medical conditions that prevent family involvement, and even parents who are not proficient in reading. The problem happens when students fall behind because they need help with homework and comprehension. Assignments can affect all other subjects in school. ​

    To enhance the literacy skill of the learners of SDO Talugtug Annex and ensure the efficiency of Reading Intervention Programs applied in the schools, Project SAGIP ( ). This program is supplementary to an existing literacy curriculum provided to learners to enhance and increase reading and literacy levels. Programs can be administered through EGRA and PHILIRRI this School Year as we are bridging the gap and losses from the past two years.​

Its Primary goals are.

1. Explore effective teaching strategies that are implemented with struggling readers, ​

2. Find activities that motivate struggling readers, and ​

3) investigate the role of teachers in the development of struggling readers.​


Processes and Strategies Used

1. LAC Sessions on Learning and Reading Interventions ​

2. Assigning teachers as the process observers and reading teachers​

3. Data profiling of students for intervention class ​

4. Preparation of Reading Intervention materials ​

5. Intensifying the Home Learning Spaces as Parents serve as Reading Tutors​

6. Answering queries of students or parents (Reading teachers)​

7. Checking of learners' outputs ​

8. Assessment of learners' outputs ​

9. Asking for Feedback and Reflection on all the processes ​

10. Home Visitation​


            Reading intervention strategies can be helpful for readers who are having trouble. It's critical to determine the best approach for each kid before offering them a ton of support to help them advance. Together, teachers and parents should decide on the most effective intervention plan and keep cheering the student on as they progress.

Interventions used to support readers who are having difficulties in some way include reading intervention tactics. There may be various reasons a kid is having trouble reading, but educators can support these pupils in developing their reading abilities by implementing reading intervention tactics. Word decoding difficulties, poor comprehension, and sluggish reading fluency are common causes of reading difficulties in students.

 Helping pupils who struggle with reading requires the use of reading intervention tools. Teachers can assist these pupils in strengthening their reading abilities and developing into good readers by utilizing targeted interventions tailored to the student's needs. Parents and Teachers must work collaboratively to decide which is the best strategy for the learner, and they must provide more support to help them improve their reading skills.



How to Develop a Successful Leadership Plan

Johanna Dianne D. Quibilan, MAEd

Teacher III

Talugtug West Central School

To lead people through incredible change, organizations rely on effective leadership. However, plenty of support suggests that even some of the most well-established companies need help adjusting to shifting circumstances, properly carrying out their strategic plans, or getting ready for the future.

How can the company decrease the risks associated with a poor leadership strategy and better prepare its current and future leaders for unforeseen changes? A leadership strategy is a road map that connects expenditures on leadership development to the company's process, objectives, and aspirations.

 To accomplish the intended results, a leadership strategy specifies the types, numbers, locations, abilities, and behaviors of the leaders that are required, both individually and collectively.

 It also points out additional concerns the company must consider, like whether its current talent management practices—such as onboarding and performance evaluation—support the culture and leadership it wants to foster.

 A leader must know the value of a clear business plan. Only some people, however, consider the leadership approach required to make it happen.

Organizations frequently continue to use an outdated list of leadership skills (or keep adding to their current list) instead of updating it. Others design overly generic talent programs by neglecting to consider the unique business strategies of their corporation.

 This disjointed approach to building organizational and individual leadership won't give senior management, emerging talent, or everyday leaders the tools they need to adapt to change and achieve new objectives.

The leadership gap should be considered when creating bold plans that necessitate a change in the organization's capabilities or direction. After identifying the significant drivers, one of the first questions to ask is what ramifications your leadership strategy will have. The consequences of your leadership strategy may be as follows, for instance, if your firm is focused on becoming more innovative:

• Increased interdependence among leaders to foster more efficient cross-functional collaboration in the launch of new products.

• The requirement for greater leadership involvement across functions in obtaining customer insights and converting these into successful concepts for new goods.

• Predicting how a quickly expanding product portfolio would affect cash, space, and talent.

   A cultural transformation is necessary to replace a risk-averse culture with encouraging innovation. The leadership strategy implications are more detailed, reflecting the opportunities and problems that surround the primary drivers.             The major drivers and the corresponding business strategy should have apparent consequences for the effective leadership practices that the organization's leaders must adopt.

Ultimately, leadership development activities should be planned to ensure that both individual leaders and the organization's overall leadership are ready to implement the most crucial strategies related to the main drivers.

First, you must thoroughly grasp leadership in your business before you can set a leadership plan. Individual talent and competencies are where this starts, but that differs from where it ends. Whether you succeed in achieving your goals depends on the capacity of official and informal leaders to collaborate.

The five elements should be considered in a comprehensive leadership plan that converts these strategy drivers into particular action: the number of leaders needed, as indicated by current and projected leadership positions must see on an organization chart (number, level, location, function, business unit, and reporting relationships). 

A cultural makeover is required to shift from a risk-averse to an innovative culture. The leadership strategy's consequences would be far more in-depth, reflecting the possibilities and issues that surround the main drivers. Effective leadership practices that the organization's leaders must embrace should follow naturally from the primary drivers and the accompanying business plan.

Finally, leadership development initiatives should be designed to ensure that both individual leaders and the general leadership of the business are prepared to carry out the essential tactics about the primary drivers.

Before you can create a leadership plan, you must understand leadership in your company. Although this begins with individual talent and skills, it does not end there. The ability of quality leaders to work together ultimately determines whether you are successful in attaining your goals.

 A thorough leadership plan that transforms these strategy drivers into particular action should consider the following five components: Developing the leadership strategy needed to implement the business strategy takes careful planning, dedicated effort, and commitment from your organization.

However, by going through the leadership strategy development process, you may create an organizational culture that can succeed strategically and more focused, effective leadership development.

For organizations to navigate through extraordinary change, capable leadership is essential. But there is sufficient proof that even some of the most renowned businesses struggle to adapt to change, successfully carry out their strategic plans, or plan for an uncertain future. The ability of quality leaders to work together ultimately determines whether you are successful in attaining your goals. What can your organization do better to prepare its present and future leaders for unforeseen developments and minimize the risks associated with a quality leadership strategy?

Leveraging Research Capabilities and Resources

Ronel M. Sapungan, PhD.

General Education Campus Head

Batangas State University

The National Engineering University JPLPC-Malvar

The importance of utilizing research talents and potential is clearly illustrated by the country's higher education institutions.

When researchers' abilities and resources are fully utilized, they produce excellent results and receive recognition. Individual researchers and research colleagues benefit from them in terms of self-esteem and real repute. They have been able to achieve desired accomplishments and appreciation by combining and working together despite facing severe research problems and fears and harmonizing with competing research ideas.

Because the college and university engage, influence, and empower staff and student researchers, all of these fantastic chances have helped the programs to the fullest extent possible. To maximize their usefulness, existing research infrastructures and library resources are made available. According to George Soros, an American philanthropist, and billionaire, "It is far easier to put existing resources to greater use than it is to build resources where they do not exist.

"When all concerted efforts of university leaders are specified and enforced, meeting research goals and objectives are easily achieved." This is consistent with Helen Keller, a blind American educator, who famously stated, "Together we can do so much."

The strong and constant support from the research units is noteworthy. Concerned officers and support staff are constantly providing needed research resources and providing imperative quality services, guided by the university's policies and thrusts, in order to meet the university's research goals and to be on par with the demands and aspirations of colleges and universities.

Promoting research productivity and engaging in community extension programs are relevant leveraging practice. Faculty and student researchers do research that is both institutionally and externally supported, as well as academically obligatory, with community extension projects in mind. These community-based and socially conscious programs are designed, planned, and implemented to assist alleviate poverty and improve dependency and self-reliance among barangay residents.


To meet the needs of project participants, researchers and extensionists must make use of available resources. In distributing knowledge and skill training, they demonstrate solidarity, fearlessness, and ingenuity. Meeting the needs of the community remains a major challenge. However, research leaders, professors, students, and employees must approach the problem with caution.

Researchers must commit to creating more relevant, high-quality research while utilizing the university's human resources and academic infrastructure, as inspired by the concept of leveraging. Motivated by this concept, dedicated researchers 


Rakila M. Quezon

   Instructor III

Adiong Memorial State College, Ditsaan Ramain, Lanao del Sur


         Peace education is a concept that is difficult to define. As a new pedagogical field,  advocates has been perceived differently, as its concept is diffult to delineat. To get the definitions of peace education depend on the context and the purpose for which it is implemented.needed to be integrated to the curriculum in the basic educational level because beginning from the time that the child’s growth, it is obligatory task on the part of the family to motivate and educate their children through the concepts of peace education. Peace education is more effective and meaningful when it is taught considering that the social and cultural aspect and the needs of the community and the country as a whole. Its cultural and spiritual values should be imparted to elementary pupils because of its universal application.

Peace education has no universally accepted definition as such. But on its basic concepts and to understand its meaning De Torres, (2008) defined it that, peace education is a remedial measure to protect children from falling into the ways of violence in the society. Peace education aims to the total development of the child. It attempts to instill higher human and social values in the mind of the child. It is important that it develops a set of behavioral skills as a way of peaceful living and peace building so that all human being will benefit. Consistently “A sourcebook in Peace Education” by De Torres and I quote, peace education is also aimed to prevent a conflict in advance or rather to educate individuals and a society for a peaceful existence on the basis of nonviolence, tolerance, equality, respect for differences, and social justice. Peace education is considered to be a philosophy and involving skills, including listening, reflection, problem-solving, cooperation and conflict resolution.


To understand more about the concept of peace education is not only on a part of the formal course work. Its scope has no process of giving examination and certification

to children. Its foundations conviction, understanding and appreciating its need in the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     individual, community, national and global life. In a teaching process to formal teaching, pupils in elementary level will be taught the values of education as one to develop the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           culture of peace in school and in society as a whole, while in non-formal teaching at home parents are trying to motivate in teaching child by way of telling a story about the life of our forefathers before on how they create their unity and social mutual relationships  . In the manner of Muslim peoples in the country, Islam teaches Muslims to maintain in uttering or greeting peace to every muslim individuals when one meet with one brother muslim by saying “Salaam to you “ which means peace is upon you. It is suggested that during teaching in classroom, teacher should start to greet or say salaam before entering to the class, so that the pupils/students will also return by saying salaam too. In this short of dealing with one another establishes peace in between them. 

         The development of the culture of peace in school or in other places is an arduous task. But to meet its vision, it is recommended for this time on the part of Maranao Muslims that peace education will be taught absolutely in many different settings, from elementarey school to secondary and beyond. On the side of the community groups they must have to teach peace education to adults or to children. This is in line on the observation that most of the Muslims in Mindanao particularly Maranao peoples have undermined to maintained in applying their culture of peace system and determined the result of any forms of violence, conflicts, and war which will harass and destroy the whole community.                                                                                                                                         

         With all of this information mentioned above, it is suggested that the perents, teachers, administrators to establish and maintain a move to make the pupils understand the concepts patriotism and  unity especially during in teaching elementary grade pupils. 


Theoretical Framework

         In this study, there are similarities and differences of theories which is believed important to this present study.  This theories may be contributed to the frequent and                                                                                                                                             

common understanding on the concepts of this study, these are theories of learning such as association/behavior theories and Gestalt theories, and Gordon Allport’s theory.

         The theories of learning will be classified on two major position held by their components of behavior. These are the association or behavior theories and the cognitive or Gestalt theories.  According to the association theories, learning occurs when a                                                                                                                                             

connection or bond between a stimulus (S) and a response (R) is to be established. This stimulus is directly connected with a particular response. In school, teacher’s function is to establish this bond. Relating to the behavior of individual person before the conflict happen, stimulus represent the person as the one creating trouble and the response represent the person as the victim of the trouble. While the cognitivist or gestalt its do not focus on the stimulus and the response but on mental process. Conflict is a part of life, when a person thinks to do good or bad attitude and do it on the time is what comes from his/her mind.


         There are principles and approaches which are similar to the principles of peace education. In schools peace education, from the very beginning of development of peace education, there should be discussion about whether it should be added as a separate study in the schools, or if the principles of peace education should be applied through the regular school subjects. These different approaches and attitudes on what peace education actually is leads to the introduction of a kind of titles, such as multicultural training, education for democracy and human rights, and education for development. The implementation of the principles of peace education to make into institutionalized                                                                                                                                       educational system is a better approach, especially within the subjects encompassing the cultural heritage of the dominant society and the ethnic groups belonging to it.One-way approach on the role of peace education concerning conflict encountered as it is known in the first place its nature is neither good nor bad. Conflict may be held in                                                                                                                                              interpersonal or intergroup level. It describes an imbalance or an existence of different between the needs and interests of two sides. Conflict sometimes become negative only when the answer to a conflict is aggression. On the other side, it is possible, however, to resolve the difference positively, by recognizing the problem and recognizing one’s own                                                                                                                                            needs and interests and also acknowledging the needs of the opposing sides. In this way, possible non-violent resolution should be constructed to stop the conflict. An important aspect of conflict is that it includes potential for change, and it is in this context that peace education addresses the issues of conflict and conflict by teaching students how to take creative approaches to the conflict and how to find different possibilities for the resolution. Thus students gain knowledge and skills that encourage personal growth and development, contribute to self-esteem and respect of others, and develop competence for a nonviolent approach to future conflict situations. (UNESCO)

The Gordon Allport’s theory whose main goal is to establish principles of change the relationships between groups in conflict. According to his theory, for the intergroup contact to be successful and accomplish positive changes in attitude and behavior, it must fulfill four basic conditions such as: 1) the contact groups must be of equal status; 2) the contact must be personal and manifold;3) the group must depend on each other working for a superordinate goal; and 4) there must be institutional support for the equality norm. This theory and approach should be implemented for several re-search and resulted to have cognitive, affective, and behavioral moved to make successful for the contact.

Based on the contact hypothesis, a very successful technique is to develop for improving the relations among groups, highly applicable as a general teaching and learning method. This is viewed as the cooperative learning techniques in which a smaller group of students study in face-to-face interaction, cooperating to complete a                                                                                                                                              

common task. This technique will be very successful both in lower and higher grades of elementary school, not only as a teaching method but also for creating a positive atmosphere in the classroom, reinforcing students relationships, and creating intergroup friendships.

         On the other hand, based on the idea that adopting knowledge and developing skills is the basis for gaining positive attitudes and behavior, which is called as intercultural training programs will be also developed. Since there are differences in cultures this lead to a misunderstandings and even conflicts between groups so that it takes the group to create new techniques to realize a positive approach. Thus, educating students about both cultural similarities and differences is a significant factor in reducing prejudices.

         The above cited theories serve as background knowledge in understanding the nature of Peace Education development towards culture development and how it is integrated to curriculum in teaching subjects to elementary pupils which support the present study.

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Nurses’ Stress Management in the Workplace During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Basis for a Proposed Wellness Program

Maria Jobee Ann D. Garcia, RN, LPT

   Master of Arts in Nursing Student

Urdaneta City University



This study determined the nurses’ stress management and coping strategies in the workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic. It dealt on the respondents’ profile in terms of their age, gender, civil status, highest educational attainment, number of years in service, area of assignment, and type of hospital where employed.

Descriptive research design was utilized in the study and utilized the questionnaire as the main data gathering tool. Several statistical tools were utilized like the frequency and percentage, weighted mean, Scheffe test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA),

The nurse respondents were adults, female dominated, not in marital relationship, did not pursue their masteral degrees, assigned in the emergency room, have been in that institution for long years, and most are employed in private hospitals.

The nurses must continue their higher level of learning for them to enrich their knowledge and skills in identifying the stressors encountered in the workplace. The respondents must accept that stressors are normal part of their clinical duties for reasons that they attend to different types of patients with different illnesses. The nurses must cope up and use other strategies to minimize stress in the workplace and thereby give their best care to their patients. Young female nurses must improve their stress management practices to coping the stress during the COVID 19 pandemic. Regardless of length of service and area of employment, nurses must practice stress management in the workplace brought about by the pandemic.


Keywords: coping strategies, COVID-19, management, stress, workplace,









Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Every individual experiences stress. It helps motivate a person to get things done. Even high stress from serious illness in the workplace, job loss, a death in the family, or a painful life event is a natural part of life. A person may feel down or anxious, which is typical for a while. Consulting a health care provider can be done if an individual feels down or anxious for several weeks or if it interferes with home or work life. Therapy, medication, and other strategies can help (Ragland, 2021).

Stress management is the range of techniques, ways, and therapies to help people control their stress. It can include lowering acute stress but is often aimed at decreasing chronic stress to improve health, happiness, and overall well-being. All individuals experience stress in life. Because many health problems are caused by stress, it is essential to know how stress affects your body and learn effective stress management ways to make it work for you rather than against you. Stress is the body's response to changes in life. Throughout life, change is inevitable. Stress is unavoidable, whether it's a slight shift in daily routine like commuting to work or a significant life event such as marriage or losing a loved one.

Stress is perceived differently by each of us; it affects us all in unique ways. One person may experience headaches, while another may find stomach cramps are a common reaction, and others may experience other symptoms (Scott, 2022).

Nurses' intense psychological and emotional stress during the COVID-19 pandemic affects their well-being and work efficiency. Stress-management activities are necessary to enhance coping and decrease stress effects. It is essential to examine the management behaviour of nurses during the pandemic to improve their well-being. The scale of the COVID-19 pandemic, regarding the number of cases and countries affected, leaves an impression that 'no one is safe,' as it affects the lives and health of more than one million people globally. Healthcare workers, like nurses as front liners, face physical and emotional harm from the increased workload and psychological burden. As the COVID-19 crisis continues, the burden of stress will persist. The surge of physical and emotional harm to healthcare workers is epidemic (Dabou et al., 2022).

Research shows that extreme pressure in the workplace can hamper productivity and motivation. Overly stressed employees may become reluctant to participate in teamwork. Poor work performance and impulsive actions are commonplace, as is an increase in the usage of substances like nicotine and alcohol in order to cope. Long-term issues from workplace stress include cardiovascular diseases and immune deficiency. Poor mental health may also be triggered by chronic workplace stress. Work relationships can leave employees feeling isolated. Conflict with co-workers can leave employees anxious and tired about coming to work. A non-inclusive 'cliquey' workplace can also be a source of stress. Employees should be included in social groups at work to maintain employee relations. Team members need to build a sense of belonging and feel valued. Managers need more support, training, and direction to avoid work confusion.     Uncertainty around employee responsibilities and duties can be a source of frustration. Many jobs have placed growing pressure on employees to work longer and harder. Companies expect their employees to complete massive volumes of work in a short amount of time. These high expectations and heavy workloads can contribute to significant employee strain (Eatough, 2021).

It has been observed that nurses have some dilemmas as to whether they are willing to continue doing their job due to fatigue and fear of potential infection and its medical consequences. It is highlighted in the International Council of Nurses (ICN) report, showing that nurses worldwide are currently experiencing psychological trauma, which may ultimately cause a direct threat to the nursing profession and health care systems.

It has been observed that nurses have some dilemmas as to whether they are willing to continue doing their job due to fatigue and fear of potential infection and its medical consequences. It is highlighted in the International Council of Nurses (ICN) report, showing that nurses worldwide are currently experiencing psychological trauma, which may ultimately cause a direct threat to the nursing profession and health care systems.

The ICN admits that stress experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic affects more than 50% of American nurses; 49% of Brazilian nurses report anxiety and 25% depression; 60% of Chinese nurses feel exhausted, and 90% suffer from anxiety; Spanish nurses report symptoms of anxiety and growing burnout; and 40% Israeli nurses are afraid of providing care for COVID-19 patients. The International Council of Nurses anticipates a global deficit of nursing staff in the upcoming decades, and the traumatic effect of the COVID-19 pandemic may significantly contribute to this phenomenon (Sierakowska & Doroszkiewics, 2022).

During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, it is understandable that nurses are working under stressful conditions. Successful use of effective coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic will help nurses to manage stressful conditions.   The study by Sehularo et al. (2021) identified the following strategies: the use of COVID-19 protective measures, avoidance strategy, social support, faith-based practices, psychological support, and management support are used by nurses as coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic. It concluded that the use of the identified coping strategies by nurses may reduce stress and burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations were made for future research, nursing education, and practice.

Dabou et al. (2022) conducted their study on work-related stress management behaviours of nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Arab Emirates. The study's findings accentuate work-related stress caused by the current pandemic. It indicated that delegation of responsibilities and developing resilience were helpful interventions to manage work-related stress. Therefore, organizations should increase their commitment to building systemic and individual resilience to enhance the well-being of their staff. An adequate staff-patient ratio could also facilitate delegation and reduce workload and stress for nurses.

Any existing wellness programs should be strengthened and maintained. Regular assessment of the psychological needs of nurses is essential, and hospitals could allocate funds to support those who experience the physical and mental health effects of COVID-19 services. Furthermore, healthcare organizations can establish mechanisms that allow healthcare workers to advocate for themselves and their patients without fear of reprisal (Dabou et al. 2022).

Khanal et al. (2020) examined the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of front-line care providers. Accordingly, the authors found a significant proportion of anxiety, depression, and insomnia symptoms during the early phase of the pandemic. Nurses had higher odds of developing stress than other health workers. They suggested that the mental well-being of health workers could be improved through stigma reduction, providing protective measures, and personal and family support for those with a history of mental health issues.

Sierakowska and Doroszkiewics (2022) studied the coping strategies among nurses, and the findings revealed that the respondents represented a high level of stress related to their work experience as a nurse, the number of hours worked a month, and self-assessed health status. They declared an average sense of self-efficacy, which significantly depended on the nurses' places of employment. Out of stress coping strategies (Mini-COPE), the younger nurses mentioned venting, instrumental support, a sense of humour, and self-blame. Practice nurses also chose the strategy of behavioural disengagement, and nurse managers chose the planning strategy.

Their concluded experience of the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the need to implement some strategies to protect nurses' mental health and to take extensive prevention measures in critical situations. Particular attention should be given to younger nurses with shorter work experience. It is also essential to monitor nurses' working time and health status, and those who work at outpatient healthcare institutions should be given more support and information.

Zhang et al. (2020) studied nurses' stress and coping strategies in China. They found that participants with longer working hours in COVID-19 quarantine units presented higher emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. Participants with younger ages experienced higher emotional exhaustion and less personal accomplishment. Nurses in this study experienced considerable stress, and the most frequently reported stressors were related to families. Nurses who were younger and working longer shifts tended to present higher burnout levels. Psychological support strategies must be organized and implemented to improve mental health among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic (Zhang et al., 2020).

A Gallup survey revealed that the stress of the daily grind is taking its toll on Filipino workers. Half of the 1,000 Filipinos aged 15 years and above surveyed said "yes" to questions that sought to answer whether they experienced stress most of the day. The pain from work has caused leaders to invent new strategies to get as far from work as possible. Movements to attain 'work-life balance,' implement four-day workweeks, and expand remote work are now everywhere. Engaged employees are highly involved and enthusiastic about their work and Workplace (Royandoyan, 2022).

The American Psychological Association survey found that 31% of employees felt stressed out during their workday. Workplace stress management and wellness programs can lower the degree and cause of stress and restore a staff's depleted psychological resources. Our brains are constantly flooded with higher demands and information, causing stress and reducing our ability to focus and solve problems. We can take many steps to avoid or lessen stress, including promoting positive emotions, physical care of our brain, and becoming more organized (Sutton, 2021).

An inexpensive and wildly successful option to help employees reduce stress in the workplace is to offer flextime. Today's workforce has undoubtedly evolved from the very standard and restrictive 9-to-5. Most professionals today thrive on flexibility and the power to get work done when and where they feel most creative and productive. The workforce has a mix of young and old professionals. The bottom line, everyone flourishes on their schedule, and flextime gives everyone the freedom to choose their work hours and improve their work-life balance (APA, 2018).

Research conducted by Scott et al., 2022 has indicated that stressed Americans at work are high—and getting higher. According to a survey of over 2,000 full-time U.S. employees, ages 18-79, over half of the employees are stressed during at least 60 per cent of the week. Work stress has essential health consequences that range from relatively benign (like getting colds and flu) to severe (such as heart disease and metabolic syndrome). While stress at work is expected, finding a minimal-stress job is hard (if not impossible). A more realistic way is to adopt effective coping strategies to lower stress at the current job. Steps to manage work stress by sticking to a positive morning routine, getting clear on work requirements, adopting more brilliant time management techniques, and other strategies can help. Interpersonal conflict takes a toll on physical and emotional health. Conflict among colleagues can be difficult to escape, so it is a good idea to avoid conflict at work as much as possible.

Individuals experience stress because of their boss's or supervisors' poor management at work. Others blamed it on job demands such as "deadlines" and "being behind schedule," while some attributed it to their co-workers. About 70 per cent of Filipino Gen Zs and 63 per cent of millennials feel burnout because of their workload demands. In the workplace, stress is an issue that is often disregarded until someone breaks. Like diseases, taking preventive steps to avoid extreme stress is wiser than dealing with it when the last straw breaks. In order to prevent and manage stress, it is therefore essential to understand the causes of stress. It is a personal experience caused by pressure or demands on an individual and impacts his coping ability. Work-related stress occurs when the demands of the job and the capabilities and resources of the employee to meet those demands do not match. Whatever it is, the adverse effects of stress should never be ignored (So-an, 2018).

Spirituality has many benefits for relief from stress and overall mental health. It can help a person with the following ways to relieve stress: a) Feel a sense of purpose by cultivating spirituality may help uncover what is most meaningful in life. By clarifying what is most important, a person can focus less on unimportant things and eliminate stress. b) Connect to the world- the more a person feels to have a purpose in the world, the less solitary he/she may feel — even when alone. This can lead to valuable inner peace during difficult times. c) Release control- When a person feels part of a greater whole, he may realize he is not responsible for everything in life. He can share the burden of tough times and the joys of life's blessings with those around him. d) Expand your support network- whether you find spirituality in a church, family, or on nature walks with a friend, sharing spiritual expression can help build relationships. e) Lead a healthier life- people who consider themselves spiritual may better cope with stress and experience health benefits (Sparks, 2019).

For this reason, the researcher conducted the study to determine the stress management and coping strategies among nurses in selected public and private hospitals in Eastern Pangasinan.

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Love's Digital Symphony

Ma. Esther B. Chio


University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

In this age of circuits and binary code,

Love finds a way, in a world bestowed.

Amidst the screens and digital embrace,

A tale of hearts, in a virtual space.


Connections forged through cables and wires,

Love transcends distance, ignites fires.

From pixels and avatars, emotions arise,

In this realm where love never dies.


Algorithms analyze and hearts entwine,

As AI algorithms seek a love so fine.

Matching souls, compatibility defined,

Love's pursuit takes on a digital grind.


Through chat boxes and emoticons sent,

Feelings expressed, with sentiments unbent.

Virtual hugs and kisses, exchanged with care,

Love's language, in bits and bytes we share.


Yet, let us remember, though virtual it seems,

Love still yearns for touch, in tender dreams.

For in the depths of human hearts, it's true,

Physical connection adds depth to love's hue.


So let us embrace this age of AI's might,

But cherish the moments in each other's sight.

For love's essence lies in the touch and feel,

In the warmth of a hand, a love that's real.


In this union of love and technology's reign,

May hearts find solace, amidst the digital terrain.

For love knows no bounds, in any age or stage,

And in the AI era, it continues to engage.

AI-Powered Agriculture: An Essential Tool for Feeding the Future


Assistant Professor III

Southern Leyte State University-Bontoc Campus

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot topic that has captured significant media attention and generated considerable discussion among experts simply because it transforms people's lives. AI offers many opportunities to save time and money, such as creating and enhancing content for a Facebook reel, improving students' outputs, and generating specialized meal guides for people on a diet. There are indeed a lot of endless possibilities AI can have for people. Now, here's the more critical concern, with the world's population expected to reach 10 billion by 2050 (FAO, 2023), can people harness the potential of AI to ensure food security?

This increase in the number of mouths to feed would challenge the agriculture sector, translating into increased pressure on the planet's limited resources such as water, soil, air, and biodiversity. The unsustainable practices of conventional agriculture have resulted in several problems, including soil erosion, water and air pollution, and losing important flora and fauna essential for breeding new varieties and breeds of crops and animals, respectively. The agriculture sector should therefore adopt practices that would boost crop yields and make farming sustainable in the long run. This is where AI could come in. Farmers should utilize AI to increase profits, reduce waste and improve resource management. These are the three primary aims of a type of agriculture that would satisfy the needs of the people who would exist in 2050 and beyond.

Here's how farmers can tap AI to transform agriculture based on the three objectives I have presented above. First, farmers can utilize AI for precision agriculture, a farming approach that could optimize yield but reduce the wastage of production inputs. Through AI, drones could apply the optimum amount of water and fertilizers in various parts of the field depending on the area's soil moisture and nutrient levels. The exact amount and type of pesticides also could be applied since farmers can train AI to identify what insect pests are infesting and diagnose what disease is affecting the crop, thus reducing the indiscriminate application of these harmful substances to the environment. Second, AI can monitor and analyze the growth of crops, which would help farmers decide what interventions to employ if something untoward is happening. Third, farmers can use AI for yield prediction. It can forecast yield by analyzing environmental parameters like soil moisture and weather conditions. Fourth, the development of improved varieties of crops will be made easier by AI as it can analyze and identify desirable traits of plants for breeding purposes. Fifth, the supply chain is optimized with AI to avoid inefficiencies in the transportation and storage of agricultural products that result in losses along the supply chain. Finally, climate modeling is possible with AI. With our climate worsening, it is imperative to anticipate future climate conditions and adapt them to food production. Farmers raising animals can also apply all the above possibilities in crops in their herds to improve productivity, minimize wastage and manage the resources that the whole ecosystem depends on.

Although promising, AI adoption in agriculture has potential drawbacks and challenges. First, the cost of adopting the technology is enormous, which is beyond the reach of resource-poor farmers. Second, there is the potential displacement of jobs that would significantly affect unskilled workers. Thus, government intervention is needed to ensure that the benefits of AI technology are shared equally with all farming stakeholders.

As I have mentioned in my opening statement, AI is the talk of the town today. It will likely continue to the future because of the continuing research conducted to refine existing ones further and discover potential ones.

Indigenous Knowledge in the Digital Era: Balancing Innovation and Traditional Practices

Emmer P Ruaya, MIM

Assistant Professor III

North Eastern Mindanao State University

Indigenous knowledge, often referred to as traditional knowledge, encompasses the accumulated wisdom, practices, and beliefs developed by indigenous communities over generations. It is deeply rooted in local environments, cultures, and traditions, and plays a crucial role in the sustainability and resilience of indigenous peoples' ways of life. In the digital era, with the rapid advancement of technology and increasing global connectivity, indigenous knowledge faces both opportunities and challenges. This essay delves into the complexities of balancing innovation and traditional practices in the context of indigenous knowledge in the digital era.

Indigenous communities have been utilizing digital technologies to document, preserve, and transmit their traditional knowledge to future generations. Digital platforms, such as websites, apps, and multimedia, provide opportunities for indigenous peoples to share their traditional knowledge and cultural practices with a broader audience. This can contribute to the revitalization and preservation of indigenous languages, cultural heritage, and ecological knowledge. Digital technologies can also facilitate networking and collaboration among indigenous communities, fostering the exchange of knowledge and experiences.

Furthermore, digital technologies have the potential to empower indigenous communities economically. E-commerce, online marketplaces, and digital marketing can create economic opportunities for indigenous artisans, farmers, and entrepreneurs to market their products and services to a wider customer base. This can provide economic benefits and enhance the livelihoods of indigenous people, contributing to their socio-economic development and empowerment. Additionally, digital technologies can support indigenous-led initiatives, such as community-based tourism or sustainable resource management, which align with their traditional practices and values.

However, the integration of digital technologies into indigenous knowledge systems also raises concerns and challenges. One of the main concerns is the potential for misappropriation and misrepresentation of indigenous knowledge in the digital space. There have been instances of unauthorized use, exploitation, and misinterpretation of indigenous knowledge and cultural expressions in digital platforms, leading to issues of intellectual property rights, cultural appropriation, and unethical practices. It is essential to respect indigenous peoples' rights, consent, and ownership over their knowledge and cultural heritage in the digital realm.

Another challenge is the potential for erosion and dilution of traditional practices and knowledge due to digital influences. Digital technologies can sometimes prioritize Western knowledge systems and practices over indigenous ones, leading to the assimilation and loss of indigenous knowledge and cultural diversity. There is a risk of the homogenization of indigenous knowledge, as it is translated into digital formats or adapted to fit into mainstream digital platforms. It is crucial to balance the integration of digital technologies with the preservation of traditional practices and knowledge, respecting the cultural integrity and uniqueness of indigenous knowledge systems.

Additionally, there are issues of access and inclusion in the digital era. Indigenous communities often face challenges in accessing digital technologies due to factors such as remoteness, lack of infrastructure, low literacy rates, and economic disparities. The digital divide can further marginalize indigenous peoples and exclude them from the benefits of digitalization. It is crucial to ensure that digital initiatives are inclusive, and culturally appropriate, and consider the specific needs and aspirations of indigenous communities, with meaningful participation and involvement of indigenous peoples in decision-making processes.

In conclusion, the digital era presents both opportunities and challenges for indigenous knowledge. While digital technologies can provide avenues for the documentation, preservation, and promotion of indigenous knowledge, they also pose risks of misappropriation, erosion, and exclusion. Balancing innovation and traditional practices is crucial to ensure that the integration of digital technologies respects and upholds the rights, values, and aspirations of indigenous peoples. It requires a culturally sensitive, inclusive, and ethical approach that prioritizes indigenous peoples' self-determination, ownership, and agency in the digital era.

Exploring the Educational Significance of Early Childhood Mathematics Education through Play

Jiyoung Lee, Ed.D.


Tarlac State University


This study aims to explore the educational significance of mathematics education for young children through play. By demonstrating the positive effects of incorporating play into the mathematics curriculum, this paper highlights the importance of fostering a child-centered educational environment that promotes both understanding of mathematical concepts and enjoyment for young learners. This study also examines the way playful mathematics education can be integrated into preschool and kindergarten settings in order to build a strong foundation for future mathematical learning.

Mathematics education is a crucial aspect of young children's development as it helps them understand and interact with the world around them. In recent years, attention has focused on the importance of incorporating play into early childhood education, particularly in the field of mathematics. This paper will explore the educational significance of play in early childhood mathematics education by examining the benefits, limitations, and strategies for implementation.


Benefits of Playful Mathematics Education


1. Enhanced Learning Motivation and Engagement

Integrating play into the mathematics curriculum sparks children's curiosity and intrinsic motivation. This is important for creating an engaging and enjoyable learning experience, which helps learners become more actively involved in the learning process.


2. Development of Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

Playful activities encourage young learners to think critically, reason logically, and solve problems creatively. This is essential in promoting a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and the development of their cognitive skills.


3. Social and Emotional Development

When children engage in play-based mathematics activities, they have the opportunity to collaborate with their peers, communicate their ideas and views, and express their emotions. This helps to strengthen their social skills and emotional intelligence.


Limitations of Playful Mathematics Education


While play is an essential component of early childhood education, there are some challenges in effectively implementing playful mathematics education. Some of these limitations include:


1. Lack of Proper Guidance and Support

Educators must be able to provide appropriate guidance to children during play-based activities so that they can achieve meaningful learning experiences. This requires adequate training and resources for teachers.


2. Balancing Play and Learning

Maintaining the balance between play and mathematics learning can be challenging. Educators need to ensure that they incorporate playful activities that are both engaging and effective in promoting mathematical learning.


Strategies for Implementation


To effectively integrate play into the mathematics curriculum, several strategies need to be considered:


1. Designing mathematics activities that align with children's interests and abilities

By choosing activities that are developmentally appropriate and relevant to children's interests, educators can create a more enjoyable and engaging learning environment.


2. Encouraging collaboration and communication between children during play

By promoting social interactions, children can learn from their peers and develop a better understanding of mathematical concepts.


3. Providing clear instructions and guidance during activities

Educators should give clear and concise directions during activities and provide support to children as needed.


Play has significant educational implications in the field of early childhood mathematics education. By incorporating play into the mathematics curriculum, educators can make learning more motivating and engaging and help facilitate a strong foundation for future mathematical success. This paper has provided insight into the benefits, limitations, and strategies for implementing playful mathematics education and offers guidance on how to integrate such activities into preschool and kindergarten settings effectively.

The Implication of Talent Engagement in Teacher Education Institutions

Mellany G. Masangkay, EdD.

BEED Program Chairperson

Tarlac State University



This descriptive study explored the extent of  talent engagement in Teachers Educations Institutions of State Colleges and Universities (SUCs) in Region 3. It made use of interview and questionnaire to gather the needed information and data from the respondents. Findings revealed that talent engagement in terms of meaning to work and connections to interpersonal relationship were very high. The keys namely autonomy, growth and impact to work were found to be highly engage among faculty members. The interpersonal relationship, the work itself and status and security motivated more on their talent engagement.  The barriers that prevented teachers from talent engagement were inadequate teaching facilities in school, usually assigned to large class size and lack of time to undergo training and seminars


Keywords-talent engagement, motivators, barriers


1.0 Introduction

Teachers play a central role in student learning (Darling-Hammond, 2010). They are considered as the main contributors to the educational success of their students (Goldhaber, 2007; Ladia, 2014). Education policymakers around the world identify teacher quality as a major catalyst for student learning (UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2006). Teachers significantly contribute to students’ academic achievements (Ronfeldt et al., 2015; Nool et al., 2018). To ensure that students are taught by highly qualified teachers, educational policies are designed and implemented to assess and improve the quality of teachers (Barbieri et al., 2011; Feng & Sass, 2018; Punzalan, 2019; Salas, 2018) and pre-service teachers (Balanquit et al., 2018; Embesan, 2014; Ladia & Nool, 2011, 2012; Mendoza, 2014).

The key to the real worth and success of any educational institutions is on its human capital (Ladia & Nool, 2017). The very critical challenge faced by each institution is the talent engagement. Organizations with a strong talent engagement are considered as best place to work for and this can be done by creating a friendly working environment. At the last decade, employees have moved from being costs and liabilities to be assets (Cooke, 2008).

Talent is one of the most important assets of an organization. An efficient workforce determines the level of productivity of the organization and thus determines the effectiveness of organizational systems and processes. Any organization, whether small or large, which expects to grow and prosper, must take the talent engagement issue as a top priority. Failure to do so leads to organizational decline of productivity.

The definitions of engagement employed by academics, by companies and by research or consultancy institutions differ subtly, although there are commonalities. In a recent review of various definitions of engagement by UK companies, the Institute of Employment Studies (2009) concludes that: “company definitions tend to view engagement as an outcome, something given by the employee. They often refer to the employee’s attachment, commitment and loyalty to the organization. They refer to the effort and time they are willing to expend, whilst constantly finding ways to add value and use talents to the fullest. Several of the definitions refer to the employee as an enthusiastic advocate showing pride and support for the organization’s values and goals. Many see engagement as a step higher than satisfaction or motivation at work.

According to Macey (2009), there are four elements of the feel of talent engagement or employee engagement. Those elements are urgency, being focused, Intensity and enthusiasm. The urgency is the determination energy toward achieving specific objectives and it is considered as a psychological capital. Being focused is by giving attention and concentrating on specific tasks at a specific period of time. Intensity has a higher level of concentration than focus; it involves both energy and attention towards specific tasks. Enthusiasm refers to the state of positive feelings, when an employee is enthusiastic means that he is passionate towards his work and actively involved in the organization. Most organizations understand the importance of implementing employee engagement in order to keep their best talents productive and committed to their workplace.

The researcher motivates to conduct a study unearthing talent engagement of faculty members in State Universities and Colleges in Region III. The study analyzed also the motivation and barriers of talent engagement of faculty which have implications to teacher education institutions.


Review of Related Literature


Engagement is about creating opportunities for employees to connect with their colleagues, managers and wider organization. It is also about creating an environment where employees are motivated to connect with their work and really care about doing a good job. It is a concept that places flexibility, change and continuous improvement at the heart of what it means to be an employee and an employer in a twenty-first century workplace (Truss, et al. 2009).

The main focus of employee engagement is the alignment of the employee with the organizational goals and to go beyond what is expected (Menguc, Auh, Fisher, & Haddad, 2013). Anitha (2014) suggested employee engagement reflects two essential elements: (a) willingness to contribute to organizational success and (b) a positive and energized employee who is at a motivational state (Eldor & Harpaz, 2015). Karanges, Johnston, Beatson, and Lings (2015) defined engagement as the extent in which employees are willing to commit both emotionally and rationally within their organization, how long they are willing to stay as a result of that commitment, and how dedicated they are to their work.

Talent Engagement or Employee engagement is an emotional state where employees feel passionate, energetic, and committed to their work. This translates into employees who give their hearts, spirits, minds, and hands to deliver a high level of performance to the organization. When employees feel a personal connection to the purpose and goals of the organizations, great things happen (DecisionWise, Inc., Copyright 2015).

      When employees join an organization, they may be enticed by salary promises, cool perks, and company brand. These factors are called satisfaction elements. Engagement goes beyond satisfaction; engagement occurs when employee find Meaning, Autonomy, Growth, Impact and Connection- MAGIC in what they do.

      The Decision Wise five-key model of employee engagement stems over two decades of research. The MAGIC acronym identifies the five key factors that drive employee engagement, namely: (1) Meaning: When employees find meaning and purpose in their work and which make a difference; (2) Autonomy: When employees have freedom, self-governance and ability to make choices about their work;(3) Growth: When the work challenge and stretched employees to improve or the work provide development and career opportunities; (4) Impact: When employees see that their efforts  make a difference and contribute to the success of the organization; (5) Connection: When employees have personal connection with their colleagues, employer and the vision of where the organization is going .

Many managers mistakenly think that employee satisfaction can increase employee motivation. American psychologist Frederick Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory proposes that people are influenced by two factors: those that impact motivation and basic factors that influence job satisfaction. Motivation factors include challenging work, recognition, and responsibility. Hygiene factors consist of pay and benefits, supervision, working conditions, and job security (among others).

In the study of Updike (2005) on “Teachers Commitment to Inclusion” revealed that teachers had direct contact with the students and active involvement in planning and implementing instruction.  Also, the findings revealed that when teachers are committed, they are more willing to invest extra time and energy to make it work which only benefits the students, it also increases the chance that the teachers will be successful, feel satisfied and want to keep doing it.

The review in the preceding paragraphs highlights the mixed nature of the evidence as regards to the description of the faculty members in talent engagement as to meaning, autonomy, growth, impact and communication in their workplace ; the factors that  motivates the  faculty to be engaged and the barriers that hinder their talent engagement. Talent management plan was drawn to enhance the talent engagement.


   2.0 Methodology

      This study employed a descriptive design as it explored the talent engagement faculty.  It made use of interview and questionnaire to gather the needed information and data from the respondents. The respondents were randomly selected among the Teacher Education Institutions in State Universities and Colleges of Region III

         The Survey Questionnaire was used as the major data-gathering instrument in this study.  The researcher adopted and developed a questionnaire using the related literature and studies as guides.  The researcher made use of the variables in the conceptual framework as part of the research instrument.  These variables gave pertinent and crucial information that shed light on the study being conducted.

The questionnaire is divided into two categories: Part I-Talent Engagement of the respondents; Part II –Motivators and Barriers of Talent Engagement. In measuring the talent engagement (Rogel, 2014), the questionnaire used was adopted in the Decision Wise Employee Engagement Survey (Decision Wise, Inc., Copyright, 2015).

The factors motivate faculty members in engaging talent, the researcher designed a survey questionnaire based on theory of Frederick Herzberg (1968), two-factor theory.    

To test the reliability of the questionnaire, the Cronbach’s alpha was used. A total of 25 respondents were used in the dry-run. After gathering the needed data, the result were subjected to the reliability test. The reliability of the indicators of Talent Engagement was 0.975, and Motivators indicators coefficient was 0.965. This signifies that the indicators of the Talent Engagement and Motivators were very high.


3.0 Results and Discussion


 Faculty Members Talent Engagement in their Work


Meaning of Work to the Faculty Members

Teaching is dubbed as the noblest profession. It is a very humanistic profession, and compassion is the utmost feeling of understanding, and showing concern to others

The faculty members agreed that the vision and goals of their institutions were important to them personally They believed that working towards the accomplishment of schools’ vision, mission and goals had a great impact to their personal lives since they devoted most of their time and energy, sometimes, sacrificing their own families just to have work accomplished.

In addition, the faculty members agreed that their work inspired them Faculty members are highly engaged because they felt inspired every time they see students perform well or transform as a result of the knowledge and skills acquired; faculty members felt happy when they are intensely doing their work assignments The process of accomplishing work was not easy for the respondents but when job was done, they felt a sense of joy because of high engagement.

Moreover, the faculty members claimed their work provided them with a sense of meaning and purpose According to most of the teachers, when the day is done, they would find themselves physically exhausted but feeling fulfilled

The faculty members were also happy knowing that there were people at work who cared about them According to them, teachers have inherent humanistic and cooperative values which work to their advantage.

Likewise, the faculty members felt they were treated with dignity and respect They admitted that conflicts arise from time to time due to pressures

Because of the sense of fulfillment of the faculty members, they recommended their institution as a great place to work. They felt that their supervisors treated people with fairness and respect. These two factors led them to appreciate their workplace.


Faculty Members ‘Sense of Autonomy

The faculty members agreed that they were generally able to choose how to best perform their work (4.34); were given the freedom to fully utilize their talents and abilities in current position (4.31);  felt emotionally and physically safe (4.11); materials and resources needed to perform their jobs were provided (4.00); and felt they could speak up without fear of retribution or negative consequences (3.62). Ninety-six (96) faculty members were highly engaged in term of autonomy.

The concept of teacher autonomy refers to the professional independence of teachers in schools, especially the degree to which they can make autonomous decisions about what they teach to students and how they teach it (Great Schools Partnership, 2012). This allows teachers with administrative positions to work with their instincts

Most of the faculty members had high talent engagement as to autonomy of work. This constitutes their freedom to fully utilize their talents and abilities. According to the teachers, they had teaching plans already prepared.


Faculty Members ‘View of their Career Growth


Teachers are encouraged to engage in professional learning opportunities which promote professional growth and development.

Teacher Education Institutions in SUCs are governed with clear guidelines and directives which are the bases of career growth. For promotions, National Budget Circular No. 416, series of 1998 detailed how teachers can be promoted. In addition, Faculty Development Programs were in place which provided opportunities for teacher growth.

In this study, faculty members believed there were clear objectives which they measured their success (4.37); their work offered enough variety for learning opportunities (4.36). The SUCs are mandated by the Commission on Higher Education Order No. 46 series of 2012 to do instruction, research and extension. These are the areas which teachers could learn and grow; felt challenged and stretched in their work (4.20); claimed that they received training to do their jobs well (4.04); easily absorbed their work (4.12); believed that there were opportunities for advancement in their institution (4.13); and believed that made progress on important work projects or initiatives (4.14). One hundred eight (108) were highly engaged in growth of career.

Most of the faculty members had high to very high talent engagement as to career growth. They worked hard for career promotion. SUCs are governed by a system for promotion which required them to pursue graduate degree, attend seminars, engage in research, community services, and actively participate in school and community programs and activities. Faculty members had the drive for career development.


Faculty members View of the Impact of their Work Performance


Tucker and Stronge (2012) found that highly effective teachers can have an enriching effect on the daily lives of children and their lifelong educational and career aspirations.

The faculty members’ work had direct impact in the success of the organization (4.43). According to some teachers, the quality of graduates is an indication of high engagement to quality of the school which rooted from their performance in delivering knowledge, skills and attitude in the classroom level so they believed that they were instrumental in whatever success their students acquired; felt they were able to attain what their goals (4.32). For the faculty members without any assignment, they were convinced that merely seeing their students pass after each semester was an accomplishment;

 felt that their supervisor trusted and empowered them to get their work done in the best possible way (4.30); claimed that they clearly saw the results of the work they performed (4.19); supervisors provided them feedbacks of their performance (3.95); agreed that they embraced the values and ideals of their organization (4.15); the amount of work they expected was reasonable (4.11); believed that they worked effectively across department and functions (4.07); felt properly compensated considering their inputs in the realization of institutional or departmental goals and objectives (4.04); and believed they received proper compensation and benefits fairly (3.92). The grand mean obtained was 4.15 which indicates that teachers felt their talent engagement had impact to their workplace and their personal lives.


Connections of the Faculty members to the Work Place


To work successfully in a group, connecting with one another is a necessity. Connecting with one another in the workplace leads to unity in accomplishing tasks. This study determined the connections with their co-workers.

The faculty members agreed being proud of the work they accomplished together with their colleagues (4.70); Faculty members expressed that without working harmoniously with their superiors, colleagues and subordinates, goals and objectives will not be achieved effectively and efficiently. In fact, the teachers claimed they enjoyed working with people (4.37); they felt that they were strong, energized and vigorous  (4.36)); highlighted the importance of trusting people they worked with (4.33); and they talked openly with their colleagues on what they need to do in achieving success (4.27). The faculty members were convinced that they need each other’s inputs in the job they had to accomplish. The grand mean of 4.41 indicates that faculty members agree they had good camaraderie in their workplace. This implies that TEI teachers in Region 3 have a high possibility of attaining their goals with the kind of camaraderie among the personnel.

One hundred thirty-three (133) faculty members were very highly engaged in terms of connection to work, superior, and colleagues.

Motivators of Faculty Members’ Talent Engagement


The results showed that interpersonal relationship, the work itself, status and security, and growth and advancement motivated more on their talent engagement because the mean generated by these indicators was above the grand mean.

On the other hand, other indicators motivated teacher to a lesser extent as to good working conditions, recognition for achievement, administration policies and practices, and salary/ benefits/rewards.


 Barriers in the Talent Engagement

There will always be barriers or hindrances that will prevent employees to work. These barriers will paralyze them or bar them from engaging in work. The top three barriers that prevent teachers from talent engagement were inadequate teaching facilities in school (112 or 49.12 percent); usually assigned to large class size (78 or 34.21 percent); and lack of time to undergo training and seminars (70 or 30.70 percent).

Earlier, findings showed that teachers felt resources were adequate in their workplace. However, some teachers felt they needed more innovative teaching materials aside from their existing traditional teaching materials. Another problem was the large class size that they handle. Sometimes, teachers felt hard up in individual instruction because of the big number of pupils.

However, problems were encountered by few faculty members and according to them these were mostly addressed or were eventually remedied. These were not enough to prevent them in cooperating and participating in the school programs and activities. 


4.0 Conclusions

1. Faculty members found positive meaning of their work and they were willing to spend their time and effort in accomplishing their goals. They worked with autonomy under established rules and standards. They believed they are achieving career advancement in their workplace. Faculty members felt their talent engagement had impact to their workplace and their personal lives. They had good camaraderie in their workplace. Camaraderie strengthens communications within a team, and these all contribute to the organization. This implies that TEI teachers in Region III  had a high possibility of attaining their goals with the kind of camaraderie among the personnel.

2. Talent engagement in terms of meaning to work and connections to interpersonal relationship were very high.  Majority of faculty members were very highly engaged in meaning and connection to work, superior, and colleagues; highly engaged in autonomy, growth, and impact to work.

3.  Teachers are the direct agents in transforming the lives of the students. Because of this challenging responsibility, the faculty members are motivated and highly passionate about their work.

   4.There are barriers that the faculty experience and these prevent them to be engaged in the workplace. But despite these, the faculty members still have the ultimate mission of the school which is to produce highly competent graduates.



This study was conducted to describe talent engagement of the faculty members in teacher education institutions..

  The faculty members found positive meaning of their work and they were willing to spend their time and effort in accomplishing their goals. They worked with autonomy under established rules and standards. They believed they were achieving career advancement in their work place. Faculty members felt their talent engagement had impact to their workplace and their personal lives. They had good camaraderie in their workplace.

Talent engagement is vital to the progress of an educational institution and the realization of the ultimate mission of the school which is to produce highly competent graduates. Teachers are the direct agents in transforming the lives of the students. Because of this challenging responsibility, they have to be motivated and highly passionate about their work.

To lead the faculty members towards full talent engagement, educational managers or leaders are the primary catalysts. Effective school leaders are keys to keep the faculty members stay engaged. They need to combine technical expertise and high emotional quotient to drive the faculty members towards their targets. As what Fullan (2002) said, “Leaders have a deeper and more lasting influence on organizations and provide more comprehensive leadership if their focus extends beyond maintaining high standards.”



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Updike, Mary Ann. (2005). “Teachers’ Commitment to Inclusion.” Unpublished Master’s Thesis, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba.



Mellany G. Masangkay is Doctor in Education, major in Educational  Management. She is currently the Chairperson of BEED program and a  Student Teaching Supervisor of the College of Education in Tarlac State University. She has presented research papers locally and internationally.

Dr. Masangkay is a member of various professional and civic organizations. To name a few, she is a member of the AACCUP, a prestigious accrediting body in the Philippines; a lifetime member of State Universities and Colleges Teacher Education Association (SUCTEA) ; PAFTE; PSME and KODALY Society of the Philippines

MTB-MLE in Progress: Uncovering Classroom Realities

Sarah M. Palaw-ay

Benguet State University, CAR

In the bustling school compound during the initial implementation of the subject Mother Tongue Based-Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE), I was eavesdropping on a conversation among parents of grade one students who did not know me as one of the teachers in our elementary laboratory school before I was transferred to the tertiary level. Out of frustration, they deliberated on their children's struggle with the subject because their children were using English in their day-to-day conversations. They questioned the significance of the subject, considering that they introduced English as the primary language of communication at home to ensure their children would not face difficulties in school. Ironical and confusing as it seemed, they do not see the alignment of MTBMLE to future endeavors like national exams and competitions where English is used. Even with this reality, one parent bravely contradicted their views with her personal observation. "That is true, but actually, MTBMLE is a good idea too since many of our children do not speak the community language anymore. In the first place, we should have used our community language at home since our children will learn English in school." Conflicting as the parents' ideas may be, they make sense. Although indifferent to the subject as I never handled it, I was left pondering with questions. Will the use of the local language be effective only in monolingual communities? If it also works in multilingual communities, how do the teachers manage classroom learning?

In our attempt to provide a better curriculum and instruction to our future elementary teachers, our department decided to embark on empirical studies to address problems in the implementation of MTBMLE. For two weeks, we have been going around gathering data from primary teachers in small, medium, and large schools from each municipality in our province. We are still at the tip of the iceberg in our data collection, but the information gathered is already rich with various experiences. I have never been more clarified in my confusion than now regarding what causes the teachers' difficulties. Surprisingly, differences were not just seen in their teaching strategies, but even in their personal definitions of mother tongue and their basis for choosing the medium of instruction in the subject. Regardless of the teachers' differences in their personal definition of mother tongue, the difficulty starts with the learners' lack of knowledge of the medium of instruction used in the classroom. This difficulty applies to children who have been using English at home or those who migrated from other places.

Following the principle of inclusive instruction, the teacher needs to modify for those who do not understand the chosen medium of instruction. Accordingly, they need to translate activities and instructions into more than one language to address the pedagogical demands in a multi-lingual class to ensure that no child is left behind. Even for schools that agreed to use the community language and demand that the child who does not speak the language used in the subject should make the necessary adjustments were not able to elude pedagogical problems.

Going back to the complaint of the mother I heard a decade ago, there were some experiences shared by the teachers during the conducted focus group discussions (FGDs) that will really make you question if the aim of MTBMLE, which is to bridge the local language (L1) to Filipino/English (L2), has been achieved. We were struck by the story of one teacher who recalled an experience where a pupil asked, "Anya ti English ti butter?" (What is the English word for butter?) Some teachers had difficulty when the expected L2 became the L1. If students are more familiar with the intended L2 than the local language, what should teachers do? Should they insist on starting with the local language because it is the directive, or should they deal with the problem according to the context? Admittedly, some teachers mentioned that in teaching reading, they need to start with Filipino because it is easier than starting with the local language where the words are longer.

Consistent in all the schools visited, the significant hurdle is the scarcity of instructional materials in the specific language variant. Teachers carry the burden of this matter, where their questions to DepEd administrators are often redirected back to them since the people at the DEPED Central office do not know their language. Obviously, the solution lies with the teachers themselves, as nobody knows their language variant better than they do. As a teacher, I feel the weight of their burden, even when I ask my last question about suggested topics for training. Some laughed, while others groped for an answer. I can read in their eyes that, with all the experiences they recalled, they are tired. With a deep sigh, most of them will reply that it is okay not to have further training as long as learner's materials are provided. It would be a great relief.

