Business Process Re-engineering of the Department of Agriculture (DA), Philippines


Faculty, Computer Science Department

 Nueva Vizcaya State University,

Bayombong Campus, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya,

Cagayan Valley, Philippines


         In the Agriculture domain, Business Process Reengineering (BPR) advocates the essential analysis and restructuring of business processes. To achieve improvements in up-to-date measures of routine such as cost, quality, service, and speed this study focuses on the re-engineering of business processes in one of the offices of the DA’s document transactions.

KeywordsAgriculture, “As-is and To-be” Processes, Business Process Re-engineering (BPR), Business Process (BP), Business Process Model Notation (BPMN),



         Business Processes (BP) nowadays is essential in any organizational structure of an enterprise to manage and coordinate the activities as well as to guide issues concerning the creation of value. With Information technologies (IT) tools, BP synchronized better in the organizational design. Fasna, M., & Gunatilake, S. (2019), emphasized a significant view of the BPR implementation process including the key phases, steps, and the sequence of activities. Currently, the business environment has forced business leaders to consider BPR in the search for improvement in organizational effectiveness (Motwani, J. et. al, 1998).


         This study aims to uncover business processes and design a new prototype of the process that effect changes.


         The study is limited to the process of sending documents and designing of the model using the BPMN.

Review of Related Literature

BP is expected to highly evolve in the upcoming years which are taking place on the side of the future internet, a platform that aims to facilitate the partnership of stakeholders of business in a flexible manner (Barmpounakis, 2015).


According to Feta (2022), BPR is an approach to improving organizational performance and design. BPR identifies the success factors of projects and their connection to human–technology.

Willmott (1994) reviewed that BPR facilitates a shift from linear/sequential work organization towards parallel processing and multidisciplinary team working.

For Padayachee (2019), BPR is understood as a radical rethinking and redesign of processes. He investigated how IT-business strategic alignment plays a pivotal role in the success or failure of a project.

The conclusion of Verdouw(2015), ERP solutions in the business processes with proper management, selection, and implementation is the crucial importance to organizational success.


The following methods were used: 1. Developing Process Vision and Determining Process Objectives, that focused on the future planning model to succeed in the environment; 2. Understanding and Measuring Existing Processes, that visualizing scenarios where IT could simplify the process; and 3. Designing a New Prototype Processes, adopting the Model from Fossland (2015) “as-is” and “to-be” processes of sending documents.


         To obtain a reengineered model, processes from the manual sending of documents and forwarding of online documents by e-mail were used. Documents can be scanned or printed and transferred via email to various employees or personnel. Figure 1 shows the flow of the “As-Is” Processes.

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Divina M. Cacayan

Teacher III


The pilot run of the limited face-to-face classes in November 2021 was reported successful prompting the Department of Education to recommend the expansion of limited in-person classes and including all grade levels, both in public and private schools. Education officials meticulously prepared all details to ensure the safety of learners in the progressive expansion of face-to-face classes. The Interim Guidelines on the Expansion of classes was issued and to qualify, schools must pass the School Safety Assessment Tool (SSAT), must be in low-risk areas and must have shared responsibility with the LGU, parents and even transport providers of learners who were given consent to participate in the resumption of classes.

At Sto. Tomas Elementary School, majority of the learners are already back to school and are beginning to internalize the new setting of learning. In the first week of implementation of limited face-to-face, it could be observed and felt that learners, especially those in the primary grades that they are slowly getting into their consciousness that learning experience in school is getting back after twenty (20) months of modular learning delivery modality. It is not totally the usual set -up in the classroom, as compliance to standards limit the number of learners, the number of hours in school and observance of social distancing and frequent handwashing. The temperature station and alcohol dispensers are visible in classrooms, learners or teachers have to accomplish contact-tracing forms, parents have assigned drop off points, entrance and exit signages preventing the intertwined mingling of learners. Canteen operations are not yet resumed so learners have to bring their own provisions-snacks & drinks to prevent sharing and possible infection of one from another. These are among the preparations made for the learners’ safety.

On the other hand, teachers did not only have the classrooms and grounds ready; more than the physical attributes, the school atmosphere was set in a way that learners feel they are very much welcome and the teachers extend their desire to have them back in the classroom. There was even an amusement-themed entrance and costumes to take away fears, worries and have them feel that the school is a place of fun and enjoyment. Kindergarten and Grade I learners became excited to get back to school and to their classrooms. There were flowers, balloons and little presents given to them as token of welcoming them to school. There were also gearing up activities before their teachers proceed to formal teaching. Like machines kept for a long time, learners must be conditioned first and have their minds all set for learning.

Why such preparations when the learners were previously working on their modules, learning activity sheets and performance tasks at home? They were also having online classes, messenger conversations, phone or text messages with teachers. Situation in distant learning has a lot of differences compared to the face-to-face learning. Although distance learning is scheduled through a weekly home-learning plan, learners are facilitated by parents or they study at their own pace. They can be engaging in their modules in an hour or two, and spend the rest in activities they want to do- watch TV, play games or go with their parents somewhere else. With the onset of face-to-face learning, they have to get up early, eat breakfast and dress to school.

Meanwhile, teachers are also adjusting to the arrangement, modules for those learners who are still on modular learning modality and lesson with teaching materials for those learners who opted the face-to-face learning. They diagnose the actual capabilities of learners who perform well in their modules but with oral reading and written activities inside the classroom, the results were not as satisfactory as expected.

Journals and researches affirmed that there are findings to learners’ reading and writing abilities as a result of the modular learning. According to Labastida of Philippine Star (2021), difficulties observed among learners are results of their experience in distant learning. UNICEF (2022) termed the school closures as “learning loss”. Learning motivation is consistently deteriorating and most unfortunate, reading abilities are at risk of continuous decline. It is also studied that there are reading skills which are difficult to teach through the modular approach.

DepEd Face-to-Face: Advantages and Limits


Teacher I, Quinale Elementary School

Division of Camarines Sur, Region V

DepEd's Online, Modular and Blended Learning system remains for all students due to COVID-19, although the department has revealed that face-to-face classes that began last November 15, 2021, as a result, parents all around the nation had a variety of feelings about it. Most parents allow their children to engage in face-to-face sessions provided they meet certain prerequisites. There is a lot of debate as to whether students should continue their studies using the continuing Learning system or continue their studies using traditional classes, and I feel that face-to-face lessons for kids should not be introduced.

For one thing, the health of a community should be a top priority for everyone. Face-to-face classes have the drawback of requiring students to follow the health protocol other to prevent the spread of illness. Since schools are places where students communicate verbally and physically, there is a great danger that the illness may spread to one of the students and damage the students' families and the people in their community, thus the Face to Face Class is unavoidable for the kids.

Another factor is a lack of funds within the household. The Pandemic has caused thousands of employees to be displaced since the start of the pandemic, and we cannot expect some families to have enough money to meet their daily demands because of the temporary closure of offices, factories, marketplaces, and retail centers. For the avoidance of transmission of COVID-19 will mandate that all students and visitors to the school must have a hand of Alcohol, Tissue, or a Face Mask in their possession always. This means that families may not have the extra money required for additional supplies.

Most students welcome the opportunity to attend face-to-face classes because they believe it will allow them to better concentrate on their academics. However, they seem to have forgotten that the epidemic continues. Because they were focusing on how to study this school year, some did not give much thought to their well-being. COVID -19 instances are still reported, and the government should do more to reduce the number of people infected in the country.

Academic Freeze is a superior idea to be applied throughout the current school year. Academic Freeze is a preferable option since there are still a few children who are falling behind their peers due to a lack of learning resources. Students may halt the current school year and resume it the next year or until further safety will undo the spread of Covid-19 like readiness of the child for the Vaccine.

Children are the future, and knowledge is the key to both success and their future, but how can we create a better future for them if they have none? The bottom line is that until the transmission of illness has stopped, DepEd should review face-to-face classes.



Administrative Assistant III

Paniqui South Central Elem School

Paniqui, Tarlac 

Leadership is a broad term incorporated in various fields. Leadership might start in an individual that extends to a group of people.  Leadership is often tested by numerous challenges. Hence, leadership can be measure not just by the number of achievements you obtain. Instead, it is a matter of endurance, grit, and passion to stand in the mountains of despair.

In an educational venue, one issue might affect millions of lives. It can be the life of the students, teachers, parents and other ,people involved. It will be risky and unjust to let problems cause severe damage to massive people. There must be a solution to resolve issues that arises due to lack of responsibility, uncontrollable scenarios, and insufficient action. With that, to have an effective school building, educational reform, and academic success, there must be a school leader who is dedicated to his duties and responsibilities.

         The educational system in the Philippines is one of the highlights of the country's history. It undergoes a series of hardships, and trials before gaining its independence. As it constantly moves forward, lists of enhancements were integrated to modify its curriculum and attain global standards.

         For instance, the K-12 program was implemented to improve the 10-year Basic Education in the country. It is designed to offer vocational jobs upon graduation of Grade 12 students. Also, it serves as the country's solution to an issue that not all Filipino students are privileged enough to enter the tertiary level. Moreover, a Grade 12 graduate has the opportunity to get a global-based job due to the competencies, core values, and objectives of the K-12 program's Senior High School.