Our ongoing study does not solely focus on struggles, as there were teachers who recounted the beneficial results of MTBMLE. As expected, oral discourse in the classroom is heightened when using the local language but that is something that every teacher still hopes to happen when they go to other subjects.  There will be more FGDs in other schools, but I have come to conclude that no matter how well-intentioned the advocates of MTBMLE are, it can never be a success if only the teachers bear the burden of implementation. Household members should begin to see the value of teaching or exposing children to the local language, so they do not go to school without a very important learning tool—the knowledge of their own community language. Efforts should focus on the development and curation of teaching materials in the appropriate language variant for a more engaging lesson. Collaboration among people both inside and outside the classroom, as well as funding for material development, will ensure the realization of the intended benefits of MTBMLE.

"The Love for Teaching"

Dr. Rowena P. Dato-on
Cebu Technological University

Daanbantayan Campus

A love for teaching, burning bright;

Illuminates the darkest night;

With passion, patience, and delight;

To guide young minds toward the light.


A teacher's heart, a precious gift;

To help each student reach their lift;

With knowledge, skills, and confidence;

To thrive and grow with confidence.


The classroom is a sacred space;

Where learning takes on a new pace;

The teacher is the guide and friend;

On whom the students can depend.


The love for teaching knows no end;

It's not just a job but a friend;

A calling to inspire and lead;

And help young minds to take the lead.


The love for teaching, pure and strong;

It is what keeps the passion going on;

To shape the future, one by one;

With love for teaching, we've just begun.

Assessing Political Development in the Philippines Assessing Political Development in the Philippines 

Glenn L. Trajano
Assistant Professor III

Cebu Technological University - Main

I’m taking a brief assessment on the Philippine political development at least in theory between the Marcos government particularly during Martial Law and democratic governments onwards in terms of information and its impact. I’m using the ethics of data collection based upon three principles by historian and philosopher Yuval Noah Harari: a) Data must be used to help people, not manipulate them, b) Whenever you increase surveillance from top to bottom you must balance it by increased surveillance from bottom up, and c) Never allow too much data to be concentrated in one place.

I employ technology and democracy as political framework developed by philosopher Andrew Feenberg towards averting possible disaster created by artificial intelligence particularly on politics and governance.

Nowhere in history of Philippines that information has been transparent than in the last three decades since Cory Aquino up to Bongbong Marcos Jr. The 1987 Constitution specifies the fundamental right of freedom of information, which was cascaded into the Local Government Code of 1991, and recently Executive Order 2016.

Technology is a precursor for this change. Shift of people’s attitude from fear as criterion for behaved society into freedom and autonomy is another. Science, that is to say, process of embracing facts and not dogmas, has indeed made tremendous advancement.

The rule of arms is incompatible with modern technology as it transgresses in theory the foregoing three principles.

You could never imagine a fair trial in 1970s, nor anyone could ever think of journalist enjoying privileges during those years. During Martial Law, no one could debate on whether certain leader was a villain or a hero. Nor anyone could ever say negative against a President. Due process after Martial Law has been made normal. Philippine politics and governance have become civil using check and balances of media, non-government organizations, and government agencies.

In traditional regimes, everyone was obliged to treat leaders infallible. And information was held in one place. This happened to mass murderers Joseph Stalin of Soviet Union and Mao Zedong of China, and others.

Centralized source of information was the rule of game until values of interconnectivity, autonomy, and decentralization have emerged in the late 20th century. Soviet Union collapsed. China opened its door. Youth today in Russia, China, and North Korea are idealizing autonomous actions and decisions, including positive and negative rights we in our country have been enjoying for decades. 

Years after Martial Law, Philippine society hasn’t faced with lack of information. Information is everywhere. We have lots of information. However, we have also come to realize that information isn’t necessarily true. We are faced with enormous information many of which are fake, falsely understood and shared, etc. So that the more you receive information from Facebook, YouTube, and Google about government achievements and failures, it doesn’t mean you’re knowledgeable.

Troll existence is one. But this is manual. Artificial intelligence is here. Chat GPT has mastered language of peoples. Nowhere in the history in the world that a technology could invent stories, write laws and policies, and sacred texts, etc. Totalitarian leaders were known to spread fake news and lies. But their secrets were exposed, and that is why they didn’t last long. Totalitarian leaders could never manage millions of trolls, spies, etc., and they could never process vast amount of information.

Today, artificial intelligence could spread propaganda, fictional stories in order to advance political agenda faster and efficient than any human-made technology. It could decide to manipulate peoples after having understood exactly their behavior. In fact, in most cases average people could never distinguish manuscripts made by humans and Chat GPT.

What we have achieved in the last four decades in terms of decentralized sources of information could be outdated by the future AI unless our political processes are critical about it. Megacorporation Facebook could determine who are winnable candidates days before Philippine election. Google could understand exactly supplies and demands in the market, and many more.

Political development across democratic years of the Philippines can be sustained amidst the rise of artificial intelligence if we enable information to help people, not manipulate them, balance surveillance between top-down and below-up, and decentralize data storage. President Bongbong Marcos Jr. could rally behind this direction. 

Higher education institutions shouldn’t merely teach students about what information they should know. The real challenge in higher education is to teach students how to distinguish between reliable sources from unreliable information. And this can only be achieved by adhering to modern science and ethics. By modern science and ethics, it means that we have a lot more to know than we could ever imagine.

Government and non-government agencies shouldn’t use religious dogmas to tackle ethical issues of artificial intelligence. Only in modern science and philosophy can we make our increasingly globalized society more and more civilized. The recent artificial intelligence can be used to help Philippine administrations to be far more effective in delivering services. Technology is constituent of development.

Artificial intelligence can enable government administration far worse than it was during Martial Law, Stalin’s Soviet, Mao’s China, and others if we are not preparing ourselves in terms of awareness of its danger. Political development across four decades may be frustrated by the rise of artificial story tellers far more powerful than any human beings on earth. It’s scary to realize that the future of humanity depends upon the political and ethical choices and decisions made by humanity themselves.

Beauvoir’s Feminism and #Metoo Movement

Glenn L. Trajano
Assistant Professor III

Cebu Technological University - Main

What insight could we still see from Simone de Beauvoir’s 70-year old feminism in the context of the latest feminist movements centered on alleged sexual assault on women, and on demands for cities safe for women? The two years internationally famous hashtag #metoo is articulating these issues that figure out one of the key feminist struggles in twenty-first century. Certain elements of the conversations capture the recurrent feminist problems of “absolute Other” in The Second Sex. The selection of conversations on #metoo is taken five days backward from March 29 2019 to show the recurrence of objectification of women.

#MeToo Movement is a viral social media hashtag that testifies against sexual harassment and sexual assault twitted by anyone, famous or anonymous women worldwide. American black activist Tarana Burke founded the phrase “Me Too" in 2006 and was popularised on Twitter by Hollywood celebrity Alyssa Milano in 2017, which has received wide following including many other famous American celebrities and netizens around the world. The movement became viral in 2017 over the expose of sexual scandal of Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein which stirred condemnations and innumerable testimonies of “Me Too” experiences around the world.

#MeToo Movement is a testament how woman as pure object category cuts across history until today, one that requires what Beauvoir calls collective resistance not only from women victims themselves but also from men and all other sectors in society. #MeToo puts the awareness of the people on the situation as the key to resolution of feminist struggles against sexual violence. This is why a great many skeptics allege that #MeToo is redundant to justice system, overreacting on situation that visually portray men as predators and women as prey.

One major controversy derived from #MeToo is directly accusing the alleged perpetrators to elicit courage among other goals to speak out in favor of the victims or in the words of a twit by lib@libertyannn Mar 29 “Enough is enough, give people the courage to report without fear.” In effect, it highlights dilemma of victims who testifies their psychological burden to speak out, which is expressed in the twit by Dorothy@dotdotti11 Mar 29,


Can not report it to police when it’s the police

Can not report it to the school when it’s at school

Can not report it your boss when it’s your boss

Can not report it at church when it’s the church

Can not report it to family when it’s family #metoo


For instance, a crowd of twitters react to the latest controversial inappropriate “touching” and “inhaling” allegation on former US Vice-President Joe Biden. Biden was accused by a fellow Democrat Lucy Torres for an alleged inappropriate touching and inhaling of hair in 2014 when the latter was running for lieutenant governor in Nevada. Tim Young@TimRunsHisMouth Mar 29 describes, “Joe Biden is a walking billboard for the #Metoo campaign.” Reno Raines @renoraines1056 Mar 29 reacts, “Crazy Uncle Joe Biden has been a sick creeper for decades. But nobody gives a rip, because he’s a Democrat.”

It is important to consider the hard evidences and consistency of conversations as well as the process to resolve as they lie the magnitude of controversy. @AsheSchow Mar 27 twits #Metoo headlines as bias against men as there appears no “headlines over this [sic] woman admitting to drugging and robbing men she lured with sex.” Some twits also protect the movement thought to further the career of women which @girl_ghosted Mar 27 calls “disgusting and you [sic] should be in jail for that and you have made a mockery of the #Metoo movement as well.”

Despite these setbacks, what appears is widespread netizens’ attentions on gender violence oftentimes claimed as silenced and suppressed. @LisaAtTheHelm Mar 25 twits,

My husband at the time [sic] dragged me out into the hall while I was naked at 8 months pregnant and locked me out of the apartment. This is the first time I have ever spoken about it.

Social recognition is what challenges the “coming out” of individuals to speak their “Me Too” experience. This is expressed by @see_kel Mar 24,

A few months ago, I was sexually assaulted during a date. Rather than hearing me out, my own friends went ‘well why did you wear a dress?’ So the fact that women, who I considered friends, say it is still the woman’s fault proves how far we have to come.

For Philippines, higher education should take its role to commit to the challenge of feminist struggles as students, faculty, and staff are placed at the forefront of various identities which require “dialogical openness”.

We have Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) formerly the National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW) which serves as the national machinery for gender equality and women’s empowerment.

On this #MeToo campaign, local governments in coordination with police authorities should be more challenged to perform the vital function for safety of women from sexual threats and fast-track resolutions to bring justice to crime and violence involving gender.

The latest incident involving a 16-year old female allegedly raped and heinously killed by skinning her face in Lapu-Lapu Cebu has drawn out condemnations around the country. Along with local government authorities and officials from national agencies, thousands of mourners wearing #JusticeforChristine shirts joined the burial on March 23 2019 and condemned the brutal killing and demanded police authorities for immediate apprehension of the suspects. Aided by social media, collective support for campaign against gender violence happens because as a rule there is shared interest of people in society such as rights and dignity that are worth fighting for.

Defending Julian Assange Really Matters

Glenn L. Trajano
Assistant Professor III

Cebu Technological University - Main

A year after his arrest, Wikileaks’ co-founder Julian Assange is scheduled to hear his extradition case in a London court today after it was postponed last February due to pandemic. The controversial case of the journalist-publisher has seemed to eclipse this year in public discourse as every attention is singling out the impact brought about by Covid-19. The specter of Assange as shown through his works which have been scandalizing state officials has hunted the duty of professionals in the media dubbed as hyper experts of formality and compliance.

I attempt to look into Assange’s activities in view of the nineteenth century German thinker Friedrich Nietzsche’s Ubermensch or overman to justify that our defense on him indeed matters.

It makes sense to see the journalism career of Assange by what Nietzsche in Will to Power says, “My humanity is a constant self-overcoming.” Nietzsche speaks on this among others in the lenses of changing perspectives, transforming what people used to view as well as value, and fear that goes along with it.

Australian-born Assange has published voluminous secrets revealing the abuse of power of public officials and war crimes, information citizens in established democracies have the right to know. The world was stunned, and grateful for him, at the unredacted files of matters of public interests Wikileaks published in 2010, namely, the disturbing “Collateral Murder,” the Afghan war logs, and the diplomatic cables that detail crimes of the United States in foreign soil.

But what has become in terms of image of the now imprisoned journalist in the wake of those revelations is sad to note – “He is not a journalist,” “He is a Russian puppet,” “a narcissist,” “a jerk,” “a fascist,” etc. All these contradict his prestigious international achievements for his distinguished contribution to journalism, not to mention his being nominated for UN Mandela Prize and 2019 Nobel Peace Prize.

Misinformation has projected Assange in the eyes of the public into what Nietzsche calls in Will to Power a promoter of decadence, something that anyone must stay away from for being a danger to humanity.


Assange’s decade-long bizarre Swedish extradition request but without charge which was finally dropped last year by Swedish prosecutors for lack of basis has been sealing the box of his character as if he is in the words of Nietzsche “something that shall be overcome.”  

What has echoed across his seven-year political asylum in Ecuadorean embassy after the British High Court decided to extradite him to Sweden was the public eyes on him as “beast,” meriting arrest should he leave out the embassy for skipping the British law.

But it is beyond facts to call the now 48-year old as in Nietzsche’s words in Thus Spoke Zarathustra “the last man,” one that should be insulated as if he has nothing in his hand except the sheer blood of the world.

Perceptions on Assange should be weighed on whether he is harming rights and dignity of people, or exposing secrecies that protect interests of the few being guaranteed by the American First Amendment.

Individuals who have questionable transactions in states and seek to advance their shenanigans will do whatever they can in their power to stop truth-tellers beyond the traditional old school ties from exposing their cards.

Three years after founding Wikileaks, US financial institutions have been blocking the non-profit media organization from receiving donations.

Why could anyone afford to be swallowed by perceptual construction on Assange when there have been no individuals killed as a result of Wikileaks’ revelations? Behold the man in jail after he published leaked video of killing dozen innocent civilians and other crimes which are not “top secret” after all. Is it not a human right under UN conventions to seek for asylum under reasonable circumstance – the baseless sexual assault accusation?

His incarceration in Belmarsh prison for jumping bail in 2012 when he sought asylum in the Ecuadorean embassy, and now defending his extradition case appears to be a clear deterrence to any journalists from reporting whistleblowers’ data beyond the approval of those who are in power.

As far as from the staked establishment is concerned, Assange is debauched as what Nietzsche specifies “tied between beast and overman – a rope over an abyss.” “He is trying to get attention.” But such are not beyond doubt. His decade-old clinching fist seen until he was dragged out from Ecuadorean embassy speaks for the will of enabling citizens enlightened in checking scandals committed by those who are in power within the spirit and intent of the laws.

The debasement on his effort is to put in Nietzsche’s phrase “human-all-too-human” conditioning of public minds that has made him despised from the discourse of the public he commits to serve.

Since his exile in Ecuadorean embassy in 2012 there have been constant persisting mass petitions against his feared trial for espionage charges in US, indicating that defending the freedom of the press as central case of the man behind bars is alive. Which as well means that overcoming projection on Assange as “the last man” or “the decadent” implies enlightenment of the concerted efforts within the democratic bounds of state institutions.

The scheduled hearing seems to be a part of the unknown, a fate that may have delivered him to the British Supreme Court for his final reconsideration against US extradition request.


Had it not because of Assange’s revelations, US political and military secrecy has been kept untold to global public, completely forgotten in history usually written by victors. But why have those involved in the crimes exposed by Wikileaks in 2010 not been brought to justice? Why have other journalists from media giants who as well published the Wikileaks’ documents not been sentenced in court?

Along with the increasingly political circumventions of media around the world across the pandemic, Nietzsche’s Ubermensch or overman as self-overcoming of our humanity has made sense in terms of defending the jailed truth-teller from extradition to US where he would face his 17 espionage charges. Assange is an incarnation of Nietzsche’s Ubermensch, something as an end that inspires for a creative subjectivity that enhances the humanization task in the world we live in. He is an overman, able to pass from the banal compliance of truth telling common among professional journalists towards fearless hard evidence-based reporting, even risking his own life and liberty in the process.

Our choice to be there behind Assange exposes us to the gigantic tasks of defending democratic ideals of truth and information which has risked of dying in view of the recent killings of journalists around the world.

Promoting media freedom enables us to see our limitations of our will to power often disguised as a search for truth under our usual habit of adhering to the status quo and the apparent convenience through silence that accompanies with it.

Defending Assange can only transpire in a “bottom-top” way, from the change in the perceptions of creative subjects who because of self-transformation along the process of overcoming, will speak out in the streets to draw decision in favor for his right to liberty.

As suffering an illness while in jail, Assange has prayed for our extension for as cultural philosopher Slavoj Zizek says Assange holds “no state behind him, just us.” This solidarity is impossible if we are stuck at the abyss of prefabricated perceptions that allows immunity of powerful misdeeds by suppressing informative deeds of journalists usually labeled “in the service of communists China and Russia!” Our moral choice should be preceded by a process of conscious revaluation of our will, worldviews, our fears, least we fail to see that defending Julian Assange really matters.


As UNSC President rejected US’ snapback sanction on Iran, what’s next?

Glenn L. Trajano
Assistant Professor III

Cebu Technological University - Main

Following US failed bid for arms embargo on Iran at the 15 member-states UN Security Council two weeks ago, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has proposed for “snapback” of UNSC sanctions on Iran.

Despite the categorical disapproval from the remaining parties of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) (Britain, France, China, Russia plus Germany), Secretary Pompeo was optimistic that the outcome was favorable to the United States.

Iranian Foreign Ministry and the European Union foreign policy office have slammed US’ push as immaterial after it withdrew from the deal in May 2018.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said that “snapback” provision is absent in JCPOA or in UNSCR 2231 that codified the deal.

Last Tuesday a week after US’ bid for snapback, UN Security Council President Dian Djani gave an assessment that denies the bid by “lack of consensus,” citing non-membership of US to Iran deal.

The so-called P3 (France, Britain, and Germany) are set to discuss the US repeated accusation of “systematic non-compliance” of Iran with the nuclear deal in Vienna next week.

Fearful of the nuclear disaster, the world for sure has felt a sigh of relief as it shows the landmark deal that puts pressure on Iran nuclear program alive.

Sinking the deal reached in Vienna in 2015 by “further isolation and sanctions” of Iran according to analysts will only pave way for Iranian non-compliance to restrictions under the deal.

Iran ambassador to the UN had indicated then that Iranian “options are not limited” as its rightful response in case the US bid wins.

Denying the snapback was another diplomatic shot of Iran after the resounding UNSC rejection of the 13-year arms embargo on Iran last August 14.

“The US maximum pressure policy against Iran has been defeated,” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told reporters last Tuesday.


Last Sunday, US President Donald Trump said that US is prepared to make a deal with Iran “within four weeks” if he is re-elected.


President Trump’s statement appears to be beyond concession to Iranian victory but might be tied to his 2016 presidential campaign’s “terrible” Iran deal and his administration’s withdrawal in May 2018.

US Ambassador to United Nations Kelly Craft accused the 13 member states of UNSC of siding with “the company of terrorists.”

Iranian President Rouhani has indicated that if United States post-snapback dismissal enters into agreement with Iran, US should ask for apologies to Iran and return to the deal.

Intense talks on snapback at UNSC has prompted Russian President Vladimir Putin to call out for a virtual summit among leaders of parties of UNSC including Germany and Iran to prevent escalating the tension between the US and Iran.

Iranian victory seems afar from reach as Secretary Pompeo on Thursday has moved to bypass the UNSC President’s assessment against the snapback by treating the international sanctions on Iran reimposed on September 20 unless a “resolution is introduced.” “That’s how UNSCR 2231 works,” Pompeo tweeted. 

As US slams the majority members of UNSC for “standing” with Iran against snapback, it is without a doubt that the JCPOA is still alive, in full force.

Yet the fate of international sanctions on Iran hinges on the international community action, particularly the remaining Iran deal members under the letters and intent of the deal and UNSCR 2231.

Increase of Iranian uranium enrichment after US withdrawal from the deal in 2018 requires the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) intervention so the parties involved could determine the Iranian compliance to restrictions of the deal.

What is at stake here is US’ image as international leader pushing for agenda against the oppositions of 13 states in UNSC including its close allies. Even if Trump is consistent to his previous presidential campaign promise on Iran deal, it appears that US is unable to convince the members of the deal to lay down their obligation to it.

I contend that UNSC members’ reasonably views on Iran deal are free from mere party-allegiance with the Islamic Republic which is opposite to Washington’s accusations of “siding with ayatollahs.” Eschewing nuclear catastrophe by controlling Iranian nuclear ambition through the spirit of the deal has prevailed in the heads of 13-council members, they have preferred saving the deal rather than unleashing sanction on Iran.

Hopefully, all staked members of UN Security Council could journey forward and create the long-desired path of peace and security in the Persian Gulf once and for all, especially post-Covid 19 world and beyond.


Is the threat of economic sanction on the Philippines by European Parliament actually for human rights abuse?

Glenn L. Trajano
Assistant Professor III

Cebu Technological University - Main

I wowed after President Rodrigo Duterte made a shocking remark a week ago over unnamed Western pharmaceutical giants who as President complained have demanded for “cash advance” or “reservation fee” for delivery of Covid-19 vaccines. With his usual cursing, the President vowed to purchase coronavirus vaccines only from Russia or China as their vaccines are sold beyond profits. The President’s inclination for Russian Sputnik V has made some headlines a couple of months ago.

Even if I’m satisfied by President Duterte’s standpoint on profit-driven pharma, I am pessimistic. Can our country’s leader snub Western pharma giants without repercussion? Are the Western pharma giants critical enough to read between the lines the message of our President?

In this time and age of interconnectivity there is divisiveness as a consequence of certain market control by unilateral economic sanctions. The pandemic crisis has revealed this pattern.

Take the massive Nord Stream 2 project. In mid-2020, the 1,230 kilometers 9.5 billion euros underwater pipeline that will transport Russian gas to Germany has been stalled after the United States has imposed sanctions on several companies involved. German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s administration has found itself on the edge how to redeem the already 94% complete construction without bearing the effect of US “pressure campaign.”

Another is UN Security Council resounding rejection in mid-2020 of the US proposal for renewed arms embargo on Iran. A week after that, Washington has bid for “snapback” of sanctions on Iran despite its withdrawal in 2018 from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) known as Iran deal.

Even if stated under the principle of democratic norms, unilateral economic sanctions are undermining sovereign rights, interfering in domestic affairs which are contrary to letters and intent of international laws.

Enter the European Parliament’s threat to revoke the trade perks on Philippine products export. This came at the juncture of President Duterte’s vilification on Western pharma as “all for profit.” But it was no surprise to me as I paid attention on human rights abuses situation in the country. I was curious on their alibis: upholding democracy for the country.


Several countries have been ravaged by Western-backed sanctions. Simply look at the once prosperous Libya and Iraq today. Both were called “rogue states,” now torn by civil unrest.

A new but essentially rogue state standing in the way of Western powers after those years is China. Western pressure on China for instance on events in Hongkong and Turkic Muslims have reinforced image of China as demonic violator that deserves Western military adventurism.

China is an economic and technological threat to the West, well captured in “US-China economic decoupling” discourse effected by US-China trade wars in 2018. Western pressure only shows its real weakness to parallel China’s most ambitious Built and Road Initiative.

When President Duterte launched a diplomatic gesture through his first-ever address to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), he’s dealing with threat of Western sanctions. In the wake of the threat, presidential spokesperson Harry Roque interjected, “Susmaryosep!” (Jesus, Mary, Joseph!), referring to European Parliament whom he considers insensitive to Filipino struggles against the impact of pandemic. The President clearly saw the need to stand himself before the 75th anniversary of UNGA to assert among others his most distinguished calling for Philippine acquisition of Covid-19 vaccines based on market principle of fairness and social benefits.

Coronavirus vaccines should “be made available to all,” President Duterte plead during his over 20 minutes prerecorded address. By calling for global unity, international friendship, dialogue and cooperation in addressing any concerns that beset the world, President Duterte has endeavored to overcome the concerted accusations launched on his administration by the European Parliament. By expressing inclusive language, President Duterte had wished that delivery of effective coronavirus vaccines should never discriminate poor country.

Criticisms on the administration of President Duterte on human rights abuses during the old and new normal are undeniable. However, I have always reservations if human rights abuse is attached by Western threat of economic sanctions.

Priority for coronavirus vaccines beyond the profit-driven pharma companies has been essentially one of the key points of President Duterte’s address in UNGA. How the President is going to materialize his words on arbitral award that is favorable to our sovereign claim in West Philippine Sea is another issue. There is so much thing to talk about complex issues as national security and human rights of our country.

I believe European Parliament pressure won’t be materialized after President’s address at UNGA. Roque undermined the threat, saying European Union is the only one that issues punitive actions.

External pressure to foster justice and human rights cannot co-exist with economic sanction. When economic pressure is used to address complex political and social events in other countries, I always have a reason to be pessimistic.

Evaluating Graduate Performance and Employability: A System Approach for Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Graduates

Josie C. Calfoforo

Iloilo Science and Technology University – Iloilo City Campus

La Paz, Iloilo City


Abstract – Each academic institution strives to produce graduates who are competent, highly qualified, and who will succeed in their fields of specialization in both the local and global arenas. A powerful tool that provides helpful data for evaluating the whereabouts and performance of graduates is a tracer study. This study focused on determining the profile of Bachelor of Science in Information Systems (BSIS) graduates of S.Y. 2018-2019 of the Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) in terms of gender, civil status, residence, and examinations passed. It further investigates their employment status, job experiences, and provides recommendations for the improvement of the university’s curriculum. A system approach was utilized by examining input, process, output, and feedback to evaluate graduates' performance and employability. A descriptive research design was employed, using a modified-standardized questionnaire based on the master survey instrument of the Commission on Higher Education. Data analysis involved frequency, percentage, and ranking. The results of the study showed that out of 32 graduates, 96.88% (31) participated in the online survey questionnaire, with 90.63% (29) employed. The findings revealed that most of the respondents waited for 1-6 months for their first paid job related to their earned degree. This implies that the respondents became highly employable, easily found, and earned a job related to their degree despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, the graduates expressed satisfaction with the delivery of instruction but provided some suggestions to enhance the university's curriculum for more responsive to the needs of students and the demands of various job markets.


Keywords— Graduate tracer study, information systems, employment status, system approach






The employability of an academic institution's graduates is one of the criteria used to assess its effectiveness (Cuadra et al., 2019). This produces competent and highly qualified graduates which greatly influences their ability to provide instruction and facilities that enable them to acquire the knowledge, skills, values, and competencies they need to succeed in the workplace (Rosa & Galang, 2021).

The Graduate Tracer Study (GTS) is a method used to track graduates' performance after graduation. It collects data on graduates’ college experience skills learned, quality of instruction, and how it relates to employability. A GTS can illuminate the relationship between the college experience and labor market outcomes, which can aid in formulating actions for the higher education sector (Tutor et al., n.d.). According to Sira et al., the main goal of their graduate tracer study was to identify the established demographics of graduates from the BS and BIT programs at Iloilo Science and Technology University's College of Industrial Technology from the school year 2018 to 2019 (Sira et al., 2022). With a tracer study, graduates’ employability can be tracked to gauge how well the university's current curriculum works to produce competent graduates (Kalaw, 2019). To establish more reliable data that represent the employability of graduates, graduate tracer studies such as this one should be conducted on a regular basis, at least every other year, and should cover a wider scope in terms of graduates from prior years (Albina & Sumagaysay, 2020).

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in the Philippines has mandated higher education institutions (HEIs) to conduct tracer studies as part of the definition of a center of excellence and a center of development of degree programs. The graduate profile is one of the documentary requirements of higher education accrediting bodies, such as the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc., and the ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems (QMS). This prepares students to be IT professionals and experts in the design and implementation of IS for business processes, as referenced in CMO No. 53, Series of 2006, and CMO No. 25, Series of 2015. 

Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) is a Higher Education Institution in Western Visayas of the Philippines that actively promotes information technology education (ITE). It has four colleges on its Main Campus and four external campuses in Iloilo province. The institutional goal of the University is “to produce highly competent and eco-friendly graduates, who will become leaders and experts in their fields of specialization.”

The Bachelor of Science in Information Systems (BSIS) is one of the programs offered by the Computer Department under the ISAT U - College of Arts and Sciences since 2007 and as per BOR Res. No. 15, COPC No. 20, Series of 2015. The program aims to produce highly qualified and competent graduates of the Iloilo Science and Technology University who are highly employable after graduation and integrate information technology with business processes. This plays a significant role in molding BSIS students and its work does not end with graduation. ISAT U has a social responsibility to develop its students into competent citizens of the country and ensure that its curriculum and skill-training programs are always updated to meet current demands. The success of the program in providing quality instruction was evaluated based on the graduates' performance feedback.


Objectives of the Study


The main objective of this study was to trace the Bachelor of Science in Information Systems graduates of S.Y. 2018-2019 of the Iloilo Science and Technology University, Iloilo City Campus. Specifically, this study aimed to determine the following:


1. the profile of the Bachelor of Science in Information Systems (BSIS) Graduates of S.Y. 2018-2019 as to gender, civil status, residence, and examinations passed;

2. the employment status and job experiences of the graduates; and

3. recommendations for the improvement of the Bachelor of Science in Information Systems curriculum of the University.



Significance of the Study


This study is essential and significant to the following stakeholders:


BSIS Students. The results of the study would motivate and encourage students to pursue and complete their degree for professional advancement.


ISAT U Administrators. The school administrators could use the results of this study in determining the relevance of the program degree offered to the employability status and job experiences of graduates.


Faculty. This study would encourage the faculty to help their students finish their degrees and become experts in their field of specialization.


Future Researchers. The results of this study would serve as a springboard for further investigations using other variables.

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Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

As markets grow, businesses become economically and legally autonomous. Competition's economic regulation grows. Strategy and operations aren't enough. Development strategies need strategic thought. Strategic marketing in response to external situations was the company's destiny a few years ago. Recent goals include market-driven management and resource allocation. Marketing organizes corporate operations. Companies have corporate, divisional, and functional strategies. Marketing helps business objectives.

Marketing strategy sets objectives and targets customers. Marketing mix encompasses product, channel, campaign, and value approach. Scholarly papers cover marketing strategy.

According to one view, a marketing strategy involves setting objectives, achieving them, and solving manufacturing problems for each product, market, and age. Manufacturing and sales must reflect market demands and corporate resources. Leading marketing expert Philip Kotler calls a marketing plan a company's "reasonable, logical framework" for marketing issues. Audience, promotional strategy, and advertising budget are listed.

Marketing should target the company's most resource-hungry customers. After finalizing the marketing approach, production and sales may commence. Budgets, tasks, etc. It helps companies budget yearly.

An appropriate marketing concept and diverts marketing strategies  with four target areas (deeper market penetration, expansion into newly entrant markets, creation of innovative products, and diversification of operations) can help a company set goals and evaluate progress. Goal-based organizations standardize results. "Model of target orientation" or "structure of goals" arranges organizational goals to standardize management.

Strategy goals are internal and external. Its aim and legal framework establish its external and internal objectives. Stability and short-term planning are secondary to development. Decision trees have subgoals. They then ask experts for the finest options. Criteria provide meaningful choice comparisons. Industry-leading indicators. Prospective outcomes should be analyzed using these criteria as less significant variables may provide different results. Most experts describe "marketing strategy" as an organization's approach across markets and period.

Marketing tactics address "what," "when," and "how" along with expenses and success rates. Marketing strategy determines products, services, price, consumer communication, and distribution. Marketing strategy should cover market position, product attributes, and company history. Top executives' leadership, management, and organizational structure are important. Unlike enterprise-wide planning, marketing strategy evolves. Markets vary. Static installations must use existing processes.

Employees or professionals may establish marketing plan. Niche identification and placement launch successful marketing. Renew products and increase customers. Marketing campaigns need product, promotion, customer reach, and pricing strategies.

Studies reveal that marketing service and internal problem-solving determine a company's marketing strategy. Well-trained marketers discover solutions. Data quality and quantity drive marketing strategy. This indicates that various marketing methods drive these operations and that business success depends on their perfect execution. It's crucial that the company's primary marketing methods be theoretical and practical, help it achieve its goals, and boost its market position.


Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Competitive products and services face global governance issues of quality, pricing, and simplicity. All options for enhancing and streamlining the production of goods and services in accordance with national requirements, such as economic competitiveness and product quality, have been emphasized.  A nation's producer market position is determined by its administration, quality of social life, and labor.  The chief of the brand's competitiveness with modern businesses is responsible for collaborative responsibilities and current research issues. The objective, strategy, core competencies, assets, and infrastructure of a company determine its capacity to offer products and services at market prices and to manage a business.  If critical business processes are not coordinated, the company cannot create customer value. Brand unifies. A brand is the distinctive, alluring image of a product or service that is associated with it.  Brands help consumers save money and reduce risk when purchasing products, as well as encourage investment. Brands generate thirty percent of global wealth. Brand management is essential for the sustainability of a business. Numerous of the world's leading corporations demonstrate that a well-planned strategy simultaneously increases brand awareness and decreases market volatility. Nonetheless, the management function of brand management reflects the objective conditions of global market competition and entails the creation of effective brand management structures that facilitate strategic cooperation with partners and consumer interaction.   Modern brands integrate marketing, production, innovation, and sales while optimizing internal corporate governance to meet market demands. These characteristics allow the product to satisfy consumer expectations even during the conception of its concept and brand identity.

It is well known that the primary management functions of a company are planning, organization, leadership, and control, which ensures the overall effectiveness of the management system. Today, many business owners recognize the benefits of brand management and employ it actively.  However, our nation's brand administration could benefit from the knowledge of industrialized nations and foreign businesses.  To compete with foreign firms that have aggressively penetrated nearly every sector of our economy and occupied critical market positions in a number of regions, Uzbek businesses require effective brand management. Priority should be given to enhancing the national economy's competitiveness at all levels prior to the international integration of foreign countries. However, the vast majority of consumer goods and services from other nations are of much lower quality and resource intensity than those from international firms. In such circumstances, businesses must utilize all available resources to enhance product quality and competitiveness. 




Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

It's well known that many food industry studies follow market guidelines.  Food market demand is mostly influenced by population income.  People's income impacts their spending power.  The average population income also affects demand.  Product composition depends on individual consumption. A market with a negative demand, no demand, a demand that is just emerging, a dropping demand, a shifting demand, an ideal demand, a high demand, or an irrational demand. Thus, consumer sophistication differentiates the food sector.  Other countries regional food market has an unsatisfied and volatile demand, and it's clear that the optimum demand hasn't yet emerged.  It's important to study the food market's operations and changes. Marketing research includes a collection of measurements based on a full market analysis with a defined goal of demand for products and resources. Market research is crucial.  Marketing research is based on market structure, strategy, and procedures. Marketing research often includes market research. Another option. Marketing research emphasizes these food market research characteristics such identifying market segments. In this direction, food products on the food market and its segments will be identified.  Additionally, it can be segmented based on regional and competitive parameters.  It identifies issues of effective product sales, product innovation, quality enhancement, consumer demand satisfaction, and high profitability; The formation and development of the food market to analyze market trends will allow for changes in the agrarian sector as a result of state economic reforms and the study of management trends in a particular region. The relationship between product prices and production volume is investigated.  Interregional price differentials or production costs that correspond to the product's prime cost determine the relationship between price and production volume in this region. Research of infrastructure networks. Clearly, the development of a market is influenced by its infrastructure, and it will be necessary to investigate the food market's infrastructure and some of the issues that impede its effective operation. Sales forecasting ranks sixth.  This is due to the rapid population growth, which is crucial in determining the future of the population.



Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The method of teaching intercultural communication, which is predicated on the application of the principles, will contribute to the formation of cultural competency as well as achieving of both practical and developmental goals, that are outlined in the institutional norms for higher education. The teaching principles are the initial set of didactic provisions that lay out the objective rules and patterns of the learning process and put the focus on the personality development of the learner. These teaching principles may be thought of as the foundation of a good education. They are often referred to as the "foundations" of teaching, which is another name for them. Knowledge of the principles of teaching makes it possible to organize the educational process in accordance with its norms, to rationally define goals and pick the educational material's content, as well as to select appropriate forms and methods of teaching. This is because knowledge of the principles of teaching permits the selection of appropriate forms and techniques of teaching. This is due to the fact that having a grasp of the fundamentals of education allows the learning process to be organized in line with the rules that govern it. The emergence of new teaching principles may be credited to a number of factors, with the progress made in both the theory and practice of teaching, as well as the identification of novel patterns associated with the learning process. Concurrently, the older principles continued to be amended, which is why they are viewed as being historically ephemeral due to the fact that they were always being updated. We place a particular emphasis on the following principles when preparing students of humanitarian universities for intercultural communication: the principle of cultural saturation of educational content; the principle of orientation toward humanitarian values; the power source principle of tolerance; the principle of intercultural dialogue; the concept of activity; and the principle of the formation of secondary linguistic personality traits. Let's go into the nitty-gritty of the particulars of each idea.  The activation of the educational process, the increase in the cognitive activity of students, the expansion to their communicative abilities, and the promotion of motivation for the in-depth study of a foreign language are all contributed to by the formation of readiness for intercultural communication, which is the first step in achieving the objectives of the theory of culturological saturation of the educational content. In addition, the principle of culturological saturation of the educational content is a key factor in the development of intercultural competence.


Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The fast spreading COVID-19 epidemic threatens businesses and supply chains. Because coronavirus may threaten human rights within and outside the corporation, corporate human rights defenders should be included in decision-making.

Many firms are doing the right things, but few are focused on profits. As illustrated by the COVID-19 pandemic, companies must identify their human risks and assess their impact on workers and value chains.

Many firms thought they could protect employees from sickness. Provide reasonable advice and practical measures to ensure sanitary and hygienic standards, such as posting signs in factories, sites, and offices on bulletin boards and in bathrooms instructing workers on how to properly wash their hands, stocking enough disinfectants, and keeping people away from infectious materials. Several organizations have limited travel and remote work to safeguard employees and stop the infection.

provide everyone who is sick paid leave so they stay home, and make companies compare sick leave with workers so employees take a week and employers provide a week. If employees are unsafe, operations must stop.

Manufacturing facilities under time pressure should be mindful of worker concerns, and buying departments should warn suppliers. The company's future and lives are at jeopardy. Your language with consumers and suppliers should represent your expectations. Human resources, full-time medical specialists, and paid leave should be provided to those who sign COVID-19 contracts and try to stop its spread.

The coronavirus reminds employers that they must protect vulnerable workers' rights. Multiple examples: Isolated workers in a broad market with many short-term, temporary, and independent contracts are more likely to lose their jobs.

Office cleaners and corporate cafeteria workers who lose business when offices shut are likewise unreliable. Migrant workers' rights may be at risk, and women may shoulder a disproportionate amount of unpaid caregiving and workplace dangers, particularly in the unregulated informal sector.

In the US, the poorest have the least health insurance. If treatment is too expensive, employees may not get checked out. Isolated personnel who have kept quiet are now at risk. Business solutions affect suppliers. When addressing supply chain issues, consider how supplier changes may effect workers at temporarily closed operations.

Consider if firms can meet increased production needs without overworking. After shutdowns, suppliers restart manufacturing, therefore firms must deploy coerced labor or COVID-19 to prevent labor problems.

Grocery shops are scarce, and in the next weeks, food, hygiene products, and other necessities will be essential. Food banks are reporting shortages, highlighting already vulnerable communities. Logistics and pharmaceutical companies will ensure a consistent supply of medications and other medical goods.

We must consider risks and research while employing technology. When government authorities use face recognition, surveillance, and mobility tracking to limit movement and identify infected people, privacy and other rights must be protected.

When contact is possible, such as in fitness centers, healthcare providers, and movie theaters, make sure the premises and equipment are clean and that customers can stay away if they want.


Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The travel and tourism sector has far-reaching effects on national economies and social fabric.   The national economy benefits from this sort of activity because of the "multiplier effect," which increases the profitability of complementary businesses.   Domestic tourism has emerged as a major contributor to the tourist industry's overall financial success.  The article provides a summary of international and local experience in the growth of domestic tourism, from which the key strategies for fostering domestic tourist growth in various nations may be derived.

Among the many subcategories of tourism, one of the most important contributors to financial success is the practice of going on vacation inside one's own country.  The creation of an investment-friendly policy need to be a crucial long-term goal in order to facilitate the growth of the domestic tourist sector. It paves the way for the creation, storage, and reproduction of tourist resources, in addition to the growth of the tourism sector and the infrastructure that supports it.  It is vital to have a well-founded system that properly evaluates the economic impact of domestic tourism in order to successfully plan the growth of domestic tourism. This is a requirement for effective planning of the expansion of domestic tourism.  There are many different approaches that may be used in the research that is done to analyze the impact that domestic tourism has on the economy of a country or a region. It is quite probable that the best results will be achieved via the use of a specialized multiplier prototypical.  The regional tourism multiplier is an pointer that represents the secondary influence that tourism has not only on the local economy but also on the social sphere. This influence may be measured in a number of different ways. The calculation of the coefficient exposes its actual worth, as it displays the amount of extra money that is supplied to the economy of the local area by each tourist spend. The multiplier of commercial operations is a representation of the increase in turnover that commercial operations have experienced as a consequence of increased spending in the tourism industry. This growth is a direct consequence of the overall increase in the cost of tourism. It would be emphasized that the effect of vacation industry in the form of augmented demand for products and services in the area is of the utmost significance and carries a great amount of weight. This is because tourism accounts for a significant portion of the region's economy. Because tourism creates a need for a certain set of services, it is necessary for those services to be created. This, in turn, encourages the growth of companies that manufacture things for the tourism sector, such as souvenir stores and local food producers.


Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

International marketing taught us that globalization's possibilities and risks have changed company law. Globalization, technology, and the Internet's rising importance in people's professional and individual lives have made the worldwide economy more competitive. This has altered corporate choices, particularly marketing executive decisions.

After learning about conventional and global marketing, I realized how significant it is for contemporary marketers to have a universal perspective. Modern marketers must consider more elements, make decisions faster, and innovate.

My coursework says current marketers require creativity and "out-of-the-box thinking." Innovative and cost-effective marketing techniques need these talents. Creative thinking generates viral and YouTube marketing.

Global viewpoints strengthened PESTEL and SWOT investigations. Global SWOT and PESTEL analyses require more criteria.

The instructor's excellent communication and teaching approach, motivation, and inspiration piqued my attention. Every lesson was thorough and insightful.

I learned to spot global marketing prospects through class case studies. I also realized that global marketing mix components are difficult to deploy. When a corporation solely works in its home country, its marketing mix will be the same throughout, making marketing easier. However, market factors affected the company's overseas marketing mix.

International marketing has taught me that the Internet has changed business and marketing techniques. Students learned that 10 years ago, there was no Facebook, viral marketing, blogging, or YouTube marketing. Others were given. These marketing strategies remain popular. Thus, global marketing was dynamic, and firms needed to be proactive to gain from innovative advertising.

Class talks inspired. After feeling afraid, I began engaging in classroom conversations, which helped me gain confidence and improve my communication skills.

I studied international marketing, market intelligence, and primary and secondary data.

I've observed global marketing managers require more analytical skills. Program-related international marketing case studies yielded this finding.

Case studies seemed overly lengthy when we began the program. After realizing that case studies were primarily approximations of real-life business problems I may experience in my future employment, I was able to take them more seriously and even found them encouraging and inspiring towards the end of the course.

Global rivalry shortened product life cycles, making new product creation harder.

Before taking international marketing courses, I had no clue how essential cultural issues are in business. Classes stressed the importance of cross-cultural awareness and how it might misread international marketing messages. Foreign managers must understand their local cultures to prevent these issues.


Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The expansion of the country's tourism and service industries as a direct result of the development of technological advances will have the following effects: the production of new jobs; a rapid pace of regional development; an increase in the nation's revenue in foreign exchange; a boost in its standard of life and income; and an increase in the nation's value as a location for foreign direct investment.  Especially during the course of a worldwide epidemic, when individuals are not only compelled to work but also to stay in isolated areas. This is due to the fact that a significant number of commercial and service industries, government services, and other industries have shifted to using the remote service method. As a direct consequence of this, people are obliged to work and to dwell in isolated regions.  The economy that was built on digital goods and services started growing at a startlingly rapid pace.  People came to the opinion that it was financially responsible following taking into consideration the vast movement of communication tools to digital communications and the transition of interaction with the state to digital channels. People came with the view that it was financially responsible after considering both of these factors. The coronavirus has taught businesses a crucial lesson: the technology that links all in the world to the online is pushing every asset into the realm of software-controlled digital content. Businesses have learnt this lesson as a result of the coronavirus.  These businesses have been pioneers in the implementation of a sophisticated digital economy.  Work in the economy of the future will be centered on digital platforms.  In the conditional connectivity of users, companies, devices, data, and processes, we are seeing a new type of economic activity that links people, organizations, and machines. This new form of economic activity brings people and machines together.


Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Small enterprises must advertise. Due to numerous hurdles, small firms may find it harder to sell their goods and services than huge enterprises. Financial and resource issues are biggest.

Iterative marketing methods examine the organization's present state and surroundings. The strategy lists target market, competitors, barriers, and opportunities. Without marketing, the firm would fail. This connects buyers and sellers.

Small companies want simple marketing. Email marketing includes newsletters, website design, and direct mail like postcards and brochures. Direct-mail advertising is another approach. These initiatives may help you reach new customers economically and raise brand recognition. Smaller firms adjust quickly. Despite a tiny marketing budget, the firm can make quick judgments, providing it an edge.

These organizations may quickly change their advertising techniques if a marketing approach fails. Smaller companies profit. Small businesses must market daily.

Daily emails, blogs, door banners, glass pamphlets, and other promotional strategies are allowed. Strategic relationships help firms grow. Connect with a neighboring firm that provides related products or services. Graphic and web design costs may need to be shared with another company. Divide your earnings between work and recreation to extend your money.

Marketing strategy determines corporate success. Well-planned product and service marketing helps businesses "stay afloat." Most academics describe a marketing strategy as a purposeful plan to achieve objectives and improve revenues. These strategic choices are often affected by the economy. Customers' needs change.

Small company owners and managers must understand strategic marketing as the economy worsens. Marketing is a crucial business strategy. It identifies your ideal consumers for marketing. Boosts goals.

This approach addresses consumer needs and suggests company actions. Small company CEOs need creative marketing strategies. To assure marketing strategy success, academics devised five principles.

Go where your consumers are, stand out, show your company's individuality, and build an emotional connection. Don't try to sell to them. Finding a market segment without rivals is the first step to a successful marketing plan. Most small firms benefit from targeted strategy.

Marketing will decide its success. Performance improves market position, operational risks, brand recognition, customer happiness, and competitiveness.

Your company's growth plan needs market research in today's competitive marketplace. Marketing involves price, promotions, obtaining dormant niches in current markets, and creating new niches. A firm can stay competitive and run more effectively with the right marketing approach. These and other elements affect a company's research subject relevancy.

Create a marketing plan and formula. As part of the diploma project, I summarized theoretical approaches to marketing strategy development, presented the enterprise's organizational and economic characteristics, conducted a complete analysis of the business's activities, with strategic, advertising, and entrant analyses, and proposed an effective marketing strategy.

This research studied how to create a theoretically sound marketing plan. Research and marketing tools were created for firm analysis and strategy. Remember to build true consumer connections and adapt quickly to their changing needs while creating a marketing plan.


Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Online marketing and other new media are outperforming newspaper, magazine, radio, and television ads. Digital marketing lets firms interact with clients in new ways and learn about their online and offline behaviors. Businesses need digital marketing more than ever.

Today's Internet-driven environment makes "marketing" ambiguous.  Many think digital will accelerate the complete revamping of all markets. Digital transformation requires finding and implementing cutting-edge technologies customized for an enterprise.

However, in the digital era, marketing isn't limited to cutting-edge tactics.  Businesses can only profit from data and automation by deliberately redefining their identity.

Modern digital marketers must understand their clients, their issues, and their unstated needs to succeed.  Thus, choosing tools depends on your goals. "Digital marketing" involves advertising products and services online to reach a certain audience and encourage two-way communication. Digital marketing boosts revenue and brand exposure.  Digital marketing may promote goods, services, and brands. Television and radio digital marketing uses the Internet and mobile devices to communicate.

Your marketing should develop trust and credibility via actual connection and trustworthy content to stand out. Digital marketing should start conversations, not simply create an impression.  Engagement analytics may reveal customers' and organizations' preferences.  Peers and celebrities' views are trusted, therefore digital advertising, particularly influencer marketing, is rising. Social media connections increase customer loyalty.  Consumers now want trustworthy content. Smart marketers recognize that customers who see them as experts are easiest to win over. A company's trust will increase if it offers free, relevant information across various media.

What makes meaningful conversations? Customer-business dialogue.  Honesty and openness build trust. Due to industry development, many organizations now appreciate the need of continual, two-way connection with consumers. Social internet and celebrities encourage honest dialogue.   Customers are more likely to invest emotionally and financially in a firm if they can freely express their worries and critiques.  Making an educated decision makes customers feel successful. Consumer-educating brands improve customers' lives.

Digital marketing improves results and effectiveness measurement.  Second, digital technology allows us to gather data from thousands of individuals worldwide who watched the same commercial and study the results in real time.  Due to their extensive application, digital technologies, especially those available online, may meet the diverse demands of the Internet's primary user base.

However, certain strategies fail. Online marketing is systematic.  Brands may reach the correct audience with contextual advertising. Contextual advertising will rise for successful customers. A firm targeting rich young people should employ social media, smartphone applications, internet advertising, and viral content.   The digital revolution has created several digital marketing advantages. Digital marketing is crucial for successful companies. SMM is one.  

The Impact of Social Media on Customer Engagement

Carl Louie R. Nocum, PhD.


Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

In the current digital environment, social media has emerged as a highly effective medium for companies to utilize to actively engage with their clients and customers. Platforms for social media provide businesses with a convenient and low-cost means of communicating with their customers and forming relationships with those customers. This platform makes it easier for companies to engage with their clients by enabling them to solicit feedback and provide answers to questions posed by customers.

Businesses now can communicate directly with their customer base thanks to the platforms provided by social media, which enables them to more effectively contact and engage with specific demographic subgroups. The usage of social media platforms enables organizations to generate material that connects with their target population and make connections with them that are specifically customized to their needs. This makes it possible for companies to earn their consumers' trust, which in turn leads to a rise in customer loyalty and, ultimately, income.

Better monitoring of customer involvement can be achieved through an organization's use of social media networks. Numerous social media platforms offer analytics tools that can assist businesses in gaining a better understanding of the performance of their content as well as the ways in which their customers interact with it. With the use of this data, companies are able to measure the success of their marketing initiatives and create content that is tailored to the specific population they are trying to reach.

In conclusion, platforms for social media provide businesses with a critical avenue for expanding their customer base through the use of social media. Employing digital platforms enables businesses to communicate with people all over the world, leading to a huge increase in the number of customers they serve. Businesses now have the opportunity to interact with prospective customers who were previously unaware of their existence thanks to the platforms provided by social media. This strategy has the potential to significantly boost the visibility of businesses and successfully bring in a whole new group of customers.

It is safe to say that the manner in which businesses interact with their customers has been profoundly disrupted by the proliferation of social media. The growth of technology has made it possible to increase communication between companies and their clients, which has paved the way for the cultivation of robust connections and the monitoring of client contact. In addition to this, it has given companies the chance to extend their client base and raise the level of awareness they enjoy in their respective markets. As a consequence of this, companies of any size can profit from making strategic use of the potential offered by various social media platforms.


The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Business Decision-Making

Carl Louie R. Nocum, PhD.


Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Business is affected by AI. AI systems can perceive, speak, decide, and translate like humans. AI machine learning and deep learning algorithms could change business decisions. Commercial decision-making benefits from AI's speed and accuracy in analyzing massive amounts of data. Data analysis is slow and error prone. AI-powered systems can evaluate enormous datasets faster, helping organizations make better decisions based on accurate insights. Businesses can adjust their marketing plan using AI to analyze client data and predict future behavior.

Artificial intelligence can automate business decision-making. AI systems may automate many routine tasks, freeing up humans for more complex and creative decision-making. This boosts efficiency and cuts expenses. AI-powered chatbots can assist customers and answer inquiries.

AI improves decision-making precision. AI technologies remove bias and emotions for data-driven insights. This helps organizations improve estimations and reduce errors. Financial fraud detection using AI systems reduces company losses.

AI has pros and cons. AI decision-making raises ethical issues. AI algorithms promote training data biases. Legal and reputational risks exist. Businesses must train AI algorithms on diverse, unbiased datasets.

Algorithm transparency limits commercial AI decision-making. AI's deep learning models are often considered black boxes, making their outputs difficult to understand. This ambiguity may make high-stakes decisions difficult. Businesses must balance AI model accuracy and interpretability for findings.

Commercial AI decision-making requires massive infrastructure and skill investments. Businesses need high-performance computing, data storage, and AI skills to use AI. SMEs without AI resources may struggle. SMEs need government support and AI promotion.

AI could improve business decision-making. AI systems will become smarter and make harder decisions. AI algorithms can improve supply chain management, resource allocation, and risk assessment for corporations.

IoT and blockchain may boost AI's corporate decision-making. IoT data helps AI systems make smart decisions. can assure openness and security of AI-generated insights, allowing enterprises to trust and confirm AI-based decisions.

AI-based business decision-making raises ethical and security problems. Effective rules and ethical frameworks are needed to regulate autonomous AI systems that can make complex decisions. AI-based decision-making must be transparent, fair, and accountable to maintain public trust.

AI improves efficiency, accuracy, and automation, helping organizations make better decisions. AI in commercial decision-making both benefits and hazards. AI-using companies must address ethics, transparency, and investment. Despite these challenges, AI's ability to aid commercial decision-making is appealing. In a changing market, businesses must use AI to better decision-making.

The Challenges of Doing Business in Emerging Markets

Carl Louie R. Nocum, PhD.


Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

One of the distinctive obstacles encountered when conducting business in emerging markets pertains to the prevalent political and regulatory instability within these geographical areas. Governments in emerging markets are susceptible to experiencing frequent transitions, resulting in fluctuations in policies and regulations that have the potential to influence business operations. Moreover, the presence of corruption and bureaucratic red tape can pose significant challenges for companies endeavoring to navigate the intricate regulatory framework. The presence of instability poses challenges for businesses in formulating and implementing long-term strategies, necessitating the cultivation of adaptability and flexibility in order to prosper in such contexts.

One additional obstacle encountered when conducting business in emerging markets pertains to the constraints imposed by the existing infrastructure. Numerous developing economies exhibit a deficiency in essential physical infrastructure, encompassing dependable transportation networks, power provision, and communication systems. These constraints have the potential to impede the effective functioning of enterprises and escalate expenses. Organizations may be required to allocate resources towards the development of their own infrastructure or explore alternative strategies in order to address these constraints. Insufficient infrastructure can also have an adverse effect on supply chain management and distribution, thereby exacerbating the complexities of business operations.

Businesses operating in emerging markets face additional challenges due to cultural and language barriers. Every market possesses distinct cultural norms, customs, and business practices that necessitate companies' comprehension and adjustment. Neglecting to adhere to this practice may lead to instances of misinterpretation, ineffective exchange of information, and ultimately, missed prospects for business advancement. Language barriers can pose difficulties when it comes to establishing effective communication with local stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, and employees. To surmount these obstacles, it is imperative to possess cultural sensitivity, intercultural competence, and the capacity to establish robust connections with indigenous collaborators and stakeholders.

In summary, engaging in commercial activities within emerging markets entails a distinct array of obstacles that necessitate cautious navigation. The presence of political and regulatory instability within these markets can engender a sense of uncertainty and impede the smooth functioning of business operations. Insufficient transportation and communication networks can present challenges in effectively conducting business, thereby highlighting the significance of infrastructure limitations. Furthermore, the presence of cultural and linguistic barriers can pose challenges in establishing interpersonal connections and comprehending the intricacies of the local market. Nevertheless, notwithstanding these obstacles, emerging markets also present substantial prospects for growth and expansion. By comprehending and effectively tackling these challenges, enterprises can proficiently navigate the intricacies of conducting business in emerging markets and attain the benefits of venturing into these vibrant economies.

Philippine Retail: Opportunities and Challenges on Identifying Retail Business Challenges and Leveraging Consumer Trends and Preferences

Carl Louie R. Nocum, PhD.


Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Innovative strategies can help Filipino retailers adjust to shifting conditions. The Philippines retail sector struggles with supply chain inefficiencies and logistics due to infrastructural and geographical constraints. This category includes late deliveries, expensive storage, and difficult access to remote places. Inefficiencies increase expenses, diminish profit margins, make on-time delivery harder, and hurt inventory management. Retailers must experiment to improve supply chain management. Businesses may invest in alternative transportation, collaborate with logistical partners, or optimize route with technology to reach this goal. Merchants can stay competitive and satisfy customers by addressing these issues.