         Further to that, the pandemic causes an instant demand for the transition of all educational institutions from face-to-face setup to flexible learning. From the term itself, the pressure of being flexible in pandemic times results in different positive and negative concerns. The extra push in schools to be adaptive, active, and creative during these times has been viewed as a positive by other people. However, in a marginalized family, the need for additional expenses imposed on flexible learning has been taken as a burden.

         In difficult times like those elaborated above, firm school leaders are required to operate and control strategic plans. Administration and management in the Department of Education (DepEd) is a crucial job that must not be turnover to those people who have no heart, mind, and hands in serving. A set of character qualities, educational attainment, and experiences are considered in selecting a person to take a leadership position in the Department of Education.



Nilasin 2, Pura, Tarlac

Administrative jobs are commonly exhausting. Employees experienced demotivation causing others to quit their job. Causes of low employee retention are sometimes the stressors, lack of growth, lack of recognition, and lack of trust in themselves.

The feedback of the employee's boss directly affects their performance. Not all people are open to criticism. There are those who will treat criticisms as emphasizing their weak spots. However, for the few who remain steadfast, they transform criticisms as guides on the things they need to change or improve. Our words are powerful in that they can hurt someone, stops them from doing the usual thing they do, and it can also motivate them to continue thriving.

Try to blindfold yourself and imagine there are lots of voices you’ll hear. Each voice has a different message. It can scare you, confuse you, or discourage you. In this case, we need to focus on one voice saying what we are supposed to do and directing us to the right path. Difficult but necessary. This scenario illustrates the importance of self-trust that no matter how difficult each step is to take, it can also be overcome in the right way and at the right time.

The DepEd must also design plans and programs for improving and supporting their staffs which is the backbone of it. As they are obligated to accomplish their work at all times, they are still humans who need assurance and support.

Another, imagine you are blindfolded while holding the hands of your co-workers. You are assigned to reach a certain location without removing your blindfold. This scenario depicts the significance of trusting your co-workers. As an administrative employee, each job position is linked to one another. It means that the success and failure of the other side will cause the same thing to the other party. Trust is an essential component in creating unity to achieve a certain goal. The feeling of trusting someone affects a person's performance. The more people trust you, the more you have the courage to do something.

The trust and voice of each employee contribute to the overall outcomes of DepEd. Each employee must have the ears to listen to others' suggestions to improve their work. We are not always right. That's why it is teachable. Your way will not always be the right way. Listen and take a holistic view of something before proceeding.

Administrative and management roles will never be effective if the ego-centric method will be followed.



Education Program Specialist II

DepEd Division of Davao del Norte 

Education is either from nature, from man or from things. The developing of our faculties and organs is the education of nature; that of man is the application we learn to make of this very developing; and that of things is the experience we acquire in regard to the different objects by which we are affected. All that we have not at our birth, and that we stand in need of at the years of maturity, is the gift of education. -Jean-Jacques Rousseau


In this statement of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, he emphasized the importance of education in the development of an individual. According to him, our maturity and everything that we acquire after our birth is a gift from education. Furthermore, he had also mentioned that education can be acquired from nature, from man, and from things and that the kind of education that we get from these three varies accordingly.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau is a Genevan philosopher who had also happened to be a writer and composer. He is one of the personalities who had influenced immensely the enlightenment era throughout the continent of Europe. He was famous for his works on philosophy, politics, and education. His notable works include Discourse on Inequality, The Social Contract, Julie, or the New Heloise and Emile, or Education. Among all his works, Jean Jacques Rousseau considered Emile, or Education as his most important one.

In the opening statement of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his work entitled Emile, or Education he said:

"Everything is good as it leaves the hands of the Author of things; everything degenerates in the hands of man".

In this statement, he emphasized that God provided us, people, with good things but people as we are, we tend to destroy these good things. Hence, without education, this would become a reality. In this book, he stressed that education should be carried out in harmony with the advancement of a child's natural faculties through a process of outwardly autonomous discovery, to the extent possible.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s theory of education revolves around the idea of the importance of freedom of expression among students. According to him, if the students are given the freedom to express themselves, then it would be possible to produce well-balanced and free-thinking individuals through education. He further emphasized that an individual can only reach their fullest potential, both educationally and morally if they are allowed to develop without any limitations and restrictions enforced on them by society.

He is also an advocate of a child-centered form of education as opposed to the idea of the teacher being the sole source of knowledge and information. Based on his philosophies on education, it is apparent how he thinks importantly about directing the focus on the learners’ needs. Hence, in his philosophy on education, the teacher should be a facilitator of learning and should always pay attention to the needs, abilities, interests, and learning styles of the learners.

His viewpoints on education have greatly influenced how our educational system works today. In fact, he is one of the reasons why our early childhood education curriculum had emerged as a child-centered one. Because of this, he was considered the Father of Early Childhood Education.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau also emphasized the importance of providing our learners with sensory-focused and practical experience, especially during the early childhood education curriculum. According to him, learners should actively participate in drawing, measuring, speaking, and singing. This idea of Jean-Jacques Rousseau is still applied in today’s educational system, especially in the early childhood education curriculum.

All in all, Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s philosophy on education highlighted the importance of giving the learners the freedom to advance their learning. In essence, the child should be allowed to draw his or her conclusion, instead of being told what to think and do. For him, the conclusions should be drawn by the students based on their explorations. It is very apparent how significant for him experience is and to experience the world around us as part of our education as human beings. To quote Jean-Jacques Rousseau:

“To live is not to breathe but to act. It is to make use of our organs, our senses, our faculties, of all the parts of ourselves which give us the sentiment of our existence. The man who has lived the most is not he who has counted the most years but he who has most felt life.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile, or On Education



Secondary School Teacher III

Patnanungan National High School

Since the onslaught of the pandemic in the year of 2019, students have then stayed at home and were protected to prevent them from catching the virus. Hence, students were to study at home and be guided by their parents during distance learning. In as much as teachers would like to reach out to their students, development and applications of different teaching strategies are significant in ensuring that the former are properly motivated since those are integral factors in their academic performance.

Home Buddies is a peer-assisted learning strategy where teachers carefully partner a student with a classmate. The pair works on various activities that address the academic needs of both students strategy. Like PAL, it allows for differentiated instruction via having partners work simultaneously on various teacher-directed activities.

The action research intended to determine the effectiveness of the Home Buddies strategy in improving the mathematics performance of Grade 10 students of Patnanungan National High School amidst pandemic. It sought to find out if there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental and controlled group.

It employed the quantitative method of research and quasi-experimental approaches utilizing sixty-eight (68) students as subjects divided into two groups, the experimental and the controlled groups. The pre-test and post-test results were conducted before and after the Home Buddies strategy, data treated using simple mean, dependent and independent t-test.

As to result, there was a marked improvement in students' mathematics performance in the experimental group. The finding indicated a substantial improvement in the mathematics performance of grade 10 students and it may be credited to the Home Buddies strategy employed by the researcher. Thus, a significant difference in the mean of the experimental and controlled group post-test indicates that the Home Buddies strategy is effective.

It concluded that the Home Buddies strategy, a peer-assisted learning is a powerful teaching and learning strategy that not only enhances students' effective learning but can also potentially improve their academic performance.


KEYWORDS: Mathematics Performance, Home Buddies, strategy



Jellanie O. Lacupanto

Teacher III, Commonwealth High School, Quezon City, NCR

The wellness status of the teachers can directly affect their level of work engagement. The surrounding environment of the teachers and dealing with the different wellness dimensions can have an impact on their level of work engagement.

In a study made in 2021 on teacher’s wellness status and level of work engagement, they were asked to answer a questionnaire and results revealed that in physical wellness of teachers, they do not maintain an exercise regime for at least 30 minutes daily and does not get enough sleep each night and these should be noted and be given emphasis as they tend to become a problem to their well-being. On mental wellness status of teachers, it is evident in their willingness to cope with the situation. Surprisingly, despite the pandemic, the social and emotional wellness status of the teacher-respondents yielded excellent rating, which manifested the outright resilience of the teachers who deserve to be lauded and admired as they are not affected by challenges during the pandemic.

The teacher-respondents have maintained their high-level of work engagement despite the heavy workload and changes in learning modality. Teachers can also express what they feel and adapt to the situation towards excellent wellness status.

Since the wellness status of the teachers presented an impact on how highly they can be engaged in their work, therefore it is appropriate that programs and activities be proposed to alleviate these stressors to make the teachers life pleasant. Teachers may be encouraged to pursue post graduate education to expose them to a new environment that will challenge their mental aspect as it will provide them a break from their usual work routine that will enhance their level of work engagement. They may also have a regular physical regimen aside from those offered during intramural, and other outdoor team building to engage them in a healthy lifestyle. They may also be provided with health and wellness seminars and training and a variety of activities that will make them understand the significance of wellness to improve the level of their work engagement.