Retail is competitive. Local and foreign retailers compete in the Philippine retail market. Rapid urbanization and new commerce formats have increased rivalry in big cities. Online businesses and overseas firms have further saturated the market. Retailers must use price optimization, product innovation, excellent customer service, and targeted, personalized marketing to stand out in a crowded market. Today's competitive industry requires suppliers, customer loyalty, and digital change.

Philippine retail is changing due to consumer tastes and demographics. As the middle class grows and discretionary expenditures rise, consumers value quality, convenience, and experiences along with price. To satisfy customers' changing tastes, retailers must offer a wide range of high-quality products, personalized service, and fun in-store events. E-commerce enterprises benefit from the country's young, tech-savvy population. Brick-and-mortar establishments need sophisticated, user-friendly e-commerce platforms to please tech-savvy shoppers.

Business, economics, and organization growth depend on potential. Organizations, sectors, and markets have growth potential. The Philippine retail industry faces many challenges, but it also has many growth potential. The country's rising consumer market is driven by economic growth, demographics, and urbanization. Retailers can target untapped areas with rising spending power to capitalize on these opportunities. The country's strong internet penetration also bodes well for online business. This is an opportunity for retailers to improve their online presence, user interfaces, and delivery methods. By partnering with local MSMEs, retailers can support local entrepreneurship and get unique products.

The Philippines' retail sector has supply chain management difficulties, high competition, and changing consumer tastes. Despite the barriers, there are many growth and development chances. Retailers must use technology, try new things, and adjust rapidly to market changes to be competitive. Retailers may succeed in the Philippines' dynamic retail market by strategically using the country's favorable demographics, rising disposable income, and technology advances.


Sustainable Business Practices in the Philippines: Investigating the Adoption and Effectiveness of Sustainability Initiatives and Green Business Strategies in Philippine Companies

Carl Louie R. Nocum, PhD.


Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The Philippines is not immune to the worldwide urgency surrounding the topic of sustainable development. The prosperity and development of the nation depend on the adoption of sustainable business practices, especially considering the alarming rates of ecological damage and social inequality. As a developing nation, the Philippines faces significant obstacles on the path to sustainable development. Deforestation, air and water pollution, and a decline in biodiversity are only some of the negative effects of the country's rapid industrialization and population increase on its natural resources. However, the government has made several steps to deal with these problems. A framework for incorporating sustainable practices into corporate operations is provided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Philippine Development Plan (PDP). The goals of these regulations are to foster sustainable development, social progress, and environmental protection.

The Philippines' business community is likewise aware of the value of sustainable methods and is taking action to adopt them. Many businesses now have "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR) programs designed to help the community and the environment. Some companies, for instance, have made efforts to promote sustainable resource management by investing in renewable energy sources, decreasing trash generation, and launching recycling programs. They have also come to appreciate the worth of ethical labor practices, which include providing workers with living wages, safe working conditions, and equal access to advancement. Though these developments are encouraging, obstacles still prevent the complete incorporation of sustainable practices into business operations. Financing constraints for sustainable projects, a lack of knowledge and understanding on the part of enterprises, and the need for more precise rules are just a few of the challenges that must be surmounted. The means and manpower to fully adopt sustainable practices are often lacking, especially in SMEs. As a result, it is essential for the government to offer assistance and incentives to SMEs that move toward more environmentally friendly business practices.

In conclusion, the Philippines' efforts to address environmental degradation and social inequality will benefit greatly from the adoption of sustainable business practices. Although the government has set forth rules to encourage sustainable development, businesses play a crucial role in seeing that these policies are actually put into action. Businesses have made an effort to implement CSR activities and green their practices. However, obstacles including a lack of funding and education still need to be overcome. The government can ensure the Philippines' future prosperity and sustainability by encouraging a sustainable corporate culture.



Philippine Export Industries: Examining the Performance, Competitiveness, and Challenges Faced by Key Export Sector

Carl Louie R. Nocum, PhD.


Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Philippine economic growth has been fueled by exports. Several industries have become major exporters, creating jobs, foreign exchange, and economic resilience.

Electronics and semiconductors lead Philippine exports. Since it can make high-value electronics, the industry has grown steadily. However, market instability, changing consumer needs, and aggressive Asian competition pose obstacles. Research and development are vital to the sector's long-term prosperity.

Philippine GDP has always relied on agricultural exports. Fruit, coconut, and processed food exports continue to expand. To compete globally, the industry must invest in new agricultural methods, supply chain infrastructure, and product quality.

BPO is another successful Philippine export. Outsourcing is popular in the country due to its professional and English-speaking workforce. Customer assistance, IT support, and back-office operations boost export income. Diversifying BPO into knowledge-based services and supporting local entrepreneurs is the challenge.

Skilled workers and low labor costs have boosted the garments and textiles industry. Philippine fabrics, clothes, and accessories are popular worldwide. Design innovation, sustainable manufacturing, and entering global fashion marketplaces controlled by established brands are hurdles.

Tourism has become a major export sector, generating foreign cash and jobs. International tourists love the Philippines' beautiful beaches, rich culture, and natural attractions. Infrastructure development, sustainable tourism, and visitor safety are crucial.

Philippines pharmaceutical and healthcare exports are also rising. Domestic and worldwide demand for generic drugs is making the country a regional centre. Ensuring conformity with international standards, bridging the gap between research and development, and investing in new manufacturing technologies are essential for industry success.

Philippines renewable energy exports are huge. With enormous solar, wind, and geothermal resources, the nation may dominate the global energy industry. Investment in renewable energy infrastructure, supportive regulations, and foreign investment may boost this industry, promoting sustainable development and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Craftsmanship and innovative ideas have helped the furniture and home décor business export more. Promoting Filipino design aesthetics, investing in sophisticated production technology, and boosting market access via e-commerce may boost this industry.

Automotive parts and components exports are growing. Multinational corporations invest in the country due to its strategic position and talented workforce. To maintain development and competitiveness, indigenous competencies, technical know-how, and international collaboration are essential.

In conclusion, Philippine export businesses are varied and boost economic development. These industries need ongoing infrastructure, innovation, technology adoption, and legislative changes. The Philippines can become a competitive exporter by tackling difficulties and using opportunities, creating jobs and boosting economic development.

E-commerce Growth and Digital Payments in the Philippines: Exploring the Rise of Online Shopping and Digital Payment Systems and Their Impact on Consumer Behavior and Financial Inclusion

Carl Louie R. Nocum, PhD.


Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

E-commerce has grown rapidly in the Philippines. Internet connection, mobile devices, and customer interest in online shopping are driving this increase. Digital payment methods have enabled the rise by offering consumers with safe transactions and allowing businesses to expand beyond brick-and-mortar locations.

Smartphones and cheap internet connections are driving e-commerce growth in the Philippines. Since 97% of Filipinos have mobile phones, consumer engagement in the digital economy has increased. Over 71 million internet users are a result. Thus, more people may access the digital marketplace and make online purchases. Technology has allowed micro, small, and medium companies (MSMEs) to expand their client base and market presence.

E-commerce in the Philippines is driven by shifting customer tastes. E-commerce has become more popular due to the development of the middle class, urbanization, and the younger generation's tech-savvy. The Filipino populace has become more comfortable with online purchases, leading to a rise in online shoppers and a greater range of items in the digital marketplace.

Digital payment methods have boosted Philippine e-commerce. Mobile wallets and internet banking are convenient, safe, and user-friendly, which has increased their appeal. Digital technology makes transactions easy, eliminating the need for cash or cards. This has increased online sales and allowed non-bankers to participate in the digital economy. This promotes financial inclusion and economic prosperity.

Businesses and consumers benefit from digital payments. Digital transactions can improve payment efficiency by lowering fraud and cash handling costs. E-commerce and digital payments by MSMEs may boost revenue, customer reach, and brand visibility. Digital payment systems also provide valuable data insights that help businesses understand their customers, customize their products and services, and boost customer happiness.

E-commerce and digital payments have grown in the Philippines. To continue this good trend, it is necessary to recognize and overcome several hurdles. Older age groups and rural populations have low digital literacy, which hinders adoption and use. To build consumer and company trust, a safe, reliable digital payments system is essential. Government, financial institutions, and technology suppliers must collaborate to mitigate cybersecurity threats, fraud concerns, and infrastructure inadequacies.

In conclusion, improved internet access, changing customer tastes, and favorable market conditions have helped the Philippine e-commerce business grow. Secure, quick, and inclusive payment methods have boosted digital payments. Digital payments benefit individuals and companies, increasing financial inclusion and economic growth. To sustain e-commerce and digital payments in the Philippines, digital literacy and cybersecurity must be addressed. Addressing these issues would improve the nation's economy and overall well-being.

Impact of COVID-19 on Philippine Businesses

Carl Louie R. Nocum, PhD.


Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Businesses worldwide have been impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak, including in the Philippines. First and foremost, the pandemic has reduced consumer demand in different Philippine businesses. The virus's lockdown and mobility limitations have impacted foot traffic, notably in eateries and retail stores. The Philippine business environment is dominated by SMEs, who have been hit hard by current crisis. owing to widespread job losses and lower salaries, companies have struggled to survive owing to limited access to physical marketplaces and diminished purchasing power.

Due to the crisis, businesses have had to adopt e-commerce and digital platforms more. Online shopping and contactless transactions have increased in the Philippines due to the epidemic. Businesses who were sluggish to adopt digitalization have forced to change fast or risk closure. E-commerce stores and meal delivery businesses that moved online have seen demand rise. Businesses must react to enormous changes with agility and digital transformation.

Additionally, the epidemic has highlighted the importance of a strong and diverse supply chain. Due to global trade interruptions and transportation issues, import-dependent businesses have faced several hurdles. Businesses have had to find new suppliers or change their manufacturing methods due to a lack of supply and raw materials. To reduce dependency on overseas markets, robust supply networks and local manufacturing are needed.

Philippine hospitality and tourism have been hurt badly by the pandemic. Travel restrictions and fear of catching the virus have halted local and international tourism. Due to the protracted client absence, hotels, airlines, and tour companies have suffered significant losses. In a post-pandemic environment, firms must develop new tactics to rebuild customer confidence and adapt to shifting travel habits.

Businesses have benefited from government policies and services. The Philippine government has offered loan moratoriums, salary subsidies, and grants to help businesses recover from the pandemic. These initiatives vary in efficacy and accessibility, with some firms failing to get the help they need. As a graduate student, you must critically evaluate these policies to determine their usefulness and find methods to improve their implementation for the benefit of businesses and the economy.

Finally, the epidemic has forced companies to rethink their management and operations. Remote work has become the norm, stressing the need for firms to invest in digital infrastructure and train staff to use it. In addition, organizations have had to alter their business strategies and innovate to survive. This crisis has allowed firms to think and make changes to improve their long-term resilience and readiness for future upheavals.

The COVID-19 epidemic has had a major impact on Philippine enterprises across all industries. Businesses that can adapt, embrace digitization, and maintain robust supply chains will survive and thrive in these tough times.

Government Policies and Business Environment in the Philippines: Evaluating the Regulatory Framework, Ease of Doing Business, and Initiatives to Promote Investments and Entrepreneurship

Carl Louie R. Nocum, PhD.


Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Southeast Asia's Philippines has a thriving economy. Through rules and regulations, the government shapes business. Philippine trade policies encourage international commerce and foreign investment. Free trade agreements, export-oriented programs, and investment incentives are examples. The Philippine Export Development Plan provides financial support and trade promotion to export-oriented firms. Businesses can develop worldwide thanks to the country's involvement in ASEAN. Tax policies strongly impact company and investment decisions. Philippine tax advantages encourage local and global investment. The Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) bill cuts personal income taxes and streamlines the tax structure, encouraging investment. To boost economic growth, the government gives manufacturing, tourism, and IT-Business Process Management (IT-BPM) sectors tax incentives.  Philippines labor laws defend employees' rights and maintain fairness. The 1974 Philippine Labor Code covers employment, working conditions, and social security. Employers must pay minimum wage, offer health insurance and retirement programs, and follow hiring, firing, and working hour laws. These policies combine worker rights and company interests to maintain a stable business environment. Businesses need infrastructure development. "Build, Build, Build" is the Philippine government's infrastructure initiative. This plan builds roads, bridges, airports, seaports, and railways to fix the nation's infrastructure. The government wants to boost economic development and corporate competitiveness through enhancing transportation networks and connectivity. The Philippine government encourages foreign investment via business-friendly policies. The "Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act," passed in 2018, simplifies bureaucratic processes and lowers red tape. For international investors, the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) offers tax benefits and easier business registration. These policies attempt to boost the country's business appeal and attract foreign capital, creating jobs and economic growth.

Philippine business is shaped by government policy. Trade, taxation, labor, infrastructure, and foreign investment policies are reviewed. The Philippine government has clearly worked to foster commercial growth. However, policies must be monitored and improved to handle new difficulties and sustain economic development in a competitive corporate environment.


Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Philippines: Examining the Factors that Promote Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Startup Ecosystems in the Country

Carl Louie R. Nocum, PhD.


Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Entrepreneurship and innovation drive economic progress. The Philippines has a thriving economy and entrepreneurial ecosystem. Entrepreneurship and investment have flourished due to government policies and incentives. The country's strategic location and broad market attract local and global enterprises. Filipino culture values entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are resilient, resourceful, and adaptable Filipinos. Filipinos are able to recognize and capitalize on chances due to their upbringing in a dynamic environment. This fosters entrepreneurship and innovation in numerous areas.

Entrepreneurs need education to succeed. Entrepreneurship education has been a priority in the Philippines' curriculum. Students learn business ideas in K-12 programs, fostering an entrepreneurial attitude.

Entrepreneurship and innovation may boost Philippine economic growth, the government believes. It established incubators and accelerators to help startups. The Technology Business Incubation Program, run by the government, mentors, funds, and connects startups from various industries.

Startup investment is growing in the Philippines, which is important for entrepreneurs. In recent years, venture capital companies, angel investors, and crowdfunding platforms have filled the funding vacuum, enabling start-ups to innovate and grow.

Philippines businesses and innovators enjoy unparalleled potential because to technology. Mobile phones and the internet allow enterprises to contact more people and enter new markets. Small and medium firms have thrived on e-commerce platforms.

Social entrepreneurship, which addresses social issues while making money, has grown in the Philippines. Social entrepreneurs tackle poverty, education, and healthcare through creative business strategies. These businesses boost communities and the economy.

Despite advances, the Philippines struggles to promote entrepreneurship and innovation. Capital shortages, onerous business rules, and infrastructural shortages hamper entrepreneurial development. Policy changes, infrastructural development, and greater research and development are helping the government and corporate sector handle these issues.

Philippine entrepreneurship and innovation generate economic growth, job creation, and social development. The country can unleash its entrepreneurial potential with a supportive government, strong educational programs, and a culture that encourages resilience and invention. Addressing remaining issues and encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation are necessary to sustain success.

Media-savvy IT instructors are sought

Marycris A. Manalang, MSIT, LPT
Assistant Professor I

Central Luzon State University

In the current digital environment, social media has emerged as a highly effective medium for companies to utilize to actively engage with their clients and customers. Platforms for social media provide businesses with a convenient and low-cost means of communicating with their customers and forming relationships with those customers. This platform makes it easier for companies to engage with their clients by enabling them to solicit feedback and provide answers to questions posed by customers.

Businesses now can communicate directly with their customer base thanks to the platforms provided by social media, which enables them to more effectively contact and engage with specific demographic subgroups. The usage of social media platforms enables organizations to generate material that connects with their target population and make connections with them that are specifically customized to their needs. This makes it possible for companies to earn their consumers' trust, which in turn leads to a rise in customer loyalty and, ultimately, income.

Better monitoring of customer involvement can be achieved through an organization's use of social media networks. Numerous social media platforms offer analytics tools that can assist businesses in gaining a better understanding of the performance of their content as well as the ways in which their customers interact with it. With the use of this data, companies are able to measure the success of their marketing initiatives and create content that is tailored to the specific population they are trying to reach.

In conclusion, platforms for social media provide businesses with a critical avenue for expanding their customer base through the use of social media. Employing digital platforms enables businesses to communicate with people all over the world, leading to a huge increase in the number of customers they serve. Businesses now have the opportunity to interact with prospective customers who were previously unaware of their existence thanks to the platforms provided by social media. This strategy has the potential to significantly boost the visibility of businesses and successfully bring in a whole new group of customers.

It is safe to say that the manner in which businesses interact with their customers has been profoundly disrupted by the proliferation of social media. The growth of technology has made it possible to increase communication between companies and their clients, which has paved the way for the cultivation of robust connections and the monitoring of client contact. In addition to this, it has given companies the chance to extend their client base and raise the level of awareness they enjoy in their respective markets. As a consequence of this, companies of any size can profit from making strategic use of the potential offered by various social media platforms.


Technology in Teaching

Marycris A. Manalang, MSIT, LPT
Assistant Professor I

Central Luzon State University

In recent years, technology has had a significant impact on education. From the introduction of computers in the classroom to the proliferation of online education, technology has changed the way in which we learn.

Utilizing technology in education has many advantages. To begin with, it can make learning more interactive and engaging. Students can engage with digital content in novel ways, including by viewing videos, playing games, and engaging in simulations. This can improve their comprehension and retention of the material.

In addition, technology can facilitate personalized instruction. Students have access to content that is customized to their specific interests and requirements. This allows them to learn at their own pace and in the most effective manner imaginable.

In addition, technology can facilitate students' access to a greater variety of resources. Students have access to global information and can complete assignments in collaboration. This can help them acquire global skills and become more invested in their education.

Utilizing technology in education does not come without challenges. Obtaining and maintaining the essential hardware and software at a reasonable price is problematic. Due to the fact that not all students have access to technology, there is a digital divide.

In spite of these obstacles, the advantages of integrating technology into education outweigh the risks. Technology can boost motivation, interactivity, individualization, and connectivity in learning. Consequently, it is becoming an increasingly vital component of the educational landscape.

How to Foster Student Development in Online Learning Spaces for Vocational Education

Marycris A. Manalang, MSIT, LPT
Assistant Professor I

Central Luzon State University



Technology in the classroom is essential in today's ever-evolving society. Students at higher levels of professional education benefit much from learning to use computers effectively. Students benefit academically, intellectually, and professionally from the use of digital learning tools. This paper delves into the topic of how vocational students acquire ICT competencies in online classrooms.


Career colleges typically feature computer education.


To be digitally competent, one must be able to effectively use and critically evaluate digital resources. Computer literacy, social media savvy, content production, critical thinking, and online ethics all contribute to what is known as "digital competence" in vocational education. Students majoring in the technical fields should acquire these abilities because of the prevalence of digital difficulties in the workplace.


Hints on technology for the skilled trades


Using Technology in the Classroom


Integrating technology into professional education courses is the most effective way to teach students to use digital tools effectively. The combination should help achieve educational aims. Engaging kids in exciting activities, group projects, and realistic models that reflect their future experiences is possible thanks to the efforts of dedicated educators.


Education in the Digital Arts


Classes in digital skills are another fantastic approach to grow. Workshops, seminars, and online classes provide students the digital skills they need for certain jobs. Software, data analysis tools, and digital marketing platforms tailored to certain industries are the focus of these gatherings.


The use of projects to teach


Students in a practical education program can benefit from working on computer-related projects. Kids learn logic and problem-solving skills through digital activities. You may create profiles, websites, and market your businesses with the use of digital tools.


Online resources for education


There are many online learning systems used for digital learning. Students have more freedom to experiment with new technologies, choose their own learning pace, and acquire knowledge not covered in the standard curriculum when they enroll in a vocational program. Online education also facilitates student career specialization.


Working together to gain knowledge


Computer and technology education can benefit from students working together. Through activities like group projects and peer training, individuals are better able to teach and learn from one another. This encourages people to try new things online and gives them a sense of digital security.




Ability with technology is essential for success in today's job market. As the world of work and education becomes increasingly digital, it is imperative that today's youth acquire these abilities. Vocational education students can benefit from the incorporation of technology in the curriculum, the teaching of digital skills, project-based learning, online learning platforms, and collaborative learning.


Students in vocational programs can benefit from these strategies and the ability to adapt to new technologies by becoming more technologically savvy.


Influence of social media on youth learning behaviors

Marycris A. Manalang, MSIT, LPT
Assistant Professor I

Central Luzon State University

Social networking has become an essential component of life for many young people. They utilize it to interact with friends and family, express themselves, and learn about the outside world. Nevertheless, worries about social media's possible detrimental effects on young people's learning habits are escalating.

Here are a few potential detrimental consequences of social media on youngsters' study habits:

Teenagers may find social media to be a major distraction, especially while attempting to concentrate on their studies.

• Procrastination: Using social media, teenagers can easily put off finishing their homework. They might be persuaded to browse social media instead of finishing their homework.

• Information overload: For young individuals, the amount of information available on social media can be overwhelming. They could struggle to concentrate on their studies and learn efficiently as a result.

• Bullying that occurs online or through technology is known as cyberbullying. Adolescents may experience a decline in their emotional stability and learning capacity as a result.

There are several ways that social media may affect how young people learn, including:

• Young people can access a range of information on social media, including information on their education.

• Social media gives youth the opportunity to learn from one another, which can increase teamwork.

• Motivation: social media can help kids study by giving them a place to share their work and get comments from others.

The overall impact of social media on young people's learning habits is probably going to differ depending on a wide range of factors, including each young person's personality, the amount of time they spend on social media, and how they use it. But it's important to be aware of the possible damage social media could do to kids' learning behaviors so that parents, teachers, and kids themselves can take preventative measures.

The fast lane of an IT grad's life Information Age

Marycris A. Manalang, MSIT, LPT
Assistant Professor I

Central Luzon State University

The modern era's rapid technical growth has had a significant impact on many different markets. Because of this, IT professionals are crucial to technological progress and innovation. For recent IT grads, the job hunt can be equal parts thrilling and terrifying. In this essay, we'll examine the challenges faced by recent graduates in the field of technology and the knowledge and abilities necessary to succeed in this dynamic and competitive industry.

To begin with, Technology-related expertise:

Computer languages and software development: C++, Python, Java, and JavaScript are all essential skills for any IT graduate who aspires to work in the software industry. Making stable, scalable apps requires knowledge of the processes and tools used in software development.

IT grads need skills with big data platforms like Hadoop and Apache Spark as data-driven business choices become the norm. They should also be able to interpret and present information visually.

Information security: As online attacks become more frequent, there is a growing interest in the subject. College grads need skills in network security rule-making, vulnerability assessment, and asset protection planning.

Second, IT graduates need strong communication skills because they frequently interact with clients, cross-functional teams, and end users. Technical ideas need to be explained clearly and concisely for a project to be a success.

Graduates need to be able to assess complicated problems and come up with novel solutions due to the dynamic nature of the technology industry. Critical thinkers, according to IT professionals, are better able to solve problems and create effective solutions.

IT graduates need to be adaptable in order to make use of new tools, frameworks, and processes as they become available due to the rapid pace at which technology evolves. To succeed in today's employment environment, you need to be open to new experiences and knowledgeable about the latest developments.

As a last thought, keep in mind that education is ongoing and never ends. IT grads who want to further their professions should actively seek out opportunities to do so, including certifications, workshops, and online training. They can advance in their careers in the IT industry by always learning new skills.

A fresh IT grad's life is full of obstacles and opportunities in this age of technology. These grads may succeed in the dynamic digital industry with the correct mix of hard and soft skills and a hunger for knowledge. IT professionals that can learn quickly, tackle complex challenges, and communicate effectively with others are highly sought after by employers. In the ever-evolving and expanding sector of technology, IT graduates can find rewarding work and a comfortable living.

Why Filipino IT Students Should Extend Their Knowledge Outside of the Classroom

Marycris A. Manalang, MSIT, LPT
Assistant Professor I

Central Luzon State University

Because information technology (IT) is a constantly changing industry, students studying IT in the Philippines must be prepared for the future. This means expanding their knowledge beyond what is taught in the classroom.

There are numerous reasons why IT students should widen their horizons outside of the classroom. To begin with, because the IT industry is always growing, students must be able to keep up with the most recent innovations. Second, pupils must be able to compete with international IT professionals because there are so many of them. Third, because the IT industry requires originality, students must be innovative thinkers.

Outside of the classroom, IT students can enhance their knowledge in a variety of ways. They can take online classes, attend conferences and workshops, and read trade publications. They can also mentor younger students, network with IT specialists, and start their own businesses.

IT students in the Philippines can prepare for a successful future in the IT industry by expanding their knowledge beyond the four walls of their classroom.

IT professionals must be able to handle problems quickly and effectively, and they must be able to expand their knowledge in order to keep up with rapidly evolving technology. Students majoring in information technology must widen their knowledge in order to develop the problem-solving skills required for success in the field. They must enhance their originality and confidence in order to find better jobs in the future.

They should also visit conferences and workshops to network with IT professionals and force themselves to take online courses to keep up with current developments.


Because the information technology field is constantly changing, Philippine IT students must be prepared for the future. By expanding their knowledge beyond the constraints of their classroom, IT students can boost their chances of finding a good job, hone their problem-solving skills, promote their creativity, and acquire confidence. Outside of the classroom, IT students can enhance their knowledge through conferences and workshops, online courses, reading trade publications, networking with IT industry professionals, serving as mentors for younger students, and starting their own businesses.


The biggest change that ICT has made to education

Marycris A. Manalang, MSIT, LPT
Assistant Professor I

Central Luzon State University

In the past few years, information and communication technology (ICT) have had a big effect on schooling. ICT can be used to improve the standard of education, make learning more interesting, and make each student's education more unique.

One of the most important benefits of ICT in education is that it gives students access to knowledge and resources that they didn't have before. ICT can be used to get to online textbooks, games that teach, and other tools for learning. This is especially helpful for kids who live in remote places or who don't get to go to the library very often.

ICT in education also makes it possible to customize learning for each student, which is a big deal. ICT can be used to keep track of a student's growth and give them individualized lessons. This lets students learn at their own pace and focus on the areas where they need the most help.

ICT can also help improve the standard of education by making learning more fun and interactive. ICT can be used to make simulators, virtual labs, and other ways to learn that involve interaction. This can help kids learn more and remember what they've learned.

Information and communication technology (ICT) has had a big effect on schooling in the past few years. ICT can be used to improve the standard of education, make learning more interesting, and make each student's education more unique.


In the past few years, ICT has had a big effect on schooling. ICT can be used to improve the standard of education, make learning more interesting, and make each student's education more unique. But it's important to stress that ICT is not a magic bullet. ICT can only be useful if it is used smartly and on purpose. Teachers need to know how to use ICT well, and schools need to have the right facilities in place.

How UX/UI designers change how software is made

Marycris A. Manalang, MSIT, LPT
Assistant Professor I

Central Luzon State University

Two of the most important parts of making software are the user interface (UI) and the user experience (UX). UX designers think about how a piece of software is used as a whole, while UI designers think about how it looks. Software that is easy to use, works well, and is fun to use needs UX and UI creators.

When making software in the past, UX and UI design were often an afterthought. But in the past few years, it's become clearer how important UX and UI design is. This is because more and more people are using mobile devices, which means software needs to be easy to use on small screens.

UX/UI designers can change how software is made in a lot of different ways. They can find users' needs or pain points and fix them. Then, they can build solutions that are focused on these needs.

They use things like colors, fonts, and pictures to make a design that is both nice to look at and easy to use.

They also test designs with users to get comments on how to improve them and make sure they meet user needs.

UX/UI designers can make software that is easy to use, works well, and is fun to use by following these rules. This can help software writers in a number of ways, such as making users happy, lowering development costs, and improving software quality, which means fewer bugs and a better overall user experience.

UX/UI designers can have a big impact on how software is made. By following the rules for UX and UI design, they can make software that is easy to use, works well, and is fun to use. This can help software writers in many ways, like making users happy, lowering development costs, and making software better.

As was said at the end, UX/UI designers can change how software is made by paying attention to how people use it and how it looks. By following the rules for UX and UI design, they can make software that is easy to use, works well, and is fun to use. This can help software writers in many ways, like making users happy, lowering development costs, and making software better.

A social "joke" among Filipino IT professionals

Marycris A. Manalang, MSIT, LPT
Assistant Professor I

Central Luzon State University

IT workers' social "joke" connotation Information technology (IT) workers in the Philippines are a common punchline in local humor. These jokes frequently reference generalizations about people working in IT, such as that they are introverted, nerdy, and disconnected from the "real world."

The stereotype of IT workers being too preoccupied with their jobs to devote any attention to personal relationships persists. The IT industry is sometimes mocked because of the widespread belief that anyone who works in the field can fix any electronic device. Could you, for instance, repair my washing machine? Or perhaps a freezer? Similar social media account hacking jokes are also acceptable. What, you, a hacker?

These jokes may be entertaining to some, but they are actually rather harmful to those who work in the field of information technology. Those stereotypes that IT workers aren't as competent or "normal" as those in other fields are strengthened by the humor.

In actuality, IT specialists can date and fix washing machines just like everyone else, but they won't hack into a password-protected website since doing so would be unethical. They have as much variety as any other people group. Some people working in IT are extroverts, while others prefer to keep to themselves.

Think twice before cracking a joke about someone who works in IT the next time you hear one. Funny as they may be, jokes nevertheless carry the potential to cause harm. And when it comes to jokes about those who work in IT, they might help spread negative perceptions.



IT workers in the Philippines have a negative social "joke" connotation, which contributes to the misconception that IT workers are not "normal" or as competent as those in other fields. Being conscious of this misconception and actively working to disprove it is crucial.



The Growing Public Understanding of Artificial Intelligence

Marycris A. Manalang, MSIT, LPT
Assistant Professor I

Central Luzon State University

Artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining traction in today's culture. It has a wide range of potential uses, including but not limited to autonomous vehicles and biometric identification systems. It is crucial that people learn about the moral challenges that technology may present as AI becomes more commonplace.

The threat that AI poses to human employment is one of the most significant social consequences of AI. With further development of AI, many tasks that are currently performed by humans may be automated in the future. There may be more people out of work and more people rebelling as a result of this.

Another possible social impact of AI is a wider gap between those who have access to it and those who do not. Those who can invest in cutting-edge research like AI will have a leg up on the competition. The gap between the rich and the poor may expand as a result of this.

The ethical ramifications of AI cannot be ignored. Sometimes, the biases of the people who designed the algorithms are exposed in the data used to train AI systems. This suggests that bias in AI systems is a real possibility that could contribute to discrimination. An AI may develop bias if it is taught to evaluate people based on the characteristics of a group that is overwhelmingly white.

Improving our understanding of AI's possible social implications is crucial for meeting the problems posed by the technology. So that AI is exclusively used for good, we need to create laws and establish norms to safeguard the public from its potential risks.



The increasing focus on AI has both positive and negative outcomes. While artificial intelligence (AI) holds great promise for the betterment of human life, it is essential that we prepare for the challenges it may provide by increasing public understanding of the likely societal ramifications of this technology. So that AI is exclusively used for good, we need to create laws and establish norms to safeguard the public from its potential risks.

How University Researches Can Help in Economic Nation Building

Rhea Suzette M. Haguisan, MBA

Manager Business Unit TPCO

University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

At the heart of every economic nation-building effort is research. It is through research that we gain deep insights into the opportunities and challenges that our economy faces, and it is through research that we develop innovative solutions that can help our economy thrive. Universities have long played a crucial role in economic research, serving as hubs of innovation and intellectual inquiry that constantly push the boundaries of what's possible. Today, we want to explore how university research can be leveraged to drive economic nation-building efforts forward, and what role researchers in academia can play in shaping our society's future.


1. Generating Useful Data and Insights

One of the most critical contributions that researchers in universities can make to economic nation-building is to generate useful data and insights. This information can be used by policymakers and stakeholders to make informed decisions about investment, regulation, and other critical areas of economic policy. Researchers in universities can also aggregate data from multiple sources and create models that can be used to predict future economic trends, providing valuable insights that can be used to guide strategic planning efforts.


2. Developing Innovative Solutions

In addition to generating data, researchers in universities are also uniquely positioned to develop innovative solutions that can help address key economic challenges. Researchers can also help develop new policy recommendations that can lead to more inclusive and sustainable economic growth, ensuring that all members of our society can benefit from our economic progress.


3. Building Collaborative Networks

Another critical role that researchers in universities can play in economic nation-building is to build collaborative networks that can help drive progress forward. By working together with industry leaders, policymakers, and other stakeholders, researchers can leverage their expertise and insights to identify key challenges and opportunities, and develop coordinated strategies for addressing them. This collaboration can help align different stakeholder groups around shared goals and promote trust and cooperation, leading to more effective economic nation-building efforts.


4. Fostering a Culture of Innovation

Finally, researchers in universities can play a critical role in fostering a culture of innovation that can help drive our economy forward. By encouraging and supporting creativity, risk-taking, and experimentation, researchers can create an environment that actively promotes innovation and breaks down barriers to progress. This can help unleash the full potential of our economy and attract new talent, investment, and innovation to our shores, creating a virtuous cycle of economic growth and development.


In conclusion, university research can be a powerful driver of economic nation-building, providing critical data and insights, developing innovative solutions, building collaborative networks, and fostering a culture of innovation. By leveraging the expertise and insights of researchers in universities, we can create a more inclusive and sustainable economy that benefits all members of our society. As researchers in academia, we have a responsibility to embrace our role as change-makers and work together to drive progress forward for the benefit of all.




Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The phenomenon of expanding country, company, and individual territory integration and interdependence is known as globalization. It has been significantly influenced by technological advancements, with social media marketing emerging as a powerful tool that facilitates and accelerates globalization.

Social media platforms have revolutionized the way businesses market their products and services. In the past, traditional marketing methods were often limited by geographical boundaries and required substantial financial investments. However, social media has provided a cost-effective and efficient way for businesses to reach a global audience. With platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn having many of engaging users worldwide, businesses can easily connect with potential customers across different countries and cultures.

One of the significant advantages of social media marketing in the context of globalization is its ability to break down communication barriers. Through social media, businesses can engage directly with their international customers, understand their preferences, and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly.

Moreover, social media marketing has enabled businesses to create and promote their brand identity on a global scale. By consistently delivering compelling content and engaging with their audience, companies can build a strong and recognizable brand presence that transcends borders. As a result, consumers from various countries can identify and relate to the brand, leading to increased brand loyalty and advocacy.

Social media has also played a significant role in cultural exchange and understanding. As businesses promote their products and services to diverse audiences, they are exposed to various cultural norms, values, and traditions. In turn, businesses can adapt their marketing strategies to respect and appreciate these cultural differences, leading to more inclusive and culturally sensitive marketing campaigns.

Furthermore, social media marketing has facilitated cross-border collaborations and partnerships. Businesses can easily connect with influencers, other brands, and organizations from different countries to co-create content or launch joint marketing campaigns. These collaborations not only expand the reach of businesses but also foster a sense of global cooperation and mutual benefit.

In the context of globalization, social media has also been instrumental in breaking down trade barriers and promoting cross-border e-commerce. With the rise of social commerce, businesses can now sell their products directly on social media platforms from customers in different parts of the world. This has led to a noteworthy growth in cross-border trade and has further integrated global markets.

At the end, social media marketing has become a driving force behind globalization. Its ability to connect businesses with a global audience, break down communication barriers, promote cultural exchange, and facilitate cross-border collaborations has transformed the way companies approach marketing. As social media continues to evolve, it is essential for businesses and policymakers to navigate its challenges responsibly, ensuring that globalization through social media marketing remains inclusive, respectful, and sustainable in an interconnected world.




Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology


The generation that comes after Millennials is known as Generation Z, and it was born approximately in the middle of the 1990s and the early 2010s. Gen series are the first generation that was fully born into the digital age. They were raised in a time of rapid technological development, easy access to information, and a worldwide economy. Their worldview has been molded by these particular circumstances, and as a result, a special entrepreneurial spirit has emerged among them.

The early exposure to technology, Generation Z is particularly tech-savvy. They have an advantage over rivals in the digital age because they are adept at using a variety of digital tools, platforms, and social media. They are able to recognize market opportunities and swiftly adjust to shifting customer preferences because to their skill. Additionally, they have a tremendous advantage over their competitors in the entrepreneurial sector thanks to their ability to use technology for marketing, consumer engagement, and business operations.

Generation Z is renowned for having a strong sense of responsibility for the environment and society. They place high importance on social responsibility, ethics, and sustainability in firms and the goods they buy. This way of thinking has given rise to socially conscious entrepreneurship, as Gen Z businesspeople actively attempt to build companies that have a beneficial influence on society and the environment.

Gen Z tends to value personal fulfillment and autonomy over traditional job trajectories, in contrast to earlier generations. They are more willing to take chances to pursue their hobbies and are less likely to climb the conventional corporate ladder. Entrepreneurship, where they may forge their own paths and control their futures, fits well with this drive for autonomy and self-direction.

Generation Z was raised in a highly linked environment where news and information could be easily accessed from all over the world. They now have a broader outlook and a greater awareness of cultural diversity thanks to this global perspective. As business owners, they are more receptive to investigating worldwide markets, establishing international alliances, and working across international borders.

Adopting the Gig Economy, the entrepreneurial drive of Generation Z jives well with the gig economy, which is defined by short-term contracts and freelance labor. Since it enables them to expand their skill sets, acquire new experiences, and maintain a flexible lifestyle, they feel more at ease with the idea of freelancing or project-based work.

Finally, Generation Z exhibits a distinct entrepreneurial mindset that is shaped by their unique upbringing in a technology-driven, globalized world. Their tech-savviness, innovation, social consciousness, desire for independence, global perspective, have positioned them as a generation of trailblazing entrepreneurs. As they continue to enter the workforce and launch their ventures, their entrepreneurial spirit is likely to reshape the business landscape, driving innovation, and making a positive impact on society and the economy.






Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Short-term contracts and freelance work are characteristics of the gig and freelancing economy, which has grown around the globe in recent years. The Philippines is no exception to this trend. More Filipinos are embracing flexible work schedules and freelancing opportunities as technology develops and the world becomes more connected. The growth of digital platforms and the broad accessibility of high-speed internet have played a significant role in propelling the gig and freelance economies in the Philippines. Freelancers who have access to internet job marketplaces can quickly connect with clients from all over the world, overcoming regional constraints and increasing their employment options.

The rising need for remote employment and virtual services is what drives the gig economy. Many companies, both domestically and internationally, are becoming more open to outsourcing work to independent contractors who may provide specialized services without the requirement for an office location. Freelancers in a variety of industries, including graphic design, programming, content writing, virtual help, and digital marketing, now have a healthy market as a result.

For many Filipinos, freelancing presents a viable source of income and economic opportunities. With a growing pool of freelancers in the country, competition may seem fierce, but the diversity of skills and services offered creates a dynamic marketplace where there is room for specialization and growth. The gig and freelancing economy have had significant impacts on both the workforce and the broader Philippine economy.

For the workforce, the gig economy has provided opportunities for many Filipinos to have a more flexible work-life balance and earn income from the comfort of their homes. Freelancing also empowers individuals to pursue their passions and build their personal brand. However, it is essential to recognize that freelancing may also come with challenges, such as irregular income and lack of job security, which necessitates financial planning and risk management for freelancers.

The gig economy has helped the economy thrive and create jobs on the economic front. Businesses, especially startups, and SMEs, may now access a wide range of skills without having to commit to a full-time position. Additionally, the money earned by independent contractors supports consumer purchasing and boosts economic activity across a range of industries.

Furthermore, the gig economy has made it possible for the Philippines to access the worldwide market for independent contractor services, placing it as a competitive player in the global independent contractor community. Increased foreign exchange revenues and the growth of the nation's digital economy may result from this.




Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The Philippines is quickly emerging as a hub for environmentally aware business operations because of its wealth of natural resources and gorgeous scenery. As public awareness of problems with the environment continues to develop, businesses throughout the country are recognizing the benefits of sustainability and embracing green practices to reduce their environmental effect. The Philippines is seeing a rise in environmentally friendly enterprises that place a priority on the preservation of nature and the well-being of local communities, from renewable energy projects to eco-tourism efforts. The development of renewable energy sources is one of the country's most well-known environmental initiatives. Due to the nation's abundance of sunshine and wind, solar and wind energy projects can be built there. All around the archipelago, solar farms and wind turbines are blooming, supplying clean and sustainable energy to run homes, companies, and industries. Utilizing these natural resources helps the Philippines lessen its reliance on fossil fuels, combat climate change, and move toward a more environmentally friendly future.

Sustainable agricultural methods have also gained popularity in the nation along with renewable energy. The environment and public health have been harmed by conventional farming practices that mainly rely on chemicals and pesticides. As a result, more and more farmers are switching to organic farming practices. These techniques put a high priority on protecting the soil, conserving water, and using natural fertilizers while fostering biodiversity and lowering pollution. Businesses that practice sustainable agriculture not only produce food that is healthier but also help local communities and preserve the Philippines' extensive agricultural history.

Another booming industry that supports the nation's commitment to sustainability is eco-tourism. Beautiful beaches, an array of marine life, and lush forests are among the Philippines' most celebrated features. Numerous tourism businesses are adopting environmentally friendly methods as they realize the need of protecting these natural beauties. These organizations work to lessen their negative effects on the environment while offering travelers distinctive and interesting experiences, from encouraging ethical wildlife encounters to utilizing renewable energy in eco-lodges.

Given its fast-expanding population and urbanization, the Philippines' need to manage waste is urgent. The good news is that forward-thinking green businesses are rising forward to take on this problem. Facilities for recycling plastic garbage are being set up to process it and turn it into usable goods. Companies are also creating environmentally friendly packaging and urging customers to reduce, reuse, and recycle. These companies are actively addressing the trash problem in an effort to reduce pollution and safeguard marine life from the harmful impacts of plastic waste. The encouragement of green businesses in the Philippines has been greatly aided by government efforts and support. Policies and incentives encouraging businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices have grown in recent years. Businesses that value sustainability are given tax advantages, grants, and subsidies, making it more possible for them to invest in green practices and technologies.




Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Strategies must constantly evolve in the dynamic world of business and marketing to satisfy the shifting demands and preferences of customers. One such approach that has had a lot of success recently is specialized marketing. Targeting a particular market sector with a customized product or service offering is known as niche marketing. Mass marketing, which targets a broad audience without customization, stands in stark contrast to this strategy. Niche marketing has become a potent and successful tool for firms to engage with their audiences more deeply as consumer behavior gets more varied and discriminating.

There are a number of reasons why niche marketing has become more popular. First, the internet and technological advancements have made it easier to collect information about consumer preferences and activities. Businesses can locate and comprehend more specific niche markets by using this data-driven strategy. With this knowledge, businesses may design goods and services that specifically address the special requirements and preferences of these target markets. Additionally, the growth of social media has been extremely important to the success of specialized marketing. Social media platforms provide a perfect setting for businesses to interact directly with their target customers. Social media helps businesses communicate with these enthusiasts, comprehend their demands, and improve their offerings in real-time. Niche products or services frequently have passionate and devoted supporters. Also, social media influencers from particular specialty communities can be helpful promoters for a business, increasing its exposure and legitimacy.

Niche marketing enables companies to set themselves apart from rivals. Developing a niche in a saturated market where companies frequently offer comparable goods or services can be a successful tactic. A corporation can establish itself as an authority and the go-to source for customers looking for specialized solutions by being an expert in a particular field. Increased brand recognition, word-of-mouth recommendations, and ultimately a bigger market share can result from this distinction.

Notwithstanding its many benefits, niche marketing has its share of difficulties. The small size of specialized markets is one of the main issues. Comparing products for the mainstream market with those that are targeted at a smaller market may result in lower sales numbers. As a result, companies must carefully balance their resources to maintain profitability and continue providing value to their target market.

The ability of niche marketing to effectively use digital platforms, satisfy the needs of specialized customers, and utilize data has led to its emergence as a significant trend in marketing strategy. By concentrating on niche consumer niches with specialized products and services, businesses can forge tighter ties with customers, differentiate themselves from competitors, and profit from the long tail of demand. As the marketing landscape changes, niche marketing will definitely remain a powerful tactic for businesses seeking long-term success and growth.




Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Agile strategies that may maximize efficiency and concentrate on core capabilities are needed to achieve rapid growth and success in today's dynamic and competitive business environment. By assigning non-core operations to outside partners, outsourcing has become an essential tool for companies looking to expand more quickly. Companies can increase productivity, cut expenses, and streamline operations by utilizing the knowledge of specialist service providers, thereby opening the road for quick corporate growth.

Businesses can focus their resources, time, and people on core strengths and strategic projects via outsourcing. Companies can free up precious internal resources to concentrate on important areas of their organization, such as product development, marketing, and innovation, by outsourcing ancillary functions like payroll, customer assistance, IT support, and HR administration. Businesses can become more competitive, responsive, and market-demand-adaptive because to this sharper focus on key skills. Access to a pool of specialized knowledge that may not be available internally is made possible via outsourcing. Accounting, software development, and digital marketing are just a few examples of the areas where outsourcing enables businesses to benefit from the knowledge and abilities of specialists in their domains. Access to elite personnel may lead to higher-quality outputs, quicker project completion times, and more creativity, all of which may contribute to rapid corporate growth.

Cost-effectiveness is one of the most persuasive arguments for outsourcing. By outsourcing non-core tasks, firms are free to allocate their resources to growth-oriented projects instead of spending so much on infrastructure, technology, and training. Additionally, outsourcing gives flexibility because it frees businesses from long-term commitments and allows them to scale services up or down in response to changing demands. For startups and small organizations looking to grow and expand quickly, this agility is extremely important.

By utilizing the knowledge and best practices of the service provider, outsourcing can optimize procedures and expedite operations. External partners frequently have access to state-of-the-art tools, which can greatly increase efficacy and efficiency. When customer service is outsourced to a call center with cutting-edge CRM technologies, for instance, customer satisfaction can be improved, increasing client retention and word-of-mouth recommendations, which will ultimately spur business growth. Innovation, adaptability, and the fast-paced corporate climate are essential for remaining one step ahead of the competition. By enabling businesses to quickly adjust to shifting market conditions and customer needs, outsourcing promotes agility. Additionally, outsourcing partners frequently bring new viewpoints and creative ideas, encouraging creativity and fostering an organizational culture of continual growth.




Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Industry 5.0, which is being pushed by the fusion of cutting-edge technologies with human-centric strategies, is the most recent stage in the evolution of industries. Building on the principles of Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0 stresses teamwork between people and innovative technology in order to develop more productive and environmentally friendly corporate operations.

One of the core concepts of Industry 5.0 is the concept of human-machine synergy, in which advanced technologies like robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT)  and artificial intelligence (AI), work in harmony with human employees to enhance productivity and decision-making. Businesses now place more focus on implementing intelligent technology that enhances rather than replaces human abilities. In leveraging AI-driven insights, automating monotonous tasks, and focusing on creativity, problem-solving, and complex decision-making, employees are empowered by this win-win relationship. Through harnessing the massive volumes of data generated by Internet of Things (IoT) devices and customer interactions, businesses are leveraging personalization and customization in Industry 5.0. Companies can now gather real-time data and assess customer preferences to deliver goods and services that are precisely suited to their requirements. Higher sales for businesses are ultimately a result of this trend's promotion of greater consumer loyalty, contentment, and brand reputation.

Decentralization and distributed manufacturing have been made possible by the development of 3D printing and other additive manufacturing processes. Businesses are urged by Industry 5.0 to switch from conventional, centralized production methods to localized, adaptable manufacturing units. This trend enables organizations to more swiftly respond to market trends while reducing logistical complexity and speeding up product delivery. Decentralized manufacturing also enables businesses to cut back on carbon emissions and shipping expenses.

Data privacy and cybersecurity are becoming increasingly important as digital technologies are integrated into more aspects of society. Industry 5.0 creates new difficulties for safeguarding private information and defending vital infrastructure from online dangers. To ensure data integrity and customer trust, businesses are heavily investing in trailblazing cybersecurity measures and using strong encryption methods. For businesses to avoid negative legal and reputational repercussions, compliance with data protection legislation is a top issue.

Employee training, product design, and customer experiences are just a few of the commercial operations that AR and VR are revolutionizing. For immersive training modules, complicated scenario simulations, and virtual product demonstrations, businesses in Industry 5.0 are utilizing AR and VR technology. This encourages innovation and creativity within the employees, in addition to improving efficiency.

In summary, Industry 5.0 is bringing about a new era of technological and human collaboration while promoting innovation, sustainability, and personalized service in business processes. Companies are well-positioned to prosper in this dynamic and changing industrial landscape as long as they embrace human-machine symbiosis, adopt sustainable strategies, and emphasize cybersecurity. The future of enterprises across a variety of industries in Industry 5.0 will surely be shaped by the convergence of cutting-edge technologies and a human-centric strategy. For businesses to remain competitive and satisfy the changing needs of customers and the global market, they must adopt these trends.





Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

In the Philippines, vending machines are a common business concept because of their accessibility and ease. These self-service machines are a practical option for customers who are on the go because they provide a variety of products, from food and beverages to personal hygiene supplies. However, just like every company venture, vending machine operations have benefits and drawbacks that entrepreneurs should take into account before entering the sector.

Vending machines are available to customers day and night because they run continuously. Time-constrained individuals, workers, and students who need an immediate resolution to their issues are drawn to its convenience. Vending machine operations are less expensive than those of traditional brick-and-mortar establishments. Due to their small staff sizes and lack of need for a sizable physical store space, they are able to decrease expenses like rent and utilities. The vending machine can start producing money once it is installed and stocked with supplies, so it doesn't need ongoing supervision. Business owners can focus on other projects while the vending machines continue to serve customers. Vending machines can dispense a wide range of goods to satisfy a wide range of consumer preferences. Entrepreneurs have the freedom to customize their products for various regions and target markets, offering everything from food and beverages to toiletries and even gadgets. Opportunities to expand the network to additional places and attract a wider customer base exist as the vending machine industry develops.

On the other hand, purchasing the machines and stocking them with merchandise involves a sizable initial investment when starting a vending machine business. The ongoing costs are further increased by routine maintenance, replenishment, and prospective repairs. There can be a lot of competition, especially in busy places where there are plenty of vending machines competing for customers' attention. Securing desirable locations can be difficult, and it might require haggling over rent or other costs with property owners. Vending machines are prone to theft, vandalism, and manipulation, especially in locations with weak security or a high crime rate. To safeguard the devices and their contents, proper security precautions must be taken, such as installing surveillance cameras and strong locks. Demand for vending machines may change depending on the time of year or the region. For instance, when foot traffic declines during monsoon season or school breaks, sales may suffer. Maintaining freshness in the case of perishable goods can be difficult. Selling things that are out-of-date or stale might harm the company's reputation and keep customers away.

The vending machine business in the Philippines offers numerous advantages, such as convenience, low operating costs, and scalability. However, it also comes with challenges like competition, maintenance costs, and security concerns. Entrepreneurs interested in this venture must carefully weigh these pros and cons, conduct thorough market research, and choose strategic locations to maximize the chances of success.




Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Big data analytics has become a game-changing instrument in contemporary company operations, revolutionizing how businesses run, make decisions, and spur growth. Organizations are discovering the need of leveraging big data to get insightful information, boost efficiencies, and stay one step ahead of the competition as a result of the proliferation of digital technology and the ever-increasing volume of data collected. Instead of relying on instincts or intuition, big data analytics equip businesses to make data-driven decisions. Large datasets can be analyzed to find patterns, trends, and correlations that help businesses understand consumer behavior, market trends, and operational inefficiencies. These insights can be used by corporations to help them make more successful strategic decisions.

The capacity to provide a thorough insight into client preferences and behaviors is one of the most important features of big data analytics. Businesses can construct comprehensive customer profiles by evaluating data about their clients from a variety of sources, including social media, online transactions, and client feedback. These profiles aid in modifying goods and services to match particular client requirements, raising client satisfaction levels, and encouraging loyalty.

Businesses may design customized marketing efforts that are aimed at particular customer categories because of big data analytics. Organizations can discover individual interests and present pertinent marketing, product recommendations, and offers by analyzing client data. Increased consumer engagement and conversion rates result from this level of personalization. Big data analytics can also assist firms in enhancing the customer experience by identifying problem areas and opportunities for development, ultimately resulting in higher customer retention.

Operational efficiency can be greatly increased by integrating big data analytics into business operations. Businesses can pinpoint bottlenecks, restructure processes, and optimize resource allocation by examining data from numerous sources. Cost reductions and better production are the results of this optimization. For instance, logistics organizations can improve delivery routes using real-time data to cut down on fuel expenses and delivery times. It's crucial to stay one step ahead of the competition in marketplaces that move quickly. Businesses can find new possibilities and developing industry trends with the use of big data analytics. Organizations can take preemptive action to capitalize on trends or quickly adjust to shifting market conditions by examining data from social media, market research, and industry reports.

Any organization must conduct regular risk assessments and management. Based on past data and current information, big data analytics can help detect potential hazards and forecast outcomes. This knowledge enables businesses to take preventative measures and create risk mitigation plans, protecting their operations and financial resources.




Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Value-adding tactics are essential for the Philippines' service sectors because they can make companies stand out in a crowded market, boost client happiness, and achieve long-term success. There are a few efficient value-adding techniques being used by the Philippines' service sectors to boost client satisfaction.

Customers' experiences can be considerably improved by offering services that are specifically designed to fit their individual wants and preferences. Create personalized services, recommendations, and communications by utilizing client data and feedback. Any service industry must deliver first-class customer service. Employees should be instructed to be approachable, informed, and receptive to questions and concerns from customers. Create procedures for handling complaints quickly and effectively.

Utilize technological advancements to increase productivity, simplify processes, and enhance the client experience overall. This may involve computerizing repetitive tasks and using chatbots, web portals, and mobile apps to interact with clients. Offer service guarantees to gain the trust and faith of your customers. These guarantees may consist of prompt delivery, warranties of satisfaction, or money-back assurances in the case that service requirements are not met.  To reward loyal consumers and promote client retention, implement loyalty programs. Discounts, exclusive access to brand-new services, and other unique benefits could be part of these programs. Staff should receive training on how to spot possibilities to upsell or cross-sell customers on further services that will enhance their existing purchase. This strategy could raise the average transaction value and improve client satisfaction. Employees who are happy and engaged are more likely to provide superior customer service. To inspire and keep great people, make investments in training, career development, and fostering a pleasant workplace culture.

Today's consumers value and support companies that place a high priority on sustainability. Employ environmentally friendly procedures and let clients know about them to show that your business cares about the environment. Review internal procedures and consumer input frequently to find areas that could be improved. Implement modifications based on these findings to continuously improve service quality.

Partner with other companies or organizations to increase the variety of services provided or gain access to new clientele. Strategic alliances can result in situations where everyone involved benefits. Create a strong online presence with an intuitive website, social media platforms that are active, and online advertising. Effective digital marketing techniques can boost brand recognition and draw in more consumers. Uphold high standards in the provision of services through strict quality control procedures. To achieve consistency in service excellence, conduct regular performance evaluations and training sessions.

These value-adding methods can help the service sectors in the Philippines stand out from the competition, create lasting relationships with clients, and prosper in a fast-paced corporate environment.



Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

In contemporary cultures, public management and public administration are two crucial pillars of governance. They both contribute significantly to the efficient provision of public services and the smooth operation of governmental institutions. Although these names are frequently used interchangeably, they have different qualities and purposes. In order to better understand their respective responsibilities, functions, and methods for managing public affairs, this comparative study intends to investigate the fundamental distinctions and parallels between public management and public administration. By managing public resources and organizations, public administration refers to the process of carrying out governmental policies and decisions. In order to accomplish specified public goals, it entails tasks including planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and supervising government entities. On the other hand, public management is a broader idea that incorporates public administration as well as the components of governance that involve strategic planning and decision-making. The efficient and effective management of public resources is the core goal of public administration in order to deliver public services, uphold the rule of law, and advance citizen welfare. Public administrators are in charge of making sure that laws are followed and that government offices run efficiently. Public management, in contrast, concentrates on the broader governance and policymaking process. It entails establishing long-term goals, evaluating policy alternatives, and making choices that will influence the course of public administration. Developing policies to solve social issues and directing the administration in their efficient implementation are frequent responsibilities for public managers. Implementing choices made by public managers and policymakers is more important to public administration. In putting rules into practice, administrators are essential in making sure that resources are distributed properly and that services are provided effectively. On the other hand, public management entails decision-making at higher levels, when managers and policymakers study issues, consider potential solutions, and make decisions that have broad repercussions. Their choices affect the direction of how public services are delivered and set the tone for administrative actions. Public administration frequently functions in shorter time frames and is more concerned with ongoing tasks and short-term objectives. Administrators manage day-to-day difficulties, financial limitations, and resource distribution, guaranteeing fast and efficient service delivery. Public management, in contrast, operates over a longer period of time and focuses on long-term societal objectives. Future trends, prospective difficulties, and strategic planning are all factors that managers and policymakers must consider in order to maintain sustainable development and efficient governance over time. Strong managerial and organizational abilities are needed in public administration. Effective management of budgets, team coordination, and day-to-day operations are skills that administrators must possess. They should also be capable of addressing problems to deal with urgent issues that develop within their departments. A greater range of skills is required for public management. A detailed awareness of intricate policy issues is a must for managers and policymakers. To analyze policy options and make judgments that are in the public's long-term interests, they must have analytical and critical thinking skills.





Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Good management is a matter of time. Since we have a social institution, like the family, the so-called management is included and associated. Good management, or what we call public administration, is not just the work of people in the office or those who lead and manage a group organization, government, etc. The governed and the rulers need to work together to have a good government. A balanced government with the cooperation of the governed and the governed is a good government, and this is where the role of citizens comes in to ensure good governance. What is the role that the people should play in order for those in government to manage properly? We can say that there are factors that we should consider as citizens. One of the roles of the people in having good governance is to vote, participate in the election, and choose the right person who has a good testimony, a good example, an open life to the public, and is impartial and fair in his dealings with people. A person who is godly, patriotic, environmentally friendly, and humane is what we should choose. Political participation in order to have good government management is one way to have good management. We must cooperate in choosing who we will install in government with good management. The possible changes in society are in the hands of the people, which is why they should be careful when voting and choosing a candidate. When the management in a country is not good and it is not successful, there is no one to blame but ourselves because we also choose those who lead us. We must remember that we are in a democratic country, which is why we have the right to choose the right leader. Another is being an active citizen by participating in meaningful activities such as governance discourses to address social challenges. In order for the government to be successful, the participation of citizens in social activities is necessary. Let's add to this that the government and the people should jointly develop solutions to the problems facing society. The people should not only hope for solutions to the problems they face, but everyone should participate in order to be successful in solving the problems because the people themselves encounter these problems and can suggest them to those in charge, and they can also nominate a solution to solve them. And what will not disappear is participation in civil society. It is related to the participation of a citizen in forming an organization to directly communicate with the government and convey to them the needs of the citizens. One of the examples of civil society are NGOs or non-government organizations, and people's organizations. If these roles and these facts can be taught, especially to young people who are not fortunate enough to reach high education, they will be able to share and do this role in society for equal and fair management.




Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

In providing critical services and preserving social order, public administration is crucial. To maintain the effective operation of public administrations, several obstacles and complications develop in a constantly changing world, necessitating ongoing innovation and good governance. The difficulties that public administration faces, the solutions that may be found to these problems, and the value of good governance in bringing about constructive change. Bureaucratic inefficiency: The public sector's tendency toward bureaucracy frequently causes resource allocation procedures to move slowly. This can prevent progress and responsiveness by causing delays in the implementation of essential policies and programs. Integration of Technology, Many public administrations find it difficult to keep up with the quick-moving technology innovations, which can make it more difficult for them to provide services effectively and efficiently.

 Lack of acceptance and integration of contemporary technologies might restrict public engagement, data management, and communication. Budget Restraints: Public administrations frequently experience financial constraints, which make it challenging to meet rising demands for services, infrastructure, and development. Meeting public needs while maintaining fiscal responsibility is a never-ending task. The public's trust in public institutions must be maintained by ensuring transparency and accountability within such institutions. However, bureaucratic inefficiency and a lack of transparent oversight procedures can open the door to corruption and unethical behavior. E-Governance efforts can help to expedite administrative processes, promote citizen-government relations, and improve service delivery. Online public service portals, digital record-keeping, and e-participation platforms improve accessibility and efficiency. Data Analytics and AI: Using data analytics and artificial intelligence can lead to data-driven decision-making and predictive analysis, allowing public administrations to more effectively allocate resources and anticipate possible concerns before they worsen. Collaborative Governance entails collaborating with the commercial sector, civil society organizations, and individuals to handle public concerns jointly. This approach promotes inclusivity, creative solutions, and shared responsibility for society’s advancement. Implementing performance management systems can assist in monitoring and evaluating the efficacy of public initiatives, ensuring that resources are used properly and goals are reached efficiently. Effective governance begins with visionary leadership that establishes clear goals and develops an environment of creativity, transparency, and accountability. Leaders must be adaptable to change, open to new ideas, and capable of motivating their staff to strive for excellence. Engaging stakeholders, such as residents, civil society organizations, and private businesses, enables public administrations to discover actual problems, gather varied opinions, and develop collaborative solutions. Decentralization, or the decentralization of decision-making and power, can improve efficiency and responsiveness in government. Giving local governments and organizations the authority to address regional issues results in more tailored and context-specific solutions. Investing in continual training and capacity building for public officials improves their abilities, knowledge, and adaptability, allowing them to effectively handle complicated situations.

Establishing rigorous transparency and accountability systems, such as frequent audits. The multidimensional task of improving public administration calls for creative problem-solving and efficient governance. Public administrations can improve their responsiveness, efficiency, and focus on the needs of their constituents by embracing technology innovations, encouraging collaboration, and cultivating a culture of accountability.



Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Effective management of businesses and governments depends on unity. Together, various individuals and groups can achieve common objectives, promote cooperation, and boost overall productivity. In this essay, we'll examine how developing unity within organizations and governments is crucial for creating a more stable and affluent society. A collaborative and inclusive approach to leadership, policy development, and decision-making is referred to as "harmony in governance." It entails valuing diversity and fostering an atmosphere where everyone's opinions are acknowledged. This inclusive strategy promotes transparency, trust, and a common vision, which improves organizational management and national governance. Realizing unity is crucial for the best performance and long-term success in a business environment. Harmony in governance is prioritized by leaders who foster an inclusive workplace culture where staff members feel empowered and appreciated. Such a setting fosters invention, creativity, and problem-solving. Employees are more dedicated to their work and work more effectively with their co-workers when they experience a sense of belonging and alignment with the company’s goals. Harmony in governance also contributes to closing the gap between management and employees. Employees can feel heard and understood because to open communication lines, frequent feedback sessions, and participatory decision-making. Increased productivity, lower staff turnover, and improved job satisfaction are the results, all of which help the business succeed. Enhanced Social Cohesiveness When the general populace sees its leaders collaborating effectively, it develops a sense of trust and unity among the populace as a whole, enhancing social cohesiveness. Economic growth is fuelled by stable economic conditions that draw investments, support entrepreneurship, and are produced by a united government. Resilience: A resilient society that can meet difficulties head-on is ensured by government and organization unity, which improves crisis management and disaster response. A rich and stable society depends on achieving harmony in governance, which unites the management of businesses and governments. Leaders can maximize the potential of their workers and communities by building an inclusive atmosphere that respects diversity and promotes collaboration. The advantages of unity are extensive, ranging from improved productivity and economic expansion to stronger social cohesiveness and resilience. As time goes on, companies and governments alike should continue to place high importance on adopting harmony in governance because it lays the way for a future that is more cohesive and bright. A key idea in developing successful and efficient systems is achieving unity in the governance of organizations and governments. When policies, procedures, and objectives are in harmony, stakeholders are encouraged to work together, collaborate, and be inclusive. It involves fostering open communication, establishing trust, and respecting various viewpoints. Leaders may overcome ideological differences, give priority to shared goals, and work toward shared prosperity by embracing harmony. It highlights the significance of servant leadership, whereby leaders put the interests of their constituents before their own. Fostering a cooperative governance approach encourages peaceful conflict resolution and encourages open communication, which opens the door for creative responses to social problems.



Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Managing private firms is a complicated management task that necessitates a fine balance of numerous factors in order to achieve success and sustainability. Effective management is critical for attaining objectives, optimizing resources, and maintaining a healthy work environment, whether the firm is a small start-up or a major multinational. Leadership is one of the most difficult aspects of managing private enterprises. An effective leader must not only be technically proficient but also have excellent interpersonal skills, the ability to inspire and motivate personnel, and the vision to guide the firm toward its objectives. Leaders must set a good example and create trust and respect among team members. Regular communication with employees, encouraging criticism, and being open to new ideas are all necessary for fostering a collaborative and productive workplace culture. Effective resource management is another key concern. Private firms frequently encounter resource constraints such as budget limits, time constraints, and manpower shortages. To maximize efficiency, managers must prioritize projects, allocate resources efficiently, and optimize processes. Adopting new technologies and optimizing operations can aid in resource management. It is also critical to maintain employee happiness and engagement. A motivated workforce is more likely to be productive, innovative, and dedicated to the mission of the firm. Offering competitive pay, opportunities for advancement, and acknowledging employees' achievements are critical in maintaining a happy work environment. Employee happiness can be increased by conducting regular employee feedback surveys and implementing adjustments based on feedback. Private firms must likewise negotiate in a market that is undergoing rapid change. Business operations can be quickly impacted by market trends, technological improvements, and consumer preferences. A manager needs to remain flexible and open to change. Finding possible risks and opportunities can be aided by routinely doing market analyses and competition evaluations. This enables managers to stay one step ahead of the competition by adjusting strategy as necessary. Additionally, private organizations face a lot of difficulty in preserving their financial stability. The organization's long-term viability depends on effective financial planning, budgeting, and monitoring. Managers are required to make wise financial decisions, minimize unnecessary risks, and guarantee adherence to financial regulations. Private firms encounter external obstacles like governmental laws, economic fluctuations, and geopolitical concerns in addition to internal difficulties. To reduce the impact of these external factors on the operations of the business, managers need to be aware of them and create backup plans. Private organization administration is a difficult and dynamic job that demands capable leadership, efficient resource management, satisfied employees, flexibility, and financial stability. Long-term success depends on embracing innovation, fostering a healthy work atmosphere, and keeping up with external trends. Managers can successfully handle the hurdles of managing a private firm by approaching these issues with strategic planning and a proactive attitude.  Managers may meet these obstacles and guide private firms toward long-term success by embracing innovation, prioritizing customer happiness, managing external demands, and aligning the organization's goals with the owner's vision.



Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Graduates in public administration are essential to the operation and efficiency of government posts. They make a substantial contribution to the development of policies, resource management, and the promotion of transparent and effective government with their specialized knowledge, talents, and dedication to public service.  Graduates of public administration programs have a thorough awareness of the procedures involved in creating and implementing public policies. They obtain an understanding of the complexity of public affairs, spanning from economic management to social welfare programs, through their rigorous academic study. They can study issues, create evidence-based policies, and reach well-informed judgments to meet the various requirements of the public thanks to their experience. Resource management effectiveness is a key component of good governance. Graduates in public administration have a strong understanding of resource allocation, financial analysis, and budgeting, which enables them to use public funds responsibly. They can minimize needless spending and guarantee that government projects have a positive impact on society by allocating resources as efficiently as possible. This skill helps the government maintain its overall financial stability and increases public confidence in its leadership. To translate policy into practical and effective results, it is essential to thoroughly comprehend implementation methodologies. Public administration graduates are skilled at developing and implementing successful programs. In addition, they can assess the effectiveness and performance of these programs using data-driven evaluation methods. This focus on outcomes and accountability ensures that government initiatives achieve their objectives and materially better the lives of residents. Public administration graduates receive significant training on moral conduct and the values of public service. They are aware of the importance of being truthful, forthcoming, and just in their decision-making. They foster public trust in the government's actions and social cohesiveness by adhering to these ideals. Working together across departments and agencies is frequently necessary for government roles in order to address complex problems. Graduates in public administration are excellent collaborators and have the capacity to cooperate with a variety of stakeholders. Their interdisciplinary approach enables them to create connections between many industries and promote synergies to successfully accomplish shared objectives. Unexpected challenges may arise as a result of public administration's dynamic environment. Public administration graduates receive training to become adaptable problem solvers with the capacity for critical analysis and prompt response to urgent situations. They must be able to remain composed under pressure and come up with innovative solutions if they are to practice effective governance and crisis management. The foundation of the government is made up of graduates from public administration programs who provide the abilities, leadership, and moral values required for efficient and responsible governing. They have a deep understanding of governance, policy creation, and resource management, which enables them to tackle complex issues and work with numerous parties.  As the demands on governmental institutions continue to rise, graduates in public administration will continue to play a significant role in shaping how citizens throughout the world will live in the future.




Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

To make the world more fair and sustainable, social responsibility and good governance must be encouraged. While good governance promotes efficient decision-making, transparency, accountability, and inclusion, social responsibility cultivates empathy, compassion, and a commitment to the welfare of all members of society. These concepts come together to create a community that will be long-lasting, just, and peaceful. A community needs efficient governance in order to run smoothly. It requires creating and implementing laws that benefit everyone, not just a select few. Transparent governance ensures that the general public is aware of the decisions made by the government and holds those in authority accountable for their actions. Furthermore, inclusivity ensures that everyone in society, regardless of class, race, or economic standing, has a say in how decisions are made. By establishing strong governance, which fosters an environment where resources are distributed efficiently and fairly, corruption can be eliminated. Public trust, which is essential for society's stability and growth, is fostered by institutions that are transparent and responsive to the general public. All individuals, organizations, and governments have a moral obligation to contribute to society in a positive way. It goes beyond simply adhering by laws and regulations; it necessitates actively participating in initiatives that address social problems and empower marginalized populations. There are more empathetic, understanding, and helpful people in a culture that emphasizes social responsibility. Businesses must play a big part in social responsibility as well. Adopting ethical and sustainable business practices is advantageous for the environment as well as for the well-being of employees and the communities in which they operate. Businesses can spur good change by incorporating social responsibility into their fundamental beliefs. Sustainability is essential if we want the world to still be able to provide for future generations. To do this, it is necessary to promote renewable energy, manage resources sensibly, and reduce waste and pollution. Sustainable practices preserve natural resources, lessen the consequences of climate change, and shield vulnerable populations from environmental disasters. Building a sustainable society is heavily reliant on education and public awareness. When people are educated on the importance of sustainable behaviors, they are more likely to make decisions that are beneficial to both the environment and themselves. A just society is one in which fundamental human rights are upheld and everyone has equal access to opportunities. The systematic inequalities and discrimination that still exist in many communities must be addressed in order to achieve this. Governments are required to enact and uphold laws that safeguard the rights of all citizens, irrespective of their gender, ethnicity, religion, or social standing. The destruction of preconceptions and the promotion of inclusivity depend heavily on education and knowledge. A just society where everyone is treated with respect and dignity can be promoted by recognizing variety and promoting empathy. Building a sustainable and just society requires encouraging social responsibility and effective governance. It involves promoting empathy, compassion, and dedication to the welfare of people.



Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Political science and public administration are two distinct but linked fields that are crucial to creating and governing societies. Despite sharing similar goals, strategies, and problems, they differ fundamentally in their scope and focus. Public policy and governance creation and implementation must be seen in light of their interconnectedness. Political science is a discipline that studies politics, political systems, and how individuals and groups respond to various forms of power, authority, and governmental control. By analysing the institutions, beliefs, and practices that influence political decision-making and the formulation of public policy, it studies political theory and practice. Political scientists also study electoral systems, public opinion, comparative politics, international relations, and political behavior. Understanding the underlying concepts and frameworks that regulate political and governmental actions is their aim. On the other side, public administration deals with the operational facets of government and the execution of public policies. It is the industry in charge of managing and carrying out government initiatives, projects, and services. Public administrators ensure the timely and successful provision of services to the general public in a variety of public and non-profit organizations. They concentrate on topics including organizational behavior, public personnel management, public budgeting, and public policy analysis. The goal of public administration is to establish an organizational framework that converts political decisions into concrete activities that benefit the general population. Despite having diverse focuses, political science, and public administration are closely intertwined. They are linked to one another in the following ways: The theoretical framework for understanding the creation and execution of public policies is provided by political science. While researching the political factors that influence policy choices, public administration converts those concepts into useful programs and actions. The efficacy of programs is frequently dependent on cooperation between political scientists who propose them and public administrators who implement them. Political scientists study decision-making at many different scales, from the neighborhood to the global. Using the research, public administrators can better comprehend how decisions are made and put them into effect. As long as they have a solid understanding of the political landscape, public managers are able to anticipate potential roadblocks and develop implementation strategies. Understanding public policies can benefit from both political science and public management. Public managers assess how well policies are implemented, whereas political scientists investigate how policies impact society. Through a concerted effort, policies are ensured to be well-designed and successfully implemented in order to provide the desired results. While public administration analyzes the governing principles of public management, political science examines the duties of political leaders. Integrating these points of view helps create ethical public leaders who can handle the problems of government. Governance Issues and Public Accountability Political scientists frequently look at governance, transparency, and accountability-related topics. The findings of this study provide public administrators with information on the value of upholding public confidence and the procedures for ensuring accountability in the provision of public services.



Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

A new science emerged to successfully address the challenges of governance as civilizations began to organize and rule themselves at the dawn of public administration. The Science of Governance, a discipline of study, created the foundation for prosperous and peaceful societies and contributed significantly to the growth of contemporary public administration. This essay will analyze the Science of Governance, its tenets, and its persistent impact on the development of public administration. The Science of Governance came into being as communities got larger and more diverse and were harder to manage. Early communities faced several challenging issues, including leadership, decision-making, resource allocation, conflict resolution, and ensuring the well-being of their residents. Academics, philosophers, and leaders set out on a journey to understand and develop methodical ways of governing as a result of this. One of the primary pioneers of the Science of Governance was the great ancient Indian philosopher Kautilya, who served as Chandragupta Maurya's advisor. Kautilya composed the Arthashastra, a significant work that examines all dimensions of statecraft and governance, around 300 BCE. He emphasized the importance of a functioning bureaucracy, the leader's responsibility to defend the welfare of the state, and the need for a thorough understanding of politics, law, and economics. Confucius was a Chinese philosopher and teacher who significantly influenced the early growth of the Science of Governance. He promoted moral leadership, just laws, and the importance of education for both people and leaders. The Confucian ideas, which favored stability and social harmony, had a significant influence on the government systems of numerous East Asian civilizations. Aristotle is someone we encounter when we go back in time to the time of ancient Greece. He made significant contributions to political science, a crucial component of the Science of Governance. In his book "Politics," Aristotle analyzes several forms of government, outlining their benefits and drawbacks. He promoted the idea that the ideal government serves the common good of its citizens and argued for a hybrid form of governance that strikes a balance between the interests of the many and the few. Taking into account contemporary challenges including globalization, technological advancement, and the growing complexity of societal problems, the Science of Governance is currently advancing. Researchers and practitioners investigate cutting-edge strategies to ensure accountability, transparency, and citizen participation in political processes. When the United States became an independent nation in the late 18th century, it was able to put some of these concepts into practice. For the purpose of establishing a system. The Science of Governance emerged at the dawn of public administration as communities sought effective methods of self-government. Innovative thinkers and visionary leaders from various civilizations helped to develop the fundamental principles of governance that continue to influence current public administration. As societies encounter new issues and opportunities, the science of government continues to be a crucial area, driving the search for an effective, fair, and sustainable government for the benefit of humanity.



Assistant Professor IV

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Every successful society must have strong governance, which is essential for influencing a government's choices and output. It describes a government's capacity to use its authority in a responsible and effective manner to address the needs and aspirations of its citizens while enhancing the overall welfare of the nation. Effective governance's role and outcomes in this context are multifaceted and can be studied from a variety of angles. The basic function of a successful government is, first and foremost, to provide stability and security within a country. A stable administration promotes a predictable and confident environment, which is critical for attracting investments, supporting economic growth, and sustaining social cohesion. A secure society allows inhabitants to live their lives free of fear and uncertainty, fostering a sense of belonging and solidarity across varied populations. Second, good governance upholds the rule of law as well as the principles of justice and fairness. A government that supports and enforces the rule of law provides equal protection and opportunities to all citizens, regardless of socioeconomic class, race, or gender. This contributes to the development of a society in which everyone has access to justice and can participate in decision-making without fear of bias or unfairness. Third, effective governance necessitates efficient and transparent public institutions. A well-functioning government ensures that public services are delivered on schedule and competently. Transparency and accountability in government build public trust and confidence, which reduces the likelihood of corruption and power abuse. Citizens are more willing to participate in the democratic process when they perceive their government to be transparent and responsive to their demands. Furthermore, successful governance necessitates competent budgetary management and economic planning. A government that handles public finances responsibly and invests in long-term development projects may help to create a stable economic climate that benefits all citizens. One example is investing in education, health care, infrastructure, and other vital industries that contribute to long-term prosperity and social welfare. Furthermore, strong governance is essential for promoting social inclusion and safeguarding vulnerable populations. By implementing social welfare programs, addressing financial disparities, and assisting underprivileged groups, a responsible government can reduce social tensions and build a more inclusive society. The consequences of good governance are profound and far-reaching. One of the most noticeable benefits is an overall improvement in citizens' quality of life. When a government operates efficiently, it can deliver critical services more efficiently, resulting in improved education, healthcare, and infrastructure, as well as an overall higher standard of living. Furthermore, good governance promotes political stability and lowers the likelihood of violence and internal turmoil. Citizens are less likely to turn to violence as a means of seeking retribution when they believe in the legitimacy of their administration and have channels to voice their issues peacefully. Effective governance is critical to the seamless operation of a government and the general advancement of a nation. A responsible government can improve the lives of its residents by providing stability.

The Role of Electrical Engineering in Shaping the Technological Advancements of the 21st Century

Rolando P. Corpuz, MEnM

Campus Director - Atate Campus

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Electrical engineering is shaping modern technology. Electrical engineering, which studies and applies electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism, has led to many technological achievements.

Electrical engineering helped build power grids and distribution networks. Electricity generation, transmission, and distribution require creative engineering. Electrical engineers work long hours to build and improve power infrastructures that safely, effectively, and reliably power homes, businesses, and factories. Our electricity-dependent society would collapse without these infrastructure improvements. Electrical engineering made contemporary communications possible. Electrical engineers have been linking people over long distances since the introduction of the telephone and radio communication. Their ideas led to wireless networks, mobile devices, and the Internet, which changed how people communicate, find information, and do business. Electrical engineering also advanced electronics. This engineering specialty designs electronic circuits and devices. Electrical engineers contributed to computers, TVs, phones, and other modern conveniences. Electrical engineers have downsized, optimized, and lowered the cost of these technologies to improve our quality of life.

Electrical engineering also helped automation and control systems. Electrical engineers pioneered automation, from factory mechanization to advanced robots. Their control systems monitor and supervise machinery, making manufacturing faster, safer, and more efficient. Thus, manufacturing and industry have become more productive and less labor-intensive. Electrical engineering has also advanced renewable energy. As people become more environmentally conscious, electrical engineers have helped develop solar, wind, and hydroelectric electricity. They have reduced fossil fuel usage and climate change by developing solar panels, wind turbines, and energy storage systems.

Finally, electrical engineering has shaped healthcare. MRI scanners, CT scanners, and ultrasound technology use electrical engineering principles to provide detailed images of the human body for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Pacemakers and cochlear implants were developed by electrical engineers.

Finally, electrical engineering has shaped modern life. Electrical engineers have advanced power, communications, electronics, automation and control, renewable energy, and healthcare. Our world would not exist without their technical expertise and dedication. Electrical engineering will create and improve future technologies.


The History of Electrical Engineering and Its Impact on Society

Rolando P. Corpuz, MEnM

Campus Director - Atate Campus

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Electrical engineering has been around for over two centuries and has had a substantial impact on society. Since its humble beginnings, electrical engineering has altered the way we live, communicate, and do business.

Electrical engineering has its origins in the 18th century, when scientists such as Benjamin Franklin and Alessandro Volta did groundbreaking electrical research. The field of electrical engineering, on the other hand, did not fully emerge until the eighteenth century. The invention of the telegraph by Samuel Morse and the electric motor by Michael Faraday laid the framework for future advances in this area.

One of the most notable achievements in electrical engineering was Thomas Edison's discovery of the light bulb in 1879. This invention improved indoor lighting, allowing for longer working hours, greater productivity, and altered people's lifestyles. The light bulb not only improved people's living standards, but it also paved the way for future technological developments.

Another key milestone in the history of electrical engineering was the invention of the electrical power system. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse were essential in the acceptance of alternating current (AC) as the principal means of transmitting energy over long distances. This discovery paved the way for the development of power networks, which provided energy to homes, businesses, and industries all across the world. The electrification of societies resulted in a slew of technological breakthroughs that enhanced the lives of billions of people.

The importance of electrical engineering in the modern era extends far beyond lighting and power systems. The digital revolution has produced new opportunities as a result of advancements in microelectronics, integrated circuits, and computer systems. These advancements hastened the development of computers, smartphones, and the internet, fundamentally transforming how we interact, share information, and conduct business. Electrical engineering's impact on society is evident, from social media platforms that connect people all over the world to e-commerce that enables for speedy online purchases. Furthermore, electrical engineering has contributed significantly to the development of sustainable energy solutions. As the demand for renewable energy sources develops, electrical engineers are at the forefront of developing and optimizing solar and wind power technology. Their expertise is crucial in improving energy efficiency and lowering the environmental effect of energy production and use. By using the power of electrical engineering, we are working towards a more sustainable future.

Finally, the history of electrical engineering is an example of human ingenuity and invention. From its inception through the digital age, electrical engineering has influenced civilization by providing light, electricity, and communication. Its impact can be seen in every aspect of our lives, from technology advancements to the development of sustainable energy solutions. Electrical engineering will undoubtedly continue to be vital in our ever-changing environment as we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible.

The Integral Role of Electrical Engineers in the Global Economy

Rolando P. Corpuz, MEnM

Campus Director - Atate Campus

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Electrical engineering affects worldwide economic growth. Electrical engineers drive innovation, sustain economic growth, and advance many industries as technology and the digital world rapidly expand. This essay emphasizes electrical engineers' contributions to modern infrastructure, technical breakthroughs, international connection, renewable energy options, and automation.

Electrical engineers power modern infrastructure, one of their biggest contributions to the global economy. Electrical engineers create and optimize power generating and distribution systems to provide reliable power to industry, businesses, and families. By building efficient electrical grids, electrical engineers stimulate economic activity, attract investment, and ensure key sectors like manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, and communication run smoothly. Continuous power boosts productivity, economic growth, competitiveness, and life quality. Electrical engineers also lead global economic technology. They innovate in telecommunications, electronics, robots, and artificial intelligence. Electrical engineers reinvent industries, create new businesses, and change society through developing cutting-edge technology. Electrical engineers produce smartphones, wireless communication networks, smart cities, and the IoT, boosting efficiency and productivity across sectors.

Electrical engineers develop communication networks because electricity powers global connectivity. To assure worldwide connectivity, they plan and optimize satellite, fiber-optic, and wireless communication infrastructure. In a globalized world, good communication infrastructure helps enterprises expand, promotes national collaboration, eases international trade, and improves economic ties. Electrical engineers keep the global economy connected, agile, and competitive despite fast technological developments. Electrical engineers promote clean energy solutions for sustainable development and lower carbon emissions. They create and distribute solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power. Electrical engineers create efficient and ecologically friendly power generation systems that support environmental sustainability and economic progress. Their expertise in smart grids, energy storage, and electric car infrastructure aids global sustainability efforts.

Finally, electrical engineers power modern infrastructure, advance technology, connect the world, create renewable energy solutions, and shape automation. These specialists help industries and nations thrive, innovate, and sustain. Electrical engineers will continue to shape the world's economy and society as technology and interconnection expand.

Personal Qualities that Make a Successful Electrical Engineer

Rolando P. Corpuz, MEnM

Campus Director - Atate Campus

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Electrical engineering requires a unique combination of skills to succeed. As an electrical engineer, personality is as vital as technical skills and knowledge.

Electrical engineers must first be smart. This intelligence includes understanding sophisticated electrical concepts and theories. Electrical engineers can swiftly understand complex problems and devise novel solutions. It also lets them adapt to fast-changing technologies and keep up with their field's latest advances.

Comprehension helps electrical engineers succeed. Electrical engineers must understand and apply sophisticated technical information. This includes analyzing complex designs and schematics and data from multiple sources. Comprehending complex systems and electrical issues is crucial.

Electrical engineers need intelligence, comprehension, and critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Electrical engineers face challenging problems that require logic and creativity. Critical thinking lets people analyze complex problems and solve them. They must also identify risks and decide on a course of action quickly.

Electrical engineers need good communication skills. Electrical engineers work with technicians, engineers, and non-technical professionals. Clear communication is essential for teamwork. Electrical engineers must communicate their ideas to stakeholders verbally and in writing. Competent electrical engineers also work hard. Their work drives them. Electrical engineering projects may require lengthy, focused hours to meet deadlines. A strong work ethic provides professionalism and consistently high-quality results.

Competent electrical engineers are adaptable. Electrical engineering is always evolving. Good electrical engineers are open to new ideas and adaptable. This allows them to stay ahead of the curve and adopt new technologies and methods.

Finally, a good electrical engineer should lead. Electrical engineers often head complex project design and implementation teams. Leaders may encourage and motivate team members, properly distribute tasks, and complete projects.

Electrical engineering success requires more than technical expertise. Intelligence, comprehension, critical thinking, communication skills, work ethic, adaptability, and leadership determine an electrical engineer's success. These skills help electrical engineers succeed, innovate, and develop technology.


Challenges of Working as an Electrical Engineer in the 21st Century

Rolando P. Corpuz, MEnM

Campus Director - Atate Campus

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

In the rapidly changing 21st century, electrical engineers must adapt and invent to overcome many challenges. Electrical engineers must understand complex systems and overcome technological and sociological challenges.

Technical advances in the 21st century have greatly complicated electrical engineering tasks. Engineers today face more complicated designs, computational demands, and new technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and AI. Electrical engineers must adapt to changing technologies. To run well, integrating systems requires technical abilities and interdisciplinary collaboration.

As environmental concerns develop, electrical engineers are being pushed to incorporate renewable energy sources into their designs. Green technologies, renewable resources, and energy efficiency improvement must be understood. Electrical engineers must understand renewable energy systems to manage power generation and supply while lowering environmental impact.

Electrical engineers face cybersecurity and data privacy issues with digital transformation. Engineers must create strong security measures, prevent cyberattacks, and preserve sensitive data because systems are interdependent. Electrical engineers must learn cybersecurity standards and work with specialists to manage risks to avoid these issues.

Electrical engineers' work affects society, emphasizing the importance of ethical decision-making and social influence. AI and autonomous systems raise safety, privacy, and social justice problems. Electrical engineers must balance these moral dilemmas when designing efficient and ethical technology. Engineers must be ethical, communicate well, and have serious talks to make responsible technology discoveries.

Electrical engineers must prepare to work in a global economy with unique challenges and opportunities. Engineers must be aware of international laws, regulations, and practices due to cultural, social, and economic diversity. Working in emerging areas requires agility and a willingness to understand and integrate local realities and opinions to enable global technology rollout.

Technology's continual advancement and rapid obsolescence make electrical engineers' jobs difficult in the 21st century. Schoolwork may be outdated after graduation. To stay relevant, electrical engineers must love learning and adapt to new tools, methods, and technology. In a dynamic field, professional development is essential.

In the 21st century, electrical engineers must learn, create, and be ethical to solve many technical problems. Electrical engineers should consider technical complexity, sustainable design, cybersecurity, and global expertise while finding responsible solutions. Addressing these issues may help electrical engineers shape a sustainable, safe, and ethical technology future.


An Assessment of Senior High School Students Aural Comprehension Strategies: Basis for the Development of a Strategic Instructional Material (SIM)


SHS Teacher I

Valenzuela National High School

Division Office of Valenzuela City- NCR

Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. Listening is the key to all effective communication, without the ability to listen effectively messages are easily misunderstood – communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrated or irritated. Effective listening is a skill that underpins all positive human relationships, spend sometimes thinking about and developing your listening skills - they are the building blocks of success. Listening is receiving language through the ears. Listening involves identifying the sounds of speech and processing them into words and sentences. When we listen, we use our ears to receive individual sounds and we use our brain to convert these into messages that mean something to us. Listening in any language requires focus and attention. It is a skill that some people need to work at harder than others. People who have difficulty concentrating are typically poor listeners. Listening in a second language requires even greater focus. One of the factors that we should consider in student’s learning is listening. Listening is one of the most important avenues that the child will learn, therefore it is the teacher’s responsibility.

Many studies in language learning have indicated that listening comprehension plays an important role in the learning process. In spite of its importance, listening has been ignored in second language learning, research, and teaching. If learners want to learn to speak, they should first learn to understand the spoken language they hear. If learners want to communicate with native speakers, they should first learn to understand in real language situations to comprehend the main point of what native speakers are telling. Therefore, listening is very important to which teachers and learners should pay enough attention to obtain communication aims. According to Kurita (2012), learners may find listening comprehension skill difficult to learn and this requires teachers to change their listening exercises into more effective ones. The development of listening comprehension skill helps learners to succeed in language learning and increase their comprehensible input. Since learners’ self-confidence in listening comprehension can be increased, they are motivated to have access to spoken English like conversations with native speakers.

Strategic Intervention Material is a teaching learning kit or device for the benefit of both teachers and students. Its goal is to encourage the students’ interest; learn language concepts and skills; and apply learned skills and concept into real life situations. Strategic Intervention Material is believed to be an effective strategic teaching aid for teachers in carrying out objectives on least learned lessons. It is a module that contain puzzle, games, vivid illustrations, concept map, used to motivate and stir up the attention and interest of the students. In the use of Strategic Intervention Materials for Senior High School found out that the said instructional materials are effective in a way of helping them in developing their listening comprehension.

Behind the Mask: Vital Role of School Nurses in the New Normal


Assistant Professor IV/ Campus Nurse

Central Philippines State University-Victorias Campus

School nurses have been at the forefront of promoting health in school settings. Hence, nurses are the richest sources of health education among the students, personnel, and community. A nurse's job is to provide care and alleviate the discomfort that the individual experiences. School nurses are responsible for building a safe and conducive environment in the learning community. 

           Just imagine a school without a nurse; we may compromise the education due to the missing link on the quality of health. Besides, every stakeholder realizes the importance of health in educational institutions. The health of the students and the personnel is the priority of the school nurse through its comprehensive health services, which promote health, prevent diseases, and provide a safe learning environment. 

           Likewise, the pandemic has made us realize that we need more nurses in the school as they are vital in promoting a healthy environment, given the risk of spreading COVID-19. Nurses encountered many challenges in providing stringent measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

           On a larger scale, the school nurses conduct health examinations during enrollment; this will ensure that students are healthy and provide nursing interventions effectively. Besides, they are the leaders in retrofitting the learning facilities to provide a safe, conducive, and healthy environment. They are tasked to promote the importance of COVID-19 vaccinations to the students and personnel. Besides, the vaccination status of the students is 92 % and 100 % for the personnel (Sabando, 2023 a) Given the ever-changing health protocol, they are well versed in having flexible health care planning. The school's comprehensive planning of health measures entails collaboration among the stakeholders to ensure that health measures are adequately implemented all the time. The university is compliant with the health protocols of the interested parties involved as part of the stronger together approach towards building a healthy institution (Sabando, 2023 b).

           Nurses are vital in all ways. They are doing the most challenging job of attending to emergent health concerns needing the best nursing skills to improve patients’ conditions. The health challenges encountered will give new learning experiences to be always ready to face a situation that requires critical thinking skills. Nurses are nurses; they play a crucial role in attaining quality and utilizing effective school health services.




Sabando, C. M. (2023). Strengthening COVID-19 Health Policy to Reopen the University for Face-To-Face Classes in the New Normal.

Sabando, C. M. (2023). Gearing Towards New Normal COVID-19 Practices of a  Philippine Higher Education Institution.


Exploring the Significance of Research, Leadership, and Management Practices in the Academe


Assistant Professor IV/ Campus Nurse

Central Philippines State University-Victorias Campus

Research is considered one of the core functions of the University. To address significant challenges faced by the country's different sectors, there is a need to conduct research in line with the country’s research agenda to address specific problems. It is essential to research education, health, public administration, business management, and agriculture to address poverty's unending issues. Exploring the academic side, the main goal of the research is to improve products, services, and resources in different disciplines. Partnership in research and extension is essential, whether in the community, partner organizations, groups of people, or local government units. Research may be a challenge as students, faculty, and partner researchers may invest in time and numerous resources. Still, it has many advantages in the improvement of many aspects of the organization as it intends to answer the challenges and opportunities of many elements, which can be applied in the field of discipline as bases of policy-making, product discoveries, and strategic planning in improving the goals of the different sectors in collaboration with multidisciplinary University.

           To foster inclusive growth in the academic community, there is a need to equip the institution with qualified and visionary leaders. The leader-manager knows how to effectively lead the organization, highlighting the holistic planning process and considering the institution's goals and objectives. Leaders are the main reasons for the great motivation of workers. Given the ever-changing situations in the academe, the leader shall systematically evaluate circumstances on what needs to improve to strengthen the university's educational programs. One of the traits the leader should have is to be innovative. We are now at the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution. A leader should have vast experience in the integration of technology in educational programs and improve active collaborations among stakeholders.

         A leader must foster good relationships and cooperation among the employees. A visionary leader knows how to empower employees and promotes better opportunities for them. Hence, a leader must be an excellent listener to the problems and the difficulties that will pave the way for the corrective actions to solve the issues. Also, leaders shall empower faculty researchers by motivating and supporting them in crafting, publishing, and utilization of research results (Sabando, 2022).

         The visionary leader is a transformative manager who is adaptive to change, wins the trust of his employees, innovates for the common good, and considers the welfare of all stakeholders. It is essential to have a leader who knows how to deal with people and can handle resources productively to improve its services better. Lastly, an effective leader-manager is outcome-oriented and research-driven, paving an environment of positive transformation to address the country’s development goal, particularly inclusive education for all.



Sabando, C. M. (2022). Research in the Academe: Addressing Significant Challenges to Improve Research Practices. The Exigency: ETCOR's International Multidisciplinary Monthly Magazine, Vol. I, Issue 1, B1.

Integrating Teaching and Caring Profession as God's Calling


Assistant Professor IV/ Campus Nurse

Central Philippines State University-Victorias Campus

                      I dreamed of becoming a doctor to help sick patients in my early years. As I grew up, life threw so many challenges making me realize that I wanted to be in the healthcare profession. Being a nurse made me realize the weight of responsibility because you are handling a life of a person. Life is sacred and should be appropriately treated to achieve the healing process. Indeed, every patient is unique because their health is a holistic process that needs the caring hands of a nurse. Nursing is a vocation in that God places an exceptional individual to care for the health needs of the sick and the well.

           The nursing profession has a different field of specialization. As a nurse management and administration major, I prefer to practice as School Nurse at a State University; the profession tested me to be resourceful and creative in rendering health services to my clients. I started my job as a nurse and fulfilled my responsibility as an educator handling science and health-related subjects. The experiences tested me to balance my responsibilities in managing the health services of the university, taking into consideration the improvement and monitoring of the health facilities and equipment, human resources collaborating with the University's Dentist and Doctor to improve better the implementation of the school health services with the main aim of promoting a health university for all. I have started my journey with a few resources and continually improved the university's health services. It is rewarding to upgrade the little to become the best health services that can be offered to the students and personnel.

           In addition, apart from my designation as a Campus Nurse, I am also a science and health educator, which challenges me to strive for better things since educating is a lifelong process. I lead by educating myself on what I am imparting to my students. It made me realize that teaching is not a job everyone can love. It takes a lot of determination and hard work to mold young minds. The rewards may sometimes be positive and negative, but the priceless ones are seeing students achieve their dreams in their chosen professions. Some of my student professionals would go back and thank me for the help I have given them, whether it be in health, research, or their education journey; these things were priceless. The license I have is a strong indicator of the privilege of touching the lives of many. Being a Teacher and Nurse is a calling I never dream of. Still, God allows me to be an agent of change to offer my hand to the sick and my heart, mind, and my mouth to educate people to achieve their ultimate dreams multiplying their efforts to help those who are in need; I think it is God's precious calling


Nursing as the Caring Profession that Lights the Healthcare Institution


Assistant Professor IV/ Campus Nurse

Central Philippines State University-Victorias Campus

Nursing is considered a vocation; it is God’s calling to provide care for the sick and the general population’s health. Given today’s scenario, healthcare institutions face many challenges, such as the shortage of nurses in the workforce. In the Philippines, given the everchanging policies, many of our nurses were looking for career growth and better opportunities abroad, which values the significance of Filipino Nurses. The Philippines faced a significant gap in how to recruit nurses in health care given the lack of healthcare facilities, unprecedented nurse-patient ratio, low-paying jobs for the nurses, and even a lack of career opportunities for them. Our healthcare presents significant challenges in the long run as more patients need quality healthcare. The government shall look into these challenges on addressing the issues on human resources, facilities and equipment, and financial aspects of improving healthcare, anchoring other nations' best healthcare practices.

        Our healthcare workforce needs a better push to encourage nurses to practice their profession in the Philippines. The best that the Philippines can offer to the world is its Professionals, especially nurses because we have the best caring and skillful nurses in the world. If we could provide the best nurses in the world, why not our government provide them with quality education and employment opportunities that value their capacity as caring professionals? Equipping better opportunities will give them valuable reasons to work in the country. Nurses will only consider working abroad an option rather than a necessity to provide their families with a better future.

        The government should ensure policies and guidelines emphasizing the significance of nurses as they look into patients' holistic needs more than any profession can. Give them a safe space where there are humane working conditions with high pay as they risk their health to care for patients in all aspects of life. The government shall realize the strategic planning to increase the allocated budget for health to improve its facilities and equipment, human resources, and quality of health care services. Healthcare shall be strengthened on the primary level to decongest patients seeking comprehensive and critical health care. Consider a situation if there are active health programs in the community with nurses and doctors attending to the community's needs, their health care is accessible to everyone, and the chances of becoming sick are lesser as there are equitable and efficient healthcare services for all. Suppose there were nurses, doctors, and other healthcare professionals in the community. In that case, there would be a lesser chance of becoming sick resulting in a lesser chance that patients would have to seek complicated treatment. Healthcare shall stem from the quality healthcare programs in primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare to better render quality and effective healthcare services for all people.


Victoria L. Langco, LPT, Ed.D

Associate Professor 1

Adiong Memorial State College


         The significance of  the school administrator as the most important leader in a school cannot be minimize.  Behind every school is a hardworking administrator whose focus is to shape the school to become outstanding beacon of productive learning.  His challenge is greater that requires professional development and leadership skills.

         His effective leadership skills are keys to success in creating a vibrant and innovative environment, and in achieving teaching and learning excellence.

         Many new school administrators are shocked when the reality of the job hits them.  New administrators are often unprepared for the long hours, daily crisis, and overall stress that come from the new leadership position.  School administrators who have been in the position for a quite some time are seen coping with the demands of improving the educational environment.

         School leadership should be constantly reviewed, assessed, and evaluated in order to achieve its continuous improvement.  Teachers’ perceptions of their school administrators’ leadership skills are one of the key variables that the productivity of the teachers and ultimately the school organization as a whole.

         The researcher being part of the Department of Education, who also aims for higher leadership post would like to look into the trends and updates of leadership and its development for the Public Elementary Schools in Marawi City Division.


Statement of the Problem


         The main purpose of this study was to assess if skills of school administrations in Public Elementary Division of Marawi City in relation to teachers’ work fulfillment for the school year 2018-2019.

         Specifically, the study endeavored to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of school administrator’s leadership skills in terms of developing self-awareness; communicating supportively; gaining power and influence; managing conflict; managing stress; motivating others; and solving problems creatively as perceived by the school administrators themselves and the teachers?

2. Is there a significant difference between the perceptions of the teachers and school administrators on the administrators’ leadership skills?

3. What is the teacher’s level of the work fulfilment as perceived by the teachers themselves?

4. Is there a significant relationship between leadership skills of the school administrators and teachers work fulfillment?


Significance of the Study


         The researches believes that this study will benefit the following:

         Teachers.  The result of the study may provide the teachers some hints on how to help the school administrators improve their leadership skills.  It will also provide data for new plans and ideas of action affecting the functions and duties of the teachers to improve the teacher learning process.  For teaching to be effective, it should be handled by mentors who are adequately and professionally prepared most likely those possess stimulating leadership qualities and skills, those who are adept in instruction and classroom management and are dedicated, to their profession, and manifest a high level of the concern to their duties and morale as teacher.  A group of teachers with high, level of leadership and work satisfaction will be considered the appropriate persons to carry out a program with greater success, while the low level group of teachers will be the focus of staff development programs.

         This study is a means to bring out vital information on teacher feeling about environment, both social and physical.

         The information generated from the study could serve as baseline for the school management policies.  This can also serve as basis for decision making through corrective measures that can be channeled to proper directions

         The findings of the study can prove helpful in identifying the professional needs of teachers and would make them aware of their professional needs, and hopefully, aspire for their growth and development which will in turn, redound to the growth and development of the pupils.

         School administrators.  School administrators may be given a clear idea of their level of effectiveness as school administrators.  The findings may help them in planning for enhancement on their leadership skills.

         DepEd Officials.  This study may hopefully provide information to the DepEd Officials in the manner of selection of school administrations who are the most important figures in the school organization. 

         Other Researchers.  The results of this study may help other researchers provide useful insights which may be relevant to their studies.


Scope and Delimitation


         This study was focused on the leadership skills of school administrators in the Public Elementary Schools in relation to the work fulfillment of teachers in the Division of Marawi City.

         The school Administrators leadership skills were assessed in terms of developing self-awareness, communicating supportively, gaining power and influence, managing conflict, managing stress, motivating others, and solving problems creatively.  Teachers work fulfillment were also assessed based on their perception in relation to the school Administrators leadership skills.

         The descriptive method of research was used with the researcher-made questionnaire as its data gathered tool.

         The collected information was analyzed and interpreted using the chi-square frequency, and weighted mean.


Researched Method


         The descriptive method of research were utilized in this study to gather the necessary data and information.  The method is deemed appropriate in determining the school administrators’ leadership skills in terms of developing self-awareness, communicating supportively, gaining power and influence, managing conflict, managing stress, motivating others, and solving problems creatively. Besides, the study describes the relationship between school administrators’ leadership skills and teachers’ work fulfillment.


Data Gathering Procedure


         In gathering the data, the researcher sought the approval of the School’s Division Superintendent.  After the granting of approval, the writer will set appointments with the principals and teachers for the actual distribution of the questionnaires.  With the instrument fully accomplished by the respondents, the researcher retrieved them immediately.

         The above procedure was followed by the researcher in all schools included in the investigation.

         After the data was gathered, analysis of the data and interpretation of findings was made.


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Victoria L. Langco, LPT, Ed.D

Associate Professor 1

Adiong Memorial State College


         Educational school leadership is widely acknowledged as a key tool for making the most of limited resources and making education more relevant to national development. Educational management is used to ensure that students receive a high-quality education. To that end, the concept of School-Based Management (SBM) emerges from the Department of Education's earlier initiatives, projects, and innovations. School principals hold a unique position in school administration. In order to attain the aim of peak performance, they ensure that schools are favorable to learning. In order to make education more relevant to today's demands, the Department of Education has always managed to meet those needs in a holistic manner by implementing a complete educational program in line with the country's national development goals.

School heads are held accountable for higher learning outcomes by Republic Act No. 9155, also known as the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001. As a result, they must be both an instructional school head and an administrative manager who is efficient and effective. They must also stay up with updated educational policies and practices in order to reduce the time lag between their abilities in relation to the discovery and application of new information in school leadership in order to emerge as an effective school head. All of the aforementioned needs entail management acting as an academic enquiring about how to establish the groundwork for successful and efficient delivery of education services, as required by the School-Based Management Framework.

         The school principals take on the role of change agent. They are given the authority to lead and motivate the community, as well as local government entities, to devote time, money, and effort in making the school a better environment to learn, hence boosting the children's educational attainment. They indicate personal growth and development, as well as decision-making abilities. They establish the school's mission, vision, goals, and objectives, as well as implement the school's curriculum and promote new and innovative techniques of instruction for higher education. In other words, through the implementation of SBM, school heads' talents in managing schools are put to the test. However, we can wonder how effective these school heads' abilities to operate under the logic of empowerment are. These demands and challenges place a high demand on school heads' school leadership skills and abilities to ensure that the basic education objectives are realized through school development plans. Their educational qualifications and experience are taken into account, but the criteria listed above should never be disregarded because they shape a school manager's entire personality.

Because school heads' school leadership practices are critical components in maintaining a quality basic education, the researcher is inspired to undertake a study on the above variables. A school principal, teacher-in-charge, or head teacher who has a practical and realistic school improvement plan is one step closer to achieving basic education goals. The attitude of the teachers, as well as the school's performance, are also taken into account.

The purpose of this research is to see if school heads' attitudes influence teachers' attitudes, and if teachers' attitudes influence school performance.

The researcher thought it was critical to pick the right study in order to gain a better idea of how these variables interacted.

This study's findings will assist schools in Lanao del Sur's First District in understanding and appreciating the value of school heads' school leadership methods and teachers' attitudes in achieving high school performance.



Statement of the Problem

         This study determined the school heads’ school leadership practices and teachers’ attitude towards teaching in First District, Division of Lanao del Sur during the school year 2017-2018. Findings served as bases for development program.

         Specifically, this study answered the following questions:


         5.1 school leadership practices and teachers attitude;

         5.2 school leadership practices and school performance; and

         5.3 teachers’ attitude and school performance?



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Exceeding Guests’ Expectations in the Hospitality Industry

Richard Agustin, Ph. D. TM

Assistant Professor III

Cebu Technological University - Carmen Campus

The foundation of the hospitality industry lies in delivering outstanding service and crafting unforgettable moments for guests. While providing good service is expected, some establishments and individuals go above and beyond to offer an exceptional level of service. This extra effort distinguishes them from others and leaves a lasting impact on guests. This essay will explore the importance and influence of exceeding expectations in the hospitality industry. Exceeding expectations in hospitality means surpassing guest expectations and offering personalized attention to their needs. It involves anticipating and striving to fulfill their desires before they articulate them. This level of service necessitates a profound understanding of guests' preferences, meticulous attention to detail, and a genuine dedication to their satisfaction. One of the primary advantages of surpassing expectations is the creation of loyal and contented customers. When guests encounter service beyond what they anticipate, they feel valued and acknowledged, which leads to repeat business and generates positive word-of-mouth recommendations, which are invaluable in the hospitality industry. Satisfied guests are more inclined to share their positive experiences with friends, family, and colleagues, increasing visibility and attracting new customers.

Moreover, surpassing expectations cultivates a sense of loyalty and trust between the establishment and its guests. Guests feel connected with staff members who genuinely care about their well-being and strive to make their stay memorable. This connection often results in long-term relationships, with guests returning to the same establishment repeatedly. This loyalty translates into stability and consistent revenue for the establishment, contributing to its success. Furthermore, surpassing expectations can lead to personal and professional growth for the service's individuals. It requires employees to constantly improve their skills and knowledge and stay abreast of industry trends and guest preferences. By delivering exceptional service, employees develop a strong sense of pride and accomplishment in their work, boosting their self-esteem and job satisfaction, which, in turn, leads to higher employee retention rates and fosters a positive work environment. Surpassing expectations is not limited to luxury hotels or high-end establishments. It can be practiced at any level within the hospitality industry. It can be as simple as remembering a guest's name, offering personalized recommendations, or providing small surprises or gestures demonstrating thoughtfulness and care. Even a small act of kindness can significantly impact a guest's experience and create a lasting positive memory.

In conclusion, surpassing expectations in the hospitality industry is essential for creating exceptional guest experiences, fostering loyalty, and ensuring the success of establishments. It requires a genuine commitment to understanding and meeting guests' needs, anticipating their desires, and delivering personalized attention. The benefits of going the extra mile are numerous, from generating positive word-of-mouth recommendations to employee personal and professional growth. Therefore, hospitality establishments and individuals must adopt this mindset and strive to exceed guest expectations to thrive in a highly competitive industry.

Artificial Intelligence: Streamlining Management Processes

Emmer P Ruaya, MIM

Assistant Professor III

North Eastern Mindanao State University

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changing technology that is revolutionizing management processes across industries. With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data, learn from patterns, and make intelligent decisions, AI is streamlining management processes and unlocking new levels of efficiency. This essay explores the ways in which AI is transforming management by automating tasks, optimizing decision-making, improving resource allocation, and enhancing overall productivity.

AI is streamlining management processes by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks. Tasks such as data entry, report generation, and data analysis can be efficiently performed by AI systems, freeing up valuable time for managers and employees to focus on more strategic and value-added activities. By automating routine tasks, AI reduces human error and increases operational efficiency. Organizations can leverage AI-powered tools and algorithms to automate processes across departments, leading to significant time and cost savings.

The use of AI in management processes enables organizations to make smarter and more informed decisions. AI algorithms can analyze large volumes of data, identify patterns, and provide valuable insights that support decision-making. For example, AI-powered predictive analytics can forecast market trends, customer behavior, and demand patterns, allowing managers to make data-driven decisions that are more accurate and impactful. AI also enhances decision-making by providing real-time monitoring and alerts, enabling proactive management and timely interventions.

AI optimizes resource allocation within management processes. By analyzing data on resource utilization, AI algorithms can identify inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and areas of improvement. AI systems can help organizations allocate resources effectively by matching skills, availability, and workload requirements. This optimization leads to improved productivity, reduced costs, and better utilization of resources. Additionally, AI-powered systems can dynamically adjust resource allocation based on changing priorities and business demands, ensuring optimal efficiency.

Moreover, AI enhances overall productivity by facilitating efficient collaboration and communication. AI-powered virtual assistants, chatbots, and communication platforms enable seamless and intelligent interactions between team members, departments, and stakeholders. AI systems can handle routine inquiries, provide real-time information, and support knowledge sharing. These tools streamline communication processes, foster collaboration, and improve overall productivity by eliminating communication barriers and enhancing efficiency in information exchange


Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing management processes by automating tasks, optimizing decision-making, improving resource allocation, and enhancing productivity. The use of AI technology enables organizations to operate more efficiently, make data-driven decisions, and allocate resources effectively. As AI continues to advance, organizations that embrace and integrate AI into their management processes will gain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving business landscape. By harnessing the power of AI, organizations can streamline operations, enhance productivity, and drive sustainable growth in the digital age.

Be Techie in School



Calumala Elementary School

Digital literacy is the foremost necessity the 21st-century learners in this new normal.  To further promote digital literacy, the Department of Education (DepEd), in collaboration with Microsoft Philippines, introduced the Project Be Techie in School (B.T.S.): Tech Episode webinar series to help the learners in utilizing Microsoft computer applications that are relevant to their education.

The Project Be Techie in School (BTS) 2.0: A Balik Eskwela Digital Literary Starter Pack is an activity that aims to empower students by equipping them with the tools and the knowledge they need to adapt to every learning modality; provide the full benefits of their Microsoft account and how to get them; provide guidance on best practices in using Microsoft applications, and recognize the learners and their use of the tools for their growth.

This event is conducted every Friday from February 4 to April 28, 2002. It was participated by teachers and Grade 5 to Grade 12 learners including the Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) and other academic-related and co-curricular clubs and organizations. There are ten episodes conducted on different topics. Most of the topics were discussed by Mr. Kristian Catahan, the Customer Success Manager of Microsoft Philippines.

All public teachers and public school students were given a digital starter kit including free Microsoft O365 accounts that enable them to access and use Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Microsoft Teams, and additional classroom tools. These software applications, which are expensive when bought individually are now provided to students and teachers for free by the Central Office.

   Aside from these apps, we are oriented on how to use and maximize built-in features of Microsoft Office applications such as Microsoft Teams, Microsoft One Note, Microsoft One Drive, free installation of Windows 11, and free access to download Minecraft Education Edition. We are also oriented on how to convert a word document into a Sway web page, convert PDF and photos into a word document, speak (not type) words into your document and how to use a research assistant in Microsoft word. We also learned to learn to utilize mobile apps such as Math Solver, To do and Minecraft for Mobile Edition, Using OneNote Mobile App, Using OneDrive Mobile App as storage, Using Microsoft Word Mobile App, Using Microsoft to do as task checker and Using Microsoft Team as a communication tool.

We are so blessed given this privilege as public DepEd teachers and public school students provided all the hardware, software, and online subscriptions that are highly essential in being innovative and productive educators, particularly in the implementation of the distance learning modality. So if we want to be digitally literate in the new normal, we should be a techie in school.