Wellness status and teachers’ work engagement go hand in hand. When teachers feel good about their job, it positively affects their health, which ultimately engage them to work. When they are healthy and at their best in all aspects -mental, physical, emotional, and social, they tend to be engaged in their work. Providing awareness on their wellness status will definitely help them increase the level of their work engagement which can improve the quality of the delivery of lessons. When a teacher felt that they are vital in the system they give a 101% of their ability in the organization reaching a high level of satisfaction means that the teacher achieves their ultimate goal and ready to inspire others to be like them.

Hybrid Instruction: An Innovative Classroom Set-up in Time of the Pandemic


Master Teacher II

Ignacio B. Villamor Senior High School

Division City Schools of Manila, National Capital Region

The pandemic brought challenges in the world of instruction. Ignacio B. Villamor Senior High School, Sta. Ana. Manila seized this opportunity to apply for a safety seal and implement hybrid instruction.


What is Hybrid Instruction?


         Boyarsky (2020) defined hybrid instruction as an educational model wherein students attend online and on campus at the same time. Teachers are using tools like video conferencing hardware and software. It may also include asynchronous learning like online exercises and pre-recorded video instruction.


The Inspiration and Beginning of Hybrid Instruction


         I attended the 12th AISOFOLL (Annual International Symposium of Foreign Language Learning) with a theme, The Use of Technology to Assist Teachers and Students in Language Learning held through a hybrid set-up. The actual conference was held at Le Meridien, Jakarta; while international participants attended the event virtually last October 6-7, 2021. This became the inspiration in conducting hybrid instruction.

         On December 15, 2021, I spearheaded a LAC (Learning Actual Cell); wherein, selected senior high school teachers showcased instruction using hybrid instruction in Social Sciences, Science, and TVL (Technology Vocational and Livelihood) subjects. Prior to this, the teachers prepared for the platforms to be utilized in the hybrid instruction. These platforms are Google Classroom and Google Meet. During this time, the school also applied for safety seal in preparation of the face-to-face instruction.

         On February 2, 2022, the Department of Education issued a public statement that the president already issued memorandum about the approval on the conduct of expanded face-to-face instruction for both public and private school.

         On February 9, 2022, DepEd Philippines (official Facebook Page) and other television media platforms, featured Ignacio B. Villamor Senior High School, as the pioneer of hybrid instruction of Department of Education.

         On March 15, 2022, supervisors from Department of Education, Manila benchmarked at Ignacio B. Villamor Senior High School. Demonstrations were done to showcase the best practices in hybrid instruction.



Commencement of Hybrid Instruction


         School year 2021-2022 already commenced on June 30. 2022 at Ignacio B. Villamor Senior High School though a hybrid set-up (face-to-face graduation and Facebook live). 

         Another school year has already ended; but, it also marks a new beginning especially in the expanded face-to-face instruction.

         These are my takeaways in the conduct of expanded face-to face instruction through hybrid instruction. First, safety is the priority for everyone. Hybrid instruction was utilized to give allow students and teachers who are highly at-risk of getting infected by the COVID virus to continue teaching and studying even when they are at home. It also gives opportunities for underprivileged learners. Second, hybrid instruction entails collaboration from all stakeholders; since, there are materials and equipment needed for hybrid instruction. Third, stakeholders must be innovative; so that teaching and learning continues in the time of pandemic.




Boyarsky, K. (2020, June 20). What Is Hybrid Learning? Here’s Everything You Need to Know. Owl Labs. Retrieved July 1, 2022, from



Teacher I

Manuel S. Enverga Memorial School of Arts and Trades

Division of Quezon, Region IV-A, CALABARZON

One of the most important things that schools must have to ensure is to lay down the foundation of strong literacy and numeracy skills to succeed in school and soon enough, at their work and daily life. With the help of the teachers, they can fully develop global awareness for students to become globally competent, they must have strong mathematics and literacy instructions.

With the advancement of technology and communication, it has been easier for schools and teachers to integrate global literacy and numeracy skills into their curriculum for students to develop the needed knowledge. With the best literacy and numeracy support, once students graduate, they will be able to compete with a lot of top-notch students, not only with the opportunity to be employed within the Philippines but improve and increase the rate of international employability opportunities as well.

There are a lot of opportunities awaiting and emerging worldwide especially because the only barrier to educational possibilities is location and language. When the educational curriculum focuses on the missing gap of numeracy and literacy skills, it will allow the students to obtain a flexible innovation for them not to hinder the possibility of becoming one of the best, amongst worldwide competitors.

Obtaining an acceptable level of literacy and numeracy will not only improve one’s educational level but also improve social life, education, and career prospects. In terms of literacy, the ability to read, write, and understand information will affect how you interact with possible employers and attract prospects when doing business with people. If a person has poor literacy and numeracy skills, it will be difficult to attain the hope of being globally competitive.

Literacy must be strengthened and made specific and the use of mathematical skills across the curriculum shall enrich the study of each curriculum area to contribute to the development of a broader and deeper understanding of numeracy.

Based on several studies, there are necessary standards for a person to become a globally competent person, and that is to fully understand and explore critical questions and problems of the world. However, when one cannot be systematically engaged in these problems, one reason is because they are not fully capacitated with literacy and understanding to analyze and evaluate critical situations. Thus, aspiring globally competent students must recognize that they can effectively communicate, verbally and non-verbally, with diverse audiences which is why teaching advanced literacy and numeracy is a core factor and responsibility of schools to help the young people be ready for the battle they head on locally and internationally.

Anxiety and Self-Concept: The Filipino Youth in the Pandemic Time

Luel Mae P. Contreras, PhD., RPsy

Faculty/Asst. Professor

Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental



The continued Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic brings with it difficulties which are physical, social, emotional, economical, spiritual and mental or psychological.  These challenges carry anxiety and create different perceptions, beliefs and concepts of the self.  The aim of this investigation, as exploratory, is to determine the relationship between anxiety and self-concept.  507 Filipino college students participated in the online survey.  88% of them reported high levels of anxiety and 93%, had negative self-concept.  A very significant negative relationship was found between the two variables; and self-concept can significantly be predicted by anxiety.  Implications of the findings are discussed.

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Brgy. Balanti, Tarlac City

Based on the findings, when teachers have greater working conditions and clear expectations, they function best. In terms of classroom factors that influence student learning, powerful school leadership is second only to student academic teaching.

School leaders, like teachers, require help and professional development opportunities. It is critical to have access to mentoring and authentic learning experiences when developing strong school administrators.

Sufficient training, as well as frequent, on-site (or virtual) coaching from extremely successful former school leaders, are at the heart of the New Rulers model. The work of organization aided in the acceleration of students ’ learning and instructional improved performance. They now are looking for regional and national leaders to assist them in creating effective atmospheric entry and recovery concepts. They aim to recognize and assist students in recovering critical lost teaching while also increasing instructor capacity.

The work of the organization assisted in the acceleration of student learning and instructional improvement. They are now searching for local and national leaders to help them develop efficient reentry and recovery models. They intend to identify and assist students in recouping critical lost learning while also increasing teacher ability. Information can be used by school administrators to coach as well as empower their instructional staff to enhance their teaching methods and learning outcomes.

Leading Teachers collaborates with school administrators to review existing introductory knowledge and data on classroom situations. It then begins to develop professional learning opportunities to fill gaps caused by instructional misalignment. This approach is crucial for students of color and those with low-income family members.

By taking a pupil approach to leadership, principals but also school leaders can help students succeed. Hiring a much more diverse workforce is one evidence-based approach leaders could indeed take. Alumni principals, for example, are significantly more diversified than principals nationwide. Students perform better once they are taught by teachers who closely mimic them.

Teachers have had to discover an entirely new method of instruction while dealing with the personal, emotional, and professional consequences of COVID-19. Leading Educators, a program that advises system and school leaders on equitable classroom teaching practices, has streamlined a teaching model for the whole child and educator. Although more needs to be done to support teachers, the first step is really to support leaders who enable high-quality working environments and conditions.




Anacalan Integrated School Amacalan ,Gerona, Tarlac

The armed forces are at the forefront of each country against the threat of neighboring nations. Behind every million citizens who sleep peacefully at night, are the troops of ferocious and altruistic men who expose themselves in violent zones to bring peace to their countrymen. Have you also thought about what will happen to the country if they are gradually depleted? Who will fill their shoes when they can no longer handle their decade-long expedition?

The newly elected Vice President Sara Duterte proposes in her campaign the return of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) to schools in all the islands of the Philippines. According to her, she will use his office to gain support from our Congress and Senate to make military service mandatory for all 18-year-old male and female citizens in our country. Sarah Duterte’s platform gains a different perspective from the Filipino people. The Filipino people were split into two major decisions which are either those who supported the reemergence of military education and those who opposed it for a variety of reasons. The core concern is what is really best for all of us?

The Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) seeks to empower university students to equip related skills and concepts in the Philippine Military Services in the event of a crisis. ROTC extension program graduates represent all army units. ROTC prepares students to be volunteers, tacticians, and role models. As an ROTC student will give rise to peers in all instances and adapt to ever-changing settings. ROTC school provides specialized skills such as leadership training, military prowess, and exploration coaching. Countless opportunities are offered to ROTC trainees. Several entities will provide financial assistance. Trainers will be expert officers and junior officers who can respond to concerns regarding the armed services, living environment, and careers. ROTC involves a hierarchy that entails a better income, a secure job, and medical coverage, ROTC graduates will be commissioned as a lieutenant colonel or an army officer after accomplishing a Curriculum. Significantly, graduates attain treasurable leadership exposure that will inspire the majority of employability.

Mark Welson Chua, a brilliant former student of the University of Santo Tomas, was discovered dead in the Pasig River in March of 2001. His fate triggered a wave of anti-ROTC viewpoints, with 17 bills and proposals introduced in both chambers of Congress seeking to end the scheme. The key drawback viewed by most students is that you'll have to fully devote to the Military even despite the fact that it only takes a short span. After completion, trainees must undertake not less than four years in the service, relying on the military unit.

The ROTC program has both downsides and benefits to society. After learning these facts, should the ROTC be reinstated in all educational institutions in order to strengthen the Philippines' armed forces? What are your thoughts?



 Administrative Assistant III DepEd,

 Tarlac Province San Roque, Tarlac

Every successful plan is a systematic and crucial decision-making process that is commonly headed by a firm and innovative leader. On its downside, every unfavorable outcome is due to unorganized and ineffective decisions made by the control system.

Decision-making is an adjective that first appeared in 1946. The word decision is similar to the terms resolution, outcome, output, conclusion, result, and determination. A decisive leader is determined to trace the most effective plans and actions. Moreover, successful decision-making should resolve prevalent issues, conflicts, and challenges. Additionally, an excellent leader is conclusive in a way that strives to achieve a better output, outcome, and result.

The absence of decision-making in an educational leader results in the antonyms of the word "decision," which are procrastination, postponement, delay, deferment, indetermination, and indefiniteness. The inability to decide, especially on an urgent matter, will result in deferment. Furthermore, it causes delays due to procrastination because decision-making follows a systematic procedure. Without a decisive leader, a school might not have definite goals and plans, resulting in the impossibility of success.

Educational procedures, strategies, and resources become more advanced as we move forward into modernization. Nowadays, the criteria for measurement for educational quality assurance have been enhanced as relevant resources and equipment have become more upgraded. Usual and traditional approaches might make a school survive, but it takes an extraordinary technique to stand out in this competitive educational landscape.

With their integrity and devotion, school administrators must be decisive, allowing them to provide an immediate response to concerns, fill the gaps that might occur, and bring out-of-the-box projects for the betterment of the educational journey of the students, teachers, and even parents.

Highly competitive decision-making is essential to the problem-solving skills of school leaders. Problem-solving and decision-making skills can be transferred to teaching and non-teaching personnel by exercising them, encouraging your personnel to take initiative, and continuously monitoring and training their skills and competencies.

Organizing, collaborating, and executing seminars for school staff will increase the learning and skills of your members, which will result in a more effective teaching and learning process. An excellent school leader creates great teachers. Hence, great teachers produce a vast quantity of future professionals that can be leaders in different industries.

Hiring a decisive leader saves time and effort while maximizing accomplished output. A school leader who cannot decide effectively is better to step down into the role of follower. From there, they gather and hone themselves into a leader who can make the best decision when everyone is considered and no one is left behind. Remember, we are now in the innovation era. Think of the plans and ways nobody thought you were capable of coming up with.


Computer Systems: Safety and Quality Measures


Administrative Aide VI

DepEd Tarlac Province

Computer systems services require the development of individual pieces of hardware and software that allow the entire system to function as a single unit. Systems programming involves many layers, such as the operating system (OS), firmware, and the development environment.

In the entire computer system servicing (CSS), we need to achieve the quality of maintaining computer systems. But how will we maintain it? Using and Maintaining Hand Tools (UHT) on a computer is very significant, such as Proper Tool Selection.

A tool is a handheld device that aids in accomplishing a task. Tools range from the traditional metal-cutting parts of a machine to an element of a computer program that activates and controls a particular function.

After all, we must focus on how we make sure that our computer tools have the highest safety that we can do. What is the safety of using tools? Once selected, use the tool for the purpose for which it was designed. Not all tools come with detailed instructions, but some do spell out the safety "Do's and Don'ts" for your safety. If there are set up/use options, operator judgment must always be based on what is the safest way to use the tool.

The Environmental Safety and Health Program requires the following:

• Regular maintenance should be performed on all tools to keep them in good working order.