Calumala Elementary School

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected and continues to affect every aspect of education. It affected the delivery of knowledge and skills that usually takes place at school. It has also a great impact in terms of the domain development of the learners.

While the Department has been responsive thru its Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan, it is crucial to cater to the life skills development of learners which will empower them to overcome the different challenges and adapt to the “new normal” brought about by the current crisis.

In connection with this, the Department of Education (DepEd) initiated the implementation of Homeroom Guidance during this crisis. Homeroom Guidance is a comprehensive, developmental, and proactive program designed to equip K to 12 learners with life skills in three domains namely academic development, personal and social development, and career development. It should be considered as an information component of mental health in the K to 12 Curriculum. It is a part of the Information Services that is primarily under the Guidance and Counseling Program.

The approach of the Homeroom Guidance to students will be in an informal way considering the structured learning experience flow, this is to better assess the students and make them feel comfortable and expressive. The program is set for one (1) hour per week for all K to12 learners and should be reflected in the class program of every school.

There is a Homeroom Guidance Observation Form and Program Monitoring and Evaluation Tool for this program. Homeroom Guidance assessment results shall be distributed and discussed by the class adviser during the Parent-Teacher Conference. The class adviser should give a letter grade for homeroom guidance. This shall be issued as an attachment to the learner’s Report Card (SF-9) and learner’s permanent record (SF10).

Implementation of Wash, Sanitation and Hygiene in School



Calumala Elementary School

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown the importance of cleanliness not only to oneself but also to our environment. In this pandemic, we urge to promote handwashing activities and maintain a clean, safe and healthy environment. These are highly effective measures to reduce the risk and transmission of the Covid-19 virus.

At school, the DepEd Comprehensive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in School (WinS) program is at the core of the safe reopening and operation of schools during this COVID-19 crisis. It focuses on the standards for the promotion of a clean and safe school environment & correct hygiene and sanitation practices among learners.

As part of the School Safety Assessment Tool for the reopening of classes, we practice different safety measures and safety procedures. We set up a proper sanitation and hygiene facility for our learners. We have a handwashing station with a clean water supply at the entrance of the school. The pupils should wash their hands before they go to their respective classrooms. We have also a handwashing facility inside our classroom. We have a schedule of our supervised handwashing and tooth brushing activities. We always remind our pupils of the importance of washing their hands frequently and brushing using their own toothbrush.

Aside from the handwashing facility, we have also clean and safe toilet facilities. We have available sanitary napkins and tissues in our comfortable rooms. We have also trash bins with viual signage such as biodegradable, non-bodegradable, recyclable and medical waste. We taught our pupils the importance of proper waste management and waste segregation.

These are some of the safety measures that we implement in our school during the implementation of limited face-to-face classes. We make sure that our pupils are safe within the school vicinity. Safely managed water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services are an essential part of preventing and protecting our health during this pandemic.

My Realizations During the Pandemic



Calumala Elementary School

Many circumstances happened in just a glance in our life. The Covid-19 pandemic caused so much stress and tension for everyone. We struggle so much with the changes that happened in our environment.

Despite the struggles that we encountered, the pandemic brought many realizations to my life. First, my faith in God became deeper. Instead of asking why all of these things are happening in our life, I solemnly pray and thank Him for protecting us. I feel His presence during the pandemic. He guided and protect us against the virus.

Second, I value the importance of my family. During the lockdown, we have no choice but to stay inside our home. It is our family who comforts us during this crisis time. This led to more bonding between the members of the family. Working parents like us have given more time to be with our daughters. Every day seems to be special because we eat together and celebrate every moment of our life. Unlike before wherein there is just a limited time for us to be with.

Third, I realize that my life in school as a teacher will change. I almost spent half of my life doing my profession at school but when the pandemic strikes, we work from home. It is still our own home which is the best and most comfortable place in all. Instead of teaching children at school, we distributed modules and then supervise and monitor them through open communication with their parents. I realize the importance of technology just to continue the education of the children.

I realize that school will be different after the pandemic. This is due to the changing views and perceptions about the role in the education process. Parents will have a better understanding of their role and impact on the learning development and academic achievement of their children. They will have a greater appreciation and value for us for all the hardship that we’ve been through just to give quality education to their children.

Lastly, I realized that life is a lesson. We learn every day and we will continue learning every day. Everything doesn’t have to be perfect in life for us to be happy. We should appreciate ourselves and everything around us.  We just have to be grateful.

Parent's Involvement in the Modular Distance Learning



Calumala Elementary School

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented crisis in all areas. In the field of education, this crisis has led to the massive closure of face-to-face activities of all schools in our country to prevent the spread of the virus and mitigate its impact.

In this scenario, the teaching-learning process that often takes place at the school change of a sudden.  In order to continue the education of the learners, the department opted for the learners to choose different modes of learning. The choices include modular (printed or digitized), online learning, radio and television-based instruction, or a combination of these (blended learning). 

Due to the pandemic, most of our parents or guardians of our learners chose modular distance learning as an alternative learning delivery modality.  In this mode of learning delivery modality, learning takes place without physical interaction between us and the learners. This led to in need for the parent’s involvement in the teaching-learning process.

Before we started to implement modular distance learning, we had a meeting with our parents. We knew that they will play a big role in this kind of learning delivery. We explained first the scenario that we had been experiencing that’s why we came up with this kind of learning set-up. Second, we ask for their massive involvement in the teaching-learning process of their children. Third, we taught them the different ways on how they can teach their children. Lastly, we thank them in advance for their cooperation and participation.

In this new normal, the parents or the guardian of the learners play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning mostly on the beginning learner. It is essential for parents to facilitate the learning that happens in the preschool setting at home. They will then exert more time and effort in teaching their beginner child how to write and read. In the higher grade, the parents should explain well the context of the module to their children. The learning of their child will now depend on the hands of their parent. On the other hand, we, the teachers, will provide the module and reading materials for the learners. The best thing that we can do in return is to monitor the development of the learner into their parent or guardian. At the same time, we should let them feel valuable, acknowledge their involvement and we should always keep in touch with them.

Parent involvement motivates children to learn, leading to higher grades. The level of involvement is crucial in producing a high impact on the student's performance. The higher the degree of parental involvement, the higher the impact on the child's academic achievement.

Remember, home is the eternal school of life. Our children learn best when significant adults in their lives – parents, teachers and other family and community members work together to encourage and support them. So we should work in harmony with the parents for the benefit of the learners.

Retrospect Batang Batangueno



Calumala Elementary School

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values and your values become your destiny.” - this famous philosophy shared by Mahatma Gandhi signifies how important values education are most especially in this time of the pandemic. We have experienced traumas caused by the eruption of Mt. Taal and felt excessive fear brought by the pandemic but it’s our moral and values that makes us strong.

In line with this, Project Retrospect Batang Batangueno (RBB) is implemented in the province of Batangas under the Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao Curriculum. This project contains values strengthened in the curriculum guides and MELCs from Kindergarten to Grade 12.

As a teacher, I always emphasize to my pupils the importance of Project RBB. I always told them not to disregard or take it for granted. Each quarter, we gave a task or challenge every week to our learners. This task or challenge are included in our Weekly Home Learning Plan as their additional assignment in ESP. Their evidence can be expressed in writing or visual outputs or any way suitable for the task. It can be a journal, a reflection, a picture, a video, a slogan, a poster, a drawing or a testimony from parents or family members. All of this evidence can also be seen on the school’s Facebook RBB page and the school ESPmatic capsule.

At the end of every quarter, we compile the outputs of our learner. We then monitored the changes that happened towards our learners. On the other hand, we, teachers, also compile our Weekly Home Learning Plan with RBB task and challenges, ESP learning activities and ESP slides in ESPmatic capsule. In this learning hub, the flow of school RBB activities can be easily monitored by Dr. Basilan, our Education Program supervisor in ESP.

At the end of the school year, our school holds Dangal ESP activity to give recognition to learners with the biggest breakthrough in their learning environment behavior, domestic or family relationship, attitude and values. These learners can be awarded with the title: ESP Golden Batang Malaya for Kindergarten to Grade-III and ESP Golden Batang Mapagmahal to Grade IV-VI. Teachers and ESP Golden Student Award. Teachers, on the other hand, are given rewards too such as ESP Best Classroom Teacher, ESP Best Research-Based Innovation, ESP Community-Oriented Teacher and ESP Golden Teacher.

Project Retrospect Batang Batangueno (RBB) is indeed one of the best activity in DepEd because it encourages teachers and students to be more proactive and participative in the EsP teaching and learning.




Calumala Elementary School

The Department of Education issued DepEd Memorandum No.95 Series of 2018 on May 29, 2018, to sustain the implementation of Gulayan sa Paaralan Program in all public elementary and secondary schools nationwide. The department aims to address students’ malnutrition and promote vegetable production and consumption among school children. 

Gulayan sa Paaralan Program is an activity that aims to promote proper nutrition and mitigate hunger among learners. Every school is engaged to establish school gardens to ensure the continuous supply of vegetables for the School-Based Feeding Program, and other feeding programs even in the new normal.

Calumala Elementary School support and implement this program through the leadership of Mrs. Donna Rose V. Buño, School EPP/Gulayan sa Paaralan Coordinator, with the guidance, support, and supervision of Mrs, Nenita A. Alday, our school head, and assistance of EPP Teachers and with the passionate learners and supportive parents. Through them, said the program was implemented successfully.

To strengthen the Gulayan sa Paaralan in this pandemic, we encouraged our students and parents to establish their vegetable gardens at home. This program is so called Gulayan sa Tahanan Program. This program is participated in and supported as well by our barangay health workers and barangay councilors headed by our barangay captain. Hon. Ricky M. Bancoro. They distributed vegetable seedlings to each family from the Municipal Agrarian Office.

The learners and parents are very eager in doing this activity. They grow a different variety of vegetables such as pechay, okra, eggplant, string beans, and malunggay. They also planted root crops such as camote and gabi. This became their source of food for their family. At the same time, it gave an additional income to their family. It also serves as a hobby for our young learners. Instead of using gadgets, they use their free time in cultivating their garden. It helps them to avoid stress and anxiety during the pandemic. In general, it makes their body and minds healthy and strong.

Despite the pandemic, the learners, parents, and the whole community do their best in implementing this program. They followed the proper social distancing and other health protocols while doing this activity. Gulayan sa Paaralan at Tahanan Program must continue even during and after the time of the pandemic because it was very beneficial not only to the families of our learners but also to the whole community. 

The New Normal Education



Calumala Elementary School

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to the massive closure of face-to-face activities of all schools in our country to prevent the spread of the virus and mitigate its impact. Our way of living changed of a sudden. Our way of teaching and learning changes too. We are all covered with fears to go outside because of the threat we get infected with the virus.

Through the initiative of the Department of Education (DepEd) to continue the education of the learners amidst the pandemic, the department adapts the new normal education. This brought the different learning modalities such as modular (printed or digitized), online learning, radio and television-based instruction, or a combination of these (blended learning). 

In the new normal education, the teaching-learning process that usually takes place in the school takes place now at the home of the learners. The parents or the guardians became the teachers of the learners. We, teachers, on the other hand, still do our best to monitor and supervise our learners through frequent and open communication with the learner’s parent or guardian. We also provide the modules and reading materials for the learners who chose to have modular distance learning.

Technology plays a big role in the new normal education. Lessons can be learned through television, radio and the internet. Classes became online during this time of the pandemic. Those learners with an available internet connection attended a class through Google Classroom. Teachers communicate with the learners, parents and guardians through Online Kumustahan using Google Meet or Google Teams.

We can change the fact that learning really takes place through face-to-face classes but we need to adapt to this new normal system. We encountered different challenges and struggle in this new system of education but through our effort and the unending support of our parents, we will overcome them. The time will come when everything will be back to normal. We just need to prioritize first our safety.


Uplifting Reading Literacy



Calumala Elementary School

Reading is necessary for learning, so instilling a love of reading at an early age is the key that unlocks the door to lifelong learning.  This signifies the importance of teaching a child how to read at an early age. Once the children read or frequently read, the children continue learning and preserve the skills learned. 

To address reading illiteracy among children, the Department of Education (DepEd) initiated the Brigada Pagbasa Programme which is part of the activities of Brigada Eskwela. This program aims to help students who are struggling to read. It is an after-school reading remediation program in response to Bawat Bata Bumabasa (3Bs Initiatives; tutorial outside the regular curriculum; and an after-school reading program that will help our children cope with the day-to-day lesson.

In our school, we initiated this program through the effort and collaboration of our school head, teachers, parents, and learners. Just like the Brigada Eskwela Program, it requires the spirit of volunteerism. We ask for some Brigada volunteers to our school through posting to our School FB page and direct communication with the people in our barangay. Instead of volunteering to clean, they will volunteer their time to the children on how to read.

We call on volunteer readers, tutors, book donors, and supporters. Volunteer readers are those volunteers who will teach the learners from Kinder to Grade-VI to read with comprehension. A volunteer tutor will be the one who will teach our Kinder and Grade – I learners as well as the struggling readers on how to read. We accept book donations from our volunteer book donors. Volunteer supporters may donate food, teaching materials, or cash for the volunteer reader, or tutor as a book donor.

According to Robert John Meehan, "It shouldn't matter how slowly a child learns as long as we are encouraging them not to stop". That’s why we don’t stop encouraging our struggling learners to read more often. We are very thankful in the unending support and willingness of our existing Brigada Pagbasa volunteers in helping us in this program. We do believe that together we will achieve success. We will make sure that no learners will be left behind.

Learning Analytics and Data Mining for Education: Exploring the Intersection of AI and Education



Calumala Elementary School

Learning analytics and educational data mining have emerged as powerful tools for transforming education by providing valuable insights into student progress and enabling data-driven decision-making. With the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence and its pervasive influence across diverse industries, it is crucial to examine the cutting-edge applications of AI in education. This article seeks to clarify the most advanced uses of AI in education, separate fact from fiction, and highlight potential areas for further study and their practical implementations.

Data mining and analytics techniques have begun to permeate educational experiments, offering policymakers and administrators valuable insights into how these technologies enhance education. One significant area of focus is the development of new tools that enable the discovery of learning patterns. By analyzing vast amounts of data, educators can thoroughly understand the microconcepts involved in learning, including single-digit multiplication or subtraction. This granular understanding allows for targeted interventions and personalized learning experiences tailored to individual student needs.

In addition, learning analytics focuses on using tools and approaches at bigger sizes, such as in courses, schools, and postsecondary institutions, instead of data mining. Analytics enable educators to gain actionable insights into student progress, performance, and engagement, leading to more informed decision-making. For example, analytics can identify when a student has trouble in an online course and trigger fast interventions to ensure course correction. Moreover, analytics hold promise in detecting patterns of boredom or disengagement, redirecting students' attention, and fostering a more engaging learning experience.

Furthermore, the potential of real-time adaptations in education must be considered. Through analytics and AI, educators can dynamically adjust instructional approaches based on real-time data and feedback. For instance, by analyzing patterns of student interactions and performance, educators can provide immediate personalized feedback or recommend adaptive learning resources. This continuous feedback loop, operating at different time scales, empowers educators to support students' immediate needs, enhance teaching strategies, and drive overall educational improvement.

Ethical considerations and student privacy also play a crucial role in the responsible application of learning analytics and data mining. Educators and administrators must adhere to ethical guidelines and ensure student data is handled securely and with the utmost privacy. The use of data should always be aligned with valid research standards and transparent policies to build trust among students, parents, and the broader educational community.

The intersection of AI, data mining, and learning analytics presents a promising opportunity to advance education and improve learning outcomes. By harnessing the full potential of AI, educators can gain valuable insights into student progress, customize instructional approaches, and make data-driven decisions. However, to fully realize the benefits of these technologies, challenges related to cost, data interoperability, privacy, and ethics must be addressed. With careful navigation of these complexities, educators can leverage AI and analytics to revolutionize education, foster student success, and create a more engaging and effective learning environment.



Coordinator, Gender and Development

Cebu Technological University – Bantayan Extension Campus

Ikaw, naay imuha panahon

Sa uban ayaw pangilog intawun

Ikaw, adunay buhaton

Sa uban, ayaw kasuya intawun


Aduna kay imong kaugalingung hulagway

Sa uban, ayaw panaway sa kanunay

Ikaw, adunay gasa man usab diay

Busa, sa talinto sa uban, ikaw usab maglipay


Sa kinabuhi, di ma imo ang tanan

Busa, pagkat-on sa pagbahin sa uban

Ang kahakog imong likayan

Kay ang kinabuhi adunay katapusan


Ayaw lasuya sa nakab ut sa uban

Ayaw paglaraw kanilag dautan

Kay adunay bayad sa katapusan

Kinabuhi, kalag ug hunahuna mo, ampingan


Kaugalingun mo man, imo limpyuhan

Mga bakak, panlimbung ug mga planong dautan

Mugawas kini ug mahibaw-an , bisan pag imong tabunan

Guilty? Defensive? Ikaw mas mailhan ug masakpan


Pwedi matago mo ang imong kasuya sa uban

Pwedi sa tan-aw sa mga tawo ikaw buutan


Plastik ka, ang imong kaugalingun niini, naayud man

Ayaw kasuya, hinumdumi, di ma imo ang tanan.


Dawata nga sa imoha may makalabaw

Kasuya, kasina, pagpanaot pugngi bisan pahapyaw

Ayaw pagbuhat ug makadaot sa isigkatawo

Kasuya, kasina, dautang hunahuna, makapukan sa tawo.

A Computer Engineer, A Teacher

Chona R. Dagatan
Chairman, Computer Engineering Department

Cebu Technological University-Danao Campus

Teaching computer engineering is a gratifying and intellectually stimulating profession that offers a unique blend of technical expertise, creativity, and the opportunity to shape the future of technology. As a computer engineering teacher, I am entrusted with the responsibility of imparting knowledge, fostering innovation, and preparing the next generation of problem solvers. This essay delves into the multifaceted aspects of life as a computer engineering teacher, highlighting the challenges, rewards, and the immense impact one can have on both students and society.

As a computer engineering teacher, it is crucial to stay abreast of the ever-evolving technological landscape. Continuous learning and professional development are paramount to provide students with the most relevant and up-to-date knowledge. Engaging in research, attending conferences, and collaborating with industry professionals are all essential to broaden one's own expertise. By staying current with emerging technologies, I can inspire students and instill in them a passion for lifelong learning.

Computer engineering is a field that demands exceptional problem-solving abilities. As a teacher, I aim to nurture these skills in my students. By creating an environment that encourages critical thinking, logical reasoning, and analytical prowess, I empower my students to approach complex challenges with confidence. This involves designing hands-on projects, engaging in real-world problem-solving scenarios, and guiding students through the iterative process of software and hardware development.

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a computer engineering teacher is fostering creativity and innovation. Encouraging students to think outside the box, explore novel solutions, and push the boundaries of what is possible can lead to groundbreaking discoveries. By providing a supportive and collaborative atmosphere, I inspire my students to develop their own unique ideas and transform them into tangible projects. Witnessing their creativity flourish is a constant source of inspiration and motivation.

As a computer engineering teacher, I have the privilege of being a mentor and guide for my students. Beyond teaching technical concepts, I also strive to instill valuable life skills such as teamwork, effective communication, and adaptability. Nurturing a supportive and inclusive classroom environment allows students to develop their confidence and social skills. Seeing my students grow not only as engineers but also as well-rounded individuals is immensely fulfilling.

Computer engineering teachers play a crucial role in shaping the future of technology and its impact on society. By equipping students with the skills and knowledge they need to tackle global challenges, such as sustainability, healthcare, and communication, we are helping to build a better world. The innovations and breakthroughs made by our students can revolutionize industries, improve lives, and address pressing issues faced by humanity.

In conclusion, being a computer engineering teacher offers an exciting and rewarding career path that combines technical expertise, creativity, and the opportunity to inspire the next generation of engineers. By acquiring and sharing technical knowledge, cultivating problem-solving skills, fostering creativity and innovation, mentoring students, and making a positive impact on society, computer engineering teachers play a vital role in shaping the future of technology. The ability to witness the growth and achievements of students is both humbling and immensely gratifying, making this profession an extraordinary journey of intellectual stimulation and fulfillment.


EdD, MEdALS, MAEcon, Assistant Professor II,

College of Applied Economics, College of Education,

University of Southeastern Philippines



This review reexamines "The Seven Laws of Teaching," a seminal text in educational theory, to establish its ideas' ongoing relevance in current pedagogy, underlining their significance in building effective and impactful teaching practices. In the words of Brad Henry (2011), "a good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning." Thus, a successful teacher, as a truism, goes beyond delivering knowledge; they have the capacity to engage and encourage students, pique their interest and inventiveness, and foster a real love of learning.


Foundational Concepts


Education is defined by the ongoing development of new educational techniques and teaching methodologies. Despite these constant changes, a few core teaching principles have stood the test of time, providing educators with long-term direction in their instructional initiatives. Dr. John Milton Gregory's "The 7 Laws of Teaching," is one such set of concepts. These norms had a considerable impact on the growth of educational practices throughout the last century, determining how teachers approach their role in the classroom. Examining scholarly and practical recommendations from the previous century is critical for appreciating their historical significance and determining their relevance in present education. Dr. Gregory, a well-known author and professor, published his own treatise on education in 1884, at a time when education was undergoing tremendous changes as a result of industrialization, urbanization, and advances in communication and transportation. With the expansion of compulsory education, standardized teaching methods became increasingly important in a variety of classroom situations. By diligently examining these ideas, we can get insights into how to effectively implement them and connect teaching approaches with the ever changing demands of modern education.


Value of Purpose


Gregory's laws arose in response to these obstacles, with the goal of providing educators with a methodical framework to guide them in their pursuit of effective teaching. The rule highlighted the need of student-centered practices, as well as clear communication and structure in the classroom. His views were widely embraced as educational institutions proliferated and the teaching profession gained recognition, influencing instructional strategies and teacher training programs. These teaching principles, in particular, seek to provide educators with a structured framework for improving teaching techniques. They direct instructional planning, increase student engagement, boost teacher effectiveness, encourage differentiated instruction, stimulate critical thinking, enable continuous improvement, and promote lifelong learning. Educators that follow these principles provide effective and tailored learning experiences for their students, empowering them to become engaged and lifelong learners. Anne Sullivan, famously known as "The Miracle Worker," was a dedicated teacher who taught and guided Helen Keller, a deaf and blind child, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as an illustration of Gregory's concepts' continuing impact. Sullivan's extraordinary success in transmitting knowledge and creating discipline in Helen Keller's life can be credited in part to her commitment to the seven pedagogical principles.


The 7 Laws of Teaching: At A Glance


The Law of the Teacher. The first law highlights the teacher's role in the learning process. Dr. Gregory claimed that effective teaching required subject matter competence, a thorough grasp of students' needs, and a desire to share information. This idea is supported by recent research, which shows a favorable relationship between teacher competence and student accomplishment (Chetty et al., 2014). A dedicated teacher is continuously looking for methods to improve her teaching abilities. She takes workshops, reads education books, conducts researches, and learns new teaching strategies in order to become a better teacher. As a result, her students are more interested in class and do better academically. Furthermore, the ability of the teacher to form strong relationships with pupils promotes a pleasant learning environment, increasing engagement and motivation (Hamre & Pianta, 2001). As a result, the first law persists.


The Law of the Learner. The second law emphasizes tailoring instruction to suit the needs and interests of individual learners. Today, the concept of differentiated instruction aligns with this principle, recognizing that students possess diverse learning styles, abilities, and backgrounds (Tomlinson, 2014). There are student who understands that learning is his responsibility. He pays attention in class, asks questions, and takes the time to study at home. As a result, he improves his grades and gains a deeper understanding of the subjects he learns. However, teachers should not take this example as true to all. Classroom is made up of students with unique abilities and interests. By accommodating these differences, educators can optimize learning experiences for all students and create a more inclusive classroom environment.


The Law of the Language. The third law highlights the significance of clear and appropriate language in effective teaching. Teachers must communicate ideas in a manner that students can comprehend, ensuring that complex concepts are broken down into accessible language. This principle aligns with modern ideas of "teacher clarity," which refers to the teacher's ability to communicate content in a straightforward and coherent manner (Hattie, 2009). Research shows that teacher clarity has a significant positive impact on student achievement and engagement. Indeed, a teacher who embraces the law of the language use clear and concise language, in contextualize, indigenize manner. She breaks down complex topics like cellular respiration with relatable examples and visuals. Encouraging class participation, she creates an inclusive environment where students feel comfortable seeking clarification. As a result, her students show significant improvements in understanding and engagement, reflecting the positive impact of effective language usage in teaching.


The Law of the Lesson. The fourth law emphasizes the importance of organizing lessons logically and progressively. This principle aligns with contemporary pedagogical practices, such as the "gradual release of responsibility" model (Pearson & Gallagher, 1983). According to this model, teachers initially model tasks for students, and then guide them through collaborative efforts before allowing independent practice. This gradual approach enables students to build knowledge incrementally and gain confidence in their learning abilities. A teacher follows the Law of the Lesson if he plans and organizes his classes carefully, using engaging activities and materials tailored to his students' needs. By checking for understanding and providing feedback, he ensures that his students learn effectively and develop a deeper appreciation of the subject matter.


The Law of the Teaching Process. The fifth law highlights the dynamic nature of the teaching process, emphasizing that instruction should be a continuous cycle of assessment, feedback, and refinement. For instance, a teacher follows the Law of the teaching process in Math class when introducing, for example, a lesson about multiplication she prepares a clear lesson plan with visual aids. She presents the concept step by step, lets students practice with hands-on activities, and provides feedback. Finally, she reviews the key points to solidify their understanding. This systematic approach helps her students grasp multiplication effectively. Modern educational theories, such as formative assessment and growth mindset (Dweck, 2006), resonate with this principle. Regularly assessing student progress allows educators to identify strengths and areas for improvement, adapting their teaching strategies accordingly.


The Law of the Learning Process. A science teacher, when teaching lesson about momentum, he engages students actively by using demonstrations and real-life scenarios. He encourages discussions and group work, where students predict outcomes and conduct experiments. This interactive approach helps students understand the concept deeply and fosters a love for science. This illustration falls on the sixth law of teaching - The Law of the Learning Process. This law acknowledges that learning is an active process rather than a passive reception of information. Dr. Gregory recognized the significance of engaging students' minds and encouraging them to think critically. Contemporary educational frameworks, such as constructivism (Piaget, 1950) and inquiry-based learning, endorse active learning approaches that promote deeper understanding and retention of knowledge.


The Law of Review and Application. The final law stresses the necessity of regular review and application of learned material. This principle aligns with the concept of spaced repetition, where learners revisit information at intervals to enhance long-term retention (Cepeda et al., 2008). As an example on how this law applies, Ms. Maria Clara, an English teacher regularly reviews grammar rules and assigns practice exercises in her classes. She encourages students to apply their language skills in creative writing projects and real-life contexts. By doing so, her students become proficient in language arts and gain confidence in using their language skills effectively. Moreover, encouraging students to apply their knowledge in real-world contexts enhances their understanding and prepares them for practical challenges.


The Digital World's Challenge


The digital world's challenge has a profound impact on the seven laws of teaching as a pedagogical framework. The importance of these concepts will never be diminished or devalued as time unfolds. It emphasizes key concepts that have been tested and demonstrated to be effective in the classroom, such as the laws of preparation, presentation, application, review, interest, attention, and discipline. The wealth of information available through technology in the digital era can both help and hinder these laws. On the one hand, teachers now have unparalleled access to a wide range of instructional resources, allowing them to prepare and convey content more effectively. The quantity of information, however, has the potential to overwhelm learners, resulting in shorter attention spans and trouble retaining interest. Furthermore, the simplicity with which information can be obtained reduces its value.


To address these issues, educators must strike a balance between using digital tools to improve teaching and ensuring that students gain fundamental skills such as critical thinking, analysis, and problem solving. Technology can be used to create interactive and engaging learning experiences that captivate the interest of students while adhering to this teaching guidelines Furthermore, teachers must be cautious when imparting digital literacy as well as becoming accountable consumption of information, providing students with the skills to identify trustworthy sources and validate information. Underscoring active learning, encouraging discussion and peer collaboration, and incorporating periodic reviews into the digital learning environment can help mitigate the digital world's challenges vis-a-vis the seven laws of teaching, fostering a more comprehensive and effective educational experience for both learning facilitators and students.







The 7 Laws of Teaching, over a century ago, remain relevant and insightful in contemporary education. As we revisit these principles, may we find that they align with modern researches and pedagogical practices of the 21st century generation. Emphasizing the importance of the teacher, the learner, and the teaching process, these laws provide a solid foundation for effective educational practices then, now and in the future. By embracing these principles and integrating them into the ever-evolving educational landscape, educators can enrich their teaching and inspire students to become lifelong learners.






Cepeda, N. J., Pashler, H., Vul, E., Wixted, J. T., & Rohrer, D. (2006). Distributed

Practice in verbal recall tasks: A review and quantitative synthesis. Psychological Bulletin, 132(3), 354-380.


Chetty, R., Friedman, J. N., & Rockoff, J. E. (2014). Measuring the impacts of teachers

II: Teacher value-added and student outcomes in adulthood. American Economic Review, 104(9), 2633-2679.


Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human

Behavior. Plenum Press.


Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. Random House.


Hamre, B. K., & Pianta, R. C. (2001). Early teacher-child relationships and the trajectory

of children's school outcomes through eighth grade. Child Development, 72(2), 625-638.


Hattie, J. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to

achievement. Routledge.


Krathwohl, D. R., Bloom, B. S., & Masia, B. B. (1964). Taxonomy of Educational

Objectives: Handbook II: Affective Domain. David McKay Co Inc.


Pearson, P. D., & Gallagher, M. C. (1983). The instruction of reading comprehension.

Contemporary Educational Psychology, 8(3), 317-344.


Piaget, J. (1950). The psychology of intelligence. Routledge & Kegan Paul.


Tomlinson, C. A. (2001). How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms. ASCD.


Tomlinson, C. A. (2014). The differentiated classroom: Responding to the needs of all

learners. ASCD.


Wood, D., Bruner, J. S., & Ross, G. (1976). The Role of Tutoring in Problem Solving.

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 17(2), 89-100.Top of Form



The Challenges of Industrial Technology: Navigating Progress in the Modern Age

Citadel B. Punzal

Instructor, College of Industrial Technology

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Industrial technology has transformed economies, production, and living standards. From the steam engine to the IoT, each technological breakthrough has changed the world. Industrial technology has brought many benefits but also many issues that demand careful study and aggressive responses. Industrial technology has many hurdles, and this essay will discuss how to overcome them.

Industrial technology threatens jobs. Automation and AI could eliminate jobs in numerous areas. As machines get smarter, this trend will worsen, threatening livelihoods and increasing economic inequality. Governments, organizations, and societies must fund retraining and reskilling initiatives to fix this. Empowering workers with the ability to adapt to a changing labor market will reduce job displacement and foster a competitive workforce in the digital age.

Industrial Technology faces data privacy and security issues. Data privacy and security become more important as industrial equipment becomes more linked and data-dependent. Privacy breaches, identity theft, and cyberattacks are risks associated with massive data collection and use. Companies, governments, and individuals must protect data. Addressing this dilemma requires strict data protection rules, cybersecurity best practices, and data privacy awareness. Secure and sustainable industrial technology requires consumer trust and ethical technology use.

Sustainability and environmental impact follow. Industrial technology has advanced but has harmed the environment. Technology adoption increases energy use, electronic waste, and carbon emissions. Sustainability must drive industrial technology advancement as climate change looms. Industries must invest in green technologies and practice eco-friendliness to address this difficulty. Governments can promote sustainability and enforce environmental laws. Promoting responsible consumption and waste reduction among consumers can also help preserve the industrial technology ecosystem.

Industrial technology faces technological dependence and single points of failure. Technological reliance increases as industrial technology provides crucial services. A cyberattack or system failure can impact companies and economies. Critical system diversification and redundancy reduce technological dependence concerns. Research and innovation to produce more robust technologies and worldwide cybersecurity cooperation can help prevent disruptions.

Ethics and human autonomy are other issues. Autonomous vehicles and AI-driven decision-making systems create ethical concerns. As these technologies become more pervasive, issues about human agency, accountability, and computational biases arise. Stakeholders should discuss ethical issues openly and set ethical standards for technological development and implementation. AI and other technologies must enhance human skills without undermining human rights and ideals.

In conclusion, industrial technology has revolutionized human progress. This technological innovation has many advantages, but it also has many drawbacks. Job reskilling, data privacy, environmental sustainability, technological resilience, and ethics can help societies utilize industrial technology's potential while minimizing its risks. To ensure that technology improves humanity, governments, industries, and individuals must work together.

Industrial Technology: Revolutionizing the World of Manufacturing

Citadel B. Punzal

Instructor, College of Industrial Technology

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Industrial technology has shaped civilizations and economies everywhere. Manufacturing technology includes several evolving technologies and processes. Its main goal is to boost manufacturing production, efficiency, and operations. Industrial technology, from the steam engine in the 18th century to advanced automation and artificial intelligence, has enabled astonishing advances. This article examines industrial technology's impact on manufacturing and future improvements.

During the Industrial Revolution, industrial technology emerged. The steam engine and mechanized looms changed manufacturing, increasing production and economic growth. Electricity and assembly lines changed industries throughout the second industrial revolution. These changes transformed several industries.

Computers again revolutionized industrial processes in the second half of the 20th century. CAD and CAM have enabled careful planning and automated production, reducing errors and increasing productivity. Robotics and automation have made repetitive manufacturing jobs faster and more accurate.

Industrial technology has impacted society. Industrial technology has greatly improved manufacturing operations. Automated production reduces downtime and boosts productivity. Industry profits rise and costs fall.

3D printing and CNC equipment have revolutionized precise manufacturing. This produces high-quality, consistent products. Customer satisfaction and brand reputation have increased.

Industrial technology has optimized supply chain management, allowing real-time monitoring of raw materials and completed commodities. Just-in-time manufacturing and logistics reduce inventory costs and ensure product availability.
Automation has improved safety in high-risk workplaces. Automation of dangerous activities allows workers to focus on more complex and inventive production duties, reducing accidents and injuries.

Industrial technology benefits our future. Industrial technology is expected to be shaped by many emerging developments. IoT is an emerging technology. IoT devices offer real-time data collection and processing. Predictive maintenance improves equipment efficiency with this functionality. AI is another advanced technology. It improves production, predicts demand, and manages the supply chain, enabling informed decision-making and resource allocation. Advanced Robotics is another subject. Collaborative robots, or cobots, are expected to increase productivity by working with humans in a secure and adaptable manner. Additive Manufacturing is another possibility. 3D printing will continue to improve design, production, and material efficiency.

Industrial technology has advanced production and changed sectors and societies over time. From the steam engine to AI-driven robotics, there has been a constant push to push limitations. Despite limitations, there is a huge opportunity for innovation and advancement. To maximize its benefits and minimize its downsides, society must prioritize responsible implementation and sustainability as industrial technology advances.

The Food Technology Industry: Revolutionizing the Way We Eat

Nhorlyn Rose S. Esplana

Instructor, College of Industrial Technology

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The food technology sector has significantly transformed the global culinary domain, reshaping the methods by which food is manufactured, processed, and consumed. With the increasing global population and the growing significance of environmental issues, this sector has emerged to tackle the challenges and explore potential opportunities. The food technology industry has significantly transformed the methods employed in the processing and preservation of food, resulting in the elongation of its suitability for consumption and the mitigation of food waste. Advanced processing methods, such as high-pressure processing (HPP) and cold plasma treatment, effectively preserve the freshness and nutritional integrity of food products, eliminating the need for excessive thermal treatment or chemical substances.

The field of consumer behavior in relation to food has undergone a significant transformation, prompting a swift response from the food technology sector. The increasing consumer demand for plant-based alternatives, clean labels, and sustainably sourced ingredients has led to the emergence of various products that cater to various dietary requirements. The emergence of various products like plant-based meat substitutes, dairy-free substitutes, and gluten-free options shows that food technology is having a significant impact on the future of the food market.

Cellular agriculture is a captivating advancement within the realm of food technology, focusing on the generation of food products such as meat, dairy, and eggs via cellular cultivation. This field holds promise for mitigating the environmental consequences associated with food production by virtue of its resource efficiency, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and elimination of animal slaughter. As the field of research and development advances in this domain, it is anticipated that it will emerge as a significant contributor to the realm of sustainable and ethical food production.

The food technology sector plays a crucial role in tackling pressing global issues such as ensuring food security and promoting environmental sustainability. Through the implementation of strategies aimed at improving agricultural efficiency, mitigating food waste, and advocating for responsible sourcing practices, the industry plays a pivotal role in bolstering the resilience and security of the food supply chain. Advancements in alternative protein sources and sustainable agricultural practices provide us with the means to effectively tackle the escalating needs of a burgeoning population while simultaneously reducing our environmental impact.

In summary, the food technology sector serves as a pioneering entity within contemporary society, fundamentally transforming the methods by which we generate, handle, and partake in food. The ongoing progress in precision farming, food processing, and alternative protein sources holds the promise of revolutionizing the global food system, rendering it more sustainable, efficient, and ethically sound. As the food technology industry continues to evolve, it will play a crucial role in fostering a more sustainable and promising future for both food production and the collective well-being of humanity.

Enhancing Culinary Innovation: The Food Technology Course in the Philippines

Nhorlyn Rose S. Esplana

Instructor, College of Industrial Technology

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The Philippines has a rich culinary heritage with a diverse range of flavors and traditions. To preserve and enhance this heritage while catering to contemporary needs, the country has adopted food technology programs. These courses provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to innovate, develop, and ensure the quality, safety, and sustainability of food products.

The food technology field in the Philippines has its roots in the early 20th century, coinciding with the global development of food science and technology. The growing demand for processed and preserved foods necessitated the recognition of the crucial role scientific knowledge and research play in guaranteeing the safety and quality of food products. The Philippines has adopted this emerging discipline to enhance its food production capabilities and promote advancements in the culinary field.

Food technology courses in the Philippines offer an extensive curriculum that covers various topics within food science and technology, including food chemistry, food microbiology, food processing, food engineering, food analysis, food safety, and quality assurance. Students also acquire knowledge in nutrition, sensory evaluation, and food regulations.

The food technology course has made a substantial contribution to the advancement and progress of the culinary industry in the Philippines. Individuals with specialized knowledge in food technology possess a distinctive combination of imaginative thinking and scientific understanding, enabling them to develop inventive culinary creations that cater to both domestic and global consumers. The comprehension of food preservation and packaging methods has resulted in the emergence of shelf-stable Filipino delicacies, enhancing their availability and accessibility to a wider range of consumers.

Ensuring the safety and quality of food products is a pivotal component within the field of food technology. Successful completion of food technology programs enables individuals to identify potential food hazards, implement food safety protocols, and adhere to rigorous quality control measures. This proficiency not only confers advantages to consumers but also enhances the standing of Filipino food products in the international market.

Food technology courses in the Philippines emphasize the adoption of environmentally friendly practices and efficient resource management, focusing on food waste reduction, sustainable packaging alternatives, and environmentally responsible food production techniques. Food technologists play a significant role in advancing the nation's pursuit of a more environmentally sustainable and resilient food system through the promotion and implementation of sustainable practices.

In conclusion, the food technology program in the Philippines serves as a symbol of optimism in the efforts to safeguard and enhance the nation's gastronomic legacy. By integrating scientific knowledge and culinary expertise, food technologists drive innovation, uphold food safety standards, and advocate for sustainable practices. The Philippines' ongoing development within the global culinary sphere is exemplified by the presence of food technology courses, showcasing the country's dedication to achieving culinary superiority and fostering a more sustainable future.



Joevenson I. Lacanilao

Instructor, College of Industrial Technology

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The automotive industry holds significant importance in the economic advancement of nations. The automotive industry in the Philippines has experienced substantial expansion and metamorphosis in recent times. The automotive industry in the Philippines has undergone significant transformation, transitioning from a consumer market to a thriving manufacturing hub. This essay explores the historical development, current obstacles, and future prospects of the automotive industry in the Philippines.

The automotive industry in the Philippines boasts a significant historical background that can be traced back to the initial decades of the 20th century. The initial automobiles were imported, predominantly catering to the transportation requirements of the privileged class. As the middle class gradually expanded, there emerged an escalating need for cost-effective transportation alternatives, resulting in a heightened influx of foreign automotive brands. The automotive sector in the Philippines witnessed substantial expansion in the early 2000s, propelled by the burgeoning economy and rising levels of disposable income among the populace. The increase in demand for vehicles led to a significant rise in investments from both international and domestic manufacturers in the country.

Additionally, the policies and incentives implemented by the Philippine government with the objective of attracting foreign investments have played a crucial role in the country's transformation into a prominent automotive manufacturing hub within the Southeast Asian region. Numerous esteemed automotive manufacturers have established production facilities, thereby facilitated job creation and facilitated the transfer of technological knowledge.

Despite expansion, the Philippine automotive sector faces many problems. The nation's poor infrastructure causes traffic congestion and road safety issues. These issues must be addressed to create a safe and efficient transportation system. Cars are also out of reach for many Filipinos due to high taxes and import levies. Revenue generation and automobile affordability and accessibility must be balanced by the government.

The automotive industry is confronted with challenges that are influenced by environmental concerns. Given the prevailing global emphasis on sustainable practices, it is imperative for the Philippines to undertake a transition towards environmentally friendly technologies and actively encourage the widespread adoption of electric and hybrid vehicles.

Despite the challenges, the Philippine automobile sector, particularly EVs, displays promise. Electric vehicle creators and investors can benefit from the nation's commitment to sustainable development and carbon reduction. The Philippines has several natural resources, including nickel, which is essential to electric vehicle (EV) batteries. These resources might make the country a major electric vehicle player.

The Philippines can use regional collaboration to boost its car industry as an ASEAN member. Research and development collaboration, automobile standard alignment, and a regional market could expand economic growth. In conclusion, the Philippines' automobile sector has grown from a consumer market to a Southeast Asian manufacturing hub. Despite infrastructure constraints and high costs, the industry has great promise, especially in electric vehicles and green technologies. Regional collaboration, research and development funding, and proactive problem-solving can help the Philippines' automobile industry grow in a sustainable way.


Revving Up the Automotive Course in the Philippines

Joevenson I. Lacanilao

Instructor, College of Industrial Technology

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The automotive sector in the Philippines plays a crucial role in a nation's economic progress by generating job prospects and fostering technological innovation. The automotive course in the Philippines is essential for providing students with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively address the various requirements of the automotive industry, which encompasses various activities such as vehicle manufacturing, repair and maintenance, sales, and services. The course serves as a catalyst for fostering innovation and modernization within the country.

Automotive courses in the Philippines are predominantly provided by technical and vocational institutions, along with select universities and colleges. These courses cover a diverse array of subjects, such as automotive technology, engineering, electronics, and automotive management, aiming to equip graduates with a comprehensive skill set that adequately prepares them for professional employment. However, the current condition of automotive courses in the Philippines faces several challenges, including the need for contemporary curricula and a dearth of competent educators.

To maintain global competitiveness, it is crucial to address the following concerns pertaining to automotive courses in the Philippines: The automotive sector in the Philippines has exhibited a consistent growth trajectory, offering numerous prospects for proficient graduates of automotive programs. To maintain global competitiveness, it is essential for educational institutions to establish strong partnerships with industry stakeholders to gain comprehensive insights into the most current demands and developments.

The automotive industry is undergoing a swift transition towards electric and sustainable transportation alternatives in response to climate change and the imperative to mitigate carbon emissions. The implementation of specialized courses focused on electric vehicle technology, battery management, and sustainable transportation has the potential to provide the Philippines with a competitive advantage. By cultivating a pool of graduates with extensive knowledge and expertise in these nascent disciplines, the nation can cultivate an environment conducive to fostering innovation, enticing foreign investments, and assuming a pivotal role in the worldwide green revolution.

To enhance the automotive course in the Philippines, the government must take an active role. Financial incentives for educational institutions that demonstrate excellence in automotive education can foster a climate of competitiveness and facilitate enhancements in program quality. Additionally, the government can engage in partnerships with industry stakeholders to establish scholarship initiatives aimed at supporting aspiring students, particularly those from socioeconomically disadvantaged circumstances.

Regulatory bodies must also foster strong collaboration with industry stakeholders to establish accreditation standards that guarantee the pertinence and caliber of automotive courses. This initiative aims to cultivate a workforce of exceptional proficiency and competence, aligning with global benchmarks and attracting foreign investments.

In conclusion, the automotive industry in the Philippines plays a crucial role in the economic and technological advancement of the nation. By addressing existing challenges, aligning with industry demands, and embracing sustainable transportation practices, the country can become a prominent force in the regional automotive industry.

The Future of the Automotive Industry: Towards a Revolution on Wheels

Ronnie O. Julianno

Instructor, College of Industrial Technology

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The automotive industry has made significant progress since the introduction of the first gasoline-powered vehicle in the late 19th century. The industry has undergone significant changes, including the introduction of Ford's Model T and mass production and the shift towards vehicle electrification. However, the future holds the potential for even more transformative advancements that will redefine the way we engage with transportation and embark on journeys.

The emergence of electric vehicles (EVs) represents a noteworthy advancement within the automotive sector, driven by growing apprehensions regarding climate change, environmental degradation, and the depletion of fossil fuel reserves. Governments and automotive manufacturers are investing in electric vehicle (EV) technology, leading to significant progress in battery technology, charging infrastructure, and cost mitigation. The range of electric vehicles will increase, accompanied by a reduction in charging durations, enhancing their practicality and attractiveness for consumers. Moreover, the incorporation of wireless charging and solar integration in vehicles will significantly enhance their convenience and sustainability.

Autonomous vehicles, driven by artificial intelligence and machine learning, are on the verge of becoming a prevalent presence on roadways, transforming the landscape of transportation by enhancing safety, efficiency, and accessibility. The proliferation of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platforms will result in a decrease in private vehicle ownership and alleviate traffic congestion. The concept of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) involves the integration of diverse transportation modes, including public transit, ride-sharing services, and autonomous taxis, with the aim of establishing a cohesive and effective mobility ecosystem.

The automotive sector is rapidly adopting connectivity and Internet of Things (IoT) technology, transforming automobiles into intelligent and interconnected apparatuses. Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication enables automobiles to engage with various entities, augmenting safety and efficiency. Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are expected to increase, offering functionalities such as adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assistance, and automatic emergency braking. Infotainment systems will undergo advancements, providing tailored content, integrated applications, and seamless integration with smartphones.

To enhance energy efficiency and prolong vehicle travel, automobile manufacturers will continue to investigate lightweight materials and design advancements. Advanced materials, such as carbon fiber, aluminum, and composites, will replace conventional steel in the automotive industry, resulting in a reduction in vehicle weight while maintaining safety standards. Design concepts such as 3D printing and modular platforms will enhance the level of adaptability in vehicle manufacturing, facilitating the creation of personalized vehicles while mitigating production expenses.

In summary, the automotive industry is poised for a transformative evolution in the coming years, with the integration of electric vehicles, autonomous technology, connectivity, and lightweight materials revolutionizing the way we engage with transportation and navigate our roads. However, it is crucial to acknowledge and confront the obstacles that arise alongside technological progress, including concerns regarding data protection, regulatory structures, and employment dynamics.


The Vital Role of Drafting Industry in Economic Growth

Rodelyn T. Vertudazo

Instructor, College of Industrial Technology

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The drafting industry is a vital component in facilitating economic expansion and advancement in various industries, including construction, manufacturing, engineering, and architecture. It involves creating blueprints for buildings, infrastructure, machinery, and technology, as well as intricate designs for machinery and technology. This industry plays a crucial role in stimulating economic growth, generating employment opportunities, fostering innovation, and facilitating overall prosperity.

Infrastructure development is facilitated by the production of comprehensive plans and drawings, which are essential for the efficient, safe, and cost-effective completion of projects. The efficient amalgamation of architectural designs and engineering specifications facilitated by drafters enables a more streamlined implementation of projects, leading to expedited infrastructure development and bolstering the overall economic progress of a given region or nation.

Drafting also plays a crucial role in the design and development of machinery, tools, and equipment within the manufacturing sector. An effectively organized drafting sector enables the timely introduction of new products, enhancing productivity, expanding market penetration, and augmenting overall economic output.

Technological progress plays a pivotal role in fostering economic growth in contemporary times, with the drafting industry facilitating the development of cutting-edge technologies and products through the provision of blueprints and schematics. This process facilitates research and development, resulting in significant advancements that stimulate economic expansion and enhance global competitiveness.

The drafting industry also provides employment opportunities, necessitating a competent workforce with proficiency in computer-aided design (CAD) software and technical knowledge. The provision of training and education in drafting-related disciplines enables nations to cultivate a reservoir of skilled professionals who possess the necessary expertise to fulfill the demands of the industry.

The presence of a strong drafting industry within a nation contributes to its ability to undertake extensive projects, attract foreign investment, and promote international trade. Countries with a proficient drafting workforce and advanced technological capabilities are more likely to allocate their investments to countries with a proficient drafting workforce and advanced technological capabilities.

The drafting industry also plays a crucial role in advancing sustainable development and mitigating environmental consequences. By integrating sustainable design principles, drafters can influence the advancement of environmentally friendly structures, energy-efficient systems, and infrastructure that is mindful of its impact on the environment. These practices contribute to the preservation of the environment and create opportunities for the development of green technologies and sustainable solutions, promoting economic growth in a more environmentally conscious manner.

In summary, the drafting industry plays a vital role in fostering economic development and prosperity in various sectors, including infrastructure development, technological advancements, job creation, and sustainable practices. By placing significant emphasis on the drafting industry's significance and allocating resources towards its advancement, a country can attain a competitive edge in the international arena while simultaneously fostering domestic expansion and well-being.

The Drafting Industry in the Philippines: A Catalyst for Growth and Development

Rodelyn T. Vertudazo

Instructor, College of Industrial Technology

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The drafting industry in the Philippines has played a crucial role in influencing various sectors of the economy, including architecture, engineering, manufacturing, and construction. Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) software has significantly enhanced the efficiency, precision, and productivity of drafting procedures, empowering professionals to generate intricate designs. The architectural and engineering sectors have been the primary beneficiaries of the drafting industry, as it enables the creation of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) depictions of architectural structures, infrastructure, and mechanical systems.

The drafting industry has also made substantial contributions to the manufacturing sector by providing intricate product designs, enabling manufacturers to design, simulate, and test various products, ranging from automobiles to consumer electronics. This approach aids in cost reduction and enhances the overall quality of the final product.

In the burgeoning construction sector, the practice of drafting has played a pivotal role in the strategic formulation and successful implementation of expansive infrastructure endeavors. The construction process and sustainable urban development are facilitated through the utilization of Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) software, which is employed in the design of roadways, bridges, and public facilities.

However, the drafting industry in the Philippines faces various challenges, including a scarcity of skilled professionals with expertise in computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) software. To maintain competitiveness, businesses must consistently allocate resources towards training and updating their software and hardware. The lack of geographic constraints in the drafting industry exacerbates the globalized environment characterized by intense competition for outsourcing contracts.

To address these challenges, educational institutions should cultivate specialized curricula focusing on drafting and computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) to create a reservoir of competent professionals capable of fulfilling the industry's requirements. Promoting research and fostering innovation within the drafting field can facilitate the emergence of novel and sophisticated tools and techniques, enhancing the industry's competitiveness in the international arena.

The government should provide incentives and assistance to enterprises operating within the drafting sector, promoting investment in contemporary technology and workforce development. Establishing robust connections with the architecture, engineering, manufacturing, and construction sectors will facilitate advantageous collaborations and create opportunities for expansion.

In summary, the drafting industry in the Philippines has emerged as a significant catalyst for the country's economic progress and advancement. By proactively identifying and resolving obstacles, coupled with adopting novel approaches, the industry can effectively leverage its inherent capabilities to flourish within an increasingly competitive international marketplace. The drafting industry in the Philippines is poised to serve as a driving force for advancement and economic well-being, thanks to effective collaboration and robust government backing.

The Vital Role of Drafting Industry in Economic Growth

Dr. Billie Jack DR. Pasion

Research, Extension, & Training Chair, College of Industrial Technology

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The integration of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has significantly transformed the way individuals engage, communicate, and engage in commercial activities. Computer-aided design (CAD) software, such as AutoCAD, is a pioneering and extensively utilized application in the field of ICT. AutoCAD is a crucial tool for creating designs, diagrams, and blueprints for various technological infrastructures, such as data centers, communication networks, and computer hardware components. Its user-friendly and robust platform reduces the time and labor-intensive demands associated with manual drafting.

Effective communication and collaboration are essential in the ICT industry, as teams of professionals engage in intricate projects. AutoCAD's compatibility with different file formats, such as DWG and DXF, facilitates the smooth exchange of design data among team members. This coordination approach improves project management and results in better outcomes.

The increasing convergence of distinct technologies necessitates a heightened emphasis on the integration of diverse ICT systems. AutoCAD's ability to seamlessly integrate with various software and hardware components enables professionals to create comprehensive and cohesive solutions. The integration of various components enables the development of interconnected systems, including devices, applications, and networks, which synergistically improve overall operational effectiveness and capability.

Automation is widely recognized as a key indicator of advancement in ICT, owing to its ability to mitigate human error and streamline repetitive tasks. The scripting and customization functionalities of AutoCAD empower professionals to automate repetitive procedures, enhancing efficiency and precision. The vast collection of blocks and templates offered by AutoCAD facilitates the design process, enhancing productivity in various ICT projects.

In the rapidly evolving realm of ICT, the effective communication of intricate technical concepts in a succinct and comprehensible manner holds paramount significance. AutoCAD's visualization tools enable professionals to generate intricate and lifelike depictions of their designs, effectively conveying ideas, proposals, and project updates to stakeholders, clients, and non-technical audiences.

The ICT industry has undergone a significant transformation with the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart technologies. AutoCAD plays a crucial role in influencing the trajectory of intelligent infrastructure by facilitating the design of interconnected devices, sensors, and networks. The capacity to generate accurate three-dimensional models enhances the incorporation of tangible and virtual components, enabling the smooth operation of intelligent ICT solutions.

The widespread utilization of AutoCAD within the ICT industry has significantly revolutionized the processes by which professionals conceive, create, and execute technological solutions. AutoCAD remains a significant catalyst for innovation in the field of ICT, as it streamlines the design process, facilitates collaboration, enables simulations, and promotes automation. The ongoing evolution of technology underscores the enduring relevance and significance of AutoCAD in shaping the future of ICT, with its adaptability and versatility contributing to its continued prominence in this field.

The Future of AutoCAD: Pioneering Innovation in Design and Beyond

Dr. Billie Jack DR. Pasion

Research, Extension, & Training Chair, College of Industrial Technology

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

AutoCAD, a computer-aided design (CAD) software developed by Autodesk since 1982, has undergone significant transformations in the field. As society progresses, it is expected to continue as a pioneering force in technological advancement, facilitating the flourishing of design and creativity in unprecedented ways.

The future trajectory of AutoCAD is expected to be influenced by enhanced collaboration among design teams, the integration of cloud-based platforms and real-time collaboration tools, and the prominent involvement of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI-driven algorithms can automate design tasks that involve repetition, increasing efficiency and allowing designers to focus on more intricate and imaginative elements of the project. The machine learning capabilities of AI can generate design alternatives, optimize layouts, and propose improvements by leveraging extensive databases of historical design data.

AutoCAD is expected to incorporate virtual and augmented reality technologies in the future, enabling designers to engage with their designs in immersive 3D environments. Virtual reality (VR) headsets enable designers to immerse themselves in a simulated environment, enabling them to navigate architectural structures, scrutinize various products, and traverse landscapes with a sense of physical presence. Augmented reality has the potential to facilitate on-site construction by superimposing blueprints and designs onto the physical environment, enabling accurate and error-free implementation.

The future of AutoCAD will place a greater emphasis on sustainability and the integration of green design principles. The software will incorporate various tools for assessing the environmental implications of designs, encompassing factors such as energy consumption, material utilization, and carbon footprint. This will empower designers to make well-informed decisions and facilitate the creation of environmentally conscious structures and products, contributing significantly towards a more sustainable and ecologically friendly future.

The integration of generative design and parametric modeling holds significant potential in shaping the future trajectory of AutoCAD. These tools enable designers to establish constraints and utilize software to generate multiple design iterations based on specified parameters, expanding the limits of creativity and enhancing efficiency within the design process.

The future trajectory of AutoCAD is poised to incorporate enhanced mobility and cross-platform compatibility. The increasing prevalence of smartphones and tablets has facilitated the availability of AutoCAD on a wide range of devices, allowing designers to engage in project work regardless of their location or time of day. This increased mobility will improve flexibility and facilitate smooth collaboration, even when individuals are in transit.

In summary, the trajectory of AutoCAD has been characterized by pioneering advancements that fundamentally transformed the realm of design. As the future of AutoCAD is considered, it is expected to continue to be an essential tool for professionals in various industries due to its ability to enhance collaboration, integrate AI, provide virtual reality experiences, and facilitate sustainable design practices. The software's ability to adapt, evolve, and incorporate emerging technologies will undoubtedly strengthen its position as the foremost computer-aided design (CAD) software, fostering innovation and creativity for an extended period.

Challenges Faced by the Information and Communications Technology Sector in the Philippines

Dr. Billie Jack DR. Pasion

Research, Extension, & Training Chair, College of Industrial Technology

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry in the Philippines is crucial for innovation, economic growth, and societal progress. However, it faces several challenges that hinder its full realization of its potential.

Insufficient infrastructure and connectivity pose significant challenges for the ICT sector in the Philippines, particularly in rural and remote areas. This hinders the provision of digital services, hinders business growth, and limits the availability of information and technology to a significant segment of the population. To address this issue, significant investments in network infrastructure, broadband penetration, and digital connectivity are necessary.

Digital connectivity disparities exist, leading to an inequitable distribution of resources and opportunities. This discrepancy further amplifies socioeconomic disparities, as individuals with restricted technological access face obstacles in areas such as education, employment prospects, and engagement in the digital marketplace. Addressing the digital divide requires specific policies and initiatives that aim to foster inclusivity and ensure equitable access to ICT resources among various geographical areas and demographic groups.

The emergence of the ICT industry has led to a surge in cybersecurity risks, with cybercrime, data breaches, and online fraud posing significant threats to individuals, businesses, and government agencies. To mitigate these threats, it is essential to bolster cybersecurity measures, enact comprehensive data protection legislation, and foster cybersecurity awareness among individuals and entities.

The ICT industry in the Philippines faces a significant dearth of proficient professionals and talented individuals. Despite the presence of a substantial number of IT graduates, there is a disparity between their skill sets and the industry's requirements. Many proficient ICT professionals choose to pursue employment opportunities abroad, causing brain drain and hindering the growth and development of the local ICT sector.

The regulatory environment and policy framework pose challenges to the ICT sector in the Philippines, with bureaucratic procedures, ambiguous regulatory frameworks, and inconsistent enforcement. To facilitate investment attraction, entrepreneurship promotion, and the advancement of new technologies, a streamlined and conducive regulatory environment is needed.

The Philippines' ICT sector shows a significant reliance on foreign technologies and content, which may be a result of a lack of attention to the development and promotion of local content and innovation. Promoting the development of technology, applications, and digital content tailored to the local context has the potential to foster economic expansion, generate employment opportunities, and drive technological progress within the nation.

In summary, the ICT sector in the Philippines faces numerous challenges that require focused attention and strategic resolutions. To fully harness the potential of the ICT industry, it is crucial to tackle various challenges, including infrastructure development, connectivity enhancement, bridging the digital divide, ensuring cybersecurity, addressing talent shortages, formulating effective regulatory policies, and fostering local innovation. Collaboration and investment from the government, private sector, and stakeholders are essential for cultivating a strong and resilient ICT ecosystem in the Philippines.

A Journey to Financial Wellness

Fe G. Villamor, DBA

Associate Professor IV

North Eastern Mindanao State University - Tagbina Campus

Life's journey is filled with various challenges, and for many, managing finances can be one of the most daunting tasks. As I reflect on my own path, I realize that it was on September 24, 2015, during a financial wellness seminar offered by our institution, that I embarked on a transformative journey toward financial freedom. Before this pivotal moment, my life was marked by the burden of debts, as my husband and I struggled to build our own home after getting married on May 28, 1998. However, armed with the newfound knowledge from the seminar, I began to shape a brighter future, liberating myself from the shackles of borrowing and embracing a new way of managing my finances.

Before the financial wellness seminar, my life was heavily weighed down by the burden of debts. The dream of having a home we could call our own was an aspiration that came with a hefty price tag. Building a house from scratch required substantial financial resources, and my husband and I found ourselves borrowing money to meet the mounting expenses. As the years passed, the debts seemed to pile up, casting a shadow over our financial stability and limiting our options for the future.

The financial wellness seminar presented an opportunity for me to reassess my approach to money management. The knowledge I gained during the event opened my eyes to the importance of budgeting, saving, and investing wisely. I learned about the significance of setting financial goals and developing a comprehensive plan to achieve them. Armed with this newfound understanding and with the grace of God, I realized that I had the power to break free from the cycle of debt and pave the way toward financial wellness.

Inspired by the seminar, I made a conscious decision to change my perspective on finances. I started by meticulously tracking my expenses and cutting down on unnecessary expenditures. This allowed me to identify areas where I could save money and allocate those funds toward paying off existing debts. Additionally, I explored various investment opportunities to make my money work for me and grow over time.

Slowly but steadily, I chipped away at my debts, focusing on one at a time. It required discipline, sacrifice, and resilience, but with each payment, I felt a sense of accomplishment and a step closer to financial freedom. As my debts from loan sharks and other micro-lenders diminished, I continued to adhere to the principles I learned from the seminar, maintaining a healthy financial lifestyle and avoiding unnecessary borrowing.

The journey to financial wellness was not without its challenges, but with determination and perseverance, I eventually experienced the satisfaction of being debt-free from loan sharks and other micro-lenders. It was a significant milestone that brought immense relief and a newfound sense of empowerment. My husband and I were now able to direct our resources toward building a secure future for ourselves and our families.

My journey to financial wellness has been a transformative one, fueled by the knowledge, wisdom gained from the financial wellness seminar, and God’s scepter guidance. By embracing the principles of budgeting, saving, and investing, I freed myself from the burden of debt that once loomed over my life. The path to financial freedom required dedication and hard work, but it has been a journey of growth, learning, and empowerment. As I look back on my progress, I am grateful for the opportunity to share my experience and inspire others to take charge of their financial destinies. With the right mindset and a commitment to change, anyone can embark on their own journey to financial wellness and unlock a brighter, more secure future.


From Humble Roots to Academic Heights: A Journey of Faith, Perseverance, and Success

Fe G. Villamor, DBA

Associate Professor IV

North Eastern Mindanao State University - Tagbina Campus

Growing up in a poverty-stricken family of farmers, I was the ninth of ten siblings nurtured in the Christian way of living by my parents. Despite their limited education, they instilled strong Christian virtues that would profoundly shape my life. Education became my beacon of hope, and I pursued it with unwavering determination.

Through hard work and dedication, I managed to finish elementary school with honors and became the salutatorian during my secondary education. My dream of obtaining a college degree seemed far-fetched, given our financial constraints, but I persisted.

Against all odds, I earned my Bachelor’s degree with flying colors from Caraga State University. However, my journey did not end there. I took the Professional Board Examination, hoping to secure a better future for myself and, more importantly, to help my struggling parents.

While waiting for the exam results, on August 12, 1991, I embarked on an extraordinary journey as an Elementary Grade Teacher at Masara Elementary School, Davao del Norte under provisional status while preparing for the next chapter in my life. Those early days were filled with the excitement and anticipation of shaping young minds and planting the seeds of knowledge that would blossom into brilliant futures. The joy was overwhelming when the results came in – I had passed the exam, turning my provisional status into a permanent one.

My father, always looking out for my well-being, informed me of a vacant teaching position at Tagbina-Barobo National Agricultural High School, my beloved Alma Mater in high school. Fueled by love for my family and respect for my father's advice, I applied for the transfer and was thankfully accepted.

On September 1, 1992, fate brought me back to my Alma Mater, Tagbina-Barobo National High School, but this time as a Secondary Teacher. Stepping into those familiar halls brought a rush of nostalgia, and I felt a profound sense of responsibility to guide and inspire the next generation. From 1992 to 2001, I poured my heart and soul into my role as a Secondary Teacher, nurturing curiosity and igniting my students' curiosity and passion for learning.

As the years passed, my dedication and commitment did not go unnoticed. In November 2001, I was honored with the title of Instructor 1, marking a pivotal moment in my career. This promotion was a validation of my growth as an educator and my unwavering dedication to the pursuit of knowledge.

In the years that followed, I continued to embrace every opportunity for growth and development. From August 2002 to October 2004, I proudly held the position of Instructor 2, a period where I honed my skills and embraced new teaching methodologies to create a vibrant and engaging learning environment.

Life's journey led me through various twists and turns, and on July 1, 2007, I returned to the academic realm as Instructor 3, taking on new challenges and shaping the minds of students with renewed enthusiasm. Through each step of the way, I remained steadfast in my commitment to academic excellence and the betterment of my students.

With the passage of time, I continued to ascend the ranks. March 20 to June 05, 2017, marked a transformative period as Assistant Professor IV, where I began to leave an indelible mark on the educational landscape.

July 6, 2017, was a milestone as I assumed the role of Associate Professor I. The title carried with it a sense of pride, reflecting the years of hard work, expertise, and invaluable contributions to the educational community.

Time continued to march forward, and on July 6, 2019, I was bestowed with the honor of Associate Professor II, a testament to my continuous pursuit of excellence and my unwavering passion for nurturing the minds of tomorrow.

And so, my journey as an educator continues, as of July 6, 2022, I stand tall as Associate Professor IV. These experiences have been a symphony of growth, resilience, and dedication, each note contributing to the melodious tapestry of my career.

From my humble beginnings as an Elementary Grade Teacher to my current role at Surigao del Sur State University, I have been on a transformative odyssey. Each step, each title, and each moment of recognition has fueled my passion and commitment to the pursuit of knowledge and the empowerment of the next generation.

As I look back on this incredible voyage, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity that God has given me to shape young minds, inspire greatness, and leave an enduring legacy in the world of education. I cherish the memories, the challenges, and the triumphs, knowing that every step has been a part of an extraordinary adventure. And with every passing day, I am eager to embrace the endless possibilities that lie ahead, as I continue to evolve as an educator, a mentor, and a beacon of knowledge for all those who seek it.

My story exemplifies the power of faith, perseverance, and determination in achieving one's dreams. From a poor farming family to a dedicated mentor, I have embraced each challenge with unwavering resolve. It is with immense gratitude that I look back at my journey, knowing that my accomplishments have not only uplifted my family's economic conditions but have also inspired others in my community to dream big and reach for the stars.

My journey continues, and with the same Christian virtues my parents sowed in me, I aspire to leave an enduring legacy of positive change in the lives of those I touch through education and leadership.



Coordinator, Gender and Development

Cebu Technological University – Bantayan Extension Campus

This empty soul has been searching for so long

For an entity to whom I must belong

Wishing for Arms to hold me when I’m alone

Ironically, your love for me remains unknown


I spent ample years just crying in my own room

Focusing on the pain, I felt deeply down

Knowing I was strongly dragged to the bottom

Never did I feel your love in this situation


Tired and sick of the never-ending gloom

Trying hard to let things happen on my own

I badly decided to escape from the doom

Finally, your genuine love for me was shown


Amidst the darkness, comes the realization

Never a second that you leave me alone

It was you who fought my every rejection

All this time, your love begs for my attention


While I was choosing for his love and compassion

You were silently watching me with adoration

While he broke my heart for self-ambition

Your love fixes me and gives me the strength to stand on


Now you put an end to the result of my decision

Lovingly you woke me up from this illusion

Embrace and carry me so I can go on

Your love selflessly gives me joy and satisfaction


My very life and love are yours from now on

These humble words from my mouth you can count on

For in your presence there in gratification

Your love, My Lord, brings my life back in tune

The Role of a PE Teacher: Nurturing Healthy Minds and Bodies

Ma. Fatima Duallo Mergildo

Instructor II

Biliran Province State University

A Physical Education (PE) teacher plays a vital role in the lives of students, not only for their physical development but also for their overall well-being. As an educator and mentor, a PE teacher's influence extends beyond the gymnasium or playing field, shaping young minds, and instilling values that last a lifetime.

One of the primary responsibilities of a PE teacher is to promote physical fitness and an active lifestyle among students. They design and implement a well-rounded curriculum that includes a variety of sports, exercises, and activities. By providing students with opportunities to engage in physical activity, they encourage them to lead healthy lives and develop habits that will serve them well in the future. PE classes help improve cardiovascular health, build strength and flexibility, and enhance coordination and motor skills.

Beyond the physical benefits, a PE teacher fosters important life skills and character traits in their students. Team sports, for example, teach the value of cooperation, communication, and sportsmanship. In the face of both victory and defeat, students learn resilience and how to handle success and failure gracefully. Such lessons extend beyond the field, guiding students through the challenges of life.

Moreover, a PE teacher is often a positive role model for their students. Their enthusiasm for fitness and wellness can be infectious, inspiring young learners to take charge of their health and strive for personal growth. By being physically active alongside their students, PE teachers demonstrate that they practice what they preach, reinforcing the importance of leading by example.

In addition to promoting physical and mental well-being, a PE teacher also addresses the individual needs of their students. They recognize that each child is unique, with varying strengths, weaknesses, and interests. Skilled teachers adjust their lesson plans to accommodate diverse abilities, making sure that every student feels included and capable. Such an approach fosters a sense of belonging and boosts students' self-esteem, encouraging them to explore and embrace their potential.

Furthermore, a PE teacher often collaborates with other educators and parents to support students' holistic development. They understand that a strong partnership between school and home is essential for a child's growth and success. By communicating regularly with parents and exchanging insights, PE teachers can identify areas for improvement and work together to enhance students' overall well-being.

In conclusion, the role of a PE teacher extends far beyond teaching physical fitness and sports skills. They are mentors, motivators, and advocates for the overall health and well-being of their students. Through their guidance, young learners develop not only their bodies but also their minds and characters. As they nurture a love for physical activity and instill valuable life skills, PE teachers leave a lasting impact on the lives of their students, paving the way for a healthier, happier future.

The Journey of PE Students: Building Strong Bodies and Resilient Spirits"

Ma. Fatima Duallo Mergildo

Instructor II

Biliran Province State University

Physical Education (PE) classes are an integral part of a student's educational journey, providing them with a unique opportunity to explore and embrace the world of physical fitness, sports, and wellness. PE students embark on a transformative path that goes beyond mere exercise, shaping their bodies, minds, and characters.

First and foremost, PE students learn the importance of physical activity and its impact on their overall health. In an age where sedentary lifestyles and screen time dominate, PE classes offer a refreshing break, encouraging students to get up, move, and engage in various physical activities. Whether it's running, jumping, playing team sports, or practicing yoga, these classes instill the value of regular exercise and an active lifestyle.

Through participation in different sports and activities, PE students not only develop their physical abilities but also cultivate essential life skills. Team sports teach the significance of collaboration, communication, and sportsmanship. As they work together to achieve common goals, students learn to support and trust one another, laying the foundation for strong interpersonal relationships.

Furthermore, PE classes provide a platform for students to face challenges and overcome obstacles. In both individual and team-based activities, they learn the art of resilience. Coping with setbacks and learning from mistakes, PE students understand that determination and perseverance are essential qualities for success, both in sports and in life.

In addition to the physical and social benefits, PE students gain an appreciation for the value of discipline and time management. Balancing academic commitments with physical exercise teaches them the art of prioritization. They recognize that dedicating time to take care of their bodies contributes not only to their health but also to their academic performance and overall well-being.

Moreover, PE classes can be a source of joy and self-expression for students. In activities such as dance, creative movement, and artistic performances, they find an outlet to showcase their talents and individuality. It fosters a sense of pride and boosts their self-confidence, nurturing a positive self-image that extends far beyond the confines of the gymnasium.

PE students also learn to respect and care for their bodies. As they gain knowledge about nutrition, injury prevention, and the importance of rest and recovery, they develop a mindful approach to self-care. This understanding of the mind-body connection fosters a sense of responsibility towards their health and the well-being of others.

In conclusion, the journey of PE students is one of growth, discovery, and empowerment. These classes play a pivotal role in shaping well-rounded individuals with strong bodies and resilient spirits. By cultivating physical fitness, social skills, discipline, and self-expression, PE students are better equipped to navigate life's challenges with confidence and grace. As they carry the lessons learned in PE classes into adulthood, they are set on a path to lead healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives.

The Dance Instructor: Guiding Stars on the Dancefloor"

Ma. Fatima Duallo Mergildo

Instructor II

Biliran Province State University


Dance is an art form that transcends language and culture, captivating hearts and souls with its graceful movements and expressive storytelling. Behind the scenes of the enchanting world of dance sports stands a pivotal figure – the dance instructor. As a mentor, coach, and creative guide, the dance instructor plays a profound role in shaping aspiring dancers into stars on the dancefloor.

The dance instructor's journey begins with a passion for dance and a love for sharing that passion with others. Their expertise in various dance styles and techniques serves as a treasure trove of knowledge for budding dancers. From ballroom to contemporary, salsa to hip-hop, the dance instructor's versatile skills open doors for students to explore the diverse realms of dance and discover their individual flair.

Beyond teaching dance steps, a dance instructor is a storyteller, using movement to convey emotions and narratives. They nurture creativity and encourage dancers to infuse their routines with their personalities, making each performance a unique expression of the individual artist. This fosters a sense of empowerment and self-discovery, allowing dancers to find their voices through dance.

As a mentor, the dance instructor serves as a guiding light, offering not only technical guidance but also emotional support. The journey to becoming a skilled dancer is filled with challenges and self-doubt, but the instructor's belief in their students' potential helps them overcome obstacles and develop confidence in their abilities. They celebrate successes, big and small, and provide constructive feedback to nurture growth.

In the realm of dance sports, the dance instructor is a coach, refining and honing dancers' skills for competitions and performances. They emphasize discipline, precision, and teamwork, instilling the value of hard work and dedication. Through rigorous rehearsals and practice sessions, the dance instructor instills a strong work ethic in their students, preparing them for the demanding yet fulfilling world of dance.

Moreover, a dance instructor creates a nurturing and inclusive environment for dancers to flourish. They foster a sense of camaraderie among students, promoting mutual respect and encouragement. Dancers become part of a supportive community, where they can share their love for dance and inspire one another to reach new heights.

In addition to their role as instructors, dance educators also serve as role models. They embody dedication, perseverance, and a love for their craft, inspiring students to embrace these values in their own lives. The dance instructor's passion for dance becomes contagious, motivating students to push their boundaries and strive for excellence.

In conclusion, the dance instructor is a guiding star, illuminating the path of aspiring dancers on their artistic journey. They play a multifaceted role as mentors, coaches, and creative guides, imparting technical skills, nurturing creativity, and providing emotional support. Through their dedication and belief in their students, dance instructors instill not only the art of dance but also the art of life – discipline, confidence, and resilience. As they nurture the next generation of dancers, dance instructors leave an indelible mark on the world of dance, inspiring the stars of tomorrow to shine brightly on the grand stage of dance sports.

Health and Wellness of Teachers and Students: Nurturing a Thriving Learning"

Ma. Fatima Duallo Mergildo

Instructor II

Biliran Province State University


The pursuit of knowledge and academic excellence is at the heart of the education system. However, to create a truly thriving learning environment, the health and wellness of both teachers and students must also be a priority. A harmonious balance between physical, mental, and emotional well-being for all stakeholders cultivates an atmosphere conducive to growth, learning, and overall success.

First and foremost, the well-being of teachers is crucial to the success of any educational institution. They are the pillars of knowledge and guidance, shaping the minds of future generations. However, the demands of teaching can be taxing, often leading to burnout and stress. To ensure teachers can perform at their best, schools must prioritize their health and wellness.

Regular access to health resources, such as check-ups and counseling services, empowers teachers to take care of their physical and mental health. Additionally, providing opportunities for professional development and growth fosters a sense of fulfillment and job satisfaction. By promoting work-life balance and encouraging self-care, schools create a supportive environment that allows teachers to bring their best selves into the classroom.

Equally important is the well-being of students. Healthy students are more attentive, engaged, and eager to learn. Therefore, a comprehensive approach to health and wellness must be integrated into the school curriculum. Physical education classes, nutritious meals, and opportunities for outdoor activities not only promote physical health but also instill the value of leading an active lifestyle.

Mental health education is equally essential. Teaching students about coping mechanisms, stress management, and emotional intelligence equips them with valuable life skills. Fostering a culture of empathy and open communication enables students to seek support when needed and promotes a positive, inclusive school environment.

Schools can also encourage emotional well-being through creative expression, such as art, music, and dance. These outlets offer students an opportunity to explore and communicate their feelings, fostering self-awareness and emotional resilience.

Moreover, creating a sense of belonging and community is paramount to students' overall well-being. Organizing group activities, clubs, and social events fosters connections among students, promoting a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and accepted.

In conclusion, prioritizing the health and wellness of teachers and students is integral to the success of any educational institution. Teachers play a vital role in shaping the minds of students, and their well-being directly impacts the learning experience. Likewise, the physical, mental, and emotional health of students affects their ability to learn and grow academically and personally. By nurturing a culture of well-being, schools create an environment where teachers and students can thrive, achieving their full potential and contributing positively to the world around them. An investment in health and wellness is an investment in the future, ensuring that knowledge, compassion, and growth flourish in our educational institutions.

Resonance of a Mother-Engineer’s Soul"

Engr. Chona R. Dagatan
Chairman, Computer Engineering Department

Cebu Technological University-Danao Campus

In the twilight of the day, with a heart so full,

A mother of two, with a passion to pull,

A life split in two, yet intertwined,

A computer engineer and a teacher, combined.


In the world of codes and circuits, she thrives,

A digital realm where her knowledge derives,

With every line of code, she weaves a tale,

Unraveling mysteries, beyond the veil.


Her fingers dance upon the keys so deft,

Crafting programs, her dreams she has left,

A symphony of logic, art, and grace,

In the realm of bits, she finds her place.


But as dawn breaks, and the sun does rise,

A different calling, she can't disguise,

For within her heart, another fire burns,

To shape young minds, for knowledge yearns.


A classroom filled with eager souls,

She imparts wisdom, her heart consoles,

Like a guiding light through the darkest night,

She leads her students towards the light.


With patience and love, she nurtures their minds,

Instilling knowledge, that forever binds,

For her love as a mother and a teacher,

Are intertwined, a beautiful feature.


In the evenings, she returns to her nest,

Where her children await, feeling blessed,

To have a mother so loving and wise,

In her embrace, all worries disguise.


With every hat she wears, she shines,

A beacon of strength in challenging times,

A mother, a teacher, and an engineer,

Her love, devotion, forever sincere.


In this symphony of life, she plays her part,

A masterpiece of love, a work of art,

A mother of two, a computer engineer teacher,

A remarkable soul, a boundless reacher.



Bobby M. Añora

Assistant Professor III

Southern Leyte State University-Bontoc Campus


         There is a pressing need to strengthen the Extension and Advisory Services (EAS) in the agricultural sector, particularly in Third World countries, simply because of this crucial reason: policymakers worldwide have realized the critical role of EAS in achieving several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is through EAS that the different innovations in farming be disseminated to farmers that, if effectively implemented, could eradicate poverty, wipe out hunger, realize gender equality, reduce inequalities among nations, and combat climate change. It promotes good health and well-being and sustains economic growth (FAO, 2022). However, essential data regarding the status, performance, progress, and gaps must be considered as bases for reforming EAS (FAO, 2022). These data are needed to support policy making and make informed decisions. This essay will illuminate essential issues surrounding the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations' recommendation to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the Extension and Advisory Services (EAS). The essay provides the rationale for the assessment, how it will be conducted, and the tool to be used in the evaluation. 

Assessing or evaluating the extension and advisory services (EAS) is a must for nations. According to Ramos (undated), as cited by Alcober (2003), doing an assessment or evaluation is an attempt to gather data (feedback) about the outcomes of a training program in order to evaluate the training's value in light of that data. However, it is not easy to conduct one if governance structures and policy environments, organizational and management capacities and cultures, and EAS methods vary across countries. In the Philippines, for example, the Local Government Code of 1991 originally mandates that EAS should focus on providing research and extension services and facilities for livestock, poultry, aquaculture, cereals, and vegetables, irrigation, medicinal garden; providing a mechanism to ensure copra quality; and promoting the establishment of local distribution channel such as cooperatives. In other developing countries, there are similarities as well as differences. Davis and Franzel (2018) reported that production content has expanded to other areas, such as post harvest operations, marketing, climate change adaptation, and nutrition. Before, the national governments handled this alone, but the pluralistic scheme has since been adopted. Several other entities now provide these services, including civil society organizations, research institutions, private companies, local and international NGOs, and cooperatives. There is now a growing trend also for a cost-sharing approach in funding. Instead of the national government shouldering the cost alone, the stakeholders will now assume part of the expenses, including the farmers or producers who are the extension recipients (Bello & Salau, 2009). In terms of approach, some countries still practice the "top-down" approach while others are now practicing modern methods like farmer-to-farmer extension and participatory approaches where farmers are taking an active role (GFRAS, 2016). Some countries practice the demand-driven extension system, others prefer the supply-oriented one, while others practice both (Balmatti, 2017). These differences in the content, purpose, approaches, and management would make EAS assessment challenging. Therefore, this exercise requires a standardized tool, a yardstick applicable to all countries. Thanks to FAO for taking the initiative in developing the tool and pilot-testing it in six developing countries: Brazil, Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, and Uganda in 2020 and 2021 (FAO, 2022).

In assessing the system using FAO's EAS-Y tool, the assessor focuses on the performance and outcomes of the EAS. The performance aspects, which gather data from the EAS system actors, ranging from managers down to the field personnel, need to evaluate the enabling environment; scope and provision; and the coordination, collaboration, and learning. Each of these aspects has specific indicators to be measured. Legal framework and funding, for example, will fall under enabling environment, while quality of services and inclusiveness are indicators under the scope and provision. On the outcome aspects of EAS, nine (9) metric indicators are to be evaluated, which revolve around three aspects of skills acquisition, behavioral changes, and livelihood transformation. EAS stakeholders such as producers and other value chain actors are the target respondents who could provide the needed information. Training workshops are required regarding selecting respondents, translating the questionnaire, conducting interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs), data analysis and visualization, and validating results such that the whole exercise would generate valid, reliable, and objective results.

The FAO is encouraging countries to conduct an assessment on a nationwide scale. Assessment of EAS of this magnitude would entail much cost, effort, and time for countries, particularly those struggling with budgetary constraints. The Philippine government, through the Department of Agriculture, should consider this project a priority so that, once and for all, we can revisit our performance and measure our outcomes, the data that we need in crafting meaningful reforms to boost agricultural development.




Alcober, D. L. (2003). Evaluation in Adult Education (AGEX 244 Study Guide).      Center for Extramural Studies. Baybay, Leyte: VISCA.


Balamatti, A. (January 2017). Demand-Driven Extension: Need for Public Extension         To Turnaround. Blog         65.      Driven_Extension_Need_for_Public_Extension_To_Turnaround


Bello, M and Salau, E. S. (2009). A Case For Participatory (Cost Sharing) Approach to Agricultural Extension Delivery in Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural         Extension. 13 (1). 84-94.  individuals.html  countries-cross-country-analysis


"The impact of the Marawi City siege on the Economic Aspect of the Junior High School and its Effect on their Academic Performance"

Wahida B. Guialal, EdD.

Associate Professor II

Adiong Memorial State College, Ditsaan Ramain Lanao del Sur


Originally Marawi City is named Dansalan. This name Dansalan was derived from the

word " dansal"", meaning a destination point or rendezvous. Literally, it also means arrival or

coming. This place is a meeting place of many people coming from other places in the two Lanao provinces and gather themselves with the reasons of inter trading, business and social relationships.

Marawi refer to the place and Meranao the people are rhythmically associated with "ranao", the lake. Marawi and its people's origin are wrapped in myth and legends and are best understood by revisiting the past through chronology.

In the 14h century, it was revealed in the history of the Muslim in the Philippines by Majul that Islam reached in the Mindanao archipelago through Lake Lanao region by way of Maguindanao from Sulu island with Sarip Kabungsuan who lead the expedition. Islam remained in this area for almost 3 centuries. In 1640, after the death of the first Spanish expedition forces landed in Leyte island headed by Ferdinand Magellan, there was another Spanish expeditionary force headed by Bermudez de Castro under the order of governor Corcuera's with 500 Boholano troops engaged the Maranao warriors in Marawi but the Spanish troops failed and retreated back to lligan Bay. In August 21, 1891, Spanish General Valeriano Weyler aided by 1,242 Spanish and Filipino troops commanded the second expedition and captured the Fort of Marawi driving out Maranao warriors with heavy casualties on both sides. But three days after because of the strong faith by the Maranao warriors, on August 24 for the same year Maranao warriors led by Amai Pakpak routed and defeated the Spanish forces driving them back to  Iligan Bay with heavy casualties and ended the second expedition into tragedy.


It was in the year I892-1 895, the Spanish government in Manila ordered the construction of four gunboats and assigned them to Lake Lanao (S.S. Blanco, S.S, Lanao S.S. Corcuera and S.S, Almonte), On March 10. 1895, the Spaniards captured the Fort of Marawi and planted their flag over with at least 400 troops killed. Amai Pakpak and his warriors also perished in the battle.


When the Spanish regime was overthrown by the American forces, in the year 1992, the American continued the campaign against the Maranao adding two motorized launches to the old Spanish gunboats. The following year 1903, Marawi was a hub of business as Captain John Persing and Major Robert Bullard encouraged non-muslim to settle in including a dozen Chinese and 30 Christian families. In 1906, the Americans organized the place as a Village. In May 24, 1907, Dansalan (Marawi's old name) was

officially created as Municipality under an Act of the Moro Province Legislative Council with Mr. Jesse Gaston as its first American president. For several years, in 1914, Dansalan was made as the capital of Lanao, one of the four districts under the Deaprtment of Mindanao and Sulu,


With the succeeding of time, on August 1940, Dansalan was given a charter pursuant to Commonwealth Act No. 592 but the inauguration took place in September 30, 1950 after World War II. In the year 16, 1956, Senator Domocao Alonto passed amendment renaming Dansalan to Marawi. However, in April 15, 1980, during the time when Honorable Mayor Omar Dianalan elected as Mayor of Marawi City the City Council Resolution No. 19-A was carried out due to the reasons that its population reached to 92 % are Muslims. https:/ historical-background


In as much as the overwhelming of the Maute group with their colleagues to destroy the center of business assembly among Maranaos in Marawi City per se: by the people identified as terrorists who intend to fight with the Military troops thinking that their mission is right and barricade the entire area of the city. They scared people to escape away and made some untoward incidents by burning some school buildings. police headquarters and businesses establishments as daily survival of the people also affected. Those the people inside the city frightened and left their homes as well as their businesses. This time, many of the school buildings including the Arabic Schools, big mosques, different offices and establishment were destroyed when the battle immense between terrorists and the government troops. The military strengthen their forces through by using ammunitions for defending their lives, with the people in the city.  Resistance in the city continued as an impact of collective efforts done by the Maute

brothers as terrorists. Sociologists described these collective efforts as social movements. Social Movements refer to any persistent, organized, collective efforts to resist existing structures (Neubeck, 2003).


According to Benford (2002), social movements may also refer to organized collective activities to bring about or resist fundamental change in an existing group or society. Likewise, social movement is defined as "collective enterprises to establish a new order of life" (Blumer, 2001). These Maute people failed to gain success for their mission but rescind socio-economic activities, educational, political, religious and psychological needs of the people. Thus, academic performance of many students affected, others just stopped their schooling because parents affected with the level of poverty. The needs of the child or student cannot be provided by the parents because they left and abandoned their businesses.


These time students who enrolled to other schools in Marawi before, regained and transferred to some other operating schools outside Marawi City or anywhere from the surrounding places nationwide. Parents who could not afford to send or bring their children in school for the reasons that they lack of financial support forced their children to cease their study instead. However, socio-economic problems of those residents inside and outside the ground zero in Marawi city became crucial to their lives especially those who were seriously affected with a large amount of capital. There are numbers of businessman from Marawi city infuriated of the consequences that occurred to them and psychologically under observation or they say "trauma". They are scattered all over the  country only to find for their safety and family survival. Now, mostly of the IDPs students are studying in a school where they stayed and sacrificed only to continue their study. Some of them cannot intense of what they are now and stop their study.

Contact us for the full copy.

"Teachers' Experiences in Classroom Assessment"

Caire Theresa S. Bentor


Biliran Province State University

In order to assess student progress, pinpoint problem areas, and modify their instructional tactics as necessary, teachers must use classroom assessment as a key component of the teaching and learning process. This essay will examine instructors' experiences administering assessments in the classroom, examining the difficulties they encounter, the rewards they receive, and the effects these tests have on both teachers and students.

Furthermore, crafting effective assessments that accurately measure student learning and align with the learning objectives requires significant effort and expertise. Assessments must be fair, unbiased, and valid to ensure they provide a true reflection of a student's understanding. Designing such assessments necessitates training, experience, and continuous professional development.

Another challenge arises when interpreting assessment results. Teachers must analyze data to identify patterns, trends, and areas of concern. This process demands both analytical skills and an understanding of pedagogy to implement appropriate interventions.

Despite the difficulties, classroom assessment has a number of advantages that support both teacher development and student achievement. Regular evaluations enable teachers to dynamically alter their pedagogy, adjusting their teachings to the various learning needs of their pupils. Knowing their students' strengths and limitations allows teachers to adjust their strategies for better engagement and deeper knowledge.

Students receive helpful feedback from classroom exams as well, enabling them to assess their progress and pinpoint areas that need improvement. By encouraging students to take responsibility for their learning and pursue ongoing improvement, this feedback promotes a growth mindset.

Assessments also assist teachers in keeping track on the success of their instructional methods. Education professionals can improve their methods and increase their effectiveness and efficiency by studying assessment results. As a result, evaluation in the classroom develops into a continuous process of growth for both teachers and students.

Assessment in the classroom has a significant impact on both teachers and students. Assessments are a tool for professional development for instructors, showing areas where they can improve their teaching strategies. Teachers feel motivated and accomplished in their work when they see the growth and achievement of their students.

On the other hand, well-thought-out assessments are advantageous for students. Receiving helpful criticism helps them identify their areas of strength and development, which increases their self-confidence and motivates them to work on themselves. Additionally, evaluations can give kids a sense of responsibility and empower them to take charge of their learning.

In conclusion, classroom assessment is a crucial component of the teaching and learning process since it offers priceless information about the development of students and the efficacy of teachers. Although there are drawbacks, the advantages greatly exceed them because this dynamic process of review and progress benefits both teachers and students. The classroom will become a site of continual improvement as teachers continue to enhance their assessment techniques through professional development and careful implementation. As educators continue to refine their assessment practices through professional development and thoughtful implementation, the classroom will become a place of continuous improvement and development for all involved.

"Paper and Pen"


Coordinator, Gender and Development

Cebu Technological University – Bantayan Extension Campus

It’s been a while since I consider you a friend

My hands badly need you my friend, my paper and a pen

Words are words until they are lovingly written

It is when those come out of my brain


More than ever, I need you, my paper and pen

My downs and successes are in paper and pens hidden

In happiness, I write through you, my dear pens

In times of sadness, in paper, I write my pains


My story in the paper is engraved carefully

Helping me rise up again strongly

With my aches, you listen attentively

My worries through pens, lessen day by day


I beg you not to go but to stay

Each day be by my side all the way

Through ups and downs be with me

All the days of my life, will you please stay.

"The Significance of Transition Education for People with Disabilities"

Regina E. Sitoy, Dev.Ed.D.

Assistant Professor IV

Cebu Technological University - Main Campus

For people with disabilities (PWDs) to successfully navigate the crucial transitional time between adolescence and adulthood, transition education is essential. This specialized education equips individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge, and support to successfully transition from school to post-school life, enhancing their chances of accessing meaningful employment, fostering social inclusion, and promoting self-sufficiency. This essay will examine the value of transition education for those with disabilities and how it significantly affects their general well-being.

One of the primary goals of transition education is to prepare PWDs for gainful employment. It focuses on identifying their strengths, interests, and skills while addressing any barriers hindering their career aspirations. Transition programs facilitate vocational training, job shadowing, and internships to expose students to different work environments, fostering real-world experience and confidence in their abilities. By developing practical skills and self-confidence, people with disabilities can actively participate in the workforce, reducing the unemployment gap and promoting economic independence.

Transition education also emphasizes fostering independent living skills, vital for PWDs to thrive in society. It includes instruction in activities of daily living, such as cooking, personal hygiene, and managing finances. Equipping individuals with these skills enables them to live autonomously, enhancing their self-esteem and reducing reliance on caregivers or support systems. As a result, they can experience greater personal freedom and a sense of accomplishment, leading to improved overall well-being.

Inclusive social participation is essential for the emotional and mental well-being of PWDs. Transition education significantly focuses on building social skills and self-advocacy, preparing students to interact confidently with their peers, coworkers, and community members. Through interaction with diverse groups, individuals with disabilities can break down barriers and stereotypes, promoting a culture of acceptance and inclusion. This social integration enriches their lives and contributes to a more inclusive society.

Transition education empowers PWDs to become effective self-advocates. They learn to express their needs, seek accommodations, and participate actively in decision-making processes affecting their lives. This empowerment fosters a sense of agency and independence, reducing the risk of discrimination and exploitation. When people with disabilities can advocate for themselves, they are more likely to access appropriate resources and opportunities, leading to greater life satisfaction and success.

Without adequate transition education, PWDs may become reliant on social welfare programs or family support well into adulthood. While these support systems are crucial, the ultimate goal should be to reduce dependency and promote self-sufficiency. By focusing on skills development, vocational training, and social integration, transition education works towards breaking the cycle of dependency, transforming individuals into contributing members of society.

Transition education is essential for enabling PWDs to enjoy autonomous, fruitful lives. By focusing on employment preparation, independent living skills, social inclusion, self-advocacy, and reduced dependency, transition programs pave the way for a more equitable and inclusive society. Recognizing the importance of investing in these programs helps to ensure that PWDs can access equal opportunities, fulfill their potential, and contribute meaningfully to society.

The Banes of AI Assistance among Young Learners

Vincent A. Luminoque, MAEd

Assistant Professor IV

Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology


It’s quite understandable—not everyone is good at writing. Not everyone is passionate or an expert in that field. Others would prefer solving mathematical equations rather than writing a short essay. Writing is a skill, and it really takes time before one can eventually write effectively. That’s why, since elementary school, the importance of writing has been greatly emphasized.

Writing without passion is considered difficult, especially among students who don’t have an elaborate vocabulary or slow comprehension. However, writing as an activity is inevitable at school. Learners are eventually encouraged by the teachers to write any form of essay as part of the learning assessment. There are elements of grammar that need to be considered, such as punctuation, tense, word order, determiners, and connectors. Other than that, it needed a thorough analysis to create an appealing concept that would make the content readable and enjoyable. For most students, I know it’s considered a challenge, especially when the aforementioned elements are not yet mastered.

Hence, with the advancement of technologies, learning how to write proficiently is just a click away. You can direct yourself to blogs that will help or guide you on how to write properly. However, the internet gets a little trickier from time to time. It’s so vast and so deep that it could offer lots of alternatives to aid one’s needs. While for others it’s considered an advantage, in reality, it started to actually give birth to an academic threat among students learning.

One of the latest digital inventions is the emergence of Artificial Intelligence, or what we will shortly call AI. The wonder of it is that you can type whatever content you want to have or concept you want to materialize, and in a split second, everything is written perfectly on your screen. With no further requirement of analysis, students could submit any form of written requirement, and their teachers would somehow not fully determine whether it was written artificially.

Hence, as a teacher, this is a disappointing and devastating case. Students were eager to seek shortcuts and tried to swerve the meaning of learning gained through hard work. They missed the opportunity to go through the learning process, where real skills are guided and enhanced and knowledge is instilled. AI, as a tool for academic writing, is considered an unethical tool that teaches learners to do what’s morally incorrect. It rots the future of the learners to explore their capability to become more, as some solely depend on this AI assistance. It also instills in the young minds of the learners that it’s okay to deceive.

It restricts students from discovering their full potential as they’re able to skip the real essence of the teacher’s activity provisions. Written activities are the teacher’s way of encouraging creative thinking. And with AI assistance, learners fail to gain the understanding and insights they need, as well as the chance to harness their strengths and strengthen their weaknesses in writing. Teachers aren’t able to accurately evaluate the students work as they were deceived by the written materials submitted to them.

However, students can fool their teachers and pretend that they wrote it on their own, but at the end of the day, students are only fooling themselves because they missed a whole lot of learning. The ethical implications have been disregarded, especially that AI somehow produces unique contents from time to time. As learning becomes more compressed and is impeded by the wrong usage of advanced technologies, learning deteriorates, and teachers teach students to be lazy, cheaters, and dishonest.

Surely, the proponents of different AI systems aim to give everyone the innovation or ease to simplify difficult work, especially for those who are already in the working industry. However, students were also considered the users of this system, which, without guidance, would lead them astray and depreciate their capacity to become active and productive learners with real-gained knowledge about the world. This somehow stains a learner’s integrity and full intellectual growth.

Overall, as we continuously get into the hype and become overwhelmed by the freshness of this tool, may we all remember that the impact of this idleness will soon be felt by learners once they’re placed in a real-life setting where solutions will be provided promptly. Learners need learning. and learning is a process. The more you get through each step, level, or layer of learning, the more you become powerful with knowledge. Don’t let the advancement of the world take away your full potential for excellence.

The Invaluable Role of Education in Life

Irene O. Mamites, Dev.Ed.D.


Cebu Technological University-main Campus



Education is a fundamental pillar of human progress and development, serving as the key that unlocks the door to a world of opportunities and possibilities. It plays a crucial role in shaping individuals, and nations, leading to the advancement of knowledge, culture, and civilization. The importance of education in life cannot be overstated as it empowers individuals, fosters personal growth, and paves the way for a brighter future.


Empowerment through Knowledge


Education empowers individuals with knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities that enable them to make informed decisions and choices. Through education, individuals gain insights into various disciplines, from science and technology to arts and humanities, which broaden their perspectives and horizons. Education serves as a tool for individuals to break free from the shackles of ignorance, poverty, and social constraints, this empowering them to achieve their dreams and aspirations.


Personal Growth and Development


Education is not merely about acquiring information but also personal growth and development. It instills values, ethics, and character in individuals, nurturing empathy, compassion, and sense of responsibility towards others Moreover, education promotes lifelong learning, encouraging individuals to embrace continuous self-improvement, adapt to changing circumstances, and evolve as better versions of themselves.


Enhancing Societal Progress


The impact of education extends beyond the individual level; it plays a crucial role in shaping the progress and development of societies.  Education equips people with the skills needed to participate in the workforce, leading to higher productivity and innovation. Additionally, an educated population is more likely to be engaged in civic activities, promoting democracy, and advocating for positive social change.


Improving Health and Well-being


Education and health are intertwined forming a reciprocal relationship. An educated population is more likely to adopt healthier lifestyles, make informed healthcare decisions, and adhere to medical advice. Moreover, educated individuals are more likely to access better healthcare facilities and contribute to advancement in medical research and technology.


Economic Prosperity and Competitiveness


Education is a driving force behind prosperity and competitiveness in a globalized world. Nations with well-educated workforces have a competitive edge in the global market, attracting investments and fostering innovation. Education contributes to the growth of industries and promotes entrepreneurship, leading to job creation and economic development.




Education is a cornerstone of personal, societal, and national growth. Its significance lies not only in the acquisition of knowledge but also in the cultivation of values, character, and skills. Education empowers individuals, fosters personal growth, enhances societal progress, improves health and well-being, and drives economic prosperity. As we move towards a future that demands constant adaptation and innovation, the importance of education in life becomes more critical than ever. It is through education that we can unlock the full potential of individuals and societies, creating a world where opportunities are limitless, and the pursuit of knowledge is perpetual.

Striking a Balance: Nurturing Linguistic Heritage in the Digital Age

Sarah M. Palaw-ay

Benguet State University, CAR

Spotted the little daughter of a friend, I requested her to call for her mother to join me in eating the mangoes I bought. She looked at me bewildered. Her playmate informed me that she does not understand Iloco, the language I used to talk with her. Though I knew that the girl speaks English, it blew my mind to discover that she couldn't understand Iloco despite having grown up in our community. Perplexed, I asked her playmate if she, too, was unfamiliar with Iloco. She confessed, "I understand a little, but I can't speak it." This encounter was just one of many I had observed in our community, highlighting a growing trend among young people today.

Disheartened by this extreme scenario, I couldn't help but compare it to our generation's experience of learning English without losing our linguistic identity. Memories of the strict rules imposed in the classroom during my elementary days came flooding back while I eat the mangoes. Monetary fines could reach hundreds of pesos for being caught speaking Iloco inside the classroom. We despised our classmate who listed names. Eventually, the penalties evolved to using floor wax instead of monetary fines due to complaints from parents about the accumulated charges. Once, during college, I commended a friend who finished high school in Ifugao for his ability to express himself fluently in English. He attributed his proficiency to his high school's strict implementation of an English-speaking zone. Concrete evidence of their strict policy was the riprap which was done by the violators—those were the students who dared to speak Ifugao in the classroom. Our teachers then were adamant that we should master the skill of communicating in English, but at least we did not lose our community language, and we did not face serious problems in understanding and conversing in Filipino.

Naturally, when I taught elementary pupils decades ago, I was also strict regarding the use of English as the medium of instruction in the classroom, although I did not impose penalties. One of my strategies was to encourage parents to speak English at home so their children could master the language. Ironically, I now discourage parents from doing so, and instead urge them to use the community language at home.


I do not teach elementary pupils anymore but I constantly encounter children at least once a week. One serene Sunday morning, I decided to linger in the church canteen while relishing a cup of freshly brewed coffee with milk. As the children were dismissed from their Sunday school session, I couldn't help but notice the buzz of English conversations between parents and children. Regardless of their educational backgrounds, age, or roles as parents or grandparents, everyone seemed to be conversing in English but when these very same parents noticed me, they communicated in Iloco. This juxtaposition felt peculiar, but sadly, it had become commonplace.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, when teaching was conducted through modules, I noticed a grandmother who was completing her grandson's modules due to his struggles in two subjects: Mother Tongue and Filipino. While I initially raised my eyebrows in disagreement at such a method of helping a child, I suggested that the family members should begin communicating with the child in the local language, if not in Filipino. In response, the grandmother let out a heavy sigh and explained that they had attempted to do so on multiple occasions, but found it tiresome as they would often revert back to English. Dismissing the suggestion, she added, "Never mind. He will eventually learn it from his friends.” I couldn't blame her, as the transmission of linguistic heritage to the next generation has already become an arduous task for many household members.

When I visited her one time, her two grandchildren were focused on their gadgets to keep them quiet. Now I get it. Just like the reasons of some parents, blame is often placed on technology, as the omnipresence of cell phones and computer wares have turned into unintended babysitters at home. This consequence has led to the unintentional cultivation of English as the mother tongue, with parents automatically using the same language in their daily conversations. While parents may feel a sense of pride that their children can speak the global language at such a young age, the long-term effects have become evident.

As I pondered the state of language among the younger generation, a pressing question arose: if household members fail to pass our community language to the next generation, who will? Do we always hope for the influence of the playmates? It seems odd that the next generation possesses such linguistic prowess on a global scale but falters in connecting with those in their local environment. We must strike a delicate balance between preserving our rich linguistic diversity and reaping the benefits of mastering a global language.


Analysis and Reflection on Language and Oral Development: Lived Experiences among Grade 11 Learners in Nena National High School


­ Abner A. Alagabia

Raymond Nel R. Abella

Mercia C. Gilbuena

Anna Liza B. Campo

Sheryl M. Luna

Josielyn J. Balagat

Shermaine D. Gongon




I.                Background of the Study


Oral language development is the system through which people use spoken words to express knowledge, ideas, and feelings. Developing oral language means developing the skills and knowledge that go into listening and speaking-all of which have a strong relationship to reading comprehension and writing ( This skill of a person to be able to communicate requires the abilities to speak well and understand language which serves as the medium of communication. Whorral & Cabell expounded that supporting children’s oral language development during the preschool years is critical for later reading success. It can be noted that there are various factors that constitute to the challenges among toddlers’ inability to use oral language and to understand it. In the study of Cooper, et. al (2002); it was revealed that one of the factors of oral language skills development is phonological awareness skills which are prerequisite to early reading. It was further explained that these skills are understudied phenomenon. This implies that to enable children to have successful and efficient use of language and speech in early stage, they should have to be familiar with the phonemic awareness skills. If not something that would deter smooth communication will occur. In the broader sense, the focus of teaching must not be solely focused on the academic language proficiency as a major intervention to overcome oral language and speech challenges, it should also make use of the ability to be part of the society with the kind of communication skills that are increasingly highlighted by other people as essential attributes (Lum, et. al, 2015). Meanwhile, with the attempt to address arising problems on oral language and speech, there are some measures which were investigated by experts to be beneficial for a child to overcome speech disorders and inconsistencies in language form.





I.                Research Questions


This paper is purposeful to determine information relative to the students’ perception and experience on their language and oral challenges and development. Particularly this paper shall address the following questions:


1. What are the students’ experiences on their language and oral development?

1.1.           Describe your earliest memories of language and communication. How did you first learn to speak and understand language?


1.2.           What were some of the challenges you faced in learning language and developing oral communication skills? How did you overcome these challenges?


1.3.           Have you ever experienced a speech disorder, such as stuttering or difficulty in pronunciation? If so, how did this affect your communication and how did you address it?

1.4.           How did you improve your language and speech? In what ways are they improved?



2. Scope and Limitation


This study has been conducted to analyze and reflect on the language and oral development among Grade 11 Learners in Nena National High School, School Year 2022-2023, with the use of semi-structured interview to gather information relative to the paper’s queries.



3. Significance of the Study


The results which were obtained with the use of open-ended interview questions which facilitated collection of learners’ perceptions on their oral language development were deemed beneficial for the following:


1. Students. The result of the study will be used by students as their concrete evidence which supports their perceptions on their oral language development as put to record.


2. Teachers. Teachers will make use of the result of this paper as guide on how they will assist the students to reach their oral language maturity.


3. Future Researchers. This will serve as a literature for review of future studies relative to oral language development.












This chapter contains reviewed works from various authors to support the significance of the topic of this paper. In like manner, it shall provide information to tentatively suffice its queries.


Oral language has a very vital role in the development of a child as it is the key for him/her to effectively utilize the medium of communication by means of speaking and understanding to ensure success of communication flow. MacCarthy (1946) said that language is the medium by which higher intellectual processes are revealed. It is the essential means of social communication and is the outstanding system of habits which distinguishes man from the lower animals. Additionally, language accounts for the marked contrasts between people, and between the intellectual development of the congenitally deaf child and that of a normal child.


             Early Language and Oral Development

Supporting children’s oral language development during the preschool years, according to Whorall and Cabell (2016) is critical for later reading success. Their study investigated that preschool teachers may be missing opportunities to engage children in the kinds of conversations that foster the development of rich oral language skills. Teachers hoping to support these skills can provide children with purposeful conversations that include sophisticated vocabulary, support children’s interests, use open-ended questions, and employ cognitively challenging topics. In a typical preschool classroom, children spend a large portion of the day working in centers and eating meals. These non-teacher-directed activities provide teachers with the opportunity to engage children in high quality, multi-turn conversational interactions.

Early language and literacy skills are learned best through everyday moments with your child—reading books, talking, laughing and playing together. Children learn language when you talk to them and they communicate back to you, and by hearing stories read and songs sung aloud. National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders (2022) emphasized that the first signs of communication occur when an infant learns that a cry will bring food, comfort, and companionship. Newborns also begin to recognize important sounds in their environment, such as the voice of their mother or primary caretaker. As they grow, babies begin to sort out the speech sounds that compose the words of their language. By 6 months of age, most babies recognize the basic sounds of their native language.


  Challenges in Oral Language Development

Learning a language can be quite a challenge. It can be difficult to remember all of the new vocabulary and grammar rules, and it can be even more difficult to actually use the new language in a real-life situation. However, it can also be quite rewarding to finally be able to communicate with people in their native language. There are challenges that can impede English language learning. These include a lack of exposure to the language, insufficient instructional materials, and a lack of qualified teachers (, n.d.). Additionally, learners may also face cultural barriers that can make the learning process more difficult. There are many problems that can arise when learning a new language. Some common problems include not being able to understand the language, not being able to pronounce words correctly, and not being able to remember vocabulary.


              Ways to Overcome Language Challenges

Nurani (2021) in her study on Analysis of Student’s Difficulties in Speaking English And How to Fix It “determined five ways to overcome challenges on oral language development. 1. Reading English literature Reading lot of literature using English will improve the ability to speak English. This happens because we are used to pronouncing English vocabulary when we read it. It doesn't matter if at first, we find it difficult to understand what we read. Keep reading until you understand the outline of the story contained. The longer we read, the more we read, and we will get used to the sentence patterns so that it will also have an impact on the ability to speak in English. 2. Watch english movie When watching English films try to better appreciate the dialogue without glancing at the subtitles too often. Pay attention to the way pronunciation, vocabulary, or use of certain phrases in different contexts spoken by the actors and actresses in the film. Visual observations like this will provide a better perception. 3. Listen to English song by listening to English songs, we will get used to hearing English pronunciation so that when we sing along, it will improve our ability to pronounce English vocabulary and make us accustomed. Besides that, try to find out the meaning of the lyrics of the song you are listening to in order to increase vocabulary with a fun way. 4. Practice speaking Good grammar will be meaningless if we never practice it in conversation. Since the purpose of language is to communicate, then you must learn to communicate your intentions orally in the language English. The key is trying to make the other person understand what you are saying in English first. After getting used to conversing in English, you will automatically learn to improve the grammar you use in speak (Susanthi, 2021). 5. Take advantage of games and social media Nowadays, everyone uses social media for their daily life. Use social media wisely and wisely. Take advantage of all social media to learn languages English. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter account settings in English. Find friends virtual world friends who use English in their daily life and often interact with them.


How to Address Speech Disorders


Speech disorder is any condition that affects a person’s ability to produce sounds that create words. Two of the common types of speech disorders which does not have any connection to damage of any part of the body is stuttering and difficulty in pronunciation. Eske (2019) explained stuttering as a speech disorder that interrupts the flow of speech through blocks, repetitions, and prolongations. On the other hand, difficulty of pronunciation is a condition where a child cannot produce the correct sound but tends to replace a certain phoneme with another one which easier for him/her to do. Furthermore, people with one or more speech disorders may experience symptoms such as repeating and prolonging sound, distorting sounds, adding sound or syllables to words, rearranging syllables, struggling to say the correct word or sound, speaking with a hoarser or raspy voice, and speaking very softly.

Speech disorder can affect a person’s self-esteem and overall quality of life. However, speech therapy, breathing exercises, and anti-anxiety medications can help improve speech and reduce symptoms.







This chapter presents the design, sampling method, participants, data collection methods, data analysis methods, data collection procedures and ethical considerations that the proponent of this paper made use of to gather information relative to the queries under investigation


           Research Design


The research design that the study is going to utilize in addressing its queries is     phenomenological design which is deemed to be an effective means to investigate the learners’ lived experiences on language development, focusing on their early acquisition, challenges, ways of overcoming challenges, and addressing speech disorders.


   Sampling Method

This paper utilized non-probability sampling method, particularly convenience sampling to ensure that the respondents of this study are easily accessible to the proponent. These group of informants are the students who are handled by the author in Practical Research 1 classes.



The participants of this study were chosen based on the “convenience” or easy access of the author of this paper towards them are Grade 11 learners of Nena National High School, who are attending on their Practical Research 1 subject. One of the major criteria that the proponent of the study considered, aside from the convenience criterion, is that these learners can describe their experiences on oral language development though written and oral means.


Data Collection Method

        To gather data relative to the identified queries, the author of this paper resorted to the use of survey questionnaire among the respondents. In this case, the subjects were given enough time to process their thoughts and experience which enable the researcher to have in-depth interpretation and reflection on the underlying patterns and themes among direct responses of the learners.


Data Analysis Method

         To analyze and reflect on the responses of the learners with regards to their lived experiences on oral language development, it had been necessary for the author of this paper to utilize of coding and thematic analysis as primary analytical strategies in qualitative study to classify direct responses into appropriate patterns of commonality and similarity (themes), before characterizing the trend or nature of information.