• Use the proper tools and skills; each tool should have been reviewed manufacturer's instructions and damaged or malfunctioning capabilities should be avoided.

• Follow the manufacturer's instructions when using tools.

• Use the appropriate protective gear for something like the tool and activity. We also have to know the best alternative to use computer systems when servicing them.

Furthermore, we need to know how to correctly prevent the software and hardware problems of the computer. We must be aware of the right and wrong things to do, avoid what can harm us, and be knowledgeable about how to use it safely. 

In terms of educational purposes, computers are the ones that can help students to achieve a high quality of learning. However, the computer system is one of the important aspects to help the teacher in his teaching. Students have an educational study about computerization, which is editing and making designs. Also, to make each student aware of what a computer's purpose is and how to use it for educational reasons and to present a modern style of learning and easy living conditions.




Brgy. Bulo, Victoria, Tarlac

Every day can be incredibly hard, but if used precisely, every day can imply every advancement. One of the most important resources a school principal can possess is the ability to influence other people. Several leaders have titles but never take the measure. Nevertheless, as their abilities and comprehension expand, they may be able to endeavor to improve themselves and convert their shortcomings into advantages.

Every day is a struggle for school administrators due to the never-ending projects and obligations. According to studies, obtaining additional duties is among the most beneficial methods for improving competence. Leaders must recognize and gain knowledge from someone else's disputes. If school administrators believe they are suffering from a lack in certain aspects, it is not too late to find out more by participating in various events and programs.

The COVID-19 virus outbreak has suddenly and substantially altered the functions of school administrators. Because this circumstance is unparalleled, there is no clear path for them to take. To ensure that neither of these events occurs suddenly, it is constantly best to be ready for any struggle. It is for this reason important to formulate and create systems and workshops for all educational leaders and staff.

Every school principal in the Philippines also must improve their performance and ensure that their learners obtain the dedication and attention to which they feel entitled. In that case, they could perhaps develop events and programs that benefit not only them and their personnel but as well as the schoolchildren who assume their potential as a leader. A leader who will persevere in the face of adversity.

Every school community would benefit from having quality academic governance and leader. In addition to other attributes, having excellent communication skills brings people to the pinnacle of the 'desired' lineup. Each educational administration necessitates a favorable workplace environment, particularly in today's fast-paced and competitive world.

It is considered that various varieties of personality characteristics are required for a team to function successfully. Every school principal must clarify the duties and responsibilities of each staff member to create a successful instructional management structure. Keeping track and reviewing all obligations and tasks allows efficient changes and enhancements to be implemented anywhere along the way. Let us all remember that a stronger team equals proper management.

To be a school leader does not require you to be a principal or the head of a school. Often all it takes is to be a simple leader in the school environment. The Department of Education (DepEd) is fully devoted to assisting every apprentice leader in honing their abilities and gaining more expertise in the field.

How to be an Effective Educational Manager


Administrative Assistant III

DepEd Tarlac Province

The educational environment is becoming more complex, and the need for effective management skills is more important than ever. An effective educational manager is one who: Understands how to strategically use best practices in education.

Effective educational managers work to create and maintain an environment of support, empowerment, and trust that enables educators to do their jobs effectively. They understand how to effectively utilize best practices in developing and implementing curriculum. Such a manager must be able to analyze data, conduct research, and address the educational needs of students.

Educational managers understand how to achieve high levels of success in schools. These managers understand different strategies and techniques that induce educationally sound behavior, and they know when to apply them.

In addition, leadership is all about empowerment. Educational management is an exhilarating blend of life skills and technical knowledge that allows you to interpret and adapt to the unique needs of your student population. They must understand the skills, knowledge and techniques for effective leadership in educational contexts. They should also be familiar with policies and guidelines in engaging your community; motivating staff; charting the roadmap for success; professional education and training; using data effectively; hiring, firing and re-hiring staff; setting priorities among those priorities is a challenging task.

It also involves planning, direction, supervision and control of an organization’s education activities. The department influences management practices at all levels of education in an organization. In higher education, it may involve planning curriculum and course offerings; selecting teachers; evaluating student learning; managing financial aspects of the educational program; developing assessment and rating systems for students; recruiting faculty, staff members and students; purchasing supplies for teaching purposes or lectures halls and studio classrooms.

Effective educational managers must establish clear, systems, and high expectations for their colleagues and subordinates. They need to communicate with colleagues and students on a regular basis. Finally, being an effective educational manager requires knowing your strengths and weaknesses so that you can focus on improving in areas that pose the greatest challenge.