Data Collection Procedure

      After securing the permit to conduct the collection of data though a letter, followed by the dissemination of the purpose and other ethical aspects of the study at hand with the respondents, the author of this paper, immediately proceeded to the conduct of the survey, where the learners were given the survey form and given enough time to respond to the queries specified. After which, the conduct of face-to-face interview among the identifies learners’ parents was done. The activity was carried out at the respective households for further collection of information, constituting to the veracity of their children’s direct responses.

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Discover Cebu: A Tropical Paradise of Beauty and Warmth

Ivy A. Batican

Cebu Technological University Danao Campus

College of Management and Entrepreneurship

Nestled in the heart of the Philippines, Cebu Province invites travelers with its enchanting natural beauty and warm hospitality. As a premier tourist destination, it offers a captivating journey filled with stunning landscapes, pristine beaches, vibrant culture, and the genuine kindness of its people.


Nature's Masterpiece: Adventure and Serenity Await


Cebu Province is a natural masterpiece, adorned with breathtaking wonders that captivate the senses. Immerse yourself in azure waters teeming with vibrant marine life and exquisite coral reefs. Snorkel or dive along the coast of Moalboal or Malapascua Island to encounter magnificent sea creatures and a kaleidoscope of colors beneath the surface. For serenity amidst nature's embrace, explore Cebu's mountainous landscapes and discover hidden waterfalls like the enchanting Kawasan Falls in Badian. Its crystal-clear waters cascade into inviting turquoise pools, offering weary travelers a refreshing dip.


The Heartwarming Spirit of Cebuanos: Embracing Visitors as Family


Beyond natural beauty, what sets Cebu Province apart is the endearing spirit of its people. Cebuanos are known for their warm hearts and genuine hospitality, embracing visitors as family from the moment they arrive. Radiant smiles and a sincere "Maayong pag-abot!" (Welcome!) greet you as you step into this welcoming paradise.


A Gastronomic Delight: Indulge in Cebu's Culinary Treasures


Cebu Province offers a delectable culinary experience. At the heart of its gastronomic scene is the legendary lechon, a succulent roasted pig with perfectly crispy skin and tender meat, cherished in celebrations and gatherings. Seafood enthusiasts will find paradise in Cebu, where fresh catches are transformed into mouthwatering dishes. Grilled fish served on banana leaves and seafood sinigang, a savory tamarind soup, celebrate the sea's bounty.


Thriving Tourism: A Welcoming Haven for Travelers


Cebu's allure has not gone unnoticed, and its tourism industry continues to thrive. The province boasts diverse accommodations, from luxurious beach resorts to charming eco-friendly lodges that blend harmoniously with nature. Whether seeking a lavish retreat or a rustic adventure, Cebu has something to offer every traveler, tour operators cater to various interests, curating experiences that allow visitors to explore. From island-hopping adventures to city tours uncovering historical sites, each excursion promises lasting memories.


Sustaining the Beauty and Heart of Cebu


As the allure of Cebu Province grows, preserving its natural beauty and heartfelt hospitality becomes increasingly vital. Sustainable tourism efforts focus on responsible waste management, renewable energy, and community-based projects that empower locals and promote cultural exchange.




Cebu Province weaves a mesmerizing tapestry of natural beauty, warm-hearted locals, and heartfelt hospitality, making it an alluring destination for adventurers and soul seekers alike. From pristine beaches and majestic mountains to rich cultural heritage and mouthwatering cuisine, Cebu offers a journey leaving a lasting impression on every traveler's heart. Embrace the allure of Cebu, where the beauty of nature and the warmth of its people intertwine, creating an unforgettable experience that beckons you to return time and time again.

Safeguarding Gastronomic Adventures: Unveiling Occupational Health and Safety in 5th District Cebu's Hidden Culinary Treasures

Ivy A. Batican

Cebu Technological University Danao Campus

College of Management and Entrepreneurship


Embarking on a gastronomic journey through Cebu's 5th District is a delightful experience, filled with the allure of hidden culinary treasures. From vibrant food stalls to cozy eateries, the district offers a diverse array of flavors waiting to be savored. However, beneath the scrumptious offerings lies a crucial aspect that ensures the safety of both patrons and culinary artisans – occupational health and safety.

In a groundbreaking endeavor, we set out to explore the safety measures and practices within these unclassified food and beverage establishments. Our mission was clear: to not only tantalize taste buds but also prioritize the well-being of everyone involved in this culinary adventure.

Our expert team meticulously examined a curated selection of establishments, leaving no stone unturned in our quest to uphold occupational health and safety standards. From kitchen hygiene to food handling protocols, and from staff training to emergency readiness, we delved into every detail.

What we uncovered was both reassuring and enlightening. Many establishments exemplified commendable adherence to safety protocols, revealing their dedication to their customers and staff. With rigorous sanitation practices, regular equipment maintenance, and proper food storage, they showcased a commitment to excellence.

However, our assessment also revealed areas where improvement was needed. Some establishments lacked comprehensive staff training programs, potentially exposing employees to avoidable risks. Others could benefit from stronger emergency response plans to handle unforeseen situations with utmost efficiency.

Armed with these insights, we collaborated closely with the local food and beverage community to drive positive change. Through workshops, seminars, and personalized consultations, we offered guidance and support, empowering establishments to elevate their standards and create even safer environments.


Our mission goes beyond ensuring the health and safety of patrons; it extends to enhancing the overall dining experience in Cebu's 5th District. We firmly believe that a firm commitment to occupational health and safety will further elevate the reputation of these culinary treasures, making them even more enticing to both locals and visitors alike.

As you embark on your gastronomic adventures, rest assured that the hidden culinary gems of the 5th District have taken every measure to guarantee a safe and unforgettable experience. Together, let's celebrate the flavors of Cebu while upholding the highest standards of occupational health and safety, preserving the brilliance of these culinary treasures for generations to come.



The  Forgotten  Treasure

Instructor I

Iloilo Science and Technology University

Once  upon  a  time,  in  a  small  coastal  town  named  Seaview,  there  lived  a  curious  young  girl named  Lily.  She  spent  most  of  her  days  exploring  the  sandy  beaches  and  collecting  seashells. But  amidst  the  shimmering  waves  and  whispering  winds,  Lily  had  always  been  fascinated  by  the old  lighthouse  that  stood  tall  on  a  rocky  cliff.

Legend  had  it  that  hidden  within  the  lighthouse  was  a  forgotten  treasure,  guarded  by  the  spirit  of an  ancient  sailor.  The  townspeople  had  searched  for  it  for  generations,  but  no  one  had  ever succeeded.  Some  believed  it  was  just  a  tale  to  keep  children  entertained,  but  Lily  couldn't  help but  wonder  if  there  was  any  truth  to  the  story.

One  cloudy  afternoon,  when  the  sea  was  restless  and  the  lighthouse  seemed  to  beckon  her,  Lily made  up  her  mind.  She  gathered  her  courage  and  decided  to  venture  into  the  old  structure, determined  to  unravel  the  mystery  once  and  for  all.  With  a  lantern  in  one  hand  and  a  map  she had  found  in  her  grandfather's  attic  in  the  other,  she  climbed  up  the  winding  stairs  of  the lighthouse.

As she explored each floor, Lily felt a sense of wonder and excitement fill her heart. The lighthouse seemed to have many hidden rooms and passages. She followed the map's directions, trying to decipher the cryptic symbols and clues.

Finally,  after  what  seemed  like  hours,  Lily  reached  the  topmost  room  of  the  lighthouse.  There, she  found  a  dusty,  old  chest  sitting  in  a  corner.  Her  heart  raced  as  she  opened  it,  and  inside, she  found  an  intricately  carved  wooden  box.  Carefully  opening  the  box,  she  discovered  an ancient  parchment  with  a  riddle  written  in  a  mysterious  language.

Determined  to  solve  the  riddle,  Lily  returned  home  and  sought  the  help  of  her  grandfather.  He was  an  old  sailor  who  had  traveled  the  seas  in  his  youth  and  had  knowledge  of  ancient languages.  Together,  they  deciphered  the  riddle,  which  led  them  to  a  secret  cave  hidden  deep within  the  cliffs.

Armed with newfound hope, Lily and her grandfather ventured into the dark cave. As they went deeper, they encountered booby traps and puzzles guarding the treasure. With each obstacle, their bond grew stronger, and Lily admired her grandfather's wisdom and bravery.

Finally,  at  the  heart  of  the  cave,  they  found  an  enormous  chest,  filled  with  gold  coins,  jewels, and  ancient  artifacts.  The  forgotten  treasure  shimmered  in  the  dim  light,  making  their  eyes sparkle  with  wonder.



Sittienor Calbe Abubakar, EdD.
Dean, College of Education and Associate Professor IV

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

There is a significant difference between the school principal competencies and their gender profile as shown in their computed F value. There are significant differences of the School Level of SBM Practices when School principals are Grouped According to their Profile. There is Significant Differences between, mu School Level of SBM Practices and the Competencies of School principals. The significant competency predictors are School Leadership Domain, Creating a Student-Centered Learning Climate and Personal and Professional Attributes.

The findings reveal that male school principals are more competent as assessed through NCBS-SH. School principals aged 61 and above perform well in their level of SBM Practice and those with age 41-50 years old perform the least. Male school principals do better in SBM implementation than female school principals. Widow/er school principals has the greatest level of practice and married school principals perform the least. School principals with 31 and above years of being a school principal has the greatest average compared to other age bracket. School principals with doctoral degree and attended 16 and above number of trainings are far higher in SBM level of practice.

School principals should seriously reconsider their mastery of their school management, develops and communicates clear managing goals, make good use of allotted supervisory time and selects leadership methods, management styles and supervising ability that will address efficient and effective school based management. Schools Heads should be consistently updated on new school managing' methodologies in order to enhance their skills in implementing programs and projects in school. The result will serve as guide for school principals as they design and prepare programs for in their professional improvements.

The Resilient School Leader: Navigating Challenges with Grace and Determination

Nenith G. Cortuna, EdD.
Principal 1

Malublub-Sinuagan Elementary School

In every educational institution, the role of a school leader is pivotal in shaping the overall culture, fostering growth, and ensuring academic excellence. However, the path to success is sometimes riddled with challenges and uncertainties. A resilient school leader is one who can weather these storms with grace and determination, standing strong as a beacon of inspiration for the entire school learning community. This explores the qualities and characteristics of a resilient school leader and the significant impact they have on the success and well-being of the school.


Adaptability in the Face of Change: A resilient school leader possesses a remarkable ability to adapt to ever-changing circumstances and challenges. The educational landscape is constantly evolving, with shifts in policies, technological advancements, and societal changes. A resilient leader embraces these transformations and proactively seeks ways to integrate them into the school's vision, mission and core values. They lead with flexibility, understanding that change can be an opportunity for growth and innovation rather than a threat.


Emotional Intelligence and Empathy: Resilience is not solely about endurance and tenacity; it also involves emotional intelligence and empathy. A resilient school leader understands the emotions and needs of their teachers, learners, and parents. They create a supportive environment where individuals feel heard, valued, and understood. Through empathy, they foster a strong sense of community and collaboration, forging a united front to overcome challenges together.


Vision and Purpose: A resilient school leader is driven and guided by a clear vision and purpose for the school. This vision serves as a compass during difficult times, guiding decision-making and motivating the entire school community. They communicate their vision effectively, inspiring others to share the same passion and commitment towards achieving common goals. Even in the face of adversity, a resilient leader remains steadfast in pursuing the greater purpose.


Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills: Challenges are inevitable in any educational setting, but a resilient school leader rises to the occasion with exemplary problem-solving and decision-making skills. They approach problems with a positive mindset, seeking solutions that are pragmatic, fair, and inclusive. Their ability to make tough decisions in a timely manner while considering the well-being of all stakeholders earns them respect and trust within the school community.

Supportive and Nurturing Leadership: Resilient school leaders understand the importance of cultivating a supportive and nurturing environment for their teachers and learners. They recognize that everyone needs encouragement and validation, especially during trying times. By showing genuine care and providing the necessary support, they create an atmosphere where individuals can thrive and achieve their full unique potential.


Learning from Setbacks: Resilience is not about never experiencing setbacks but rather about learning and growing from them. A resilient school leader sees setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. They encourage a culture of continuous improvement and reflection, both personally and professionally, acknowledging that mistakes are valuable stepping stones towards success. Mistakes are giving lessons and inspiration towards growth.


God centered: Above all a resilient school leader is God fearing. Reverence to God is always a passion. Asking God’s wisdom is primary concern to seek heavenly guidance in all endeavors to have positive stance in leading the school.


Thus, a resilient school leader plays a vital role in fostering a positive and successful learning environment. Their adaptability, emotional intelligence, vision, and problem-solving skills enable them to navigate challenges, inspiration with grace and determination. By providing support, nurturing, and commitment to learning from setbacks, and being God centered they inspire their school community to rise above adversities and thrive. A resilient school leader leaves a lasting impact on the lives of learners, teachers, and parents, shaping not only the school's success but also the character and resilience of all those under their guidance.


Ang Ritwal ng Panawar at Dowaa sa Panggagamot ng mga Pamomolong sa Lanao Del Sur

Bedaria I. Amerol, PhD.

Associate Professor IV

Mindanao State University – Main Campus, Philippines

Corresponding Author email:


Layunin: Ang pag-aaral na ito ay naglayong makilala ang mga katutubong manggagamot na Maranaw sa iba’t ibang munisipalidad ng Lanao del Sur, matukoy ang panawar at dowaa (bulong at orasyon) na kanilang ginagamit sa pagpapagaling ng mga sakit at mailahad ang ritwal ng panggagamot gamit ang panawar at dowaa, at mabakas kung paano nila natamo ang karunungan sa panggagamot.

Metodolohiya: Pamaraang deskriptib o palarawan ang ginamit sa pag-aaral na ito sapagkat  inilarawan ang profile ng mga respondenteng manggagamot batay sa kanilang  kasarian, edad, hanapbuhay, titulo at kalagayan sa buhay. Purposive sampling o makalayuning sampling ang ginamit sa pag-aaral upang makatiyak ang mananaliksik na ang mga respondente ay gumagamit ng panawar at dowaa sa panggagamot.

Resulta: Lumabas sa pag-aaral na ang mga bulong at orasyong sinasambit ng mga respondenteng pamomolong ay kalimitang hango sa ayat sa Koran at Hadith, ibinubulong ang ayat lalo na sa mga sakit na gawa ng masamang ispiritu gaya ng nasaniban, ang ibang bulong at orasyon ay nasa wikang Maranaw.

Natamo ng mga pamomolong ang kanilang karunungan sa pamamagitan ng pagpasa o pamana ng mga ninuno sa kanila at ang iba ay natuklasan lamang na may kakayahan silang manggamot.

Konklusyon: Lumabas sa pag-aaral na sila ay mahalaga sa kanilang komunidad sapagkat nakakatulong sila sa mga tao kapag lumapit ang mga ito sa kanila upang magpagamot kahit walang bayad, gayunman lumabas pa rin sa pag-aaral na ang napapala nila sa kanilang panggagamot ay nagsisilbi itong hanapbuhay sa kanila. Ang implikasyon ng katutubong paraan ng panggagamot batay na rin sa sagot ng mga respondente ay sila ang inaasahan sa kalusugan ng mga Maranaw at tinatanggap ng kanilang kalahi na ang katutubong panggagamot ay mabuti, epektibo at hindi magastos.


Keywords: Faith Healing, Ritwal, Panggagamot, Pamomolong, Panawar, at Dowaa




Chief Executive Editor: Blessedy M. Cervantes, EdD.

      Managing Editor: Rolando D. Cervantes, DHum   International Editor: Ji Young Lee, EdD.



Ang pag-aaral ng panitikang Filipino ay nahahati sa iba’t ibang panahon. Nariyan ang katutubong panitikan, panahon ng Kastila, panahon ng Amerikano at panahon ng Hapon. Sa bawat panahong ito ay itinatampok ang gintong panahon ng mga akdang naglalarawan at nagsasalaysay ng pagkalahi, buhay at pakikipagsapalaran ng mga taong bunga ng malikhaing pag-iisip o imahinasyon ng mga ninuno. Itinatampok din ang mga bayaning naglaan ng kanilang talino at buhay dahil sa marubdob nilang hangaring mapalaya ang bayang Pilipinas mula sa mga dayuhan.

Ang panitikang Filipino ay nagsimula sa panahong ang Pilipinas ay hindi pa nasasakop ng mga dayuhan. Ito ang panahon ng katutubo. Ang kanilang karunungan ay naipamana sa pamamagitan ng pagsasalindila na tinatawag na oral o pasalitang panitikan. Ang mga halimbawa ng ganitong uri ng panitikan ay salawikain, kasabihan, bugtong, epiko, mito at alamat, palaisipan, talinghaga, payabangan, panunudyo at bulong. Ang mga ito ay itinuturing karunungang-bayan (Santiago, 1989).

Sa ganang mananaliksik, ang mga karunungang-bayang ito ay patuloy pa ring ginagamit ng mga tao sa kasalukuyang panahon. Ang mga matatanda ay nangangaral pa rin gamit ang salawikain.  Maaaring hindi na ito madalas marinig subalit ang esensya o diwa ng salawikain ay hindi pa rin kumukupas. Sa katunayan, kahit na sa panahong ito ng elektronikong panitikan ay hindi pa rin lubusang inaalis ang matandang karunungan. Ang telebisyon ay halimbawa ng elektronikong panitikan na mabisang naghahatid ng mga programang gaya ng balita, pang-aliwan at teleserye. Ang mga pantaseryeng Mahiwagang Baul sa tsanel 7 at Ang Pakikipagsapalaran ni Pedro Penduko sa tsanel 2 ay kapwa sumasariwa sa katutubong kaalaman. Isinasalaysay ng mga ito ang mga di-kapani-paniwalang pangyayaring hatid ng alamat, mito at iba pang kwentong kababalaghan na ang hangarin ay maaaring mang-aliw, mangaral o paunlarin ang mga kabang-yaman ng Panitikang Filipino. Nasa mahiwagang baul ang mga tinipong karunungan ng mga ninuno at na kay Pedro Penduko, isang karaniwang mamamayan na may pambihirang kapangyarihan ang kaligtasan ng mga taong ginagambala ng masasamang ispiritu at kakaibang nilikhang gaya ng kapre at tyanak.

Sa kabila ng mga pagbabagong hatid ng agham at teknolohiya, ang mga tao sa kasalukuyang panahon ay patuloy pa ring tumatangkilik sa mga karunungang-bayang ito. Sa ganitong paraan ay naprepreserba ang panitikang Filipino. Maaaring nabibigyan ng tingkad at kulay ang paglalarawan sa mga tauhan at tagpuan dahil sa maunlad na teknolohiya, ngunit ang mga kwento ay hindi pa rin kumukupas gaya na rin ng pagsasabing kahit na maraming medikal na manggagamot at nakapag-aral ay may mga tao pa ring kumikilala sa karunungan ng  mga albularyo, hilot,  faith healer at iba pang katutubong manggagamot kaakibat ang pananampalataya sa kanilang Diyos.

Sa mga nabanggit na karunungang-bayan, ang bulong ang siyang binigyang-pansin sa isinagawang pag-aaral. Ang mananaliksik na isang Maranaw ay nagkaroon ng interes na pag-aralan ang mga bulong ng mga Maranaw. Sa paggagalugad niya ng daigdig ng panitikang Filipino ay napako ang kanyang isipan  sa mga bulong. Sa mga aklat na panitikang Filipino at sa mga bagong litaw na aklat ngayon sa panitikan ay napansin ng mananaliksik na nabahagi na sa bawat rehiyunal sa Pilipinas ang pagtalakay sa panitikan.  Nababanggit ang bulong ngunit napapako lamang ang mga halimbawa sa pagbibigay-galang sa mga nuno sa punso at madalas ay kinuha pa mula sa katagalugan. Marahil ito na ang panahon upang mapagyaman ang panitikang Filipino sa pamamagitan ng masigasig na pag-aaral sa mga rehiyunal na panitikan gaya ng panitikang Maranaw sa Mindanao.  Panahon na  upang ang taga-Mindanao ay makapangalap ng mga ipinamanang karunungan  ng kanilang mga ninuno at maitala ang mga karunungang ito upang  makilala ng ibang  Pilipino saan mang sulok ng bansa o maging sa ibang bansa.

Ang Muslim sa Pilipinas ay mayaman din sa mga karunungang-bayan. Maraming grupo ang kasama sa Muslim. Kabilang na dito ang Maranaw na may sarili at ipinagmamalaki ding yamang pampanitikan. Gaya ng mga Tagalog, may bulong din ang mga Maranaw, panawar ang tawag dito at may tinatawag ding dowaa o dasal Sa tulong ng mga respondenteng Maranaw na kinikilalang katutubong manggagamot mula sa lalawigan ng Lanao del Sur ay naisakatuparan ang mga layunin ng papel na ito.


Layunin ng Pag-aaral

Nilayon ng pag-aaral na:

1.     Makilala ang mga katutubong manggagamot na Maranaw sa Lanao del Sur;

2.     Matukoy ang mga sakit na kanilang ginagamot;

3.     Mailahad ang mga bulong at orasyong kanilang ginagamit sa panggagamot ng mga naturang sakit;

4.     Mailahad ang paraan ng pagsasagawa ng panggagamot;

5.     Mabakas kung paano natamo ng pamomolong ang karunungan sa panggagamot;

6.     Matukoy ang implikasyon ng katutubong panggagamot sa lipunang Maranaw sa kasalukuyang panahon.




Riserts Desayn

Pamaraang deskriptib o palarawan ang ginamit sa pag-aaral na ito sapagkat inilarawan ang profile ng mga respondenteng manggagamot batay sa kanilang kasarian, edad, hanapbuhay, titulo at kalagayan sa buhay. Bukod dito ay inilarawan ang taong nagugol sa panggagamot ng mga respondente, pinagkunan/pinagmulan ng kaalamang panggagamot, nagturo ng kaalamang panggagamot, mga sakit na ginagamot, ritwal at bulong ng panggagamot, kahalagahan ng panggagamot, at implikasyon ng katutubong panggagamot.  


Populasyon at Sampling

May labinlimang respondente ang kinapanayam ng mananaliksik ukol sa kanilang panggagamot gamit ang panawar at dowaa. Sa pangangalap ng datos ay gumamit ng talatanungan na isinulat sa wikang Maranaw at oral na interbyu. Purposive sampling o makalayuning sampling ang ginamit sa pag-aaral upang makatiyak ang mananaliksik na ang mga respondente ay gumagamit ng panawar at dowaa sa panggagamot.


Instrumentong Ginamit

         Talatanungan ang instrumentong ginamit ng mananaliksik sa pangangalap ng datos sa mga respondente. Ang mga talatanungang pinasagot mula sa mga respondente ay agad na isinaayos, kinalkula at inalisa.  Frequency at percentage distribution ang ginamit upang ilarawan ang profile ng mga respondenteng manggagamot maging ang ritwal at bulong ng panggagamot, kahalagahan ng panggagamot, at implikasyon ng katutubong  panggagamot.


Paraan ng Pangangalap ng Datos

Bago puntahan ng mananaliksik ang lugar na tinitirhan ng mga pamomolong ay nagtanung-tanong muna sa kanyang mga guro, kamag-anak, kakilala kung may kilala silang pamomolong at saan matatagpuan ang mga ito. Nang mailista na ng mananaliksik ang mga pangalan ng pamomolong ay saka siya pumunta sa mga kinaroroonan ng mga ito sa iba’t ibang lugar sa Lanao del Sur.

Ang mga bayang pinuntahan ng mananaliksik ay ang bayan ng Marantao, Balindong (Watu), Madalum, Pualas, Saguiaran, Ditsaan Ramain, Buadi-Puso Buntong, Masiu at ang Lungsod ng Marawi. Ang mga bayan na ito ay inisa-isang puntahan ng mananaliksik upang personal na kapanayamin ang bawat pamomolong na nabanggit ng mga impormante.  Inisa-isang puntahan ng mananaliksik ang pangalan na nasa kanyang listahan. Mahigit sa tatlumpo ang naitalang pamomolong, ang lahat ng ito ay pinuntahan ng mananaliksik subalit hindi pumayag ang ilan sa kanila na makapanayam sapagkat ayaw nilang ibunyag ang paraan ng kanilang panggagamot dahil sagrado daw ito, ang iba naman ay laging wala sa bahay kapag bumabalik ang mananaliksik sa bahay nila. Kinausap muna niya ang mga pamomolong kung sila ay payag na maging respondente sa pag-aaral na ito. Ipinaliwanag sa kanila na ang layunin ng pag-aaral ay upang malaman ang paraan ng panggagamot ng mga katutubong manggagamot. Sa pagpayag nila ay humingi din ng pahintulot na sila ay makunan ng litrato at video. Kailangan nilang sagutin ang mga talatanungang inihanda at pirmahan ang mga ito upang maging makatotohanan. Gayunman, ang ibang pamomolong ay hindi sumulat sapagkat tinatamad kaya ang mananaliksik na lamang ang sumulat.


Paraan ng Analisis at Interpretasyon ng Datos

         Ang ginawang pagtalakay ay ibinatay sa pagkakasunud-sunod ng nasa talatanungan.  Inilagay sa mga talahanayan ang mga datos na nakalap ng mananaliksik sa mga respondenteng manggagamot upang agad na makita ang kasagutan sa papel na ito.  Inilahad muna ang talahanayan pagkatapos ay ipinaliwanag ang napaloob dito. May mga talahanayan na hindi tuwirang sumasagot sa mga suliranin ng pag-aaral. Ang ibang talahanayan ay inilahad bilang pantulong sa tunay na pakay ng pag-aaral.


Ethical Consideration

Tiniyak ng mananaliksik na ang lahat ng mga protocol ng pananaliksik na kinasasangkutan ng etika sa pananaliksik ay nasusunod para sa proteksyon ng lahat ng tao at institusyong sangkot sa pagsasagawa ng pag-aaral.

Contact us for the full copy.

The Influence of Gen Z Slang on Education 

Pauline Joy G. Tardaguila, MAEd 


Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology 

Language is a constantly evolving entity that reflects societal shifts, societal trends, and generational shifts. With the emergence of Generation Z (those born between 1997 and 2012), it is evident that new slang has emerged and become a regular part of their communication. This essay will examine the impact of Generation Z slang on education, focusing on both its positive and negative implications. 

Gen Z slang, which is frequently derived from references to popular culture and social media platforms, has enabled young people to express themselves creatively. This inherent ability to manipulate language fosters a sense of authenticity and self-expression by allowing the development of distinct identities. Through projects, assignments, or discussions, education systems that recognize this capacity can use vernacular to foster critical thinking, writing skills, and creative exploration. 

In contrast to previous generations, Generation Z is known for its tolerance and acceptance of diverse  cultures, ethnicities, genders, and sexual orientations. This expansive perspective is frequently reflected in their vernacular through the incorporation of inclusive terms that have evolved. In the context of education, this presents a valuable opportunity to create inclusive and secure spaces where students feel comfortable expressing their identities and experiences. 

Enhanced Informal Interaction While the use of Gen Z slang may appear informal, it can help bridge the gap between students and instructors. The use of slang promotes informal conversations and interactions, thereby eliminating  barriers  that  are  frequently  fostered  in  traditional  educational  settings.  Incorporating  slang  into educational  practices  can  facilitate  open  communication  and  genuine  relationships  between  students  and instructors, thus enhancing the learning process. 

Students must be equipped with the formal language skills necessary to communicate effectively in a  variety of contexts as the vernacular of Generation Z grows in popularity. While the use of vernacular by young people  demonstrates  linguistic  creativity,  educational  systems  must  emphasize  the  importance  of  effective communication in academic and professional settings. Students can receive a comprehensive education if they are taught formal and informal language skills simultaneously. 

Maintaining a Balance of Respectful Language Although incorporating Gen Z slang in education can be 

advantageous, it is essential to maintain a respectful language balance to ensure clarity and comprehension among all participants. Educators must underscore the significance of standard written and spoken language consistently for effective communication. Educators play a vital role in preparing students to navigate formal and informal linguistic environments by encouraging students to make informed language decisions. 

Without a doubt, Generation Z slang has a substantial impact on education. Enhancing the learning 

experience by capitalizing on the student's creative expression and cultivating inclusive environments can foster critical thinking and self-expression. However, a balance must be struck between informal language usage and maintaining a respectful communication structure. By effectively integrating Gen Z slang into the educational landscape, educators can empower students to thrive in both informal and formal communication settings. 

Postpartum Challenges and Opportunities for Working Mothers 

Pauline Joy G. Tardaguila, MAEd 


Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology 

The Philippines, like many other countries, presents significant obstacles in meeting the requirements of working 

mothers after childbirth. These difficulties are closely tied to the country's maternity leave policy, which necessitates serious analysis and possible adjustments in order to increase the well-being of working women and their families. The purpose of this research is to throw light on some of these issues and give recommendations for future changes to the current maternity leave policy. 

To begin, it is vital to recognize that the Philippines has made significant progress in recognizing working women's 

rights during pregnancy and after childbirth. The Expanded Maternity Leave Law, Republic Act No. 11210, was passed into law in 2019, doubling the number of paid maternity leave days from 60 to 105. This legislative move was a commendable effort to assist working mothers in spending more time with their newborns and recovering from the physical and emotional rigors of childbirth. 

Despite these developments, working mothers encounter a number of obstacles after giving birth. Job security is a 

major issue for new mothers who return to work. Many firms, both public and private, are unwilling to rehire women once their maternity leave ends, assuming that they are less dedicated or capable than their non-parental peers. This biased behavior not only prevents women from advancing in their careers, but it also contributes to workplace gender imbalance. 

Furthermore, the lack of accessible and affordable childcare options exacerbates the difficulties that working 

mothers confront. Many women are forced to choose between their work objectives and their maternity responsibilities due to inadequate support structures. In the absence of adequate childcare measures, many women are obliged to take extended work breaks or rely on informal and unregulated childcare services, which may compromise their children's safety and well-being. This fact stymies efforts to empower women in the workplace and ensure the healthy development of future generations. 

Several modifications to the maternity leave legislation and larger support mechanisms are required to solve these 

issues. In addition to extending paid maternity leave, the government must strictly enforce anti-discrimination laws and protect the jobs of new mothers. Employers should be encouraged to offer women with small children flexible job options, such  as  part-time  or  remote  work,  to  fulfill  their  demands.  Businesses  may  retain  brilliant  female  employees  while simultaneously supporting gender equality by building an inclusive and supportive work environment. 

Furthermore, the government should collaborate with commercial and non-profit organizations to create more 

affordable and accessible childcare options. This method would reduce financial hardship on families while simultaneously boosting working women's career opportunities. Well-regulated and high-quality childcare centers would create a caring environment that encourages children's holistic development while also protecting their safety and well-being. 

While the Philippines has made great strides in modernizing its maternity leave regulations, a number of challenges still face working  women  after  childbirth.  Inadequate  childcare  facilities  and  discriminatory  rules  stymie  women's  career advancement and jeopardize the well-being of their children. To tackle these issues, reforms in job security, flexible work arrangements, and improved childcare provisions are required. By addressing these issues properly, the Philippines can create a more inclusive and supportive work environment, empowering women and investing in the country's future development. 

A Wrestle to Global Competence: English Language Education in the Philippines and Its Provocations 

Pauline Joy G. Tardaguila, MAEd 


Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology 

English language instruction in the Philippines has been a topic of discussion for decades. English 

strongly influences the culture and education system of this former American colony. The Philippines struggles to become globally competitive through English language education. Language variety is a major issue. The Philippines has more than 100 language groupings. This linguistic diversity makes it difficult to establish an English-language education system. Many students, especially those from outlying areas, don't speak English. This makes learning English difficult. 

English language instructors are few. English language teachers are in short supply, despite great demand.  This  shortfall  is  mostly  due  to  English  language  instructors'  low  standing  and  pay.  Thus,  many talented English teachers work abroad for increased pay and professional recognition. English language instruction is hampered by a lack of well-trained teachers, making it less likely that pupils will learn global competence-related language abilities. Inconsistent use of English as the language of instruction further hinders global competence. Classroom use of English, the official language, varies. English is taught as a subject rather than the medium of teaching in some schools. This inconsistency hinders students' English fluency and communicative competence—essential abilities for worldwide success. 

English  language  education's  fight  for  global  competence  also  involves  social  and  economic 

considerations. English literacy is often related to social prestige and economic potential in the Philippines. Thus, privileged people have better access to private English language training. This deepens the gap between  the  haves  and  have-nots  and  prevents  fair  access  to  English  language  instruction  for  global competence. Despite these provocations, the Philippines have taken steps to resolve the obstacles and promote global competence through English language education. Initiatives such as the K-12 program, which emphasizes English language proficiency, have been implemented to improve language learning beginning at a young age. Additionally, partnerships and collaborations with English-speaking countries, such as the United States, have been established to enhance English language teachers' training and professional development. 

The Philippines confronts a number of obstacles in its pursuit of global competence via English language education. The struggle is due to linguistic diversity, lack of qualified instructors, inconsistent use of English as the medium of instruction, and the influence of social and economic factors. Nonetheless, the country  is  making  incremental  progress  as  a  result  of  the  implementation  of  strategic  programs  and partnerships.  By  addressing  these  provocations  and  providing  equal  opportunities  for  all  students,  the Philippines can realize its objective of equipping future generations with the language skills necessary for success in a globalized world. 

A World Without Electricity: The Disruption of Electrical Engineering

Dr. Wilen Melsedec O. Narvios

Assistant Professor IV / Chair - Electrical Engineering Department

Cebu Technological University-Main Campus

Electricity's integration into electrical engineering has revolutionized the world. However, imagining a world without electricity reveals the profound implications it would have on daily life, industries, and technological progress. This essay explores the hypothetical scenario of a world devoid of electricity and its far-reaching effects on electrical engineering.


Impact on Daily Life

In a world without electricity, basic tasks like turning on lights, using electronic devices, or charging smartphones would become impossible. Daily chores would be laborious, and manual labor would become the primary means of accomplishing essential tasks. The absence of electricity would also mean the loss of heating, cooling, and refrigeration systems, greatly impacting comfort and quality of life.


Impact on Industries

Industries heavily reliant on electricity, such as manufacturing, telecommunications, and transportation, would be crippled. Factory assembly lines, driven by electricity to boost production efficiency, would grind to a halt, triggering an economic downturn. Modern communication and information exchange facilitated by electricity would vanish, impeding global connectivity and knowledge-sharing.


Impact on Technological Advancements

In a world without electricity, the progress of technological advancements would stagnate. Advanced medical equipment like MRI machines, X-rays, and life-support systems would be non-operational, jeopardizing lives. Moreover, research and development in renewable energy technologies, such as solar panels and wind turbines, would be hindered, making the transition to a sustainable world challenging.


Imagining a world without electricity in an electrical engineering context highlights its irreplaceable role in modern society. Electricity's absence would lead to a return to a primitive way of life, disrupting daily routines, industries, and medical practices. This scenario underscores the significance of electrical engineering in shaping our world and the need for continued innovation in the field.

Efforts to maintain and sustain our electrical infrastructure are crucial, as they ensure progress and a higher quality of life. Moreover, seeking alternative methods to generate and utilize electricity efficiently and responsibly becomes imperative in this hypothetical world. Only through such endeavors can we guarantee a brighter and electrifying future for generations to come. The world without electricity reminds us of the invaluable contributions of electrical engineering and inspires us to strive for its continued advancement.

Microgrid Situations in the Philippine Archipelago: An Electrical Engineering Perspective

Dr. Wilen Melsedec O. Narvios

Assistant Professor IV / Chair - Electrical Engineering Department

Cebu Technological University-Main Campus

The Philippine archipelago, comprised of thousands of islands, poses unique challenges to energy accessibility and sustainability. From this electrical engineering perspective, microgrids have emerged as a promising solution to address the energy needs of remote and isolated communities scattered throughout the archipelago. This essay explores the significance of microgrid situations in the Philippine context and their potential to revolutionize electrical engineering practices.


The Challenge of Isolated Communities

Many communities in the Philippine archipelago are geographically isolated, making it economically and logistically challenging to extend the national power grid to these remote areas. As a result, a significant portion of the population lacks access to reliable electricity, hindering development and access to basic amenities like education and healthcare.


Microgrids as a Viable Solution

Microgrids offer a practical and sustainable approach to electrifying these isolated regions. As localized energy systems, microgrids can generate, store, and distribute electricity independently. They can utilize diverse energy sources, including solar, wind, biomass, and small-scale hydro, making them well-suited to tap into the abundant renewable energy potential in the Philippines.


Advantages of Microgrids in the Philippine Context

1.      Energy Independence: Microgrids reduce dependence on the national grid, providing communities with localized and reliable energy sources. This ensures continuous electricity supply even during disruptions in the main grid.

2.      Cost-Effectiveness: Building microgrids can be more cost-effective than extending the national grid to remote areas. They allow for targeted investments in localized infrastructure, optimizing energy delivery.

3.      Environmental Sustainability: By incorporating renewable energy sources, microgrids contribute to environmental sustainability. This reduces greenhouse gas emissions, mitigates climate change impacts, and protects the country's natural resources.

4.      Technological Advancements: Implementing microgrids in the Philippine archipelago fosters innovation in electrical engineering. Engineers are challenged to design, integrate, and optimize various renewable energy technologies and energy storage systems.


Challenges and Future Prospects

While microgrids present numerous advantages, challenges remain in their widespread implementation. Issues such as financing, regulatory frameworks, and technical expertise must be addressed to ensure successful deployment and maintenance of microgrid systems.

Looking forward, the future of electrical engineering in the Philippine archipelago is intricately tied to the expansion and advancement of microgrid technologies. Engineers will play a pivotal role in designing efficient, reliable, and resilient microgrids tailored to the unique needs of each community.


Microgrid situations in the Philippine archipelago are a transformative development in the field of electrical engineering. By leveraging localized energy systems and renewable energy sources, microgrids offer a practical solution to electrify remote and isolated communities. Their implementation promotes energy independence, environmental sustainability, and technological advancements. As electrical engineering continues to evolve, microgrids will play a crucial role in shaping a more accessible, sustainable, and electrified future for the Philippines.

Techniques and Awareness in Analysis of Electronics Circuits

Gilbert M. Silagpo


Cebu Technological University-Main Campus

Electronic circuits are fundamental building blocks of modern technology, enabling a wide range of applications across industries. Understanding and analyzing these circuits are crucial for electronics engineers to design, troubleshoot, and optimize electronic systems. This essay explores the techniques and awareness required in the analysis of electronic circuits.


Circuit Theorems and Laws:Fundamental techniques in electronic circuit analysis include the application of circuit theorems and laws. Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws, Ohm's law, and Thevenin's theorem are essential principles used to analyze and simplify complex circuits. Engineers apply these theorems to determine current flows, voltage drops, and resistance values, facilitating circuit analysis.


Network Analysis Techniques: Network analysis techniques, such as nodal and mesh analysis, are widely used in electronic circuits. The nodal analysis involves applying Kirchhoff's current law at each node, while mesh analysis applies Kirchhoff's voltage law around each loop. These methods provide a systematic approach to solving circuits with multiple interconnected components.


Circuit Simulation Software: Advanced circuit simulation software like SPICE allows engineers to virtually simulate and analyze complex circuits. These tools help verify circuit behavior, predict performance, and identify potential issues before physical implementation, saving time and resources.


Frequency Domain Analysis: Understanding electronic circuit behavior in the frequency domain is crucial, as circuits often operate at different frequencies. Fourier analysis transforms time-domain signals into frequency-domain representations. Engineers use this analysis to study frequency response, filter characteristics, and signal distortions.


Signal and System Analysis: Understanding signals and systems is vital in electronic circuits. Laplace and Z-transform techniques help analyze and design control systems, filters, and communication systems. Signal analysis detects noise, distortion, and interference, while system analysis assesses stability and performance.


Sensitivity Analysis: Sensitivity analysis evaluates how variations in circuit components affect performance. Identifying critical elements in the circuit that significantly impact behavior helps engineers optimize designs for robustness and reliability.


Awareness of Non-Idealities: Non-idealities, such as parasitic capacitance and inductance, impact real-world circuits. Engineers must be aware of these factors during analysis. Accurate modeling and mitigation of non-ideal effects are crucial for achieving reliable circuit performance.


Analyzing electronic circuits is a fundamental skill for electronics engineers, essential for designing efficient and reliable electronic systems. Techniques like circuit theorems, network analysis, and circuit simulation software facilitate understanding and optimizing circuit behavior. Frequency domain analysis, signal and system analysis, and sensitivity analysis provide insights into circuit performance under different conditions. Being aware of non-idealities ensures accurate modeling and design of real-world circuits. By honing these techniques and staying updated with the latest advancements, electronics engineers can create innovative solutions and drive progress in the field of electronics and technology.

The Employability Rate of Electronics Engineering in the Related Field of Practices

Gilbert M. Silagpo


Cebu Technological University-Main Campus

Electronics engineering is a dynamic and sought-after field that plays a vital role in various industries, including telecommunications, electronics manufacturing, and automation. As technology continues to advance, the demand for skilled electronics engineers remains high. This essay explores the employability rate of electronics engineering graduates in the related field of practice and the factors contributing to their success in the job market.


Growing Demand for Electronics Engineers: The rapid growth of technology and the increasing reliance on electronic devices and systems have led to rising demand for electronics engineers. Industries such as telecommunications, consumer electronics, automotive, aerospace, and renewable energy continually seek talented engineers to design, develop, and maintain innovative electronic solutions.


Specialized Skillset: Electronics engineering graduates possess a specialized skillset that makes them highly employable. Their expertise in circuit design, microelectronics, signal processing, and communication systems sets them apart in the job market. Additionally, their proficiency in using software tools for simulations and programming adds value to their professional competence.


Adaptability and Interdisciplinary Knowledge: Electronics engineers possess adaptability and interdisciplinary knowledge. They can apply their skills across various industries and work on diverse projects. This flexibility allows them to contribute to multiple domains, making them attractive candidates for employers seeking versatile professionals.


Emphasis on Innovation: In today's competitive landscape, innovation is a key driver of success for companies. Electronics engineers are at the forefront of technological advancements, constantly innovating to improve existing products and develop cutting-edge solutions. Their innovative mindset is highly valued in industries striving to stay ahead of the curve.


Industry-University Collaboration: Collaboration between industries and universities enhances the employability of electronics engineering graduates. Industry-sponsored projects, internships, and research opportunities during education provide students with practical experience and exposure to real-world challenges. This collaboration equips graduates with the skills and knowledge that align with industry requirements.


Professional Certifications: Electronics engineering graduates can boost their employability by obtaining professional certifications. Certifications in specialized areas like embedded systems, wireless communications, and power electronics demonstrate their expertise and commitment to continuous learning, making them more attractive to employers.


Soft Skills and Communication: In addition to technical prowess, electronics engineers need strong communication and soft skills. The ability to collaborate, communicate complex technical concepts, and work effectively in teams enhances their employability in today's workplace.


The employability rate of electronics engineering graduates in the related field of practice remains high due to the growing demand for their specialized skillset, adaptability, and innovative mindset. Industry-university collaboration, professional certifications, and the development of soft skills contribute to their success in the job market. As technology continues to advance, electronics engineering will remain a pivotal field, providing graduates with exciting career opportunities and the chance to make a significant impact on the world.

The Role of Electronics Engineering in Modern Technology

Gilbert M. Silagpo


Cebu Technological University-Main Campus

Electronic engineering holds a pivotal and transformative role in the rapidly advancing world of modern technology. This specialized discipline is dedicated to the design, development, and application of electronic circuits and systems, which have revolutionized various industries and significantly impacted our daily lives. This essay explores the indispensable role of electronics engineering in modern technology.


Miniaturization and Integration: Electronics engineering has played a key role in miniaturizing electronic components. The invention of transistors, integrated circuits (ICs), and microprocessors has led to compact yet powerful devices. Gadgets like smartphones, laptops, and wearable devices have become essential tools, offering seamless communication and computing on the go.


Communication and Connectivity: The growth of global communication owes much to electronics engineering. Advanced communication systems, such as the Internet, cellular networks, and satellites, have bridged geographical gaps, fostering worldwide connectivity. People can now communicate instantaneously, facilitating information exchange, collaboration, and innovation on an unprecedented scale.


Computing Power and Artificial Intelligence (AI): Electronics engineering has driven the exponential growth of computing power. Moore's Law, which posits that the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles approximately every two years, has led to increasingly powerful computers. This advancement has paved the way for artificial intelligence (AI), enabling machines to simulate human intelligence and perform complex tasks, from natural language processing to autonomous driving.


Renewable Energy and Sustainability: Addressing environmental concerns, electronics engineering has played a critical role in promoting renewable energy solutions. Power electronics and energy storage systems have made harnessing renewable energy from sources like solar and wind more efficient and practical. Additionally, smart grids facilitate the integration of renewable energy into existing power systems, advancing sustainability and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Automation and Robotics: Electronics engineering has revolutionized automation and robotics. Industrial automation has streamlined manufacturing processes, increasing efficiency and productivity while minimizing errors. Robotics finds applications in various industries, from healthcare and agriculture to logistics and exploration. Robots can perform intricate tasks, often in hazardous or challenging environments, making industries safer and more efficient.


Biomedical Innovations: The field of healthcare has also witnessed remarkable advancements through electronics engineering. Advanced medical devices like MRI machines, pacemakers, and wearable health monitors rely on electronics for precise diagnoses and life-saving treatments. Telemedicine, facilitated by electronics, allows remote medical consultations, improving healthcare access for people in remote or underserved areas.


The role of electronics engineering in modern technology is of paramount importance. From miniaturizing and integrating electronic components to driving communication, computing power, and AI, electronics engineering is the foundation of our technological progress. It leads the charge toward sustainable energy solutions, automation, and robotics while transforming healthcare for the better. As technology continues to evolve, electronics engineering will remain an essential driving force, shaping a smarter, more connected, and more sustainable future for humanity.

Difficulty of the Board Exam in Electronics Engineering: Overcoming Challenges

Gilbert M. Silagpo


Cebu Technological University-Main Campus

The board exam in electronics engineering is a critical step for aspiring engineers seeking a professional license. However, the exam can be challenging due to various factors. This essay explores these challenges and suggests strategies to overcome them.


Vast and Complex Syllabus: The electronics engineering board exam covers a wide range of topics, including circuit analysis, electronics principles, digital systems, communications, and control systems. Candidates must grasp numerous concepts and theories. To overcome this challenge, starting exam preparation early and breaking the syllabus into manageable chunks can be beneficial.


Mathematical Proficiency: Mathematics plays a vital role in electronics engineering, requiring candidates to understand calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, and complex numbers. Strengthening mathematical skills through regular practice and seeking guidance from professors or tutors can boost confidence in handling math-related questions.


Intensive Preparation: Preparing for the board exam demands rigorous study and practice. Candidates must invest significant time in reviewing textbooks, solving sample problems, and taking mock exams. To manage this intensity, creating a well-structured study plan with allocated time for different subjects can help in effective preparation.


Time Management: The board exam spans several days, testing multiple subjects. Effective time management is crucial to complete each section within the allocated time. Regularly practicing mock exams under timed conditions can improve time management skills and ensure that candidates don't get stuck on any particular question for too long.


Pressure and Stress: The weight of the board exam can lead to pressure and stress, impacting performance. Candidates can develop stress management techniques, such as meditation or exercise, to stay calm and focused during the exam.


Practical Application: The board exam emphasizes theoretical knowledge, but electronics engineering is also highly practical. Understanding how theoretical concepts apply to real-world scenarios is crucial. Candidates can enhance their practical understanding by working on projects and seeking hands-on experiences during their studies.


Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills: Analytical and problem-solving skills are vital for success in the board exam. Regularly practicing problem-solving exercises and seeking assistance from professors or peers can enhance these skills.


To overcome the difficulty of the board exam in electronics engineering, candidates should start early, develop a structured study plan, and practice regularly. Seeking guidance from experienced professionals or review centers can provide valuable insights. Staying calm and confident during the exam is essential, as stress can hinder performance. Additionally, practical application and problem-solving skills can be honed through hands-on experiences and consistent practice.


The board exam in electronics engineering is a significant challenge for aspiring engineers. The vast syllabus, mathematical proficiency, intensive preparation, time management, pressure, and practical application are some of the obstacle’s candidates may encounter. However, by adopting effective study strategies and staying focused, candidates can overcome these challenges and achieve success in the exam. With determination and dedication, they can embark on a rewarding career in the dynamic field of electronics engineering.

Artificial Intelligence in Electronics Engineering: A Journey Towards Innovation

Gilbert M. Silagpo


Cebu Technological University-Main Campus

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changing technology, revolutionizing various industries, and electronics engineering is no exception. This essay explores the significant impact of AI in electronics engineering, how it has reshaped the field, and the promising future it holds in driving innovation.

Advancing Design and Optimization:

AI has transformed the design process in electronics engineering. Traditionally, designing electronic circuits and systems involved time-consuming manual tasks. With AI, engineers can now leverage machine learning algorithms to analyze massive datasets, identify patterns, and generate optimized designs. This AI-driven design approach significantly reduces development time, enhances performance, and opens up new possibilities for complex electronic systems.

Predictive Maintenance and Reliability:

In the realm of electronics engineering, AI is reshaping maintenance practices. Through the integration of sensors and real-time data analytics, electronic devices can monitor their own health and performance. AI algorithms can predict potential faults and failures, enabling proactive maintenance before critical issues arise. This predictive maintenance strategy enhances the reliability and longevity of electronic systems, reducing downtime and improving overall efficiency.

Enabling Intelligent Manufacturing:

AI is driving a shift toward intelligent manufacturing in electronics engineering. Robotic automation, powered by AI, is transforming production lines, making them more agile, precise, and adaptable. AI algorithms can optimize workflows, adjust production schedules, and ensure consistent quality control. Intelligent manufacturing systems enhance productivity, reduce errors, and create cost-effective and scalable production processes.

Creating Smart Devices and Systems:

AI has ushered in the era of smart devices and systems in electronics engineering. Through natural language processing and machine learning, AI-powered devices can understand user commands, learn from user behavior, and adapt to individual preferences. Voice assistants, smart home systems, and IoT devices are all examples of AI-driven smart technologies that have revolutionized user experiences.

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability:

In the quest for sustainable development, AI has become a crucial ally in electronics engineering. AI-powered smart grids optimize energy distribution and consumption, reducing wastage and promoting renewable energy integration. On a smaller scale, AI algorithms improve power management in electronic devices, prolonging battery life and reducing energy consumption.

Pioneering Autonomous Systems:

AI is unlocking the potential of autonomous systems in electronics engineering. Through real-time data analysis and decision-making capabilities, AI enables autonomous vehicles, drones, and robots. These systems find applications in transportation, logistics, healthcare, and exploration, enhancing safety, efficiency, and human capabilities.


Artificial Intelligence has become an indispensable force in electronics engineering, igniting a new era of innovation and progress. From advancing design and predictive maintenance to enabling intelligent manufacturing and creating smart devices, AI has redefined the possibilities in the field. Its ability to learn, adapt, and make informed decisions continues to shape the future of electronics engineering, opening doors to even more transformative applications. As technology evolves, AI's role in electronics engineering is set to grow, leading us toward a future that is smarter, more connected, and increasingly sustainable.

Impact of Antenna Tower Radiation

Gilbert M. Silagpo


Cebu Technological University-Main Campus

Antenna towers of transmitters play a vital role in modern communication, enabling wireless connectivity and data transmission. However, concerns have been raised about the potential impact of the radiation emitted by these towers on human health and the environment. This essay explores the impact of antenna tower radiation and the measures taken to address these concerns.

Health Concerns:

The radiation emitted by antenna towers is called radiofrequency (RF) radiation, which falls under non-ionizing radiation. Unlike ionizing radiation, non-ionizing radiation lacks sufficient energy to cause immediate harm to cells or DNA. Nevertheless, some studies have investigated the long-term effects of prolonged RF radiation exposure.

Although scientific consensus is yet to be reached, concerns have been raised about potential health risks, including an increased risk of cancer and other health issues. Organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) classify RF radiation as "possibly carcinogenic to humans," implying a potential link between RF radiation exposure and cancer development. However, further research is needed to better understand any health risks associated with RF radiation.

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS):

Certain individuals claim to experience Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), reporting symptoms when exposed to electromagnetic fields, including RF radiation. Symptoms may include headaches, fatigue, and other non-specific complaints. However, scientific studies have not consistently supported a direct causal link between RF radiation and EHS. Most research in this area has been unable to establish a clear cause-effect relationship.

Environmental Impact:

Concerns also extend to the environmental impact of radiation from antenna towers. Studies have explored how RF radiation might affect wildlife, particularly birds and insects. There are suggestions that certain species may experience disorientation or disruption in navigation and communication patterns due to exposure to electromagnetic fields. However, more comprehensive research is required to fully understand the extent of these potential impacts.

Safety Measures:

To address concerns, regulatory authorities have established safety guidelines and standards for RF radiation exposure. These guidelines set limits on the level of radiation emitted by antenna towers to ensure it remains within safe levels for the general public. Antenna tower operators are required to adhere to these safety measures and regularly monitor radiation levels for compliance.

The impact of antenna tower radiation remains a complex and evolving subject. While concerns about potential health effects and environmental impacts exist, scientific evidence is inconclusive. Regulatory standards and safety guidelines are in place to mitigate any potential risks associated with RF radiation exposure. As technology and scientific understanding continue to advance, ongoing research and public awareness will remain essential to ensure the safe and responsible deployment of wireless communication infrastructure. Striking a balance between technological progress and safeguarding human health and the environment is crucial for a connected and sustainable future.

Contributions of Electronics Engineers in Telecommunication

Gilbert M. Silagpo


Cebu Technological University-Main Campus

Telecommunication is vital for modern society, enabling seamless communication and global connectivity. Electronics engineers have significantly impacted the telecommunication industry with their contributions. This essay explores their major achievements and their transformative impact on communication systems.


Design and Development of Communication Devices:

Electronics engineers are pioneers in designing and developing communication devices, such as smartphones, tablets, routers, and modems. These devices have become indispensable in our daily lives, connecting us, providing access to information, and facilitating business transactions with ease.

Advancements in Wireless Communication:

The wireless communication sector has seen remarkable progress due to electronics engineers. Their innovations in Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and 5G technologies ensure faster and more reliable wireless connections, creating a mobile and interconnected world.

Signal Processing and Data Compression:

Efficient signal processing and data compression techniques are essential for effective telecommunication. Electronics engineers have developed advanced algorithms and coding methods that optimize data transmission, resulting in faster and more reliable communication.

Fiber Optics and High-Speed Internet:

The telecommunication industry was revolutionized by electronics engineers through fiber optic technology. They have designed high-capacity fiber optic networks, providing ultra-fast internet speeds, seamless data transfer, and an enhanced internet experience.

Satellite Communication:

Satellite communication, a key global connectivity solution, is possible due to electronics engineers. They have designed satellite systems that enable communication across continents and support communication in disaster-prone areas.

Network Infrastructure and Telecommunication Towers:

Building a robust telecommunication network requires meticulous planning of network infrastructure. Electronics engineers play a crucial role in designing and optimizing telecommunication towers, base stations, and transmission systems to ensure optimal coverage and signal strength.

Internet of Things (IoT) Integration:

Modern telecommunication relies on the Internet of Things (IoT). Electronics engineers actively integrate IoT devices into existing telecommunication networks, facilitating seamless communication between connected devices and enabling smart applications.

Cybersecurity and Data Protection:

The importance of cybersecurity in telecommunication cannot be overstated. Electronics engineers contribute to developing secure communication protocols and encryption algorithms to safeguard data from unauthorized access and cyber threats.

Telemedicine and Remote Communication:

Telemedicine and remote communication have become vital, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Electronics engineers have enhanced telemedicine capabilities, enabling remote access to medical services and real-time communication between healthcare providers and patients.


Electronics engineers have made transformative contributions to telecommunication, revolutionizing the way we communicate and connect with the world. Their advancements include communication device design, wireless technology progress, efficient data transmission techniques, high-speed internet through fiber optics, satellite communication, network infrastructure optimization, IoT integration, cybersecurity implementation, and telemedicine advancements. Their innovations continue to push the boundaries of telecommunication, making communication more accessible, reliable, and secure. As we look to the future, electronics engineers will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in further revolutionizing the telecommunication industry and empowering societies worldwide.


Rakila M. Quezon, MaEd

Instructor III

Adiong Memorial State College, Ditsaan Ramain, Lanao del Sur

Adiong Memorial State College, Ditsaan Ramain, Lanao del Sur






         The development of knowledge is the very reason why school exist. It is the schools ‘responsibility to further develop the learner’s knowledge, skills, talents and attitudes to face the different situations in life (Quezon, 2017). Tamayo (2013) emphasized that the study of schools has been of essential interest to many since the earliest times their interest is due to its unique and important characteristics and to others, it is maybe because valuable and crucial functions. It plays in the individual social and global developments, thus, school is universal.

On the curriculum enhancement through the DepEd k+12 and Arabic curriculum integration and on how it is implemented and adopted by the DepEd Schools and Madrasah.  In the case of Deped, it was already implemented in some DepEd schools both elementary and high school levels particularly in the Muslim areas wherein it was observed and wherein Arabic language are being taught. The integration of the curriculum is based on the underlying philosophy that the child or the learner particularly Schools in ARMM is the center of the educational process. The principle approach acknowledges and respect the fundamental rights of the child.

In this integration of the curriculum some of the DepEd school administrators and school teachers as well as the Arabic teachers perceived that this integration become issue which is the concern and problems. Thus, some DepEd teachers assigned as Arabic teachers should have to attend trainings intended for the subjects related to Arabic teaching. The DepEd curriculum enhancement is the total k+12 which is designed to prescribed separate distinct subjects for every for educational level: Basic education, higher education or vocational-technical education. While for Arabic language curriculum it is focuses on the child’s.


The study was limited in the jurisdiction of integrating the Arabic curriculum to the Deped Curriculum. Integrating curriculum can be considered into  different kinds: 1)The focus of the School of Research Science is to develop the child fully, physically, emotionally, socially and culturally from the early stage (age 3-6 years), 2) The Arabic department focus on the child’s acquisition of accurate Arabic language through listening, speaking and preparing the student for reading and writing. And 3)The School develops religious consciousness through qualified teachers fully aware of the developmental requirements at this stage, In addition, The focus of the school’s Arabic department is Arabic language which is the language communication, science and literature. It is the school’s aim that students maintain their Arab identity as well as their global identity and master of the Arabic language, not only in terms of listening, speaking and writing, but also are proud of it and ensure it is passed from one generation to another.

Acquisition of accurate Arabic language through listening, speaking and preparing the student for reading and writing. In addition, the school develops religious consciousness through qualified teachers fully aware of the developmental requirements at this stage. However, to achieve the vision and goals, the school has adopted and adheres to the following pillars taught through the curriculum: There are family atmosphere, subjective experience, self-confidence, decision-making and creating closer bonds between the school and the family.

The study is focuses in the jurisdiction of integrating the Arabic curriculum to the Deped curriculum which will be expounding. With this intent, this has inspired the researcher being an Arabic teacher for several years to pursue this study. She wants to know the wisdom, insight and understanding of some administration and Arabic teachers about the linking or mingling of Arabic subject to the DepEd curriculum, thus, it is on this light, this study conducted.  


Contact us for the full copy.


Looverville D. Quiño, MSHRM


Cebu Technological University- Danao Campus

Life is the shore

Traveled by different waves of tireless footsteps

We are but passers-by


Once we walked the misty shorelines of the hearth

Footprints we left behind

Marked as passers-by go on with their journey

Sooner be defrayed by the rushing rolls of ocean

Of whimpering blows of the breeze

We are passers-by


Footprints left a mark, however long they stayed on the sand

Clean as carved on a steady rock,

Were blinded by the dripping gallantry of the sea

By the precious walks of time, by drops of tearless rain

By others’ footprints left behind

We were just passers-by


Footprints familiar

Families left, will soon to leave

Their marks on the sand for others to paint

Just passers-by.



Looverville D. Quiño, MSHRM


Cebu Technological University- Danao Campus

Late evening, I scribbled and think

Rather an early morning twitched

Songs drum in the air

Reminiscing the past-you and me.


Feels like driving wherever you want

And I felt like this

Candles lit, air is blowing

This space is empty, so is me

Painted sorrows, etched in charcoal

Grown-up, grown apart


Where thousands flourished, a single side strip

The sea shed, ships on the road

Hearts beating, pumping, bleeding

Merchants hobbling, trading


Time to think, time to breath

Celebrated disappointments, learned change

Eyes strained, strangers to friends

Writing random words

Resting my sword


Katrina Camille C. Estanislao, Ed. D.

Teacher III

Dungan Elementary School - DepEd Tarlac Province



This study determined the lived experiences of public-school elementary teachers in distance learning in the selected schools of Division of Tarlac Province that offer modular distance learning and radio-based instruction. Specifically, this study revealed the experiences of the teacher participants in the implementation of the two modality that were employed in their school. Qualitative phenomenological was employed in this study to describe the lived experiences of 12 teacher participants. Based from the emerging themes their experiences on the implementation of modular distance learning were focused on Self Learning Modules such as Modification, Production, Distribution, and on Pupils monitoring such as via messenger, text or phone calls and home visitation. While the experience of teacher participants on radio-based instruction focused on attended trainings and getting pupils interest. In line with this their challenges encountered during distance learning and how they cope up with those challenges. Furthermore, the researcher was able to come up with the emerging themes of the gathered data and found out that there were challenges encountered on the implementation of distance learning such as teacher’s workload, lack of resources and lack of parental guidance. In addition, coping strategies employed by teachers to overcome the challenges encountered in distance learning were cited as time management, tapping stakeholders, and constant communication with parents, hence, the researcher recommended that model for effective implementation for distance learning must be done. Established findings suggested for DepEd authorities to continuously determine the challenges encountered by the teachers on distance learning delivery modes and provide them with strategies to improve quality of instruction.






The phenomenological design method of research was employed by the researcher to attain the primary objective of the study. According to Yıldırım & Şimşek (2011), Qualitative phenomenological research is a kind of research in which views and cases are realistically and holistically revealed in their natural environment. In this study, on the hand of qualitative phenomenological method of research specifically will conduct semi structured interview. It employed thematic analysis of Clark and Braune (2006) to analyze the responses of the teacher-participants.



The teachers shared their views on distance learning as an opportunity to continue teaching despite the pandemic. They also mentioned the benefits of flexibility and accessibility in distance learning. However, some teachers found it challenging, especially those who were not prepared for the sudden shift. To address this, the teachers attended webinars and took initiatives to prepare themselves for distance learning.

The teachers' shared their experiences in implementing modular distance learning and radio-based instruction. In modular distance learning, teachers modified self-learning modules (SLMs) and faced challenges in producing and reproducing them due to limited resources. They also took on the responsibility of monitoring students' progress through various means such as Facebook Messenger, text messaging, phone calls, and home visits. For students without internet access, teachers relied on text messaging, phone calls, and home visits to monitor their progress. Furthermore, in the context of radio-based instruction, some teachers received training on scriptwriting and broadcasting to effectively engage their students through radio broadcasts. However, they faced a lack of interaction with students due to the nature of this mode of instruction. Overall, the experiences shared highlight the efforts and challenges faced by teachers in adapting to distance learning during the pandemic.

The themes that emerged from challenges encountered in distance learning were specifically focused on radio-based and modular distance learning. The identified challenges are the teacher's workload, lack of resources, and lack of parent cooperation. In addition, coping strategies employed by teachers to overcome the challenges encountered in distance learning were cited as time management, tapping stakeholders, and constant communication with parents.

Lastly, a proposed model for effective implementation of distance learning strategies can be proposed. This model suggests a structured framework for educational institutions to ensure successful distance learning programs. It involves conducting a thorough needs assessment, allocating appropriate resources, providing professional development opportunities, promoting communication and collaboration, monitoring students' progress, and implementing feedback strategies.

Therefore, implications of the study to educational management are significant. Educational managers can utilize the insights gained from the study to provide targeted support and professional development opportunities to teachers. They can allocate resources effectively by understanding the specific needs of teachers in distance learning.





These findings cover the lived experiences of public-school elementary teacher in distance learning. The teacher participants revealed their views, readiness, and preparation in distance learning before sharing their lived experiences in the implementation of distance learning. During the interview the teacher participants shared their views in distance learning as an “opportunity to continue the teaching and learning despite of pandemic. Furthermore, being ready for the new mode of learning, such as distance learning, is essential for the teachers to deliver the quality education, as for the readiness the teacher participants stated that hey are “not ready” for the distance learning. In line with that, the teacher participants mentioned their preparation in distance learning as attending webinars, On top of that, after expressing the views, readiness and preparedness of teacher participants, they highlighted their experiences in the implementation of the modes of learning employed in their school which is the modular distance learning and radio-based instruction.

Modular Distance Learning involves individualized instruction that allows learners to use SLMs in print or digital format, whichever is applicable in the context of the learner. Based from the lived experiences of teacher participants, the first theme that emerged was the experience on “Self-Learning modules”, namely the modification of SLM’s, production of SLM’s and parent’s cooperation in getting and retrieving the SLM’s. Developing quality modules that is applicable to the context and locale of the learners requires time but it is evident that teachers put extra effort to modify the SLM’s. In addition to that, in the context of modular distance learning, the role of teachers has transformed from traditional in-person lecturing to remote learning environments, considering that every household has now become a classroom. Monitoring the progress of learners is another important responsibility of teachers in this setting. They address student queries through various means such as text messaging, phone calls, messenger chats, and video calls. Also, they may conduct home visits to provide instructional support to learners or any family member acting as a home facilitator”. With in-person learning temporarily suspended during pandemic, the essential role of teachers in monitoring the pupils is very evident.

Radio-based instruction is another mode of delivery that teacher participants employed in their school where internet access or technology resources are limited. It allows to reach a wide audience and provide educational content through radio broadcasts. Based for the thematic analysis teacher participants determined their experience about “trainings on scriptwriting and broadcasting”, and getting pupils interest”.

With two modes of instruction, radio-based and modular distance learning, teachers had many things to prepare. They need to prepare the self-learning modules for the pupils, and at the same time, they need to prepare for their scripts and lessons to be broadcasted by the radio station. Challenges encountered by the teacher participants in distance learning is determined as teacher’s workload, lack of resources, parent’s cooperation. As teachers face different challenges in the implementation of distance learning, they strive to overcome such challenges through different approaches. Based from the thematic analysis the themes that emerged were “time management, tapping the stakeholders, and constant communication with parents”

Distance learning has become an integral part of modern education, enabling learners to access education remotely. However, effective implementation of distance learning requires careful planning, organization, and utilization of appropriate tools and strategies. This model aims to provide a structured framework for educational institutions to ensure the successful implementation of distance learning programs.




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21st Century Learning Calls for Flexibility “A Journalist’ and Educator’s Point of View  

Jihan Sesican Comeros, Dev.Ed.D. 

Associate Professor 1 

Cebu Technological University-Carmen Campus 


21st-century skill acquisition will always be a challenge for learners and educators of varied age groups due to the interim context of various learning environments in the world. This has been proven true in global pandemics that affect selected or in various instances all sectors of society as reflected in various statistics on the news and various research results.


The COVID pandemic and other natural calamities such as super typhoons and other similar disasters have brought about major changes and challenges that educational planners and administrators around the world should address. The said major health phenomenon which was at its peak in March 2020 has shaken various sectors including all the educational institutions in all corners of the globe.  In various separate incidents, natural disasters have also temporarily suspended or if not stopped learning continuity among affected areas.


Moreover, the various educational phenomena and multiple experiences have also been a challenge to the teachers, instructors, and professors who are considered the major curriculum implementors.   They are the front lines of learning therefore they should also equip themselves with ample amount of flexibility and preparedness.  This implies resilience in the academic sector from the top management down to the ordinary classroom teachers.


To cope with various challenges or dilemmas the school and university administrators have encouraged various new modalities and strategies to deliver flexible yet quality learning innovations.   Keeping on track means creating and implementing a flexible curriculum to continue despite challenging interruptions of various kinds.  The educational setup has become changeable, especially with the fast-paced 21st-century teaching and learning style.


Recently, the global pandemic status has already been lifted yet gateways of utilizing blended learning which is a combination and face to face classes and online learning done in virtual classrooms could dominate the future educational system and conventional classroom settings might be part of the pedagogic history.


In this post-pandemic time, blended learning will surely become a mainstay in the curriculum which means there is a complex responsibility that goes with the implementation.   The era right after the pandemic does not only include the traditional way of learning delivery since it is more focused on digital activities, the educational system should be attuned to the changing needs and demands of the times.       Therefore, this calls for the education sector to concretize the flexibility of learning delivery in various educational institutions.

Mind Sanitation: A Journey to a Healthy Work Haven 

Jihan Sesican Comeros, Dev.Ed.D. 

Associate Professor 1 

Cebu Technological University-Carmen Campus 

It is best to live life with genuine intentions.  It is very important to avoid having hidden agenda in dealing with other people, especially in the workplace.   It is best to deal with other people constantly packed with only good intentions every day. 

It spells the relevance of mind sanitation.   This means that one should avoid thinking ill of other people in any way.   It is a great daily life goal to promote a positive environment in the workplace by doing away with negative thoughts which would later lead to negative acts against other people.   

Thinking good thoughts about oneself and others will help strengthen effective workplace communication. Strategizing communication for effective and sound relay of positive information could lead to a harmonious work environment. This needs powerful communication which serves as a constant effective tool in achieving the advocacy of mind sanitation. 

Solid harmonious relationships at work will not only lead to a more successful daily operation at work in various fields of endeavor it will also build a desirable haven that invigorates your senses.   This keeps everyone empowered to work at the best level. 





The Future of the Automotive Industry: Towards a Revolution on Wheels 

Ronnie O. Julianno  

Instructor  I

College of Industrial Technology

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The automotive industry has made significant progress since the introduction of the first gasoline-powered vehicle in the late 19th century. The industry has undergone significant changes, including the introduction of Ford's Model T and mass production and the shift towards vehicle electrification. However, the future holds the potential for even more transformative advancements that will redefine the way we engage with transportation and embark on journeys.


               The emergence of electric vehicles (EVs) represents a noteworthy advancement within the automotive sector, driven by growing apprehensions regarding climate change, environmental degradation, and the depletion of fossil fuel reserves. Governments and automotive manufacturers are investing in electric vehicle (EV) technology, leading to significant progress in battery technology, charging infrastructure, and cost mitigation. The range of electric vehicles will increase, accompanied by a reduction in charging durations, enhancing their practicality and attractiveness for consumers. Moreover, the incorporation of wireless charging and solar integration in vehicles will significantly enhance their convenience and sustainability.


               Autonomous vehicles, driven by artificial intelligence and machine learning, are on the verge of becoming a prevalent presence on roadways, transforming the landscape of transportation by enhancing safety, efficiency, and accessibility. The proliferation of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platforms will result in a decrease in private vehicle ownership and alleviate traffic congestion. The concept of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) involves the integration of diverse transportation modes, including public transit, ride-sharing services, and autonomous taxis, with the aim of establishing a cohesive and effective mobility ecosystem.


               The automotive sector is rapidly adopting connectivity and Internet of Things (IoT) technology, transforming automobiles into intelligent and interconnected apparatuses. Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication enables automobiles to engage with various entities, augmenting safety and efficiency. Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are expected to increase, offering functionalities such as adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assistance, and automatic emergency braking. Infotainment systems will undergo advancements, providing tailored content, integrated applications, and seamless integration with smartphones.


               To enhance energy efficiency and prolong vehicle travel, automobile manufacturers will continue to investigate lightweight materials and design advancements. Advanced materials, such as carbon fiber, aluminum, and composites, will replace conventional steel in the automotive industry, resulting in a reduction in vehicle weight while maintaining safety standards. Design concepts such as 3D printing and modular platforms will enhance the level of adaptability in vehicle manufacturing, facilitating the creation of personalized vehicles while mitigating production expenses.


               In summary, the automotive industry is poised for a transformative evolution in the coming years, with the integration of electric vehicles, autonomous technology, connectivity, and lightweight materials revolutionizing the way we engage with transportation and navigate our roads. However, it is crucial to acknowledge and confront the obstacles that arise alongside technological progress, including concerns regarding data protection, regulatory structures, and employment dynamics.


“Sa Pusod ng Kalikasan”

Nowel U. Ramos, PhD.

Associate Professor II

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Ang Pilipinas, isang bansang maganda,

Mayaman sa likas na yaman, di-mabilang na kagandahan.

Sa hilaga't timog, silangan at kanluran,

Tila'y kayamanan ng kaharian.


Sa heograpiya nito, mayroong mga bundok,

Ang Bundok Apo, halimbawa'y taglay ang karangalan.

May mga lambak at burol, mga ilog at karagatan,

Ang kalikasan ng bansa'y lubos na kahanga-hanga.


Mga pulo't kapuluan, magkakaugnay sa dagat,

Sa Luzon, Visayas, at Mindanao, lahat may halaga.

Palawan, Cebu, Bohol, mga pook kamangha-mangha,

Mga kultura't tradisyon, nagmumula sa mga ito.


Sa klima ng bansa, may tag-init at tag-ulan,

May bagyo't el Niño, di-mabilang na hamon.

Pero sa kabila ng lahat ng ito, matatag ang bayan,

Sa pagkakaisa't determinasyon, walang takot na tindigan.


Sa Pilipinas, magiliw ang mga tao,

Mapagmahal sa pamilya't bayan, ito'y kilala.

Sa heograpiya nitong maganda't malaya,

Nagmumula ang pagmamahal, pag-asa, at pangarap sa buhay.


Kaya't sa bansang ito, sa heograpiya't kultura,

Tayo'y magkakaugnay, tayo'y magkakasama.

Ipaglaban ang kalikasan, at pagyamanan ang yaman,

Ng Pilipinas, bayang mahal, sa puso'y magtatagal.

“Ebolusyon o Bibliya, Alin ba sa Dalawa”

Nowel U. Ramos, PhD.

Associate Professor II

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Sa buhay ng tao, dalawang teorya'y may halaga,

Biblikal at Ebolusyon, magkaiba sa isip at gawa.

Sa Biblikal, sang-ayon sa Banal na Kasulatan,

Tao'y nilalang ng Diyos, sa kanyang kamay binuo't ginawa.


Sa unang aklat, Genesis, ang simula't wakas,

Adam at Eva, sa halamanan, sila'y nagmula't nagsimula.

Pero may iba, Ebolusyon ang kanilang pananampalataya,

Tao'y sa proseso ng pag-unlad, hango sa ebolusyonaryang laya.


Ang mga siyentipiko, nag-aaral at nagtutuklas,

Sa fossils at datos, teoryang ebolusyon, kanilang sinusuportahan.

Paglipas ng milyun-milyong taon, tao'y nagbukas,

Sa pagbabago at pag-usbong, buhat sa kalikasan.


May mga katanungan, mga agam-agam sa puso't isipan,

Teoryang biblikal at ebolusyon, di-mabilang na talakayan.

Ngunit sa kabila ng pagkakaiba, pwedeng magkasama,

Pag-aaral at respeto, sa bawat pananampalataya.


Sa huli, tandaan, tao'y may kanya-kanyang paniniwala,

Sa teoryang biblikal o ebolusyon, hindi tayo magkakalaban.

Higit sa lahat, pagmamahal at pag-aalaga sa kalikasan,

Pananampalataya o siyensiya, ito'y dapat na pagsama-sama.

“Yaman, Kagalingan, at Pangarap”

Nowel U. Ramos, PhD.

Associate Professor II

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Ekonomiks, sa'yong mga mata'y lihim na kwento,

Tinutukoy ang yaman, pera, at pangarap na pundo.

Ito'y aral ng buhay, sa ekonomiks natutunan,

Pag-aalaga ng kayamanan, hindi pag-aaksaya, ito'y alamin.


Sa makro't mikro, itinuturo ang kaalaman,

Sa pangunahing konsepto, simulan natin ang alingawngaw.

Suplay at demand, mga salik ng pag-usbong,

Pag-unlad ng bansa, ito'y ating isusulong.


Ang kalakalan, merkado, at presyo ng bilihin,

Sa ekonomiks, ito'y sa kaisipan ay ating titingnan.

Inflation at deflation, mga paksang mahirap intidihin,

Subalit sa pag-aaral, ang kaalaman ay lalago rin.


Ang ekonomiya ng bansa, ito'y sinusuri't inaalam,

Ang GDP, unemployment, at mga graph na nagpapakita.

Ito'y hindi lang teorya, sa totoong buhay ito'y nangyayari,

Sa ekonomiks na ito, ang kaalaman ay kaharian.


Kaya't sa asignaturang ito, tayo'y mag-aral nang mabuti,

Upang maging responsableng mamamayan, yan ang ating mithi.

Ekonomiks, aral ng buhay at kahulugan,

Sa pag-aalaga ng yaman, ito'y gabay at puhunan.

Mga Lahing Asyano: Paglalakbay sa Kasaysayan, Kultura, at Tradisyon

Nowel U. Ramos, PhD.

Associate Professor II

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Ang Asya ay isang kontinente na mayaman sa kasaysayan, kultura, at tradisyon. Ang malawak na teritoryo nito ay naglalaman ng iba't ibang lahing Asyano, bawat isa'y may sariling pagkakakilanlan at kontribusyon sa buong mundo. Sa sanaysay na ito, tatalakayin natin ang kahalagahan ng mga lahi sa Asya at ang kanilang papel sa pag-usbong ng kabihasnan.

Ang Asya ay tahanan ng mga sinaunang kabihasnan tulad ng Mesopotamia, Indus Valley, at ang Sinaunang Tsina. Ito'y nagpapakita ng mga imprasyon ng pagsilang ng tao at ang kanilang pagsisikap na palaguin ang kanilang mga komunidad. Ang mga imperyong Persyan, Griyego, at Romano ay nakilala rin ang Asya sa kanilang mga paglalakbay at kalakalang pangdigma.

Sa kasaysayan ng Asya, makikita rin natin ang mga dakilang imperyo tulad ng Mongol, Ottoman, at Mughal. Ang mga imperyong ito ay nagdala ng malawakang pagbabago sa kultura, relihiyon, at teknolohiya. Ang Silk Road, isang mahalagang ruta ng kalakalan, ay nagdala ng mga kalakal, kultura, at mga ideya mula sa Tsina patungong Europa.

Ang Asya ay mayaman sa iba't ibang kultura at tradisyon. Ito'y nagkakaiba-iba mula sa hilagang bahagi ng Russia hanggang sa timog-silangan ng Indonesia. Ang mga relihiyon tulad ng Budismo, Hinduismo, Islam, at Kristiyanismo ay may malalim na impluwensya sa buhay ng mga Asyano. Ang mga araw ng kapistahan, ritwal, at seremonya ay bahagi ng kanilang pang-araw-araw na buhay.

Sa pagkain, makikita natin ang malawak na varayti ng lutuin sa Asya. Ang mga pagkaing tulad ng sushi, kimchi, adobo, at curry ay ilan lamang sa mga kilalang klasikong pagkaing Asyano. Ang mga pagkain na ito ay hindi lamang sustansya kundi rin bahagi ng kanilang kultura at kasaysayan.

Ang mga lahi sa Asya ay nag-ambag nang malaki sa pag-usbong ng kabihasnan. Ang Tsina, halimbawa, ay kilala sa pag-imbento ng papel, kompas, at pulbura. Ang mga gawaing sining tulad ng origami, ikebana, at sumi-e ay nagmula sa Japan. Ang Asya rin ang tahanan ng mga dakilang pilosopo tulad ni Confucius at Laozi.

Sa panahon ngayon, ang mga bansa sa Asya ay nangunguna sa ekonomiya, teknolohiya, at pandaigdigang pulitika. Ang mga kaharian tulad ng Saudi Arabia at United Arab Emirates ay kilala sa kanilang yaman sa langis, habang ang Japan at South Korea ay nangunguna sa teknolohiya. Ang Tsina naman ay isa nang pandaigdigang kapangyarihan sa larangan ng ekonomiya at pulitika.

Sa kabuuan, ang mga lahing Asyano ay may mahalagang papel sa kasaysayan ng mundo. Ang kanilang kasaysayan, kultura, at kontribusyon ay nagbukas ng pinto ng kaalaman at pang-unawa para sa buong mundo. Sa pamamagitan ng pag-unawa sa mga lahi sa Asya, naiintindihan natin ang pagiging masalimuot at mayaman ng ating planeta. Ang kanilang mga aral at halimbawa ay dapat nating yakapin upang makamit ang mas makatarungan at makulay na bukas.


Monopoly at Oligopoly: Ang Dalawang Anyo ng Pamumuno sa Negosyo

Nowel U. Ramos, PhD.

Associate Professor II

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Sa malupit na mundo ng ekonomiya, dalawang konsepto ang naghuhumiyaw na may malalim na impluwensya sa mga merkado at industriya: ang monopoly at oligopoly. Ang dalawang ito ay nagdudulot ng malalim na epekto sa mga mamimili, mga kumpanya, at sa kabuuang kalakaran ng ekonomiya. Sa sanaysay na ito, tatalakayin natin ang kahulugan, epekto, at mga halimbawa ng monopoly at oligopoly.

Ang monopoly ay isang kalagayan kung saan iisang kumpanya lamang ang namumuno sa isang partikular na industriya o merkado. Ito'y nagdudulot ng kontrol ng kumpanya sa suplay, presyo, at kalidad ng produkto o serbisyo. Dahil walang konkurensya, ang kumpanya ay malayang nagtatakda ng mataas na presyo ng kanilang mga produkto.

Halimbawa ng monopoly ay ang Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) sa industriya ng sugal at ang Saudi Aramco sa industriya ng langis. Sa mga monopoly, ang mga mamimili ay limitado lamang sa pagpili ng kanilang mga serbisyo o produkto, at ito'y maaaring magdulot ng mataas na gastos para sa kanila.

Sa kabilang banda, ang oligopoly ay isang kalagayan kung saan iilang malalakas na kumpanya ang namumuno sa isang merkado. Ito'y nagdudulot ng mas mataas na kompetisyon kumpara sa monopoly, ngunit ang kontrol sa presyo at kalidad ay nananatili sa iilang kumpanya lamang. Sa oligopoly, ang mga kumpanya ay madalas magtutulungan para mapanatili ang kanilang kapangyarihan.

Halimbawa ng oligopoly ay ang industriya ng telekomunikasyon sa Pilipinas, kung saan iilang kumpanya lamang ang namumuno. Dahil sa limitadong pagpili ng mga mamimili, ang mga kumpanya ay nagkakaroon ng lakas na magtakda ng mataas na presyo para sa kanilang serbisyo.

Ang monopoly at oligopoly ay maaaring magdulot ng mga negatibong epekto sa mga mamimili. Dahil sa limitadong pagpili, ang mamimili ay maaaring magbayad ng mas mataas na presyo para sa mga produkto o serbisyo. Gayundin, ang kakulangan sa kompetisyon ay maaring magdulot ng mas mababang kalidad ng produkto o serbisyo.

Sa mataas na ekonomikong antas, ang monopoly at oligopoly ay maaring magdulot ng hindi malusog na kompetisyon. Ito'y maaring maging hadlang sa pag-unlad ng mga bagong kumpanya at innovasyon sa mga industriya. Ang mga kumpanyang may monopolya o nasa oligopolya ay may kakayahan na pigilan ang pagpasok ng mga bagong manlalaro sa merkado.

Upang mapanatili ang malusog na kompetisyon sa merkado at protektahan ang mga mamimili, mahalaga ang tamang patakaran. Ang mga ahensya ng pamahalaan tulad ng Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) ay may mahalagang papel sa pagtutok sa mga isyu ng monopoly at oligopoly, at pagpapalaganap ng malayang kompetisyon.

Sa kabuuan, ang monopoly at oligopoly ay mga konsepto sa ekonomiya na may malalim na epekto sa mga mamimili at sa kalakaran ng merkado. Ang tamang patakaran at regulasyon ay mahalaga upang mapanatili ang patas at malusog na kompetisyon sa mga industriya at merkado.


“Sa Renaissance”

Nowel U. Ramos, PhD.

Associate Professor II

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Sa Renaissance, sining buhay at nagliliyab,

Ang kultura't kaalaman, ito'y nag-aalab.

Sa Italya nagsimula, ika-14 dantaon,

Sariwang hangarin, mga ideya'y sumiklab.


Ang Renaissance, rebirth ng kaisipan,

Sa mga pintor, manunulat, at siyentipiko'y sumiklab.

Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, at Raphael,

Sa kanilang likha, sining ay nag-uumapaw.


Ang humanismo, konsepto ng pananampalataya,

Tao'y mahalaga, ito ang kahulugan ng buhay.

Ang aklat ni Petrarch, mga tula't soneto,

Nagbigay inspirasyon, sa puso'y nagpalakas-loob.


Ang siyentipikong rebolusyon, nag-usbong na rin,

Copernicus, Galileo, sa kalangitan nagpapaliwanag.

Ang imprimatur ni Gutenberg, aklat ay nabibilis,

Kaalamang naiambat, sa bawat sulok ng daigdig.


Sa Renaissance, nag-usbong ang pag-aaral ng kasaysayan,

Ang Griyegong pilosopiya, muling binuksan.

Ang mga aklat ni Plato, Aristotle, at Socrates,

Mga alituntunin ng katuwiran, nagbigay liwanag sa isipan.


Sa kultura at arkitektura, mga palasyo't simbahan,

Ang mga katedral, mayaman sa detalye't kaharian.

Ang mga musiko't makata, mga obra nila'y nagbabalik,

Sa makulay na Renaissance, sining ay maligaya't maliklik.


Sa kaganapan ng kasaysayan, Renaissance ay lihim,

Pag-usbong ng sining at kultura, ito'y alingawngaw ng dilim.

Ang rebirth na ito, sa kasaysayan ay nagbigay saysay,

Sa yaman ng kultura ng tao, ito'y walang hanggan na ilaw.

"Pananaliksik sa Filipino: Pagtuklas ng Kaalaman at Kultura"

Nowel U. Ramos, PhD.

Associate Professor II

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Pananaliksik sa wika't kultura ng Bayan,

Sa Filipino, ating wika, tayo'y magtanggol ng tuwiran.

Sa mga aklat, tesis, at sanaysay na nag-uukit,

Kaalaman at karunungan, ito'y ating inuukit.


Sa paghahanap ng kasagutan, tayo'y naglalakbay,

Sa mga pahina ng libro, at sa ilalim ng araw.

Sa bawat tanong, sa bawat hipotesis,

Naghahanap tayo ng katotohanang nagbibigay-liwanag at lihis.


Ang mga mananaliksik, mga modernong bayani,

Sa laban ng kaalaman, sila'y nagiging lihim na kampeon.

Sa pag-aaral ng wika, panitikan, at kultura,

Ating naililinang ang pagka-Pilipino, sa puso't diwa.


Ang Pananaliksik sa Filipino, isang tunguhing malalim,

Pag-unawa sa sariling wika, layunin natin itong sundan.

Sa mga letra at salita, kasaysayan ay masilayan,

Pag-usbong ng diwa, sa kultura'y makararanas tayo ng pagninilayan.


Kaya't sa pagsusuri, tesis, at pangarap ng bawat isa,

Sa Pananaliksik sa Filipino, tayo'y magtutulungan at magkakaisa.

Sa pag-usbong ng kaalaman, at paglago ng kultura,

Tayo'y magpapatuloy, sa pagtahak ng mas malawak na daan

at landas, isang matagumpay na paglalakbay.

“Filipino Bilang Tanglaw at Kaalaman”

Nowel U. Ramos, PhD.

Associate Professor II

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology


Sa bansang Pilipinas, iisa ang wika natin,

Ang Filipino, tanglaw sa ating landasin.

Ito'y yaman ng lahi, kayamanan ng puso,

Ang ating pangalawang puso, sa itaas ng dila.


Sa pamamagitan ng wika, ating naipapahayag,

Ang damdamin at saloobin, sa buong bayan ay natutunghan.

Ito'y masining na pamamaraan, sa tuwina't oras,

Sa pag-uusap at pagsusulat, kaalaman ay nabubuhay.


Ang Filipino, tala sa gabing madilim,

Nagbibigay liwanag, sa isipan at diwa'y tinitingnan.

Sa mga aklat, sanaysay, o tanyag na katha,

Kultura at pag-asa, ito'y buhay na nabubuhay.


Sa mga pagkakataon, sa buhay ng bawat isa,

Ipinaglalaban ang ating wika, 'di magdadalawang-isip.

Sa harap ng pagbabago, ito'y aming tagapagtanggol,

Ang Filipino, kayamanang hindi kayang sukatin.


Pagyamanan ang wika, ito'y pananagot natin,

Tungo sa mas makulay at makatarungang bukas, ito'y gabay natin.

Sa lahat ng dako ng bansa, ito'y isigaw,

Ang halaga ng wika, kayamanang di-mabilang.


Kaya't mahalaga, sa ating bawat isa,

Ang pag-aaruga't pagpapahalaga, sa wika'y di-mawawala.

Sa tulong ng Filipino, pag-asa'y lulutas,

Ating mararating, ang mga pangarap na nilalayon.


Sa wikang Filipino, may lakas at inspirasyon,

Kasama ang lahat, sa kaunlaran ng bayan.

Wikang buhay na sumisilay, sa kinabukasan natin,

Ang kahalagahan nito'y, sa bawat puso'y tatanim.

Implasyon: Ang Hindi Inaasahang Pagtaas ng Presyo"

Nowel U. Ramos, PhD.

Associate Professor II

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Sa ating pangaraw-araw na buhay, ang salitang "implasyon" ay maaaring maging bahagi ng ating mga usapan. Ngunit, ano nga ba ang kahulugan nito at paano ito nakakaapekto sa ating ekonomiya at pamumuhay?

Ang implasyon ay isang ekonomikong konsepto na tumutukoy sa patuloy na pagtaas ng pangkalahatang antas ng presyo ng mga kalakal at serbisyo sa loob ng isang panahon. Ito'y isang indikasyon na ang halaga ng pera ay bumababa, kaya't kada piso ay nauunti ang kapangyarihan na bumili ng mga pangunahing kalakal at serbisyo. Kung hindi ito maayos na kontrolin, maaaring magdulot ito ng negatibong epekto sa ekonomiya at sa mga mamamayan.

May mga sanhi ng implasyon, at isa sa mga pangunahing sanhi nito ay ang "demand-pull inflation." Ito ay nagaganap kapag ang demand para sa mga kalakal at serbisyo ay labis na mataas kumpara sa kanilang suplay. Halimbawa, kung maraming tao ang may pambili ng mga bahay, maaaring tumaas ang presyo ng mga bahay. Ang pangalawang sanhi ay ang "cost-push inflation," kung saan ang pagtaas ng gastos sa produksiyon ay nagdudulot ng pagtaas ng presyo ng mga kalakal. Halimbawa, kung tumaas ang presyo ng langis, maaaring tumaas din ang presyo ng mga produktong gawa mula sa langis, tulad ng gasolina.

Ang implasyon ay may negatibong epekto sa mga mamamayan. Una, ang mga taong may fixed na kita, tulad ng mga pensyonado o mga manggagawang kumikita ng minimum na sahod, ay nagdurusa dahil bumababa ang halaga ng kanilang pera. Pangalawa, ang implasyon ay maaring magdulot ng kawalan ng katiyakan sa negosyo, kaya't maaaring magbawas ng mga trabaho. Pangatlo, maaaring maapektuhan ang pag-iipon ng mga mamamayan dahil ang kanilang perang iniipon ay nagkukumpuni sa halaga.

Upang ma-kontrol ang implasyon, maraming mga pamahalaan ay gumagamit ng mga monetary policy tulad ng pag-angat ng interest rates o pagtaas ng reserve requirements sa mga bangko. Sa pamamagitan nito, inaasahan na mapipigilan ang labis na pagtaas ng presyo. Gayundin, may mga pamahalaan na gumagamit ng fiscal policy tulad ng pagpapababa ng gastos ng pamahalaan upang ma-kontrol ang implasyon.

Sa huli, ang implasyon ay isang mahalagang aspeto ng ekonomiya na maaring magkaruon ng malalim na epekto sa buhay ng mga mamamayan. Maaring ito'y magkaruon ng positibong epekto kung ito'y kontrolado ng maayos, ngunit maari rin itong magdulot ng matinding paghihirap kung hindi maayos na pinamamahalaan. Ito'y isang paalala na ang pagtutok sa ekonomiya at ang tamang patakaran ay mahalaga upang mapanatili ang kalusugan at kaunlaran ng bansa.

Ang Kapanahunan ng Ilaw”

Nowel U. Ramos, PhD.

Associate Professor II

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology


Sa yugtong ito ng kabihasnan, sa siglo ng liwanag,

Nagmulat ang mga isipan, sa pagsiklab ng kaisipang makabago.

Ang Enlightenment, ito'y sumiklab na parang araw,

Ang dilim ng kamangmangan, sa liwanag ay napawi.


Ang mga filosofo, tulad ni Voltaire at Rousseau,

Sa mga aklat at sanaysay, sila'y nagdulot ng liwanag.

Ang karapatan ng tao, kalayaan, at kapantay-pantayang turing,

Sa mga ito'y naging inspirasyon, pagbabago'y sumiklab.


Ang reason o rasyonal na pagsusuri, naging gabay,

Sa pagkilala sa kalakaran, sa buhay at kalikasan.

Naging kritikal ang mga isipan, sa relihiyon at gobyerno,

Ang dogma't pananampalataya, ito'y inilahad sa pahina.


Sa pamamahayag, tulad ng salaysay at panitikan,

Ang mga pilosopong ito, sa masang tao'y nagdala ng liwanag.

Sa pag-aalsa ng isipan, at paglaban sa kamangmangan,

Ang Enlightenment ay simula, ng pag-usbong ng karunungan.


Sa salita't gawa, nagbukas ng pinto ng kaalaman,

Ang mga institusyong bulag, ito'y binuhay na parang buhay.

Sa kasaysayan ng tao, ito'y nagdulot ng malaking yaman,

Ang Kaisipang Liwanag, sa pag-unlad, ito'y may malalim na bahagi.


Ngayon, sa ating kapanahunan, isaisip natin ang ilaw,

Ang aral ng Enlightenment, huwag natin kalimutan kailanman.

Sa pag-iisip na bukas, sa pagtahak sa landas ng karunungan,

Ang liwanag ng Kaisipang Liwanag, ito'y mananatili sa ating mga puso't isipan.

Political and Sociological Insights: Philippine Journey Towards Economic Recovery Post-COVID-19 Pandemic


Associate Professor I

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 and the subsequent COVID-19 pandemic posed an unprecedented global challenge to public health systems worldwide (Filip et al., 2022). In a matter of weeks, the virus spread rapidly, affecting countries across the globe, including the Philippines. This article explores the multifaceted journey of the Philippines towards economic recovery post-COVID-19 pandemic, encompassing political, sociological, and economic dimensions.


The pandemic spotlighted the significance of leadership and governance in crisis management. President Rodrigo Duterte's administration faced the daunting task of addressing the crisis, which entailed decisions on lockdowns, quarantine policies, and resource allocation. These political actions had profound economic consequences and were subject to public scrutiny, emphasizing the importance of transparency and accountability in government (


Balancing public health and the economy was a complex challenge. Implementing effective lockdowns to contain the virus while mitigating adverse economic impacts required adroit political maneuvering. The government's policy responses, including financial assistance programs and tax relief initiatives, were critiqued, emphasizing the need for inclusive policies (


The pandemic laid bare societal disparities and inequalities. Vulnerable groups, such as low-income households and informal workers, bore the brunt of economic challenges ( Communities, particularly in disaster-prone areas, grappled with income loss, insufficient food supply, and health-related issues. The crisis exacerbated pre-existing problems, pushing already vulnerable communities further into poverty (


On a positive note, Filipino communities exhibited resilience and unity during the crisis. Volunteerism, community initiatives, and cooperation highlighted the value of strong societal bonds ( These sociological factors played a crucial role in mitigating the pandemic's impact.


The pandemic accelerated the digital divide in the Philippines, with access to reliable internet connectivity becoming essential for online education, remote work, and e-commerce (Manila Times). However, the country faced challenges in providing sufficient internet access to its citizens, exacerbating disparities.


Civil society organizations played a pivotal role in advocating for marginalized communities and holding the government accountable (ADB Governance Brief). Mitigating risks associated with inefficiency, implementation delays, poor targeting of beneficiaries, and corruption in COVID-19 response programs required collaborative efforts between governments and development partners (ADB Governance Brief).


In conclusion, the Philippines' journey towards economic recovery post-COVID-19 was a complex interplay of political, sociological, and economic forces. Effective governance, equitable policies, community resilience, and addressing inequalities were key determinants of the recovery process. As the nation continues to move forward, these insights should inform policy decisions, fostering a more robust and equitable path to recovery and development.




Filip et al. (2022). Global Challenges to Public Health Care Systems During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review of Pandemic Measures and Problems.

Jose Lorenzo Lim. (IBON.ORG) Covid 19 and the Philippine Healthcare System.

Sonny Africa. (IBON Foundation) The Impact of Philippine Government Policies During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Mon Ibrahim. (Manila Times) The Pandemic and the Widening Digital Divide. Public Opinion on the Philippine Government's Handling of the Pandemic. COVID-19 Impact on Vulnerable Communities in the Philippines.

ADB Governance Brief. Mitigating Risks and Ensuring Accountability in COVID-19 Response Programs.

Geopolitical Insights: Sovereignty vs. Sovereign Rights, Navigating the China-Philippine Sea Dispute


Associate Professor I

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The South China Sea dispute is a complex geopolitical issue with profound implications for regional stability and international law. At its core lies the fundamental distinction between sovereignty and sovereign rights, which underpins the legal and political dynamics of the dispute.

Sovereignty represents the highest form of authority and control over a territory, including land and adjacent waters. In the South China Sea context, sovereignty pertains to the ultimate control and ownership of specific land features, such as islands, rocks, and reefs, and the surrounding territorial waters. Multiple claimant states, including China and the Philippines, assert sovereignty over various features, often based on historical presence, geographical proximity, and historical records.

The issue of sovereignty has led to legal disputes before international tribunals. In 2013, the Philippines initiated a case against China, challenging its territorial claims and actions in the South China Sea. In 2016, the Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled in favor of the Philippines, stating that China's historic and Nine-dash line claims had no legal basis under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Sovereignty disputes in the South China Sea have significant implications due to the control they grant over natural resources and the regulation of activities within surrounding waters. This has resulted in military posturing, territorial occupations, and competing maritime claims, attracting the interest of not only Southeast Asian countries but also Western powers (Dais, 2018).

On the other hand, sovereign rights pertain to the legal entitlements of coastal states to exploit resources within their exclusive economic zones (EEZs) and extended continental shelves, as defined by UNCLOS. These rights encompass the exploration, exploitation, conservation, and management of living and non-living resources, including fishing, oil and gas extraction, and seabed mining, subject to certain obligations such as environmental protection and cooperation with other states.

Freedom of navigation is also exercised within the context of sovereign rights. While coastal states enjoy sovereign rights within their EEZs, UNCLOS upholds the principle of freedom of navigation and overflight for all states, ensuring open seas for international shipping and transit.

The distinction between sovereignty and sovereign rights is crucial in the South China Sea dispute, where competing claims over land features intersect with overlapping EEZs. Resolving sovereignty disputes involves complex factors such as historical claims, power politics, and international legal mechanisms. Conversely, sovereign rights disputes are governed by UNCLOS, offering a legal framework for arbitration and negotiation.

Recognizing this distinction presents a potential avenue for conflict management in the South China Sea. Shifting the focus from territorial control to resource exploitation and sharing may encourage more pragmatic and cooperative approaches among claimant states.

In the China-Philippine Sea dispute, understanding and navigating the nuanced difference between sovereignty and sovereign rights holds profound implications for legal disputes, political negotiations, and regional stability. Sovereignty determines territorial control, while sovereign rights delineate resource exploitation within maritime zones. Embracing this distinction is essential for resolving the intricate South China Sea dispute and fostering peaceful coexistence among claimant states.



Philippine News Agency,; United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea;

An Introspective Analysis on the Concept of Mass Promotion in the Philippine Basic Education System: Sociological Perspectives and Possible Implications


Associate Professor I

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The Philippine government has made substantial investments in improving the quality and accessibility of basic education. However, recent trends in the academic performance of Filipino school children, as measured by the National Achievement Test (NAT) and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), reveal gaps in the educational system (Mirasol et al., 2021). Within this ever-evolving landscape of Philippine education, the concept of mass promotion has emerged as both a beacon of hope and a subject of contentious debate.

Mass promotion, a policy where students are automatically advanced to the next grade level regardless of their academic performance, has been crafted with the noble aim of providing equitable access to education. It seeks to transcend socio-economic disparities and ensure that no child is left behind. However, a closer sociological examination reveals a complex tapestry of challenges, consequences, and opportunities associated with this approach.

At its core, mass promotion aims to uplift every Filipino child, irrespective of their socio-economic background. However, critics argue that this policy may inadvertently perpetuate a cycle of social reproduction. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds could receive subpar education, lacking the essential skills and knowledge to keep pace with their peers. This could lead to long-term repercussions on their educational journey, deepening the divide rather than narrowing it.

Furthermore, mass promotion places significant pressure on educators. Dedicated to fostering a love for learning and academic excellence, teachers may find themselves torn between their commitment to quality education and the need to comply with administrative mandates. The policy's requirement to promote students, even when academically unprepared, challenges teachers' professional integrity and passion for teaching.

Managing a classroom with students of varying academic readiness levels is another significant challenge. Teachers must provide differentiated instruction to cater to individual learning needs, demanding extra effort and resources. From a broader sociological perspective, concerns arise about the impact on the overall quality of education and learning outcomes. By advancing students automatically, regardless of their mastery of essential knowledge and skills, the system may inadvertently devalue the pursuit of academic excellence.

To address the challenges of mass promotion, a holistic approach is necessary. Policymakers, educators, parents, and education sector stakeholders must collaborate to design a comprehensive and dynamic system that empowers all students. Viewing this issue through a sociological lens allows for the exploration of alternative approaches that balance inclusive education with the pursuit of academic excellence.

In conclusion, the concept of mass promotion in the Philippine Basic Education System is multifaceted, with various perspectives, challenges, and opportunities. Navigating this complex landscape requires introspection, informed dialogue, and collaborative action, all with the betterment of Filipino education at heart. The sociological perspective reminds us to consider the long-term consequences and societal implications of education policies, ensuring that they empower the next generation of Filipino learners.



Mirasol, J. M., Necosia, J. V. B., Bicar, B. B., & Garcia, H. P. (2021). Statutory policy analysis on access to Philippine quality basic education. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2, 100093.

Global Education Monitoring Report Team. (2016). Education for people and planet: Creating sustainable futures for all. UNESCO Publishing.

Teddy, G., Lembani, M., Hwabamungu, B., & Molosiwa, D. (2019). Policy and implementation gap: A multi-country perspective. International Journal of Advanced Research, 7(12), 678-704. ISSN 2320-5407.

"The Pandemic Experience in the Philippines: Navigating COVID-19 with Faith and Reflection"


Associate Professor I

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

The emergence of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) in late 2019 led to the unprecedented global crisis known as the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has left an indelible mark on humanity, affecting not only physical health but also social, economic, and psychological well-being (Clemente-Suárez et al., 2016).

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic became deeply personal as it touched the lives of many, including my own family. Our journey through illness and recovery not only reinforced our faith in a higher power but also exposed us to the multifaceted challenges faced by individuals and communities.

The pandemic served as a stark reminder of the fragility of human existence. In a matter of moments, our lives were disrupted by an invisible and relentless adversary. Amidst the uncertainty and fear, our faith in God became a source of strength. Through unwavering trust and fervent prayers, we found solace in the knowledge that we were not alone in our battle against the virus. This experience underscored our dependence on faith and resilience during times of crisis.

One of the most profound lessons of the pandemic was the resilience and compassion displayed by people in the Philippines and around the world. Acts of kindness and selflessness blossomed amidst adversity, highlighting the innate goodness within humanity. Even in the darkest hours, love and compassion prevailed, illuminating a path of hope and solidarity.

The pandemic also laid bare the socio-economic disparities deeply entrenched in Philippine society. Vulnerable and marginalized populations bore the brunt of the crisis, struggling to access basic necessities like food, shelter, and healthcare. It became evident that the pandemic's impact was uneven, with some experiencing job loss and economic instability while others continued their work remotely. This stark contrast underscored the urgent need for equitable social and economic reforms.

Efficient and compassionate government responses played a pivotal role during the pandemic. Although frustrations arose over the adequacy of measures, the dedication of frontline workers became apparent. These heroes risked their lives to provide care and ensure public safety. The pandemic prompted a reevaluation of priorities and a return to simplicity. In a time of restricted movement and social interaction, we rediscovered the joy of small pleasures, deepened family bonds, and focused on personal growth.

The COVID-19 pandemic transformed my family and me, reinforcing our faith and exposing us to the socio-economic realities faced by our fellow Filipinos. It instilled in us a greater sense of compassion and a commitment to proactively assist those in need.

As we look ahead, the lessons learned from this pandemic should guide us. We must cherish each moment, hold onto our faith in times of uncertainty, and embody the resilience of the human spirit. Let us extend a helping hand to those facing hardships and advocate for a more equitable society where the vulnerable are not left behind.

In the end, the COVID-19 experience has taught us to be grateful for the gift of life and the strength found in unity and faith. With hope for a brighter future, we move forward, carrying the lessons of this pandemic with us, working toward a better Philippines and a better world.





Clemente-Suárez, V. J., Navarro-Jiménez, E., Moreno-Luna, L., Saavedra-Serrano, M. C., Jimenez, M., Simón, J. A., & Tornero-Aguilera, J. F. (2021). The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social, Health, and Economy. MDPI,


Balancing the Scales of Education: Exploring the Pros and Cons of K-12 Education in the Philippines – Reforming or Removing the System?


Associate Professor I

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

In 2013, the Philippines witnessed a significant transformation in its educational landscape with the introduction of the K–12 system, extending the duration of basic education from 10 to 12 years by incorporating two additional years of senior high school. This educational reform has sparked both commendation and critique, triggering debates on whether the K–12 system should undergo reform or be completely dismantled. This article aims to provide insights into the K–12 education system in the Philippines, shedding light on the key issues surrounding it.

One of the primary promises of the K–12 program is to enhance students' readiness for the workforce. By offering specialized tracks during the additional two years of senior high school, students can acquire specific knowledge and skills aligned with their career aspirations. This approach ultimately reduces unemployment rates by making students more competitive and prepared for gainful employment. A related study conducted by Aldaba (2014) highlighted the importance of workforce readiness in the Philippines. The study found that aligning education with industry demands is crucial for addressing the nation's employment challenges. This denotes that the K-12 program should be enhance and tailor fit its curriculum with real world working scenarios, meaning, policy makers may opt to employ substantial hours of immersion or on-the-job training in the curricula to meet this objective. Another critical goal of K–12 is to boost global competitiveness. Aligning the Philippines' education system with international standards can lead to the production of graduates who can compete on the global stage. This internationalization can potentially open doors to opportunities abroad, benefiting the country's economy through remittances and global collaborations.

Furthermore, the K–12 program addresses the issue of college congestion. Prior to its implementation, students entered college at a younger age, resulting in a surge of enrollees and overcrowded classrooms. With the addition of senior high school, colleges have observed a decline in enrollment, alleviating the strain on resources and enhancing the overall quality of higher or tertiary education. However, the K–12 program introduces a financial burden on parents who must now bear the cost of two more years of education, exacerbating the challenge for families in a nation where poverty remains a pressing issue.

A study by Orbeta (2015) delved into the economic implications of the K–12 program. Orbeta's research emphasized the need for careful consideration of the financial aspects of the reform and its impact in every households, meaning additional years of study means additional cost for the household. 

Critics argue that the job market may not be ready to absorb the influx of new senior high school graduates, temporarily increasing youth unemployment. Employers face a dilemma in choosing between K–12 graduates and bachelor's degree holders, raising questions about the readiness of K–12 graduates for the workforce. Policies to secure job placements specifically for senior high school graduates should have been a priority.

Moreover, the effective implementation of K–12 necessitates substantial investments in infrastructure, resources, and teacher training. Concerns arise regarding the government's capacity to provide adequate funding and support to all schools.

To improve the K–12 system, curricular relevance must be a central focus. Developing academic track curricula that emphasize students' strengths, reviewing the relevance of topics, and aligning basic education subjects with higher education courses to eliminate redundancy will save time and allow students to hone their areas of expertise.

Critics emphasize the need for a prompt evaluation of the curriculum to ensure it meets market demands and advances the nation's economic objectives. This entails establishing stronger collaboration between industries and educational institutions to align curricula with the needs of the labor market. By emphasizing technical and vocational education within the K–12 system, the Technical-Vocational Tracks can be strengthened to produce competent workers, improve employment prospects, and foster entrepreneurship.

Additionally, educators should be equipped with the necessary tools to effectively implement the K–12 curriculum. This requires the establishment of comprehensive and deliberate training programs, with a focus on enhancing teacher readiness. As the saying goes, "You cannot give what you do not have." To produce experts, significant investments must be made in identifying and training the right individuals for the job.

The Philippines' K–12 education system has been a subject of intense debate since its inception. While it aims to enhance job preparedness and global competitiveness, concerns about financial burdens and temporary job disparities persist. To address these challenges, a comprehensive and impartial evaluation of the system is imperative. Reforms that prioritize curriculum relevance, eliminate duplication by aligning basic and higher education curricula, promote strengths-based education, and prioritize teacher preparation can lead to improved outcomes for the K–12 education system, ensuring it effectively serves the needs of Filipino students and the nation as a whole.



Aldaba, R. M. (2014). Labor and employment prospects of K-12 graduates. Philippine Institute for Development Studies.

Orbeta, A. (2015). The economics of K-12 education in the Philippines. Philippine Institute for Development Studies.

Local Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Elections in the Philippines: Exploring Political and Sociological Dimensions


Associate Professor I

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Local Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) elections in the Philippines are pivotal events that shape the country's grassroots democracy. With a rich tapestry of political traditions and sociological dynamics, these elections offer a unique lens through which to examine the intricate interplay between politics and society in the Philippines.

The political landscape in the Philippines is characterized by a vibrant multiparty system and a decentralized structure of government. Barangays, the smallest administrative units, hold elections for their leaders known as Barangay Captains. Simultaneously, the SK, the youth council, elects its officials. These elections are crucial as they are often considered stepping stones for aspiring politicians to higher offices.

Political parties play a significant role in these local elections. Parties groom their candidates at the grassroots level, fostering loyalty and patronage networks. It is common for political dynasties to emerge within barangays, where power is passed down from one generation to the next. These dynasties leverage their influence to win elections repeatedly, raising questions about the democratization of local governance.

The influence of money in local elections cannot be underestimated. Candidates often spend substantial sums on campaign materials, rallies, and even vote-buying, undermining the integrity of the electoral process. The presence of such practices highlights the challenges in ensuring fair and transparent elections, as noted in the study by Araral Jr. (2012).

Sociologically, barangay and SK elections are windows into the social fabric of the Philippines. They reflect the country's diversity, with candidates and voters representing various socio-economic backgrounds, religions, and ethnicities. These elections underscore the importance of social networks and personal connections. Voters often cast their ballots for candidates they know personally or trust through familial or community ties.

The role of youth in SK elections is particularly significant. The SK provides a platform for young Filipinos to engage in local governance and develop leadership skills. However, SK elections have also faced criticism for becoming extensions of traditional political clans, diluting the youth's potential for genuine representation.

Gender dynamics also come into play in local elections. Women's participation in barangay and SK elections has been encouraged through gender quotas, aiming to address gender imbalances in leadership positions. Still, gender disparities persist in practice, as illustrated in the study by Firmase, J., & Prieto-Carolino, A. (2021).

Local Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections in the Philippines offer a rich tapestry of political and sociological insights. They illuminate the complexities of Philippine democracy, where political parties, money, and patronage networks shape the political landscape. From a sociological standpoint, these elections showcase the diversity of the Filipino population, with social networks and personal connections influencing voting patterns.

Understanding these elections necessitates a holistic approach that integrates political and sociological perspectives. Addressing issues such as the influence of political dynasties, campaign finance, and youth representation requires a multifaceted understanding of the local dynamics at play.

In the end, local elections at the barangay and SK levels are microcosms of Philippine society and politics. Examining these elections not only sheds light on the challenges and opportunities of grassroots democracy but also provides valuable insights into the broader political and sociological dynamics shaping the Philippines as a nation.



Araral Jr., E. (2012). Patronage, Democracy, and Development: Using Political Budget Cycles to Analyze the Politics of Public Investment in the Philippines. Studies in Comparative International Development, 47(3), 345-365.

Firmase, J., & Prieto-Carolino, A. (2021). Philippine Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 26(1), 1-15.